Xbox : Star Wars Republic Commando Reviews

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Gas Gauge 81
Below are user reviews of Star Wars Republic Commando and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Star Wars Republic Commando. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 87
Game FAQs
GamesRadar 70
CVG 90
IGN 82
GameSpy 80
GameZone 88
Game Revolution 75
1UP 80

User Reviews (61 - 71 of 85)

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Don't know yet????

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 5
Date: March 17, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I don't know about this game but the game looks fantastic. The graphics are incredible. I can't wait to find out more! I hope I'm not dissappointed. I can trust Lucasarts still since Battlefront was a definite success!


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 27
Date: September 20, 2004
Author: Amazon User



4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 28
Date: October 11, 2004
Author: Amazon User

I was really lookin' ford' to playin' this game November 2004 like my XBOX magazine sed ,well im real upset ya kno. I think its a real upset and dont know wat hapend. Hope i figure out wat happened.and made it come out march 2005 .is tis gonna be like Halo2 and mov bak fer a yer.
Dispointed XBOX Fan

Reviews aren't released, they escape.

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 2
Date: March 04, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Now I've finished the game so I can post a more accurate review.

If any of you happen to be fans of Carth Onasi from KOTOR: listen closely to the clone voices. On a related note, there's a pretty funny mistake in the game manual's voice cast credits: someone seems to have thought "Raphael Sbarge" was the name of a Star Wars character.

The interface, graphics, music, etc. are excellent. In fact, there seems to be some Episode III music on here, but that was evident at the time of the release of the demo.
Players can make use of the fact that any squad member can be commanded to heal themselves at a bacta station.

1) Bugs ( not the Geonosian kind )

Sometimes a squad member would get "stuck" and would not move. One time I actually had to shoot the guy to get his attention. Clones these days. This can happen with enemies too. The second MagnaGuard we fought was stuck at one point and would not fight back. Luckily they were used a little more effectively later on. Once or twice I had to go back to a previous save because the icons to breach a door simply were not there.
Finally, I didn't actually complete the last stage of the Geonosis campaign in the way it was intended ( although I went back and did it the right way after I had completed Kashyyyk ). On the bridge of the core ship something very strange happened. The systems went critical but somehow I lived and was able to revive my squad, while the air was obscured by a white haze, kind of like a permanent flash grenade. So I didn't really process which doorway I went through to get out. Later, doing the level the "right" way, I was puzzled.

2) So-called "Trandoshans"

Trandoshans are supposed to be the same race as Bossk from ESB. The guys in the game have pistachio-colored skin and seem to have all-black eyes, unlike Bossk. In fact they look a little like Barada. At least the devs got the part about them being reptilian slavers...
Okay, so maybe there are several types of Trandoshans out there? It's unlikely the race would have changed that much between Episodes III and IV.

3) Multiplayer

Since I don't have XBox Live there wasn't much for me to do with multiplayer. If I didn't have a second controller I wouldn't have been able to play it at all. There's no bot match; apparently the rise of online gaming has in some way phased out computer-controlled opponents? The multiplayer levels are just like HALO, except without vehicles or expansive levels like Blood Gulch.

For those puzzling over the specific fate of the character Sun Fac ( hinted at in the book Labyrinth of Evil ) it's now official: his ship was taken out by a clone sniper. Yee ha!

There may be a continuity glitch at the end of the game. The Kashyyyk campaign is said to begin at "Clone Wars: Day 785" or something like that. Here's the problem: to have a more dramatic finish, the last scene leads directly up to the all-out battle for Kashyyyk, which supposedly is in Episode III. Do the math.

This game definitely gave me new-found respect for the super battle droids, because of the amount of blaster fire they can take.
On the other hand, Grievous' guards were kind of a letdown, even though they represent a ROTS sneak peek. The best way to fight them is demonstrated in the game trailer ( "Ash Video" in the extras ). Basically I'm saying that their "AI" could have been a little better. When attacking a lone character such as a Wookiee, one of these droids will tend to perform a slow circling of the character, which makes the droid very vulnerable. They seem to have a type of projectile attack but it's not used enough to make it dangerous. The MagnaGuards are better utilized in tandem with some other kind of substantive enemy, like a spider droid or a group of Geonosian warriors.

Like others I have to say that this game left me wanting more from the single player quest. Now I feel like I need to get HALO 2 and pretend it's more Star Wars.

Smart Squad, Smart Detail, Super Game!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 1
Date: March 08, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Wow.....I just got this game and.....Wow! You take the role of the Clone trooper commander. You actully feel like the squad leader. You have the ability to give commands like-Assume Sniping Postion., Take Cover!-ect. If you are killed,you just drop to the ground, and if with your squad, you have the option be revived by your crew! If a member is down, revive him! To me, it has a "Halo" action, with a Star Wars theme. Take control of turrrets, LAAT's, and even AT-TE's! Go from fighting droids to Geonoisian Warriers to wild, brutal, Wookiees on Kasyyyk! You can tell that the graffics where made by the most advanced technoligy. Lucas-arts has REALLY out done itself on this game, most other games have overlooked things that they think we wouldn't notice but we did, not the story here! Costume detail, enemy detail, and envirment detail. You get to learn new abilitys like how to strangle enemys or you get new weapons. The battle of the game is never ending and you rarly get a feeling of safty until your out of combat---the end of the level. By the way, your envirement can be a weapon, use a missle lancher cripple heavy things to crush your enemy! Your first gun has 3 settings, repeating rifle, sniper, and missle lancher.
Your Squad is your Weapon!

Wall-to-wall butt-kicking!

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 1
Date: March 15, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Is it the best game of the year? Nope. I think Mercenaries is decidedly superior. But is it the most fun game so far in 2005? You betcha!

No classy cutscenes or lengthy narration. You're just thrown into battle from the get-go, learning the rules the hard way as you obliterate every enemy in sight. You get a lovely selection of weapons to choose from. And you get the best squad AI I've yet seen in a game. You really can order your boys into position, then lay for the enemy and give 'em a taste of hell.

The battles are ferocious and sometimes seem unwinnable till you learn how to use your squaddies properly. It gets so that properly deploying your team is as much fun as wasting Trandoshan mercenaries.

I like this game. A lot.

good first person shooting game

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 2
Date: March 25, 2005
Author: Amazon User

this is one of the best star wars games i have ever played.it isnt no cake walk game either,it is challenging and at sometimes a bit difficult.usually i beat games very fast.i beat star wars battlefront in one night.this game took me awhile to beat.thats a plus for me beacuse i hate buying games and then just beating it in one night(star wars battlefront is a good game).the point is if you like first person games and star wars..this is a must have.


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 3
Date: June 15, 2005
Author: Amazon User

well i've played this game for a while and i recomend you get it. Except the graphics are cheesy at some parts but the game play is awesome.

Not bad, not great

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 0 / 2
Date: June 21, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Well, i was excited about this game coming out being a loyal starwars gamer and movie fan. I was disapointed. This game is unrully hard at times and extremely easy at others. A good side is that you can't really die because your squad can revive you.
There are some cool points to this game:
Great graphics, almost seems real
Get to control a squadron of specialty clones, which you can tell them to do dif. things(snipe, commence door breach manuveur, etc.)
Crummy two-player gaming, just plain stupid
Intensly frustrating at times
Gets boring

Well it may have some downsides, this game is o.k and is a great game for starwars fans.

Not just "another Star Wars game."

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 10
Date: July 12, 2005
Author: Amazon User

When Star Wars games come to mind, most of you think of them as cheaply made and easy-to-beat games churned out frequently by LucasArts just to make more money off the Star Wars franchise. Republic Commando isn't one of those games. It, along with Battlefront, actually put in something never seen before and cool into the mix, team-based combat (this will be also used by Conker: Live and Reloaded).

As opposed to crappy Star Wars games like *cough* Knights of the Old Republic *cough*, you have freedom and you face REALLY TOUGH enemies. Those enemies are the Super Battle Droid, Elite Geonosian, Spider Droid, and don't get me started on General Grievious's guards!! One of the standout features that makes Republic Commando unique is the ability to give commands to your three comrades. You can order them to do various things like setting up sniper positions, planting detonations, healing your incapacitated allies, healing themselves via Bacta tanks, attacking certain enemies, and taking up positions in stationary weapons. If you didn't quite think out that order, you can make them disreguard that perticular order to keep them from dying or screwing up a mission.

Unfortunatelly, if you're a person that likes to pilot vehicles (like me), you don't get to do that here, but it's all atoned for with the excellent gameplay, beautiful graphics, and "ragdoll effects." The weapons are pretty weird, instead of getting a bunch of different weapons, you get two different attachments to your blaster rifle that'll transform it into either a sniper rifle or anti-armor weapon. You can also pick up enemy weapons such as the Geonosian beam rifle or the Wookie missile launcher with homing capability (except in this case, the Wookies are your allies).

While this game isn't quite as good as Halo or Halo 2, it's a must for any fan of first person shooters and Star Wars.

Don't even bother with Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 (it's an RPG, RPGs suck).

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