Below are user reviews of F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (211 - 221 of 225)
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boring shooter, creepy chick
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 02, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I'm only about 4 levels into this right now. I have a tendancy to buy most shooters when they come out. When I first bought this, I took it home and played for a night or two, irritated by the card requirements. I have a Radeon 9800. The next weekend I realized that all the jumpiness and white walls were due to the fact that I hadn't updated my driver in a while, so I did and it runs very well now. As a shooter, it's pretty run of the mill. The slo-mo effect is pretty cool, but I rarely use it. I prefer to simply play with more stealth and forget the extra key-strokes to get the job done. I'm sure, soon (as I progress through the game), I will need to use this feature more. The one thing, though, that is kind of creeping me out is the little girl who is seen throughout the game. I don't want to sound like a pansy, but I play this game from 12-3am (when I have time), when my house is silent. I stay up late at night because I have a newborn, and am constantly 'listening' for him to wakeup. There are no lights on, I live in the middle of nowhere, and I just have a creeped out feeling when I see her run across the screen. I know this is laughable, but I have gone to being creeped out to simply irked by her. I simply don't understand the significance of her in this game --- yet. But from reading other reviews, I don't think I ever will. The multi-player is terrible -- like playing doom. While I have conveyed my late-night pansiness to you, I have to admit that this freak element has engrosed me a little more into this game. As I said at the start, I buy every shooter when they arrive in stores -- seriously, I have them all. I have a bad habit of becoming bored with them and moving on before completion. This is the first time, though, that I have had some inclination to see what this is all about ...
Nice graphic but boring story.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 02, 2005
Author: Amazon User
When I get this game about 2 weeks ago, my computer had P4 3Gz HT, 1GB RAM, ATI 9800 Pro 128 MB AGP and a 19" LCD monitor. I barely ran this with this configuration under 800x600 resolution with minimum graphic setting. After playing for 2 days, I just can't stand for the low resolution so I decided to upgrade my graphic card to ATI X800 XT 256MB AGP. X800XT and XL are on sale now, you can get X800XL around (...)and X800XT All-in-wonder for $270(on until 12/4). If your computer has PCI-Express interface, don't hesitate to upgrade 7800 or X1800 ((...)). Technically, this game requires a 256MB graphic card to enable most of graphic features, so if you don't have 258MB graphic card, upgrade it before you buy this game.
Based on the new hardware configuration, I used the performance test to determine the graphic setting: 1024x768, maxima graphic setting, and software-shadow off. (Software-shadow will use a lot of resource so it is recommended to turn off). The test result is satisfactory (50% above 40 frames per second). The graphic didn't go smoothly on 1280x1024 so I decided to change it back to 1024x768.
Overall, the best thing about this game is about the visual effects when you are shooting something, you will enjoy the smoke, explosions, bloods, seeing bullets flying in SlowMo. The AI about this game is great. The enemies will try to flank you while you are hiding behind the wall, which is a lot of FUN.
The story-line itself is poor comparing to Half Life2. Half Life 2 is still so far best First Person Shooting game ever to me with good story line (it makes sense to me and you know what you are doing and why you are doing this.) and outstanding graphic. In FEAR, all I do is shooting and killing the enemies. The little girl and ghosts are supposed to be scary but they are NOT AT ALL. I could only play this game for at most two hours a day because it bores me after killing again and again.
Close Quarters Mayhem!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 23, 2007
Author: Amazon User
This is the best fast-action, close-quarters combat I've ever experienced, bar none. (plus it'll scare the heck out of you!)
Good game..
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 09, 2008
Author: Amazon User
Fun and creepy. I think I was looking for something a little bit creepier, but still a well made game.
Definitely one of the best FPS games I've played.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 15, 2008
Author: Amazon User
I would have to say second to No One Lives Forever, this is probably my favorite FPS game. Before I picked this up a couple of weeks ago I had just finished Half Life 2, and while FEAR doesn't equal HL2 in graphics, it knocks the socks off of it in overall fun factor and story. At least for me that was the case. Here's the rundown as I see it.
Graphics - (8/10) - Overall the graphics in this game are very nicely done. Character models are good and some of the scenery is very nice, although slightly repetitive at times. Still, nothing to complain about.
Sound - (10/10) - I really thought they set a good tone in this game with the music and sound effects. Very well done and enjoyable.
Story - (10/10) - Before picking this game up I read some reviews talking about how this game really lacks in the story department. That's completely not what my experience was. The game doesn't hand you the story on a silver platter with cut scenes, but it does really involve you through different storytelling means. Communication through your com link with others, phone messages, computer laptops containing information, conversations overheard from the enemy, and many creepy sequences that are kind of hallucinogenic all come together to explain the background and situation. Very immersive as you get bits and pieces of the story throughout the entire game, instead of just between levels. Also, the whole story of FEAR is just really interesting.
Gameplay - (9/10) - The fighting in this game is a blast and with the slowdown feature it is even more fun. Once you master that feature you are practically unstoppable and blowing brains out of craniums will become second nature to you. I could see a complaint once again that the stages can be kind of similar at times, but just when it gets to a point of reaching that point of too much redundancy, they do switch it up.
Fun factor - (10/10) - This game was just plain fun, way more so than I experienced with many FPS games over the last few years. Everything comes together well in this game to create a truly haunting atmosphere that always keeps your interest primed and fingers ready to create havoc and death on the screen.
Great game and I highly recommend, especially if you are a fan of horror flicks or scary stuff in general, and FPS style games of course.
It will literally raise the hair on the back of your neck!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 18, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I have played many first person shooters but this game really set the mood with music, scary sounds, quick screen shots, etc. and i found myself getting "jumped" playing the game the same way you get "jumped" from time to time watching a GOOD thriller at the movie theater.
The graphics were very good and also ran easily on my somewhat underpowered geforce6150SE graphics chip which is a typical chip on cheaper lower end out of the box computers manufactured in 2007. With a replacement chip like GEFORCE8600GT the graphics were set up a click or two in detail, but really weren't much smoother than on the older chipsets.
A very good game, although somewhat linear. A lot of on line gaming too, although I don't play online much, EVERYBODY is playing this game online.
Very definitely recommended, especially as it is older now and not selling for a lot.
A lotta game....This rocks!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 14, 2007
Author: Amazon User
This is a very well made game which is a steal of a deal now. It seems to play on for hours with twists and turns till the end. Im more into wreaking havok than plot lines and this game really delivers both. Multiplayer is a blast also but single player is where it was at for me. My pc isnt a worldbeater with an amd 3800,2gigs of memory, a 256mb xfx video card but it runs flawless and the detail is amazing. The slo-mo really is a great feature to this game so quit reading and buy this. After 10 minutes you will see what i am talking about. In terms of bang for the buck this game is almost free!
Tense, creepy, and great fun, but a little on the short side.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 28, 2008
Author: Amazon User
Combine the tense military fire-fights of games like Half-Life with the creepy atmosphere of the best Japanese horror films, and you get F.E.A.R.
The only real gripe I have with it is the length. I fully expected to spend a good month or so going through the game (at about an hour a day), but ended up completing the game on the regular difficulty in just over a week.
Everything else about the game is excellent. The debris and gun smoke obscuring the battlefield, the wickedly designed enemy AI (IMO, the best in any FPS game yet), and the well-designed weapons all make for an incredibly satisfying shooter. The little girl ghost will make even the most hardened horror veteran check the dark corners of their home and shut the closet door before going to sleep.
The multi-player mode of the game does not include any of the horror elements from the game, unfortunately. Despite representing only one side of the game, I found the deathmatch levels to be quite well designed, and the pace fast and furious. A downside to multi-player mode is that it REALLY takes a lot out of your system. I'm running a 3.2 GHz CPU with 1 GB RAM and a GeForce 7600GT, and multiplayer COOKS my system. If I play too many consecutive rounds, my PC is so overheated that the game hangs between maps.
Be Afraid...Be Kind Of Afraid...
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 19, 2008
Author: Amazon User
Like so many games, this game did not live up to the hype surrounding it. It's not a bad game, and at times it can be quite enjoyable (it kept me interested enough so that I played through the whole game). However, there are several major flaws that seriously hamper what could have been one of the best shooters of 2005.
1. There's not enough variety. It's pretty much the same eerily lighted corridors teeming with the same enemies shooting you with the same weapons. After the first two hours or so, I stopped being impressed.
2. Some boxes fall of a shelf and my radio transmitter begins to fade in and out and I'm supposed to be scared? I knew what to expect after the first hour. There are a few good scares, but mostly it falls flat.
3. There's really not a whole lot of strategy to the gameplay. I know, I know. It's a First Person Shooter and it's supposed to be mindless, b@lls-to-the-wall action. But even these aren't that difficult. The A.I. is great, but the slow-mo (while awesome) makes these battle a little too easy. It gets a little (not too much though) tedious.
Not a bad game, overall. Just not the one people have been raving about. But for 10 bucks, why not try it out?
FEAR Alma - but not this game
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 05, 2008
Author: Amazon User
FEAR is a good, not great, game. It suffers from a kind of triage - it seems that the developers did not have the resources to make every aspect of the game great, so rather than making everything just ok, they decided to allocate all of their resources to certain parts of the game. That manifests itself in a few ways, but the basic breakdown is this: the AI and gameplay are excellent, but they are also repetitive, and the game actually gets easier as it goes on. By the end, you have so much "slo-mo" (ala Max Payne Matrix-esque bullet time), such powerful weapons, and so much health, it is unlikely you will have to load any given area more than once or twice. With the exception of the last two brief levels, the enemies at the end of the game are virtually the same as at the beginning - only now you have massive firepower and practically unlimited slo-mo to combat their basic machineguns. If you enjoy Far Cry/Crysis type games, odds are you are going to have an adjustment period to FEAR. The entire game basically takes place in narrow corridors that lead to larger rooms - sure, there are three slightly different buildings, you go out onto a roof a couple of times, and you might go through an air duct, climb a ladder, or solve a simple puzzle, but basically it's a game with little in the way of variety. The thing is, though, that given all this, FEAR still manages to be a fun, well-made game. No two firefights are completely identical, and the AI is so absurdly good (strategically), that you'll probably find yourself hooked. There is a decent mix of sniping, stealth, and all-out running and gunning, and the enemies do keep you on your toes, even if there are only six basic types, four of which barely appear: soldiers, bots, flying bots, turrets, chameleons (fast moving melee attacks that blend into their environment) and ghosts. Of those six, soldiers make up about 85% of the enemies you'll face. But like I mentioned, those soldiers coordinate their attacks well and keep you on your toes.
FEAR does try to add a horror aspect, but it does it in the vein of Max Payne interactive cutscenes. Unlike Doom 3, for instance, when FEAR gets spooky, you can just run forward for awhile and be reasonably assured of nothing happening to you. You'll fight a couple of battles, then the lights will flicker and you'll see some apparitions, but if you keep progressing, everything will be back to normal without any real frights. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but just don't expect to jump out of your seat often. It's more the creepy variety of horror. The last couple of levels are legitimately scary, and will keep you on the edge of your seat, but I won't spoil those.
In terms of FEAR's fundamentals, it's a solid game. The controls are straightforward (though I found some jerkiness in the first few levels for some reason), and by now you don't need a top of the line computer to run the game. The graphics are still relatively current, but given the simplicity of the environments, that's not hard to do. The weapons are decent and fairly realistic; they aren't very interesting and they become overpowered, though. As I've mentioned, by the middle of the game, you can carry the three most powerful weapons (particle weapon, repeating cannon, and rocket launcher) and kill most soldiers with only one shot. Grenades are mixed in well, which I like, since they add variety to otherwise repetitive battles. There aren't any bosses - the game is actually really realistic despite the paranormal absurdity of its plot.
Overall, this game is definitely worth playing. It does several things extremely well, and will at the very least entertain. If you enjoy its strengths, then you'll love it. If you are more into an open-ended, expansive shooter than FEAR might not be for you.