Below are user reviews of Mech Warrior 4: Mercenaries and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Mech Warrior 4: Mercenaries.
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User Reviews (21 - 31 of 48)
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Great game, [bad] support
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: December 23, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I had previously purchased the Mech4, Mech4 Black Knight, and MechcommanderII pack only to find out that Mech4 didn't work on XP. So I returned those and bought Mercenaries.
I really like the game, don't get me wrong. But, the support that accompanies the software doesn't tell you anything about the weapons you use, how to operate the game, etc. As a stand-alone game, microsoft needed to do more. I don't think it would have killed them to put in a few extra pages containing this info.
Final word: If you already know what you are doing or if it is not important to know what you are doing, this is a great game.
The greatest game ever created
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: April 26, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I started out getting hooked on Mechwarrior 2. MW4 is my favorite all time game. You can play on the MSN Gaming Zone....with a total of 16 players at the same time! There are MANY leagues for online play, and many "units" to join. Engage in combat against the computer, or against humans online. Team play is fabulous. I use voice communications programs with the game and you talk while you fight. I use Battlecom for voice.
Graphics are excellent. You need a good computer to play this. You should also get the IS and CLAN "Mechpaks". Getting Mechwarrior 4 is also recommended. You can download additional maps for Mercenaries at various websites. The Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Pro joystick is great with this game. To me, games like QUAKE are no comparison. You pilot a walking tank, from 35 to 100 tons. Many types. You have to configure and choose weapons. Lasers, missles, cannon, the works. Highly recommended.
Mechwarrior 4 freelance
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: December 05, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I was stoked to get this game when I heaard about it. I loved that MW:Vengance limited what type of weapons you could mount in the mech chassis. That said, Mercenaries is a vast improvement with the ability to move to different planets and carry out missions for different factions. It says that it's fully compatible with the two offical mech packs so I purchased them as well. This was less then true as none of the new mech designes were avaialable for purchase or salvage in the single player story, but the new weapons and electronics are available. The mech pack designs do show up in the solaris arenas as oppoents but I have yet to receive one as salvage or on the free market.
MW4: Mercs
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 5
Date: October 27, 2002
Author: Amazon User
10 new mechs, 2 new weapons, 1 new equipment package, 19 new multiplayer maps, more than 60 new single player missions. Add that to the already 34 mechs in Vengeance, Black Knight, and the mechpaks and you have a formitable arsinal to choose from. The graphics have been upped and are even better than before, with the addition of waterfalls, jungles, and the overall added detail
Best Yet
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: January 06, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Personally I think this game is the best Mechwarrior game yet. I have Mech 3 and it's quite a jump. Your lancemates aren't total idiots anymore, though it still takes them time to do certain tasks and they don't always follow orders. That aside they are way better than the ones from 3. Nine times put of ten if you told them all to attack a target you could attack a target 1000m away, kill it and still get back into weapons range of the target that you lancemates were to kill. And that's in a Daishi. Now they just get in the way sometimes.
The weaponry is finnaly done right too. Clan versions of the weapons are accually significantly different. Their lasers are longer ranged, Their ballistics are lighter, and their missiles have better tracking. In fact Inner Sphere MRMs and SRMs don't track at all. Omnimech's now actually matter. Their omni slots let them carry any kind of weapon in them. This is why the Kodiak is king. Unfortunatelly you need the clan mech pack to use that but I have it; so it's all good.
This game is awesome!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: January 09, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This game is the best! It was the best game ive ever played. It is both creative and ingeneous. You get to command your pilots, design your mech, and blow lots of stuff up. So if you enjoy those things, you will like this game alot.
Sim-Lite, Alot of fun for the money
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: February 20, 2004
Author: Amazon User
If you're a PC gamer (i.e. more avanced than the average console player) you'd be hard pressed to find a better action/sim game for the cash.
The thing to remember about Mechwarrior is that it is sim-lite. Yeah, there are some controls to memorize, but unlike, say Falcon 4.0, you won't completley forget how to play if life keeps you away from the computer for more than 2 weeks. The controls make sense and give you just enough immersion to make you feel like you're actually piloting a 80-ton robot.
Your mechs are completley customizable (which is also the case in Mechwarrior 4 and the expansion) which is a great way to allow for player expression and to tailor the game to the way YOU want to play. Like sniping? Add long-range missiles and extended range PPC cannons. Like dirty fighting up close? Throw on some autocannons and extra armor.
Your enemies are can be pretty tough if you're a newbie, but fear not- the difficulty level is customizable. Your lance-mates also follow orders much better in this game, for some reason. Although their behavior will occasionally have you scratching your head, if you know what to expect you can command them to victory almost every time.
The graphics are great, but not bleeding edge by any means. While the environments aren't always superb, the missle trails, beam weapons, the way mechs react to damage, and the mechs themselves all look fantastic and really add to the immersion. This game runs at a high framerate on a mid-range system, which usually is a welcome trade off for eye-candy. Mechs move fluidly, and massive battles never bog your system down.
If you've never played a Mechwarrior game before, I recommend Mechwarrior 4: Vengance, especially if you can get it for the same price. MW4:Vengance will give you a good, solid intro to the mechs, weapons, leading lancemates and combat skillz.
Of course if you've played Mechwarrior 2, 3 or 4 before- what are you waiting for, quit reading this and buy it now!
Fun for different play styles
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: May 20, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I absolutely enjoy this game. In fact, I find myself laughing whenever I get off some really good hits on other mechs. I spend a great amount of time in the mechlab working on my team and making them as effective as possible. I find that you can micromanage as much or little as you want and you'll still be able to beat most of the missions. There are some that are really hard, but it's still enjoyable. I think there's really only one mission that I had to do more than once, but that's because I wanted the bonus cash and kept screwing that part up.
I highly recommend this game for all who want to blow stuff up in a customizable mech.
Best game I ever played!!!!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: December 06, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This is really an awesome game. It's ten times better then Mechwarriors4 Vengence! There is a lot of new mechs along with weapons and the 7 Lancemate feature. The new Light Mechs are Flea, Owens, Puma, Uller, Wolfhound. The new Medium mechs are the Hellhound and Ryoken. New Heavy mechs: Black Knight and Loki. New ASSAULTs! Fafnir(100tons!), Gladiator(95tons! Jump Jets!), Haumptmann(95tons!), Longbow(85tons!12missile slots!), Sunder(90tons!8slot omni rack!), Templar(85tons!), Victor(80tons!) New weapons like HEAVY Gauss Rifle, Arrow VII Thunderbolt, Clan MRMs! Invincibility, Unlimited ammo, No heat options!
A Great Game!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 3
Date: January 13, 2003
Author: Amazon User
i love this game. I went from Mechwarrior 3 to this and i'm pleased. The only thing i don't like is the way you place the weapons. In the earlier games you just stuck a weapon in the arm and it fit. I also didn't like the 2-D people and animals. It was so cool in Mechwarrior 3 to watch people explode in a satisfying shower of blood. I was also pleased they brought some of the old'Mechs from the Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries game. The mechs look awesome!! I only don't like how the owens and puma look. Their heads stick out to much. They look like retarted turtles. All in all i love this game.
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