Below are user reviews of Mega Man 8 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Mega Man 8.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 36)
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I really wanted to like this game, but just couldn't do it.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: October 23, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I bought this game without having played it, assuming it would be at least as good as the NES Mega Man games (I had missed the limited-release Mega Man 7 for SNES).
I will just say straight out that I was very disappointed by the game. For starters, the gameplay was, in my opinion, unnecessarily difficult. I got to the Wily level where you have to go through this stage they flies past you at a mile a minute, and have a one-second warning to "Jump", "Slide", etc. After proably a dozen tries, I put the game away on my bookshelf and haven't touched it since.
The voice acting was simply horrible. Why oh why did Capcom give Mega Man a girly voice? It sounds like he was voiced by Mickey Mouse, put into a helium chamber, and then kicked hard in a tender spot. It was simply painful to listen to. And the acting in general was so bad and overdone it reminded me of the original Resident Evil.
The anime sequences were also unnecessary. Some anime is directed toward adults, while others are directed toward kids. The anime here reminded me more of "Hamtaro" than "DragonBall Z".
Basically, this is a game that looks like it's for kids, but is probably way too hard for them to play. Unless you're a super die-hard Mega Man fan (as I USED to be), then skip this one.
THIS is a Megaman game!?!?!?
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: January 02, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Some background:
I remember thinking when Megaman 7 was released "Looks like they're going for a younger audience with this one", but it was still a classic megaman game and very much fun. It wasn't so juvenile as to alienate me, unfortunately Megaman 8 is.
The voices! Please stop the voices!
In Megaman 8, megaman talks... like a girl! WTF!? That's not the worst of it though- the robot masters talk too, and I sure wish they didn't.
Most of them speak in an unacceptably feminine tone, and those that don't say unspeakably stupid things like "I'm grenade man!" or "Nice shot!" Barf.
Not the worst:
Now all of the enemies are cutesy and most look like toys. May of the stages look like a jaunt through the neverland ranch... why are you doing this to us capcom? The enemies don't explode in a particularly cool way, there's no rush adapt in this one, and the story is lame (though the X series implies that the 'evil energy' is the Sigma or Zero virus).
Game play:
Yeah, okay- we're on Playstation now... so why are we still pressing down and jump to slide?
I hope Megaman 9 explains some of what happens to bring about the X series. In fact, make Megaman 9 more like the X series.
-Bring back the rush adapt.
-Maybe let us play as protoman.
This game is awful. A disgrace to the megaman franchise that has me wondering: "Is capcom creating new games, then sticking Megaman in it and calling it a megaman game?". Sure feels that way.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 3
Date: August 20, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I think this game (stinks) my and I beat this like in 2 hours or less it is so easy and the graphics (STINK)! they are like worse then old school. The boss are too easy all there life are the same but the last boss has some more. Also you have to fight the same boss 2 times when you start and around the end but the last boss you fight 1 time. So I think the game (STINK) but if you still want to buy it here is a hint when you beat space man or what ever his name is you a killer move you can kill about all of the boss but some don't get hurt by it. The game is still a BIG LET DOWN so don't wast your money.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: March 29, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I highly advice you to NEVER play this game no matter what anybody says! Stick to Mega Man X games! NO climbing walls, NO special hidden armor, NO sub tanks, NO heart tanks, NO Zero, and most of all NO FUN!
Bored, now!!!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 5
Date: April 07, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This game is TERRIBLE! I was so bored I fell asleep playing it. Yuckapoo! It looks bad on the screen and it is hard to control. I think the old NES game is good, but this game is bad. Don't waste your money! THis game is LAME. It has no new ideas and I miss Zero. Bring Zero back he is my HERO! Tell your friends not to have their parents buy this game. They will be sorry.
Don't Waste Your Money
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: November 10, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This is the worst megaman game I ever played. I am a fan of the X series and going from X to Megaman is a HUGE downsize. Megaman can't slide that far and he can't do the wall kick. His jumping ablity is the worst. Every time he jumps it's like it takes all he has just to jump. I beat this game in a couple of days, there is nothing hard about it, it's just annoying. I would suggest you just rent this one. And if you are a HARDCORE Megaman fan, then you should buy all the Megaman X series, but don't waste your time on this game.
Mega Man 8
Rating: 3,
Useful: 6 / 10
Date: December 08, 1999
Author: Amazon User
A fun but short game. Mega Man 8 has customizable upgrades, you can mix and match them for greatest efficiency. Fight your way past 8 main evil robots (just like in every Mega Man game) and crush the vile Dr. Wily. Anime and cut scenes add to the plot and fun. Good graphics, well worth the time and money.
A few improvements, but much like all the others!
Rating: 3,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: February 15, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game is really fun and all, especially for those who love all of the old Mega Man games ( such as myself) but I was kinda dissapointed. I expected it to have more bosses and levels. Just like all the old ones, you chose your opponent and then fight him and get his ability, then chose another untill you beat them all. It has been like this sense the first one came out! However it is fun!In this game, you can actually upgrade your wepons and stuff, but the graphics arn't that much better then the Netendo versions ( Although there is a cartoon in the begining). If you're looking for long gameplay hours, this is NOT the game to buy! If you're lookng for "another Mega Man" then I would recamend it.
This is coming from a direct gamer
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: June 25, 2001
Author: Amazon User I'm not a fan of Mega Man, and I have only played this Mega Man, which I recieved as a Christmas present 2 years ago. I recently put this up on a rummage sale for $7 after playing it about 4 times. (In two years!) Well, I just took it off, because i figured out, they are paying mad prices for it on ... so im gonna sell mine there for about $30. Anyways, I played this 4 times....out of the two years I've had it, and my 4th time was the day before the rummage (which was two days ago) advice is that if you like cartoons, then this is for you. Nothing but cartoon humor, cartoon mischief, cartoon talking, cartoon bubbles...THE WHOLE GAME IS A CARTOON! I guess if you have liked MM for awhile, MM8 would be good for you, but not for the average gamer. If I had to rate this at an age scale, I would say it is from ages 6-10. My lil step bro likes it, and he begged me to play it and he did, (even though he totally ... as it)...i watched him play it, and it was a cartoon. The only cool part was the TV-like anime at the beginning. I have the Collectors Edition, and there are only 10,000 ever pressed. I collect things, but this, I must say, even though there is a limited number, and they are no longer making this, ...I have to sell it. I won't ever play it, and I wouldnt ever spend the money to put this in a plaque cuz it just isnt worth the money.
So, to wrap it up...If you've liked Mega Man, or you're intrested in the Mega Man legacy...or, for that matter, if you like cartoons, then this is for you...and yes, agreeing with one person that said this earlier...Mega Man sounds like his little sister.
MegaMan 8... oh man....
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: May 01, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Oh boy... I didn't know what I was getting into when I bought this game. I was lucky, see. I went to a second-hand store and sold a few games and managed to pick `MegaMan 8' up ... . A true bargain considering the game was in PERFECT condition.
My review is mixed, however. I'm an old-school MegaMan fan. I love most of the NES games (some are better than the others) and I love all of the SNES games. MegaMan 7 and then Megaman X1-X3.
My problem with MegaMan 8 is that it feels too much like a cartoon. I like the anime cut scenes, but the acting is horrid! I wish they would have gotten the actors from the MegaMan cartoon. That would have been a major step up.
I didn't like MegaMan's voice at all. He sounds like a little girl. The guy who played Bass should have played the Blue Bomber. Some of the bosses in the game were ridiculous, and some of the stages were harder than the entire game of Megaman X5.
The upside is that it is classic MegaMan fun. I liked the fact that the `Boss Anthem' was back from MegaMan II (when you click on a boss, the small piece of music that plays) and the music after you destroy a boss was back.
Overall, MegaMan 8 is a decent game. It doesn't deserve the title `Anniversary Edition', but it was well worth the [money I paid].
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