Playstation 2 : James Bond 007 Everything or Nothing Reviews

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Below are user reviews of James Bond 007 Everything or Nothing and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for James Bond 007 Everything or Nothing. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 88
Game FAQs
CVG 80
IGN 85
GameSpy 90
GameZone 92
Game Revolution 75
1UP 90

User Reviews (101 - 111 of 112)

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Great Game!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 04, 2004
Author: Amazon User

I bought this a few days ago and the kids love. Both my 14 and 4 year old play the game, actually I have to break up the fighting over who's turn it is. The graphics are awesome, the gameplay is fun with missions all over the world, plenty of gadgets and fun vehicles like motorcylces can be used. Recommend highly!

GREAT 1player game, but Multiplayer is HORRENDOUS

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 12, 2004
Author: Amazon User

The one player aspect of this game is very impressive, I like the new features, and the graphics and audio are very nice, the gameplay I think is excellent. I like the cinematic feel, and I think the graphics are even improved. The game itself is really one of the better Bond game's I've played, the Bond Sense thing is cool, the levels are fun, it's a good game.

But I have a HUGE problem with multiplayer, which is probably the main reason why I love the Bond franchise so much. I loved the multiplayer on Nightfire because of the flexibility, how much it was like Goldeneye's multiplayer but better, how you can pick your weapon sets or randomize them, pick your enemies and their skill levels, and how you can have a shootout with anywhere from 2-8 people (even with only one player). It was a huge development from Goldeneye, which is a classic. Everything or Nothing changed the whole format, you can only do multiplayer with 2+ players, you can only have up to 4, and you can't just have a flat-out, good old-fashioned shootout, and I really don't like it. It's like a 1-player format with 2 players. It's a downgrade. It's terrible.

I also don't like how you can't change the control set on the controllers like you could in Nightfire to controls that were used in past games (I only like to use the Goldeneye controls, the strafe function is key to my game). This really sucks, I was pissed about this especially too.

I'll play the one player game on Everything or Nothing and I'll enjoy it, and I do think it's great. But for multiplayer, which is what I always like most about Bond games, I'll stick with Nightfire. If you really like multiplayer the way it's been in the past, this game will disappoint you A LOT (I'm really disappointed). But if you prefer the one-player game, this is probably one of the best Bond games that has come out.

It Lived Up To The Hype

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 29, 2004
Author: Amazon User

For starters let me make it clear that I love this game. That being said, it has some issues (maybe its me) that I simply don't feel should have been put in. To get them out of the way, the aiming is innovative and neat, but weird to use (for me, anyway). I like to run and gun sometimes and , quite honestly, it is really strange to do with this game. The aiming is really nice for using the wall cover, which I will talk about later, but in the open you get sliced to pieces fast because you have to aim at one guy and then another or switch between them, and that doesn't help, either. I do like the little dot inside the aiming reticule, as you can get headshots easier, but I don't think the aiming plays out all that well sometimes. The only other thing is the driving controls. The cars look awesome and its still fun to drive, but the controls are either a little slow or too sensitive sometimes. Again, maybe its me, and these are little things, but they kinda bug me. Anyway, on to All the good stuff. The game is in third person, which I love, and that makes it easier to spot enemies. It has a very movie-like feel to it and the cutscenes and voices all feel like they belong. And they incorporated something missing in other shooting games; you can pick up ammo from the guys you kill, which is good considering that they hardly give you any ammo at the start and it takes two or three shots from a Desert Eagle to kill a guy. Also, the hand to hand combat is a whole bunch better and realistic, as you can not only throw in a right or a left punch, but you can throw the guy or counter his attack. The Q-Gadgets are, once again, amazing, as you can now walk down the sides of walls or move an exploding spider into position and then detonate it for some fun. The training helps you get used to using the controls and gadgets very well, and its a little fun. As I said before, the geniuses at EA have now instated wall-cover into the game. Basically, you can put your back to a wall and then move to a corner, peer around it to get a view, lock in on a target, and then just blaze away. This is where the aiming system really helps. They also added a thing called Bond Sense, where you can look around for things that may help you in your mission. The player and scenery models are beautiful and run well, and everyhthing in the game flows. Finally, the Multi-Player. Though I have not played the Arena mode yet (the only person to play w/ is my sister, and that would be a massacre). I have played the story mode w/ her in MP, and I enjoyed that. It wasn't like the missions because I knew I could come back and it... wasn't the same. I have yet to play the Co-Op missions (I don't own the game), but I have heard that was great. To sum it up-- get this game if you like shooting games or a fan of Bond... you will be happy with it. It is kind of easy but it has great MP and replayability and you need this game for any collection. It's not a latch down on the trigger and charge everyone game-- at leats its not supposed to be, depends on how you play it-- but its also not stealth all the time and boring. More like a good mix. Thats all I got.

Greatest interactive game ever?

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 05, 2004
Author: Amazon User

How many ideal "interactive" games out there? Games like Final Fantasy VII claimed to be cinematic, yet you do 30+ over hours running around and fighting random monsters. Metal Gear Solid series is another, yet despite clever plot twists and addictive gameplay, it fails to be an ideal "interactive" game. Now if we're saying which are better games, any MGS title would've beat this to pulp. James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing is perfect in it's own way. It doesn't throw a puny 5-second CGI for every few hours of teddlesome quests or 10-minute CGI for every few minutes of key-fetching work (a reputation of Metal Gear Solid 2). You get fast and furious action with exciting cinematics perfectly complimented each other.

Ok, I lied. The story is a disappointment and pretty much rehashed any average Bond movie to date. The voice-casts are excellent though what surprises me is model Ito Misaki displaying a commendable English even better than her counterparts like Michelle Yeoh (great, can we see her in a Hollywood movie next? She's was convincing in Ju-On: The Grudge movie). Too bad her lines were too bloody few, along with Willem Dafoe and Mya. I guess voice-acting in a video game does give you very limited roles. Pierce Brosnan shines and does not disappoint here given plenty of lines for him compared with other casts. His one-liners are perfectly captured with that trademark Bond charisma and coolness. It'll be idiotic to dump Mr Brosnan now for the next Bond film. I can't think Orlando Bloom or Hugh Jackman could ever possess half a quality of a Bond that Brosnan, Sir Sean Connery and even Roger Moore possesses.

Now, for the gameplay. It's a bit tad easy with players doing lock-ons 100% of the time. The big flaw is the lack of manual targetting that 3rd person games like MGS had. The shooting levels are exciting, but lacked depth of that Goldeneye or Perfect Dark games. It is simply because the generous and easy lock-on controls that this game possess. The shooting levels are thankfully awesome with trademark Bond gadgets thrown in such as Q Spiders, Nano-suit, Coin-granades and Gun Rapple. When it comes to automobile missions, EoN rules the lot. You're given missiles, machine-gun turrets, flamethrower and Bond-in-built gadgets such as Nano-stealth and remote controlled RC cars. There's an intense Midnight Run level set in a nightime urban city, train chase thoughtout an Egyptian ruin and an interactive Matrix Reloaded Trinity-on-a-bike-against-freeway-traffic tribute where Bond must race on a freeway stopping Jaws' trailer from blowing up a city.

The bonus extras for this game are Production Stills which must be unlocked by exceptional rating and an "exclusive" multiplayer co-op missions. Too bad this game falls flat compared to Goldeneye and Perfect Dark when it comes to multiplayer goodness.

I am not sure if this game warrants a purchase because even though in every aspect it deserves a high rating, the depth and longetivity is questionable. A must rent and a must buy for true Bond fans.

Best Bond Game Ever!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 09, 2004
Author: Amazon User

I love this game it is so fun. It does really seem like a movie.All the levels are very entertaining and keep you wanting to go for more.Also the strategy in the levels can sometimes be fun if you dont know what your doing.Also all the guns you get are so cool.They kick butt.And the cars.OO they are great you can never have too much fun with those.Also they have rockets and stuff on them so they are cool.I really think you should but this game!!!!

Best--Bond Game--Ever!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 09, 2004
Author: Amazon User

This game by far beats out every other 007 game on every console (for single-player). I only said it was good on single-player because the multiplayer mode is very disappointing. The arena, which you have to unlock, is very hard to see who you are and what you're doing. That's the problem with third-person games: the multiplayer mode is shown from a bird's-eye-view from far up. Other Bond games, like Nightfire, are played in first-person, so it's easy to see. There's also a co-op mode, which is just pretty dumb. Anyway, the single-player is great. The graphics are really realistic, real actors (Pierce Brosnan, Judi Dench, John Cleese) do the voices for characters. The gameplay isn't too easy, yet it's not too hard. Overall, I give this game two tumbs up.

WARNING! no real multiplayer

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 12, 2004
Author: Amazon User

I completely enjoyed every aspect of this game with one, glaring exception. Multiplayer. Oh sure, the option appears on the screen when two controllers are plugged in, but don't be fooled, this game has no real multiplayer. Under the multiplayer select screen there are four options: Cooperative - Race - Scramble - Arena. In cooperative you and only ONE other person go through a set of 13 missions completely independent and different from the rest of the game. It's just like the single player, except you only get half a screen, and only combat missions. This is fine and fun if you and someone else want to each play single player, but only have one TV and one console. Other than that, there is no real purpose for this. Race and scramble are exactly like co-op, the only difference is that you can't progress through missions, making race and scramble utterly pointless. Now for arena mode. You have to UNLOCK it by playing co-op. You and four other friends can finally shoot eachother. One problem. You all share the same screen, it's a bird's-eye-view. You can see where everyone is at once. And the arena itself is about 50ft x 50ft. There are only four weapons (five if you bother to unlock all three arenas in co-op) 4 characters, however if you like unlocking things in co-op you can have up to 16, and the game only aims at your friend when your looking at them, there is no button for it. This is hard to do in a third person view, since it's only possible to tell where you are looking give or take 180 degrees. I suggest purchasing this game, its very fun, however the multiplayer is only suitable for no more than two people who also like the single player. If you liked the other bond games for their multiplayer, you will be ashamed playing this one.

Good game

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 21, 2008
Author: Amazon User

I'm pressed for time but this short review is still better than nothing.

Replayability, graphics, and weapons are great, game is fun and I play it often. The multiplayer/Co-Op is also fun. Some levels are REALLY challenging though. I also like the fact that you get a motorcycle in a few of the levels.


One of the best Bond games for PS2

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 21, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Excellent Bond game for the older PS2. This game you can set the level in case you are not as fast and good as the younger generation - ha. I am still having fun with this game. Controls and game are easy to learn. Game is fun too and not frustrating like some other Bond's I've played. When a mission requires you to drive the Astro Martin, it is a little over sensitive and tricky trying not to crash and look at the GPS map at the same time, before time runs out - at least for me it was. I would recommend this Bond game at the top of Bond's to play. It will provide several hours of challenging fun that you can replay a mission at a harder level if you like, etc. Vendor was fine with on time delivery and game in excellent shape. Have fun.

I HATE JAMES BOND!!!! Is there another videogame with a PERFECT gameplay as this one!!!???

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 04, 2007
Author: Amazon User

PLEASE, PLEASE!! Somebody tell me!!!!!!
There must be another action videogame with the same fun factor as this one!!!

Maybe I would like more this game if it was Lara Croft's Tomb Raider or Batman instead of James Bond! MAN I HATE THIS CHARACTER!! I also hate his desing, his attitude, his dialoge, his settings, his inventions and worst of all PIERCE BROSNAN!!! THE WORST JAMES BOND EVER!!!!!!!!



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