
Playstation 2 : Pa Rappa the Rapper 2 Reviews

Below are user reviews of Pa Rappa the Rapper 2 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Pa Rappa the Rapper 2. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

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Parappa The Rappa 2 Simply Rocks!

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 7 / 11
Date: January 15, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Get to it! Pen up some smooth-hitting flows because that li'l freestyling pup from his 1997 debut has returned to the PS2! Togged up in his claret beanie, some big ol' baggy pants, and a pair of funky red shoes, Parappa The Rappa must prevent his hometown from being dominated by the infamous Noodle Gang! Suffusing burger joints with their noodles, the folks at Rappa's town fight back to regain their beloved, high-in-saturated-fat, heart-attack-causing cow patties. Okay, so the third story in the series is not as charming as the first lovey-dovey one, but hey, the reasons why so many have hailed the first Parappa game as a brazen title is completely unbroken third time around (including Um Jammy Lammy). Parappa The Rappa 2 simply rocks despite its lack of reconstruction or wave of advancement to its genre.

The first one in the series was a landmark of beaming personality with its vivacious character designs and dainty backgrounds. Its retrospective of colors and paper-thin models were something to stare upon and talk about. Parappa the Rappa 2 looks almost indistinguishably equal as the first but better. Reintroducing all the attitude along with spiffier character visuals, the game runs smoother and juicier with a rich audio eminence. Parappa's transposable charm is all rendered in the graphical ambiance as with the affluent scenarios found throughout.

Although fairly undersized in length, with only eight levels, Parappa The Rappa 2 tenders what previous attempts have bided. The saying, "if it ain't broken don't fix it," perfectly suits the nature of this game. Basically, the player must tap in specific buttons in a rhythm in simon-says style. Several buttons will appear on the screen and its up to the player to correctly hit the buttons displayed or commanded. At the right bottom of the screen, the player's rating level determines how well the player is performing. Obviously getting a good rating will advance players onto the proceeding stage. The rating ranges from the lowest of "Awful" to "Cool" as the best groove. Should the player mess up on the button tapping, his rating will plunge from "Good" to "Bad" and finally "Awful." Perfectly clocked in rhymes will have the player ascending on his rating. If the player wishes to reach "Cool," then he must freestyle in between the commands given on screen by pushing any button as long as it goes with the flow and does not interfere with imperative commands. Offering a two player battle mode and loads of button-smashing humor, Parappa The Rappa 2 doesn't shed anything quite new, but casts all the fun from as a splendid pastime.

Of all the elements in Parappa The Rappa 2, the return of imaginative characters and their remarkable voice-overs is unsurpassed. The music throughout the game drifts like a brilliant rap, presenting an appealing and positively inane (in a good way) tunes.

In short, Parappa The Rappa 2's abrupt end left me ravenous for much more play. Quite possible to be finished in one sitting, the game just begs for additional levels and challenge. The overall quality in the game gleams, shimmers, shines, and what not, but the quantity of the game is the weakest constituent. Even with its two player battle of the best freestyling spin-off, Parappa The Rappa 2's biggest quibble is the question of buying or renting it. But don't let its shortage cloud your judgment because the game is just one of those games that'll you find yourself visiting over and over. Though, next time around, Sony should flesh out a solid line-up of challenges and different play modes. Boil it down and what you have is another fantastic party game.

Fun and pretty, but not an improvement to Parappa/Lammy

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 3 / 4
Date: February 01, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I love Parappa and Um Jammer Lammy. The songs were fun and catchy, the graphics were simple and enjoyably odd. Parappa games are not for everyone, but I really got into jamming along with the game, and the fun, colorful style.

Things I like about Parappa2: Graphics are even cooler. The beat indicator box seems wider and easier to follow. It marks exactly where your beat hit in relation to where the mark you were supposed to hit. Some of the levels and instructors are very cool. My favorite is the level where Parappa has to play a video game, and the worse you do, the more antiquated the graphics become, from Nintendo style down to Space Invaders style. Clever. This game also has a "Practice" mode before each level if you desire.

Things I don't like about Parappa2: Remember how in the original, if your flow went from Good to Bad or worse, the sound effects got funky and maybe the screen started waving? This one does the same thing, but it interupts the flow of the song, as the instructor says "Getting Worse!" or "Getting Better!" No need for that. The game also seems easier. I beat 7 of the 8 levels in my first sitting, and though I've played the first 2 games, I'm certainly not an expert. I was hoping for some harder levels. There is nothing as hard as, say, the 'Hell' level in Lammy. Since it's PS2 with DVD gaming and all, I was hoping for a ton of levels. 8 doesn't seem like enough, especially at the skill level they present. Also, as a whole, the songs just aren't as cool. There are small things that bother me like rhyming 'round' and 'merry-go-round.' It just doesn't seem as well written. There are even dumb English translations in the storyline. Another peeve is the fact that there are vocals for every saving function like "Are you sure you want to save?" For some reason they have dumbed the game down. And finally, there is no Jet Baby tune!

Maybe when I finish level 8, the next time through will offer some hidden surprises and harder raps. But I don't think that Parappa2 is an improvement over the Original and Lammy. I hate to admit it, but I think I'd suggest Parappa2 as a rental.

Doesn't live up to PaRappa 1 and UmJammer Lammy...

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: February 17, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I was very excited when I found out that PaRappa was coming to PS2. I thought it would be bigger, better and more difficult-- but it turned out that I was wrong. I was very disappointed to find that there are only 8 levels, all at pretty much the same difficulty level-- if you've beaten PaRappa 1 or UmJammer Lammy, you can probably finish this one within one sitting without any problems. Besides the easiness, there are other glaring faults: the storyline is incoherent and boring (everything is being turned into noodles, or something like that), and the lengthy movies between levels have bad translations and aren't very exciting. The actual songs are nowhere near as funny and clever as the original ones, and the paper-thin graphics, which were charming on the PS1, seem cheap and out of place on the PS2. After I beat the last level, I wished that I hadn't bought it-- it was just way too easy and unfulfilling. Also, while UmJammer Lammy unlocks tons of bonus levels after you finish, PaRappa2 has none. However, despite these faults, I would definitely recommend PaRappa2 as a rental to any PaRappa fan-- even if it is a waste to buy.


2 Rating: 2, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: February 19, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Look, I loved the first PaRappa game so much that I imported the soundtrack. Heck, I even love UmJammer Lammy despite it's vomiting catipiller's forcing women to give birth, but this game just doesn't measure up. The main problem is the lack of a fun story-line. The entire business about all food being turned into noodles is even dumber than it sounds, and the events leading up to the actual levels are just plain unfunny. The fact that the songs aren't catchy is also a big let-down, and then add in the fact that you have to play an annoying practice level before each song, and well......it just gets worse from there. The two player version isn't much to write home about, and the load times hasn't improved much at all. All in all, this game has had the fun beaten out of it with a large bat, and that makes me all too sad. You can find the first two games waaaaay cheap, so if you haven't played a PaRappa game, then pick them up and avoid this unless you're a die-hard fan. In that case, just rent it.

A MUSIC game with a major design flaw: NO DIGITAL AUDIO OUT.

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 5 / 8
Date: February 25, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I rented this yesterday for a 3-year-old, figuring the music and graphics would be something she'd enjoy.

Imagine my chagrin when the game came on and there was NO SOUND. I poked and prodded and looked for options, but couldn't find any indication of why it didn't work.

Someone online had the answer for me: for whatever reason, the producers of this game elected not to include a digital audio out sound track.

It's a music game. Hello?

My PS2 is integrated into my home theatre system--to maximize performance, it's hooked up with a component video cable and an optical digital audio cable. If your system is hooked up in a similar way, you will not hear the audio for this game without reconfiguring your PS2 hookup.

On my system, a bad design choice makes this game unplayable. Zero stars.

Rent it

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 6 / 8
Date: March 18, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I really wanted to like this game and recommend it, but it is so so short. I finished it in about an hour and 20 minutes (and that includes watching all the cut scenes). It's not that it is to easy, but there is only 8 songs to do. I would've rated it higher if it has been longer.

The music is very derivative of the first PaRappa game. I guess there are only so many ways you can carve up 16 beats but it seems like a lot of the patterns were the same. Remember the chicken's song from the first game? It's back. I guess this could be a positive for a sequel game if used in the right way but I found it sort of annoying.

Every 2 levels there is some sort of bonus game where you break boards or dishes by pressing the appropriate button when the dish/board is displayed. I did not enjoy this at all and would've liked to just skip to the next level. Of course that wouldn't made the game even shorter.

Contrary to many reviews here I found the story line kind of cute, but I'm not really a stickler for story on most games. In fact, I found it very funny. but I'm sure you have to be in the mood.

One improvement that has been made is when you push the buttons, the relative timing of the presses are shown on the screen sort of overlayed on the pattern you're playing. It made it easier to figure out what went wrong sometimes.

The graphics were an improvement over the old game and added to the experience. The load times didn't seem as long as the first PaRappa and weren't very annoying.

In summary if you like this kind of game by all means rent it because it's fun. If you want to buy, look for the old PaRappa or Lammy games, the PS2-ness is kind of wasted on this title.

Parappa loses it's appeal

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: April 30, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I am a huge fan of the original. The songs were great, the gameplay smooth and challanging, and while it was short, I would always find myself coming back for more. Parappa 2 however, shares none of these qualities. It boasts no new songs worth praise, and horrible gameplay. I beat it without losing once in less than an hour. Another long awaited sequel that should have never been made. Very sad.

fun... but short

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: June 13, 2002
Author: Amazon User

i think this is a very fun, simple, and entertaining game. the beats just keep you coming back for more. i love the 2-D Cel-Shaded graphics, although many people prefer 3-D. every once in a while you will see one or two 3-D things, which i must admit work just amazingly mixed with the 2-D, which now that i think about it, i would have preferred. my only real gripes with this game is that not much has changed since Parappa 1, and the other thing is the length. its amazingly short. you could probably beat it max. 6 hours, and thats if you really stink at the game. but now that the price has dropped i highly reccomend that you look into giving up [the money] for this quick gaming fix. its the most fun ive had with a more kiddie-aimed game in a longgg longggg time.

Parrapa the Rapper 2

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: June 23, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Parappa the rapper 2 is fun. it is really easy to finish. i beat the game in 1hour and15 minutes. it is short. i think you should ren t this game.

the story is about parrappa iwins a lot of noodles and he gets tired of eating them . and the n some bad guys try to make the whole city eat noodles.
there are 8 levels in the game.
they are: a restaraunt ,at parrapa's house , at parrappa's house when they get shrunk,the barber shop, a training place,at a concert , and at a place where you battle the noodle bad guy,and a video game

Rent it, rent it, rent it!

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: June 24, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I feel so guilty about this game. My brother got it on a demo disk and I talked ihm into buying the full game. Now I wish I hadn't. Why? It was a waste of money because it's just SO DAMN SHORT.
All the levels are pretty easy except the last one in which it is frustratingly hard to synchronise your rapping when you have to lead the chant. This technique should have been introduced in earlier levels - and speaking of which, there should be way more levels! I'm amazed Sony actually put this game out and didn't think it would be too short. New characters to access? Nope. New levels to unlock? Nuh-uh. Anything new which you can do on this game after two days of playing at the most? Don't even think about it.
It's a real pity, because what there is of this game is actually pretty good. The graphics are cute, the style is funny, the songs are enjoyable and the idea is a clever one. (The storyline is just weird, but that may'nt be a bad thing...depends on your personal preference.) The voice-overs need work though. They're kind of weird and often irrelevant.
If Sony had made about...ooh, twice as much as they have, I'd have given this game five stars. But they didn't. Rent the game by all means - but don't buy it. It's fun for a time, but overall a waste of money.

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