Below are user reviews of Mega Man 8 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Mega Man 8.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 36)
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Great Side-Scrolling Action
Rating: 5,
Useful: 7 / 8
Date: September 04, 2000
Author: Amazon User
The Playstation, and almost all post 16-bit consoles for that matter, have been seriously lacking in the side-scrolling game genre. Mega Man 8, however, brings us back to that strange technological world that started on the old NES.
Mega Man has to stop the nefarious Dr. Wily for taking over the world. Wily has, naturally, created eight new robots for Mega Man to battle with. They are Tengu Man, Grenade Man, Clown Man, Frost Man, Sword Man, Astro Man, Search Man, and Aqua Man.
The game mechanics are true to its predecessors, with few new additions. Mega Man can actually swim now, a la Mario. It also borrows the "money" concept from the Game Boy titles, allowing you to buy upgrades for the Blue Bomber. It is also divisioned into two parts, like the Game Boy titles. You fight the first four bosses, then the next four (identical to Mega Man 7).
The graphics are wonderfully cartoonish and animate fluidly. The bosses also demonstrate a lot of character and are generally fun to fight. The music is good, but no tracks really stick out in my mind.
I'd say that I only have two qualms about Mega Man 8. The anime sequences are well done, but the voice overs could have used work. There is a lot of yelling that gets irritating. Also, I think the final battle could have been a lot more exciting.
But, all in all, it's a very good game to add to your Playstation collection.
This game is the best!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 9 / 15
Date: April 16, 2000
Author: Amazon User
This game has good grapics. Me and my sister laugh at Mega Man because hes a boy with a girls voice. There is not any voilance it. Mega man is also a robot. My sister is also in love with him when its just a game. The games controles are good too, when you get use to them. At the begining of the game you should see what boutons do what. When you are use to the controles, go out and blow up some evil robots.
Mega Man Fanatic
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 6
Date: January 16, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Mega Man 8 shows the tradition that Capcom has kept for the game and some new added bonuses. As there were in recent Mega Man games there are 8 enemy robots, special weapons, and nonstop fun. Some examples of the new stuff is the clashes between 16-bit animation and cartoon animation, upgrades that you can buy with bolts found throughout the stages, and more. Mega Man 8 is one of the best games I've played. If you like this game you'd also like Mega Man X4.
Mega Man Fan
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: January 16, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Mega Man 8 is one of the best games I have played. I may be biased because I like all "Mega man" games but this is one of the best. I think it is great for everyone because I play a lot of games and this is the best I have seen in a while. For all those other Mega Man lovers out there I also recommend Mega Man X4
Mega Man 8
Rating: 3,
Useful: 6 / 10
Date: December 08, 1999
Author: Amazon User
A fun but short game. Mega Man 8 has customizable upgrades, you can mix and match them for greatest efficiency. Fight your way past 8 main evil robots (just like in every Mega Man game) and crush the vile Dr. Wily. Anime and cut scenes add to the plot and fun. Good graphics, well worth the time and money.
this dollface is nuts over him!!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 5
Date: November 30, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I remember the last time I played this game was when I was 11 years old (that was a looong time ago!). It was the oldie but goodie Mega Man game. On my first attempt, I kept losing! but I still had fun. I'm not a freak, but I have a crush on him (that happened when I was 14 years old). Well moving on here, I think Mega Man 8 is the best game ever!!!! and it's one of those days when I feel like playing it. I don't care what my over-protected parents THINK! I just wanna gather up my money, and buy me a Mega Man game for my game boy!!!!!
I liked what one person said "there's NOT that much violence in it, just clean fun!" I totally agree with this kid. I'm glad there's ABSOLUTELY NO BLOOD OR GORE. I've seen the colorful graphics before, they're just plain vivid. My favorite thing I like about other Mega Man games (like the one another person quoted "Mega Man 2" for NES) is that you could shoot any bad guy that gets in your way ( I think that's what I did one time)
Above all I think I'd like to play it sometime when my parents aren't around. So anyway, I think I'd like to give it my best shot I'm veeeeery good at playing video games like this one.
I like the way how Mega Man's helmet is curved at the forehead best of all!!!!! he looks so brave-looking. there was this one time when my younger brother was playing Mega Man x on his SNES I looked at it for a second and thought it was cool. I liked the way he jumped, walked, ran, and fought the level bosses. I felt like butting in and giving it my best shot, when that could've been my only chance!!!!! Sometimes when I didn't play the game, I would get up at 7 a.m. and watch the cartoon, then afterward I would think about how to get the game for my old game boy with my brother's help behind my parent's backs.
In a close, I just wanna say this game is great! I didn't mention this, but I love action and adventure especially Mega Man 8. if you have playstation, I recommend this one.
A few improvements, but much like all the others!
Rating: 3,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: February 15, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game is really fun and all, especially for those who love all of the old Mega Man games ( such as myself) but I was kinda dissapointed. I expected it to have more bosses and levels. Just like all the old ones, you chose your opponent and then fight him and get his ability, then chose another untill you beat them all. It has been like this sense the first one came out! However it is fun!In this game, you can actually upgrade your wepons and stuff, but the graphics arn't that much better then the Netendo versions ( Although there is a cartoon in the begining). If you're looking for long gameplay hours, this is NOT the game to buy! If you're lookng for "another Mega Man" then I would recamend it.
MegaMan 8... oh man....
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: May 01, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Oh boy... I didn't know what I was getting into when I bought this game. I was lucky, see. I went to a second-hand store and sold a few games and managed to pick `MegaMan 8' up ... . A true bargain considering the game was in PERFECT condition.
My review is mixed, however. I'm an old-school MegaMan fan. I love most of the NES games (some are better than the others) and I love all of the SNES games. MegaMan 7 and then Megaman X1-X3.
My problem with MegaMan 8 is that it feels too much like a cartoon. I like the anime cut scenes, but the acting is horrid! I wish they would have gotten the actors from the MegaMan cartoon. That would have been a major step up.
I didn't like MegaMan's voice at all. He sounds like a little girl. The guy who played Bass should have played the Blue Bomber. Some of the bosses in the game were ridiculous, and some of the stages were harder than the entire game of Megaman X5.
The upside is that it is classic MegaMan fun. I liked the fact that the `Boss Anthem' was back from MegaMan II (when you click on a boss, the small piece of music that plays) and the music after you destroy a boss was back.
Overall, MegaMan 8 is a decent game. It doesn't deserve the title `Anniversary Edition', but it was well worth the [money I paid].
Pretty good, actually...
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: August 04, 2003
Author: Amazon User
[If you copy my writing style, it is because I am ultimate.]
Mega Man blasts onto the PSX with his 8th adventure. Wily's back, and this time he's after two robots who battled endlessly before crashing on Earth. One of them is Duo, Mega Man's new ally, and he battles an evil energy that Wily wants to get his hands on. So far, this is the latest installment unless you count MegaMan & Bass (a.k.a. Rockman & Forte) as the 9th, although I personally call it Mega Man 8.5. Read on to see why this is a decent game:
Some people were put off by the cartoony graphics, but I thought they were fine, even if Mega Man looked a little funky. The backgrounds were very nice and the level designs were quite good... they haven't been this good since MM4, in my opinion. The storyline is among the best in the series and it's almost played like a comic book, which I found intriguing. Proto Man ALSO HAS TO DO WITH THE STORY and the poor guy needs to get his own game! The music is thankfully better than the past two entries and this is an overall challenging game, something that most games lack nowadays. On a final note, you can also have a weapon selected simultaneously with your mega buster, which is VERY convenient.
Probably Mega Man's girlie voice (he's a GUY, Capcom!). In fact, ALL of the voice acting in this game is quite horrid. I also didn't like it that they dismissed the Japanese intro music and while I'm not a fan of Japanese music because I can't understand what they're saying, it's an upbeat tune that shouldn't have been ignored (and FAR better than X6's heavy metal theme).
Considering what we have in the game, it's not a bad game and I consider it a masterpiece in comparison to Mega Mans 6 and 7. However, fans of the older Mega Man games may be turned off by it. I recommend it to die-hard Mega Man fans who are willing to get over some cartoony animation.
A good game, contrary to popular belief
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: January 08, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Mega Man 8 (1997.) The eighth game in the "classic NES" Mega Man series.
All six of Mega Man's adventures on the NES were outstanding games. It's no surprise that Capcom wanted to continue the series on the Super Nintendo with Mega Man 7. Unfortunately, Mega Man 7 received very mixed opinions from fans because so many people were comparing it to the X series. Finally, the classic Mega Man series has arrived on the Playstation, in the form of Mega Man 8. Read on for my review.
-The graphics are very bright and vibrant.
-In this game, your character is semi-customizable. You can buy certain power-up items which will alter your performance. For example, there are arm cannon power-ups, a sliding power-up, and even one that makes it so that there is no recoil when you're hit by enemies!
-The storyline is quite a bit different from other Mega Man games, making for a very refreshing change from the "Wily strikes back" plot. Wily IS the main villain, but this game's plot is still unlike any Mega Man game that came before it.
-You can save your progress onto a memory card, so you don't have to worry about writing down and saving passwords.
-Some versions of the game include a Mega Man tenth anniversary booklet, which features game art from over the years.
-The graphics in this game are a little TOO colorful.
-There are only a limited number of bolts you can find, and even then, you can only create a limited number of power-up items. What's up with that?
-Probably the most frequent complaint about this game I get is Mega Man's girlish voice, and I have to agree with that. If the game's voices were in Japanese with English subtitles it would be understandable, but it isn't, so it isn't!
-The lyrics to the opening theme song have been removed from the English language version (probably because of Japanese lyrics.)
-You can only select from four stages at first, and not the whole eight (from Mega Man 7 on, this became sort of a tradition for the series.)
-You can ONLY play as Mega Man. Sorry, but you can't be Proto Man, Bass, or Duo.
-The Mega Ball is a very weird special item.
-Energy tanks are no more. I would rather have had them in this game than many of the new power-ups (not to say that the new power-ups are bad - they're actually pretty cool.)
-The Jet Snowboard parts of some stages are EXTREMELY annoying.
Overall this is an excellent game in a classic series. However, I DON'T recommend buying this, as it and nine other Mega Man games will be rereleased in the forthcoming Mega Man Anthology collection. If you're killing time until the anthology comes out, renting this might not be a bad move.
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