Below are user reviews of Star Wars Bounty Hunter and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Star Wars Bounty Hunter.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (1 - 11 of 92)
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Jango is the Best
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 07, 2008
Author: Amazon User
You know what never gets old in a game?Going into a room filled with enemies and kiliing them all.Sound fun?The story takes place before Clones and after Menace.You are Jango Fett the most feared Bounty Hunter in the galaxy(of course this is before Boba).You are sent on a mission to capture a deranged,psychotic, sith cult leader.
I like this game because you feel like you are Jango.You can use your duel twin blasters,flamethrower,jet-pack,whipcord,jet-packrocket,and poison darts.The bad things are the story is a bit lame,missions are repedetive,if you kill your bounty you just hosed yourself,and enemies never stop coming.If you like star wars this is a perfect game for you.
Better than expected
Rating: 5,
Useful: 14 / 15
Date: November 27, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I'll admit I was a bit skeptical before I played Star Wars Bounty Hunter. I wasn't sure what to think of the pics and previews. Thankfully, it turned out to be a great game!
The graphics are much better than I was expecting (the lighting is superb). And the action can get pretty intense. When Jango uses his two blaster pistols, he can shoot at seperate enemies in different directions at once. And he can fire them pretty fast (as rapidly as you can hit the fire button). When coupled with ducking, rolling, and use of the jetpack, this can lead to some awesome gun fights. The flamethrower is pretty cool too.
The story's pretty good for an action title and there are some quality cut scenes with quality voice acting. Morrison is the best of the bunch in this title. He plays a great Jango and he gets to show more personality than he was able to in the movie (but not too much personality - they still keep him kinda shady which is good). I like how he handles some of the situations in the game - he's very aggressive and forceful.
There's just one thing I really wish they would have added - a little more animation for Jango. Don't get me wrong though. Jango stills has a decent amount of it, but when you switch weapons - ala switching to blaster pistols - it would have been cool if Jango would actually draw them out/put them away instead of them just appearing. But I guess that's just a little thing they could have added to make the game a bit more polished. It's still a great action game anyway.
Oh how I wish for a sequel to this awesome game!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 14 / 14
Date: March 21, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This was the second game I ever got for PS2 and I just love it. I still go back to it after several years for nothing more than the thrills and good times it has to offer. Bounty Hunter isn't perfect but it is one of the better Star Wars games I've played and its a great third person shooter. I remember how much the graphics, cutscenes, effects, sound, and dialog blew me away a couple years ago and all I can do today is appreciate all these things more. Every time I play the game (I've played it a lot) I find new things to mess around with, whether it be small rodent creatures to blast or secret areas containing heavy weapons. The worlds are immerse with detail and most are actually almost beautiful. The explosions and laser blasts that fill the levels all look great, as do the characters, who's lypsyncing and motions are excellently executed. The action gameplay is fast paced with a very high frame rate. The sound design sounds as though it was taken directly from a Star Wars film. And most of all, the story is very entertaining, from your first encounter with the villanous scum Meeko, to your stealing of Slave 1 from an astroid prision, to meeting Tyranus. The story takes you all around the galaxy and be prepared to meet up with some familiar characters such as Zam Weesel. Many have complained about the game's repetetivness and lousy camera and I will admit that the camera tends to work a little strangly at times, but it certainly can be controled and is not something to get all worked up over. Bounty Hunter's action has never boared me and I find it's controls to be intruative and easy to use. Star Wars Bounty Huter is an excellent game with high production values and many good things going for it, I truely hope Lucas Arts releases a sequel for it because it is one of the best games I have ever played. Thanks for reading.
why this is an awesome game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 10 / 41
Date: May 27, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Ok first of all this looks like a very good game i mean come on your killing aliens as a highly equiped bounty hunter what more could you want. This game starts you off going for a bounty that you recived then a guy named Darth Tyranus hires you to kill a deranged jedi with 2 lightsabers. Sometimes you'll meet a rival bounty hunter named Zam Wessel and you will work together. All in all this game looks great.
He's No Good To Me Dead!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 10 / 13
Date: November 27, 2002
Author: Amazon User
First off, I KNOW that the title for my review was spoken by Boba Fett (Jango's son) in Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, but I thought that it was a great line, and very applicable to my review, as well as being an integral part of game play.
Back in 1980 (I was four), TESB was released, and my friend and I instantly were awe-struck by the mysterious helmeted bounty hunter with the nasty weapons and really cool rocket pack. Needless to say, when we played with our Star Wars figures arguments generally ensued over who got to play with Boba Fett. Now, 22 years later, with the release of Episode II: Attack of the Clones, new information about Boba's past, as well as his father, Jango Fett, has been shed...
This brings me to the actual review of the game (finally!). Star Wars: Bounty Hunter gives you the opportunity to BE Jango Fett on a variety of bounty missions where you are paid to bring 'em in, dead OR alive. At your disposal are twin blaster pistols, a helmet-mounted image magnifier/bounty tracking unit, wrist-mounted cutting torch, sniper rifles, thermal detonators (grenades), flamethrowers, whipcord (for subduing bounties without killing them), and of course, your trusty missile-firing rocket pack. In addition, Jango can hang from ledges, climb ladders, crouch-walk through air ducts, and duck and roll to avoid enemy fire. In short, no place is safe if you are the hunted!
Graphics are superb, and the camera angle may be customized to create some really COOL screen shots to show your girlfriend (as if she were REALLY interested). Sound is also amazing, especially when playing with a surround-sound system. Laser bolts sizzle overhead, detonating around you, while the sounds of the environment (both familiar and alien) add to the ambience.
Some levels are quite difficult, especially when dealing with wild animals and Tusken Raiders. Stealth and discretion is often a factor in a successful hunt, but this game also has it's fair share of large-scale Star Wars-style shootouts mixing multiple enemies and heavy doses of firepower (both from you, and AT you) But be brave, watch your back, and bring your bounty in! After all, YOU are Jango Fett, the most ruthless hunter in the galaxy (as your son will be...)!
Overall, the combination of sights, sounds and the excellent control layout makes for an awesome and thrilling experience. Especially for all us geeks who have wanted to BE a Mandalorian bounty hunter for more than two decades. This game is easily one of the top five best games (on any platform) based on the Star Wars franchise. If you consider yourself even the slightest Star Wars fan, or have had a long-time fascination with all things Fett, grab this one, and prepare to make the galaxy a more dangerous place with no where to hide.
This game Rocks!!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 8 / 8
Date: October 30, 2004
Author: Amazon User
We thought this game was awesome! Starwars fan or not this is the game for you! It is exciting and the levels are in a variety of exotic locations. The levels are long and loading is speedy. The only problem is sometimes you reach a level that is hard and takes a while to get past. The pattern is about 3 or so easier levels and then a more chalenging one. You get a variety of weopons including your pistols, whipcord, jetpack mounted mistles and other fun toys. You see a variety of cool aliens and can get secondary bounties on all the levels. Also the graphics are cool but not too disgusting so it isn't like a mature game. One of my favorite parts is the very cool wildlife (also dangerous). Get this game! Hey even my older sister loves it!
You will either get it or you won't
Rating: 5,
Useful: 6 / 8
Date: December 17, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I have been playing STAR WARS: BOUNTY HUNTER in recent days. This is the type of game I got a Playstation 2 for. For some reason, Boba Fett has been one of my favorite Star Wars characters for more than 20 years. His premier in THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK was the premier of a new type of villain: one who not only "wins" by the end of the movie, but is never caught off guard by the "heroes." Fett's feats in EMPIRE are never quite repeated in any Star Wars movie (or any other movie I can think of) - he figures out Han Solo's hide-in-the-garbage trick and follows him to Bespin. He notices Luke sneaking around and gets off a shot, steering him into Darth Vader's trap. And he makes off with Han, never to be stopped by the end of the movie. Meanwhile, with jet-pack, missile, and other gadgets visible, but unused, the message is conveyed that Fett didn't even get started in EMPIRE. Boba Fett was the James Bond of Star Wars villains. Which is why his undistinguished demise in RETURN OF THE JEDI was so unsatisfying.
George Lucas resurrected Fett, sort of, as his father, Jango in ATTACK OF THE CLONES. Jango allows Lucas to start over again with Fett, and while he, too meets his demise (albeit slightly more satisfyingly), the STAR WARS: BOUNTY HUNTER game plausibly tells the story of how Jango got to where he was in the CLONES movie. The story, and the presence of Fett, are the two most outstanding features of this game. People who share my strange fascination with this character will get it, while diehard video game connoisseurs will probably find fault with it.
The game is far from perfect. First, Jango is not Boba. Jango's blue coloring doesn't work as well as Boba's earth tones. Jango's twin blasters work well for gaming purposes, but underscore his distinct identity. Lacking Boba's record from Empire, and battle-scarred armor, Jango's luster is not as bright as his cloned son's. I can imagine a sequel to this game featuring Boba, and perhaps the other bounty hunters from EMPIRE.
I have other criticisms of the game: It is sloppy in parts (Jango can walk through walls into video-game limbo). Also, while Jango can collect bounties and earn money, the money isn't used for anything. The game would be immensely better if he could use what he earns to buy weapons. As it is, Jango's incentive to capture secondary bounties and not kill bystanders is murky. But overall, this is a great game.
Despite my own enjoyment, I have read negative reviews that have offered several criticisms:
One critic wrote, "The game's autotargeting feature makes aiming at multiple foes too easy." Jango can enter combat using a variety of strategies. He can sneak up on opponents and sniper-them down without being noticed. He can choose one of a variety of weapons (unlike Boba Fett in EMPIRE, the Jango of this game uses every weapon he has available). Ultimately, he often charges into battle blasting away. The skill here is not aiming. The autotargeting feature simply allows players who just want to mow down enemies do so with abandon. This, not frustrating aiming exercises, is fun.
The critic goes on to complain that there's a lot of wandering around in the game, and that "death in Bounty Hunter usually comes from falling or from some other environmental hazard, since most enemies are easy pickings." Here he's onto something, but I still can't get over the expansiveness of contemporary video game worlds. True, there's a lot of jumping, which eventually gets a tad boring, but for those of us who remember "Frogger" and "Q-Bert," there's something entertaining about jumping around, too.
Finally, this particular critic even complains about the game's "washed out" color and John Williams music soundtrack. But the bounty hunters in the Star Wars movies are associated with certain colors and certain music. Were these different, this game would be about something else.
The Force is with Bounty Hunter
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 5
Date: November 24, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Ever since the original Star Wars trilogy, fans have wanted a chance to be Boba Fett. In Bounty Hunter, we get the next-best thing as we play as Jango Fett, Boba's father from Episode II. The game offers the opportunity to use all of the famous Fett gadgets, including dual blasters, a whipcord, a rocket pack with built-in missile launcher, a flame thrower, toxic darts, and more. Plus, you get to take on the role of the toughest bounty hunter this side of Kamino.
Bounty Hunter is probably the single greatest Star Wars video game ever made. Bridging the gap between Episodes I and II, it shows us how Jango Fett was selected to be the template for the Republic's clone army. As one of a "select few" invited to hunt the deadly Bando Gora cult, Jango races against a deadly rival to claim an astronomical reward. The game succeeds in turning Jango into a more interesting character than we are presented with in Episode II, and even hints at his motivation for wanting a son. The plot is more original and complex than it might otherwise appear, leading to twists and drama along the way.
Other famous Star Wars characters also make their appearances, including Count Dooku, Darth Sidious, and Jabba the Hutt. The game also features Jango's first encounter with Zam Wessell, and as an additional gift we also get to see how Fett acquires his trademark ship, Slave I. Temuera Morrison and Leeanna Walsman, the actor and actress who played Jango and Zam in the movie, also return to lend their voices, and the voices of Sidious and Dooku are so well done that you wouldn't know they weren't the actors from the movies. The vicious bounty hunter Montross and the dark Jedi Komari Vosa, the two arch-villains of the game, are also detailed and welcome additions to the Star Wars mythos.
Bounty Hunter is challenging, and full of special features that make it even more difficult. For instance, it's one thing to actually survive a level, but it's quite another to survive the level, find the "secret" icon, and collect all the optional bounties along the way. That's right, you can select to search for bounties using Jango's macrobinocular ID scanner. The scanner reads like a "wanted" poster, and tells you whether to bring your bounty in dead or alive. As Jango collects credits, passes levels, and finds secrets, hidden features open up, including an exclusive Dark Horse comic book prequel to the game, hilarious "outtakes," and more. A stat page shows how well Jango is performing, including enemies killed, bounties collected, and how many innocent victims got between Jango and his targets.
Bounty Hunter features huge levels that span a variety of planetoids, including Coruscant, Tatooine, and the asteroid prison of Oovo IV. At the same time, it also offers exceptional graphics and sound, and the detail is truly remarkable. The game looks and feels like Star Wars, and elements such as desert skiffs, a carbon freezing chamber, and certain level soundtracks tie Bounty Hunter to the original trilogy as well as Episodes I and II. Side notes to the movies also include a mention of Rozatta's junk dealing friend from Mos Espa (Watto), and a bounty posted for the Tusken Raider who took out one of Anakin's opponents in the pod race from Episode I. Adversaries include thugs from a variety of species (Aqualish, Rodians, Trandoshans, etc.), and they look and sound like they did in the movies. Having an ID scanner that even differentiates between the various Nikto subspecies is a nice touch for fanatical fans like myself.
Of course, anyone who has seen Attack of the Clones knows that Jango Fett meets his end battling Mace Windu on Geonosis, but, thankfully, playing a "dead man" does nothing to detract from the fun of this game. However, it would be nice to see his son take the spotlight in a sequel. "Bounty Hunter II: The Return of Boba Fett." How about it, Lucas Arts?
star wars bounty hunter
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 5
Date: January 10, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Star wars bounty hunter starts with you fighting a beast but you don,t have your jet pack because Meeko knocked it off. Then later in the next level he buys it back.But the whole idea about the game is that he's after a deranged jedi with two red lightsabers with a 5 million republic credits reward. Then on the last level you verse her.But he dosn't work alone he also finds another bounty hunter called Zam.He also goes on lots of intrepid adventures.I will tell you a secret about the game if you get stuck be shore you look around everywhere because usually there's a space you can crawl into.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 23
Date: October 05, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Star Wars Bounty Hunter takes place between Episode I and II.
You play as Jango Fett, hired to kill the mastermind behind an evil organization. The game has excellent graphics, and youll get to fight in company of Zam Wesel.
Another great game og LucasArts