
Playstation 2 : Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi Reviews

Below are user reviews of Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

User Reviews (1 - 11 of 57)

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Please Don't BUY This Game, unless you like JUNK

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 4 / 6
Date: November 20, 2005
Author: Amazon User

First and fore most, This will never be a True Budokai game. I say this because the graphics are like the Sagas game just a tad better.But we all Know Sagas was junk too. The controls are really slow, I would press block and it would hold it until the comp stop hitting me and i had no way of fighting back. This is the worst Game they have made for the DGZ series. The game features ways to fuse capsules together,though this sounds pretty cool it's Lame. There are really no good points to this game except the CG demo in the begining. That was the only thing I liked about the game. If they could have used the Last Bodukai as a reference and just added different stories they would have gotten a A+ but this is at best a F-. If you like fight twenty matches just to beat Raditz once than this game is for you. If your a true fan RENT this FIRST to see how bad it is. You might not be a fan of the Kamahamaha after this.


1 Rating: 1, Useful: 2 / 6
Date: January 16, 2006
Author: Amazon User

This game is Horrible. I could deal with the angle changes, but the controls are horrible.Too fast-paced, horrible controls and stupin scenarios.Lame.

What a Let Down

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: November 16, 2005
Author: Amazon User

If your reading this review before you bought the game, then its not too late. I am one of those unfotunate souls who loves the DB series and just had to get it the first day it was released. I even traded in my Budokai 3. What a mistake. The concept was great; I mean, fling around in a 3-D arena, fighting just like in the show.. that would be sweet! Too bad thats not what it is. Firts let me tell you about the good points of the game (it wont take long). Lots of playable characters. In practice mode when you can casually do whatever you want - flying though large rock formations. Finally, and without question the BEST part of the game, visible battle damage as the fight wears on. Now the bad stuff. The controls are way too random - someone who's just mashing buttons will probably fare better that someone who "knows what their doing". If you can ever really know what you're doing on the game. Even when I finally caught on to the concept of what they wanted me to do, the character will only perform the intended move one out of ten times. And when the move IS properly executed the animations are crap(to put it politely). The Budokai 3 animations are 100 times better. That steaming pile of opening sequence was difficult to stomach even the first time through, when my expectations couldn't be higher, and my child like enthusiasm was as yet untainted by the repeated tapping of the square button(the only attack button), the 'Survive until time runs out' missions, and flying directly at the opponent you're supposed to avoid eventhough you push the directional pad in the opposite direction. NO TRANSFORMATIONS?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Thats what DBZ fighting is all about. In a free flying 3-D arena boundries are the worst idea ever- just make a looping landscape like the 'Dragon Universe' mode in Budokai 3; get to the edge of the right side come in on the left side. Even the guys who did Star Fox 64 knew that. Did they have interns working on this? The boundries aren't he only thing you'll get caught on. I can go on but why bother. The point is I paid $52 plus my Budokai 3 as a security deposit to rent Tenkaichi for two weeks. It sucks BIG TIME.


2 Rating: 2, Useful: 2 / 4
Date: November 12, 2005
Author: Amazon User

The tenkaichi title, a continuation from DBZ:Budokai 3, is definitely not an improvement. The only plus of the game is they transferred it into a 3-d landscape, and got rid of the lame capsule feature to some extent. However, the 3-d environments are small, and frustrating to navigate due to poor play control. The graphics is ok for the most part, but the superattacks are totally lame looking and sound pathetic. Budokai 3 was awesome due to the overly dramatic super attacks and cool cinematic fight scenes when you engaged the enemy at times, but tenkaichi has none of that. The dynamics of the game are too simple and play control is frustrating...whoever can mash buttons the fastest usually wins. They also got rid of the transformations. So, you can't transform from goku to SS4. The game itself is rather repetitve, punch the enemy, knock them back, then repeat...boring. Also, they have failed to enter a widescreen feature, a 480i image, or prologic sound. It seems to me the company atari hired was rushed to put this title out the door, and they should have sticked w/Dimps again instead of trying another company.

the worst game ever

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 2 / 10
Date: January 19, 2006
Author: Amazon User

this game sucks when my cousin came over he couldn't beat raditz after 18 tries and he was freaken cryin i meen come on man this games supposed to be fun and make people happy so anyway i took the control and started playing it took me 10 tries to beat this dude i swear this may be the first time i've played tis game but i would never lie hear me out don't buy this game please.

Atari got this game all wrong

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: December 08, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I can't tell you how excited I was to hear that there would be a new Dragon Ball Z game for the PS2! For months I waited and then finally it was released. My girlfriend bought me this for my birthday (a mistake because I ALWAYS rent games first before buying). There's a good reason for this. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi is mediocre at best. The control system is horrible and anyone who loved the old control system is going to be VERY disappointed. I could go on and on about my disappointment in this game but I won't. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi is going to sit in my cabinet collecting dust while I play the only truly awesome DBZ game...Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3!! At least I have that!

Not what It could have been!

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: January 12, 2006
Author: Amazon User

When a friend of mine told me that a new DBZ game was coming out, I was elated. The last game that came out, Budokai 3 was one of my favorite games; however, on buying the new game, Budokai Tenkaichi, I was more than slightly disappointed. I would like to first go through the main points of the game, and then I will discus the problems I have with it.

The first thing anyone who thinks they want this game should know is that this is nothing like any of the previous games in the series. Tenkaichi drops the 2-D fighting aspect of the others and has gone to a free roaming type game. In which you are given a huge environment to roam and destroy, while you battle your enemy.

The Controls have been simplified somewhat. The square button along with the d-pad control attack, the triangle button shoots energy, circle is guard, and X is dash. The L1 button locks on to an enemy, L2 changes your Ki, and the R buttons control your height. The new controls and fighting system make the game seem like a cross between Armored Core, and Dead or Alive.

The game has a large amount of modes to play through; such as Z Battle Gate, World Tournament, and Dueling. There is also Z Item Fusion, where you can combine certain items to unlock other items or new characters.

Now, for the Bad

In trying to make the game simpler the developers changed the controls so that anyone could supposedly pick up the controller and be good at the game. This in my opinion was a failure, the controls are complicated. I watched all of the Training videos, and it still took me about 2 hours to fully figure the controls out. They also seem to glitch up at times. The battle system in general has some issues as well. For example, while roaming the large areas is nice, the camera can get in the was at times, and cause you to see absolutely nothing; while this is happening your opponent is usually kicking your butt, and you can't do much about it. There are other problems that arise in modes like World Tournament. It is very very easy to get rung out.

The computer also plays a major part in my dislike of this game. It seems that the CPU is almost always super smart or very dumb. This can make battling very annoying, because you might not know the controls very well but the CPU does.

Tenkaichi boasts a large number of characters to choose from; however, most of the characters are just different forms of each other. Also, each character has their own, unchangeable, move list. These consist of 2 favorite techniques, 2 energy blast moves, and 1 ultimate attack. Another negative part of the game is the fact that all of the characters are clones of each other. Most moves look alike. The only customizable part of a character are their stats; such as, ATTACK, SPEED, and KI. You can not add any other special skills or moves; characters are stuck with what they have. This was a bad idea, especially the favorite techniques (Solar Flare, Afterimage) which usually do nothing.

The final and most annoying problem I have with this game is that the translation is done so horribly in some parts that it becomes confusing. Phrases such as "gradually increases health slightly" don't make too much since in my opinion. Some dialog for characters isn't even in English.

These aren't all the problems I had with this game, but I think they were the most important to list. It feels like the developers rushed this game. I don't think they tested it enough. Several problems that people have with this game could have been fixed. For those who want to buy this game I strongly recommend that you don't. Get Budokai 3, if you don't already own it. In my opinion it was nearly a perfect game.

A good game with some major control issues

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 61 / 68
Date: October 28, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi.

I have long been a fan of the Dragon Ball Z series. The series has a "love it or hate it" reputation, but even those who do love the series aren't afraid to say that a lot of the games based on it haven't exactly been that good. The Budokai series is a major exception to the rule. Its two-dimensional fighting action has been nothing short of excellent, and definitely one of the best Dragon Ball sub-series of games. In 2005, Budokai Tenkaichi was released, which totally reinvented the Dragon Ball Z fighter. Did they do a good job. To find out, read on!

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi was released in October of 2005 in the United States. The game features several characters available right off the bat, as well as many more characters/forms that can be unlocked. There are many different gameplay modes.

I had some doubts about this game, and some of those doubts I was right to have. This is a good game, but sadly, lots of little problems kick it down a notch. Let's check out the pros and cons of Budokai Tenkaichi.


-THE GREATEST GRAPHICS EVER SEEN IN A DRAGON BALL Z GAME. EVER. This game's graphics, particularly in the opening intro, are nothing short of excellent. I have mixed feelings about cel-shading, but this game does cel-shading better than any other game on the market at this time. It's the ultimate triumph for this graphic style

-EXTREMELY INNOVATIVE. Previous Dragon Ball fighters restricted you to a two-dimensional fighting plane. But here, you have huge, three-dimensional arenas, with tons of different and interesting locales to battle in. This game makes every effort possible to capture the free-flowing, fast-paced battles of the anime, and it succeeds beautifully,

-YOU HAVE THE OPTION TO HEAR THE ORIGINAL JAPANESE VOICES FOR THE CHARACTERS! As a die-hard fan of the uncensored, unbutchered Japanese version of the series, I can't tell you how happy I was to discover this.

-LOTS OF DIFFERENT GAME PLAY MODES. With all the different game modes, this is a game that is likely to hold your attention for a long time, should you be able to get into it.

-TONS OF UNLOCKABLES. Dragon Ball games always have unlockable stuff, and there are a ton of hidden things in this game, including many more characters than just those initially available.

-CHARACTERS ARE IN THIS GAME THAT WERE PREVIOUSLY NOT PLAYABLE IN ANY OTHER DRAGON BALL GAME! Granted, most of them have to be unlocked, but it's just awesome that so many of these characters, deprived of their place in earlier games, get it here. It's about damn time we got a Dragon Ball game that lets us play as Chiaotzu! Likewise, the ENTIRE Ginyu Force is here! There are even little-known characters, like Janemba, the villain from the twelfth movie. Furthermore, the game also boasts a few original series and GT characters. With all the different characters and forms of them, there are close to a hundred different playable identities in the game!


-PLAY CONTROL. I understand that the game maker wanted to be innovative, but the controls in this game just aren't that good. They take some major getting used to. Even I, a veteran gamer, had a big problem adjusting to them. Most of the flaws in this game stem from the control issues.

-THE ACTION IS TOO FAST-PACED! I understand this was done in an effort to capture the feeling of the anime, but combine it with poor play control that is extremely tough to grasp, and the end combination is NOT something desirable.

-THE COMPUTER IS TOO DIFFICULT TO DEFEAT. Granted, this is mostly due to play control issues. However, it is still a key issue. In the story mode, because of all these little problems come together, it must have taken me ten tries just to defeat Raditz! Now that hurts.

-IT IS UNCLEAR HOW TO UNLOCK/OBTAIN THINGS. I understand why the unlockables remain a secret; it adds some fun to the game. However, many different items/skills/etc. must be obtained in the various game modes, and it's confusing as to what does what, and how it must be obtained.

-THE STEEP LEARNING CURVE MAY TURN AWAY POTENTIAL PLAYERS. The control issues are obviously the biggest factor to blame for this, but just the same, I wish they would have found a way to make the game more accessible.

Overall, I think that this game is a very mixed bag. Where it succeeds in one area, it fails in another. If you're a die-hard fan of Dragon Ball Z, definitely check the game out, but I strongly recommend you try before you buy.

At the time I write this review, the game is still fairly new and fairly popular. You should have absolutely no trouble finding it in any place that sells video games.

Big Letdown

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 6 / 10
Date: November 04, 2005
Author: Amazon User

This game is a very big letdown. I'll start with the no. 1 problem first. The controls. I'm a fighting game vet but I've been on training wheels for the past 2 weeks trying to get use to these contols. They're are too many skills that must be mastered and the learning curve is TOO awkard. This is like trying to learn Tekken 5 and MK Deception at once. Normally to fix this issue you can resort to the training mode. Well the tutorial is completely useless. It shows you how to execute all the moves. Sounds helpful right? But, you get no hands on training! It is all done for you, which resorts in about 2% training value if you don't have a VERY good memory, which also results in a very speedy purchase of a strategy guide. The difficulty is another thing, but it wouldn't be so difficult if the controls were better. The plus side the overall scheme catches the DBZ feel and backgrounds are completely interactive which will resort to using special skills such as sensing power levels. There is also a variety of ways to utilize energy attack. Power beam struggles are closer to the show in this game then in any DBZ fighting game. If you exaust your energy gauge you become extremly vulnerable to any attack. The actual fighting is also captured greatly as well. You can send your opponents crashing through mountains and fight under water. There is a host of secrets and characters to unlock Since the controls are so frustrating I might never unlock all these. I'm a big DBZ fan I don't give ratings no lower than 3, but I don't see myself keeping this game for to long. If your a fan your most likely going to buy this anyway but be sure to buy a strategy guide with it. Trust me your not going to pick this game up with out it. If your not a fan I highly recommend renting this first.

this is an exellent game with some issues. RECOMMENDED if you are a dbz fan

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 4 / 5
Date: November 23, 2005
Author: Amazon User

The soundtrack sucks, its the same as all the other budokais, they sould change it.
The computer always does the same moves and its annoying.
You can't transform during the battle, you have to choose your transformation wen you pick your character.
The cameras sometimes get on my nerves.

This game is very fun to play in its 3-d arena and with awesome graphics but like every other video games it isn't perfect.

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