Playstation 2 : Silent Hill 2 Reviews

Gas Gauge: 85
Gas Gauge 85
Below are user reviews of Silent Hill 2 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Silent Hill 2. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 77
Game FAQs
CVG 90
IGN 90
Game Revolution 85

User Reviews (171 - 181 of 220)

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Silent Hill 2-Touch the Darkness

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 13, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Let me start by saying; this is a great game. It starts a little
slow, but once the mystery starts to pull you in your going to be hooked! Now this game isnt for everyone if you want kiddy friendly play pokemon. But if you appreciate adult horror then look no further. This game has some genuinly disturbing moments and I think It would make H.P. Lovecraft and Stephen king proud! Also the soundtrack was quite good, so I ordered it recently from amazon. So what are you waiting for? Order this game!

Silent Hill 2

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: September 13, 2001
Author: Amazon User

"Silent Hill" was the first game I purchased for my PlayStation. I stood in the store for hours trying to decide which game to buy. That choice changed my life. (I've never been scared of a video game before.) It was pure terror...sometimes I woke up in a cold sweat after being chased by little knife-wielding demons in my sleep...and I loved every second of it. Now, after taking a second "vacation" to Silent Hill, I can say that I wasn't disappointed. The graphics are stunning. The expressions on the characters were what impressed me the most...lip biting, brow furrowing, and that snotty look you get from 8 year olds were perfectly captured in the game. The voice acting was also excellent...actually, it was too good...far better than I expected. The use of S-FORCE 3D sound was great, even on my crappy speakers. The characters are, by far, the most frightening element in the game. Those are some strange people. They're suicidal, homicidal, bratty, or sluttish, and even our dear protagonist James has some skeletons in his closet. Also, to help your parasympathetic nervous system kick in, Konami has thrown in a few humorous moments...(kill some enemies with the chainsaw, stand over one of them for a minute, and watch what happens!) With five endings, four action difficulty levels, and four riddle levels, SH2 has an impressive replay value. The music is PERFECT. Tension filled when enemies are around and intensely sorrowful in certain situations. I think that the game is a classic and, thus far, has not received the praise that it disturbs...um, deserves. Bedtime is once again a joyous occasion because I know my dreams will be filled with squirming bags of flesh, thick fog, dilapidated buildings, and that big butcher guy with the huge knife and the freaky head. Finally, I've got some new material for my nightmares.

Disturbing is not the word....

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: September 28, 2001
Author: Amazon User

This game is so insanly scary....and I love it. Hollywood movies can't even reach this level of horror. The lighting, shadows, and fog effects are just the toppings to draw you in...there is much more than graphics to scare you. The plot though a little convoluted actualy helps to add fear with confusion of the unkown. The voice acting is even top notch, a rarity for survival horror games. The music if you can call it that is a mix of noise such as scraping metal banging piano keys, and odd moans off in the distance. needless to say it's 1:23a.m. right now and I can't sleep becuase of this game... I couldn't be happier a true work of art.

What survival horror should be

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 02, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Let's get to the point: if you don't like survival horror and the thought of RE-style controls makes you cringe, this game probably won't make you a believer. But now that that's out of the way, let me say that Silent Hill 2 is one of the best survival horror games I have played, and I have played a few.

First let me address the much rumored remark that the Silent Hill series is just a Resident Evil knockoff. OK, they both have undead, they both are intended to frighten the player, they both have that control scheme we all know and love. However, this is where the similarity ends. Resident Evil is about the joys of inventory management, tons of undead, and big weapons that go boom. Nothing wrong with that; lord knows I know of nothing more fun than pumping lead into zombies. However, Silent Hill takes a different approach. If it were to be summed up in one word it would be "atmosphere." Silent Hill begins by putting you on edge and from there it becomes a downward spiral into terror. The sounds, the graphics and the story all come together into a cohesive package that should vitually guarantee not just the quick fright of a "boo!" but the real horror that is in the name "survivial horror."

Technically speaking, the game is excellent as well. The graphics are great, the fog effect is the best I've ever seen in a game. The sound is also superb- from the usonds of the monsters, to small sounds that the design team put in specifically to scare you and make you question what you are hearing. "Did I just hear whsipering or am I just imagining things?" you think to yourself as you enter a room in game. Then you give a quick look around your real room, just to make sure you are alone. It is these kinds of moments that Silent Hill 2 excels at.

My only complaints with the game are that if you are not going for a good end rating, the game can wind up being too easy as almost all the monsters in game can be run past rather than fought leading to an excess amount of heavy firepower and heavy health for boss battles. Also, there is one puzzle which is completely illogical and stumped me for almost an hour. For anyone who has already played the game, I will merely say this: "six-pack."

Overall, I would recommend Silent Hill 2 to anyone who is intrigued at all by the game description or survival horror in general. It is a great representation of the genre and is a great game to boot.

Just be warned, unlike some games you may be used to, not everything is cut and dried and explained. You may have to do a little thinking about the story, even after the game is over.

Also be warned, Silent Hill 2 earns its "M" rating in every way. The box says Blood and Gore, and Violence, and they mean it, but the game also includes themes of sexual abuse, patricide, execution, black arts... Maybe not always completely blatent, but as obvious as they could get and still have it be released stateside. This one is defintely not for the kiddies, and I would also advise the squemish adult to avoid this one.

Still interested? Then get it, you won't be sorry. Although you may lose some sleep...


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 13, 2002
Author: Amazon User

We loved it! Had a great time with it. My husband played and I told him were to go. The People look so real and so do the monsters. Don't pass this one up, if you like games like this! It is a must have.

This Game Is The One For Holloween!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 20, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Silent Hill 2 is one of the most Shocking, and Scariest video games so far. It surpasses the current Resident Evil games by taking it to a different approach. If you want to be scared to death rent or buy Silent Hill 2. You will not be dissapointed.

A shockingly exciting horror experience !

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 04, 2001
Author: Amazon User

I've gotta admit that when the PS2 first launched its first titles, it didn't really come to amaze even me...that is until Konami's spine-tingling title, Silent Hill 2 creeps up to the PlayStation 2 with a whole lot of great features. Silent Hill 2 is the sequel to the best selling PlayStation game, Silent Hill. Silent Hill 2 really scared the heck out of me with its brilliantly detailed graphics with impressive character models, true action physics, and unbelieveably detailed enviroments. This is some great tasting eye-candy, even with that annoying fog and the weird looking creatures (uh...what's up with those table-like creatures ?). The camera angles are a little too twitchy but that's no problem. That doesn't screw up the experience. At least you will feel aware about where the monsters are, if you're used to the fog. Yep ! That's what I said ! Fog ! There's tons of it in Silent Hill 2, but unless you are used to it, you'll be fine. The controls are cool and they make sense. Some may say that the combat sequence is sluggish, but to me, this is controling a survival horror at its best. It's cool and it makes more sense. For example, if you have a huge knife, you won't be able to run around anymore. You will walk slowly, but still you'll be able to inflict more damage, despite of the delay. And when you're running around with a gun, you won't have any problems. The coolest aspect in the game is the heartbeating feature found in the PS2 Dual Shock control. When you feel there's a monster or if a monster is attacking you right now, you will feel a rough heartbeat on your controler. Wow ! Talk about your normal survival horror game. The sound appears to be cool. Although the voice acting is slightly horrible, the background music, creepy monster growls and groans, hallway voices, suspiciously loud knocking sounds, and realistic gunshots really gives the players an adrenaline rush. The English voice acting sounds cool, but sometimes the dialog will end up sounding stupid later on and then you'll feel like switching the language to Japanese (everyone always does this if they're disgusted with bad english voice acting). But hey, even with those flaws, it still rates a perfect score on my opinion. Expect Silent Hill 2 to come out on the Xbox in 2002 entitled "Silent Hill 2X". Most people who already own this game will probably say it will not look good and that it would be a stupid idea to bring it to the Xbox. But actually this is a good thing. I guess Konami wants to make this game for the people who never played the PS2 original. And there is another Konami surprise coming to the Xbox as well. Can you say "Metal Gear Solid 2X" ? Yep ! I know you can. And I bet you guys who plan to own an Xbox are excitingly shocked by now. Metal Gear Solid 2X won't release until the original release of the superior PS2 version. Anyway lets drop the subject on Konami's Xbox titles. If you're in need of a survival horror game that will really scare your pants off badly, Silent Hill 2 is the game for you !

believe me. video games CAN scare the hell out of you

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 20, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Out of all of the horror movies i have seen, i havent been as scared watching them as i was playing this game. Not even watching the Exorcist. If you doubt me, imagine this: An abandoned hospital ward, night, with only a flashlight. Its filthy walls and floors, with blood spattered on the walls, searching through old autopsy rooms with corpses lying on the floor. And when its most intense, a mysterious thing pops out of nowhere. Its enough to make you scream. Dont ever doubt the power of this game to scare you, and definately dont play this game if you are spiritually weak (hehe). But gameplay and graphics wise, its great. Who cares if the monsters are easy? you play this game for the storyline and the scariness. A Must buy for anyone mature enough to play it.

Good follow up

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 27, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This is a good follow up to the original. In some ways it actually beats the original Silent Hill. The characters are more developed which helps the game move along fast. The whole story which is about James search for his supposedly dead wife is amazing. This game gets five stars just for the scene about the truth of Mary's death. Anything that can make my jaw drop like it did deserves it. Like the first game you get the creepy factor like voices coming out of nowhere. My favorite is in a restroom where you knock on a closed stall. You don't get any response but when you start to leave a loud crash that almost sounds like a gun shot comes from the stall. This game also starts to hint on why the fog and the creatures have appeared.

There were two things I didn't like about the game. The first are the monsters. There are only a few different creatures and they are really easy to defeat. The other is the "evil" world. Half the time you don't realize you've even entered it. In the original game the screen would get kind of fuzzy than everything would be different. The floors would be grated and the walls looked crusted over. In SH2 this doesn't happen, only once the walls looked kind of slimey and that's when I realized I crossed over. But this really doesn't lesson anything about the game.

Overall this is a really fun game and I hope there will be a third.


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: September 19, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Survival Horror - a genre that in itself was a contradiction from the start. On the one hand you take a form of entertainment (as in to be entertained and derive enjoyment), in this case the video game and then add another element - horror (as in to be scared ...). Resident Evil was the first main player in this genre and the series delivered short,sharp shock tactics with a plot that spawned its monsters from a biological experiment. Yes the spiders were lifelike, the zombies straight out of a Romero movie and the other horrors gruesome enough to put you on edge at least untill you put down the gamepad. And then there is Silent Hill. Although obviously oweing a debt to Resident Evil this is no twin or sibling and even if it were it'd be a harsher,blacker and far deader version. Basically what you have here is something that you have to remind yourself is JUST a game. Because sometimes whilst playing, it sure doesn't feel like one. The first game is not essential to play the sequel although both are as bleak, dark and downright nasty with that surreal eerieness that most horror writers/directors can only dream of. Perhaps the game lies somewhere between H P Lovecraft's writings and David Lynch's Twin Peaks but far darker than both. That games like this get released for a market that is predominantly for children/teenagers is amazing considering the content. I certainly wouldn't let any kid near this unless they wanted nightmares for weeks. Some have complained that this sequel is not as creepy as the first but considering the graphic and sound improvements of the PS2 over the Playstation you'd have to be crazy or emotionally invincible to be any less terrified. So is this entertainment? Do you like being scared? Thought so.

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