Below are user reviews of Civilization 3: Play The World and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Civilization 3: Play The World.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (51 - 61 of 79)
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Good, but not great
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 6
Date: December 19, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Good expansion but not what most were hopeing for. The expansion has many good things including more civilizations. They added many things but they did not add enough;. They only added one new wounder, two new units and three new improvments.
It seems to me that much of this stuff they could have added as downloads.
The best thing about it is the multiplayer aspect of it. They offer many ways to play your friends or other people over the web.
Really it is only fair as a expansion on the single player aspect of the game offering only a few new items, and also some new menu setups (nothing major though). As a multiplayer upgrade it is very solid.
Really if you think you need this game to expanded a single player gaming experiance your wrong this game only adds minor things to the single player aspect. It does add a whole different aspect to the game with the multiplayer aspect, and for that it is worth it, but overall I was a little upset there was not more added to the over game.
Diehard fans may enjoy, but still disappointing
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 6
Date: January 06, 2003
Author: Amazon User
One word can sum up Play the World: disappointing. If you are a diehard fan, the several new civs and units may be fun for a while, but it's truly not worth paying for.
You can forget about the multiplayer. It doesn't work. Period. As I write this, only 76 people are trying to play PTW on GameSpy right now.
The patch supposedly fixed the multiplayer problems, but by the time you bother to patch yours, you'll be bored with it already.
Essentially, you'll be buying a buggy patch for Civ 3. Teach Firaxis a lesson and save your money.
Very good, but multi is SLOW!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 6
Date: January 08, 2003
Author: Amazon User
If you are a Civ lover, PTW is the way to go. It has 8 new civs (I like the Vikings best, but there's the Spanish, the Mongols, etc.) with pretty cool and interesting special units. The Viking Berserk is 6/2/1 for 70 and replaces Longbowmen (they slaughter if you focus on tech early on) and the Mongol Kizik is a Knight that moves over mountains as if they were grassland, while still getting the defensive bonus. Interesting. Civ 3 PTW also has multiplayer, which is good in Hot Seat mode, but terrible over the internet. If you want a half-reasonable speed, play turn-based and not one of the new multiplayer modes (Turnless and Simultaneous Moves), although turn-based is still pretty slow. Of course, the worse the ping, the slower the game, and you need everyone to have about 30ms ping with each other to go normal speed. (For those of you who don't know, anywhere less than 200ms is usually considered fine. 200ms makes for an incredibly slow game in PTW.) I give this 4 stars for the new civs and just HAVING multiplayer, but that last star will have to wait until they fix the multiplayer speed.
It's a good add-on.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 7
Date: November 05, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I really like this add-on. Yes, it should have been stuff added in the original game BUT gamers should realize that it costs money to program the near perfect game. If companies don't charge for "add-ons" then we can't expect newer versions of our games and entirely new games in the future from these companies. We'll be stuck with terrible games from companies that are just trying to make a quick buck and won't support the game properly. It's a good add-on at a fair price and makes a great game even better (even in single player mode)!
Another wonderful strategy game.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 7
Date: March 02, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This is so much more than a game, its an educational tool designed to train young and old minds alike to rule the world, via conquest or diplomacy, which to choose... Go up against the machinations of various historical figures and try your best to outsmart them.
Will you succeed in launching your colonizer space craft first or will you simply take the world by force.
A game you can play over and over and over again, new worlds generated every time you play, or you can even make your own....
And it's for multiplayer?
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 7
Date: July 17, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I got this so I could play the game with my son on my LAN. Even though I have many multiplayer games working fine on my LAN, this one still doesn't work. They say they support WinXP and Win98SE, but I don't think they support if one PC is WinXP and one is Win98SE, (like my setup).
Their support suggested opening ports, but that's really just for Internet games, not LAN. Failing that, they blamed it on Microsoft. Adding insult to injury, you actually have to buy a separate CD for each PC even though it is a LAN game. Most games don't require this for LAN games; sure for Internet, but not LAN.
Great Addon
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 9
Date: November 07, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I just got this game from EB, and its quite an incredible game! You can play as many different civs, and have leaders such as Genghis Kong, or however you spell it =/ . The real feature of this game, though, is the multiplayer. I think that the game is well worth the thirty dollars. The only gripe I have had about the game is that there is a bit of server instability, but this happens with every game. Once people get more servers up, this will be a very good Playing environment, and it will inspire other similar games to walk in their shoes. It is good that someone has taken the balls to step into the multiplayer world with a turn based game.
Some people argue about the multiplayer addon that it should have been added on first. Now, there are a few main aspects you should consider before saying this:
If they had included the multiplayer addon in the first place, we wouldnt even HAVE civ3 until now.
They needed to see, also, if the game was successful enough to take online. They dont want a game they bombed on with million dollar servers running, and only, like, 3 people on the servers at once do they?
We needed to get used to the gameplay. This civ game is the game, that, for some reason, has the most newibes join in. Because of this, newbies and experts alike must learn and adjust to the new gameplay features that were not included in civ2 and call to power.
And the last reason, they need to make money some how. I mean, Turn Based games dont sell for that much, although this game has sold A LOT of coppies, but why not sell even MORE by making a BOX set for example that includes both versions of civ3? It will raise their sales for sure!
Lastly, others argue that this multiplayer addon completely changes the gameplay, and, in other words, ruin it! I COMPLETELY DISAGREE! Take many other games, like Return To Castle Wolfenstien, for example. The multiplayer and singleplayer games were COMPELTELY different. The style of gameplay was different, and the multiplayer had ZERO connection to the single player game! A very good reason for this addon is to add more styles of gameplay, which this addon very happily and luckily does. I mean, civ3 is boring now, after playing it day after day for a year straight. Good thing that I have a change in gameplay! Now I will be playing this game for ANOTHER year until civ4 comes out :)
All in all, this is a VERY good addon, and any civ fan should buy this. And if you dont play civ, now's the time to get started. Hope this review helped!
Have The Original
Rating: 4,
Useful: 21 / 236
Date: June 17, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I have the Regular Civ 3 so I'm not sure what to expect out of the expansion Pack. All they are adding are new countries to play as and a multiplayer function (sounds great doesn't it?) In any event like all expansion packs, this one is probably good to get if you enjoy strategy and enjoy the game (I do). It makes you think. I like games with strategy cause it's fun to use your imagination. I have all the sims expansion packs and though the game might be boring at times it's still a lot of fun to play. So all in all,I recommand getting this if your a fan of strategy and role playing games.
5 Star Potential
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 3
Date: November 13, 2002
Author: Amazon User
First off, Civ 3 or any of the Civ series is probably the best stragegy game I've ever played. PTW is extremely buggy. I have had luck finding games to play. But sorry for you 56kers out there it will be extremely slow. Its a shame that a game company is allowed to release a game that hardly works for alot of people, you have read the other reviews about the problems so im not going to address them. I only hope they have a patch soon to fix the problems.....THIS GAME IS A 5 STAR GAME IF THEY FIX THE PROBLEMS, So if u own it already if u dont like it take it back, but at least wait for a patch! If you dont have it, buy it if u want but be ready to know its gonna be a pain to play.
Overly Addictive, great expansion pack!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 3
Date: June 03, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Well, I loved this game, and the expansion really made it easy to play with others. I have lost literally 100's of fun-filled hours playing this game. Another expansion comes out next year, according to Atari, but this is spectacular on its own. The greatest turn-based strategy game, continues its streak. I highly recommend this to everyone.