Below are user reviews of Oni and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Oni.
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Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 51)
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So far so good!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 6 / 7
Date: January 31, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I have just installed and started playing Oni and love it! If you are a fan of fighting games like Tekken or Virtua Fighter and a fan of games like Tomb Raider, then this blend is a match for you. While the graphics are somewhat average for a game of this type, the animations make up for it. All of the moves you can perform are handled in a lifelike smooth fashion which really adds to the playability.
The story is nothing super, but fun and worth going through. Mind you I have not gotten far into it yet.
I have encountered no bugs yet other than a little clipping here and there. The install seems to want you to install an OpenGL driver, however, I did not and it still plays fine on my system. As a side note I am playing on a Inspirion 5000e laptop with Windows 2000.
Great gameplay, horrid levels
Rating: 3,
Useful: 7 / 10
Date: February 02, 2001
Author: Amazon User
"Oni" is both the best and worst action game I have played in a while. As far as pure action goes it is one of the best out there. The story, which does a fairly good job of convaing the Anime feel, is fairly bland and has been done before (If "Deus Ex" had an anime style, it would be this game.) However the combat itself is second to none. Being able to pull off Street Figther 2-like moves in a living, interactive world is new and enjoyable. However "Oni" biggest flaw is in this world. Level desing is awful. Levels are mindnubbingly boring. Anyone expecting a dark and gritty setting, like something out of "Akira" or "Ghost in the Shell" will be disappointed. They all look the same and are mostly devoid of life. Also a problem with the levels is the typs of puzzles they hold. Hit a switch, open a door, hit another switch, open another door, repeat. You could do this in doom many many years ago. After a few hours it becomes almost unbareable. Controls are not bad, use of ranged wepons take some getting used to but the system as a whole is fine. That said however it baffles me as to how they leave out an option to remap keys?! All that said I still would consider this game worth your money. The action is qiute simply some of the bast in the PC market today. The first time you block a jumping attack, counter with a leg sweep, land a complex combo, throw an opponent down a fight of stairs and then finish him off from above with a plasma rifle it is gameplay unlike any other. This game is a landmark game, however it is still not a very good. When and if this engine is licenced to other companies or a sequal is put together this game will truly get the respect it deserves.
Awesome, yet lacking..
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: February 02, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Oni is a pretty unique game - take one part Street Fighter, one part Tomb Raider, and you get a 3D hand-to-hand combat/huge weaponry game. Although the graphics aren't the greatest, they stay consistant throughout the game and add to the overall atmosphere. The game makes up for them in the combat moves and animations, however.
All animations are very fluid, and even the most complex move is easy to pull off in the middle of a fight. In an Anime style, the storyline has many twists and turns, and excellent character development. However, a few gaps in the storyline time-frame make it seem disjointed and a bit lacking in content. Although it's still easy to follow, it could have been fine-tuned a bit more.
The problems that most reviews write about - controls and save points - really aren't that big of an issue. The controls, customizable by manually editing a file in the game directory, are laid out by default to the simplest fashion. They take a bit of getting used to (made easier by the training missions at the beginning of the game), but soon become second nature, allowing you to pull off the most intricate moves and combinations with a few simple keystrokes.
The main downfall of the game is it's length. Although the replay value is very very high, since each level is playable again and again, since the fighting changes with the many available combos, the game itself isn't very long; I completed it in a little under 10 hours. Although the game files seem very modular and the story leaves plenty of possibility for an upgrade or sequel (hint hint, Bungie, milk your awesome new engine for all it's worth), there still could have been a lot more done with this installment of the game. Overall, the game is very well done, but still has some downfalls.
Best game ever, however easy
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 8
Date: February 05, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Oni is by far the best game i have played in my life. I disagree with the fact that it has a bad saving system, and the fact that it is difficult. I have already beaten the game, and i'm telling you i am super impressed with the quality of the plot and the gameplay. However the final boss (konoko's brother) is a little easy, i beat him on the second try.
This game is a must for all gamers.
Fighting is awesome, overall gameplay ...(is really bad)!
Rating: 2,
Useful: 10 / 13
Date: February 06, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game is very strange. I've never seen such strong elements in an overall pretty lousy game. With the "strong elements" I mean the fights. These fights cause a huge adrenaline-rush. There are a lot of moves and it looks and plays very good. But there are a lot of bad things about this game...
For example, the overall gameplay is very bad. 18 levels long you'll have to pull a switch, go through an opened door, whack some baddies and pull a switch again and go through a door again and... you get my point.
This game has also got one of the worst save-options ever known to mankind. The game saves automatically at certain points, but you'll have to complete the level because if you restart the game the save-points are gone! This is only done because if you could save yourself you'll finish it in about 8 hours. But there's something even worse... after completing 10 levels I took a break and when I came back I accidentally pressed "new game". No problem, I thought, just load my old game again, but... The $^$#&#&^# game ERASED MY SAVES!!! The whole city trembled of the scream that left my mouth (hmmm... maybe only the neighbourhood ;)
The graphics are not bad, but very boring. The levels are completely non-interactive.
It's a shame that Bungie put such a beautiful fightingsystem in such a lousy game. So... don't buy this game! (....)
Love the moves!!!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 4
Date: February 06, 2001
Author: Amazon User
The moves are great... gameplay is great. Level design is lacking. One extra point... you CAN remap the keys! They use a text file in the game directory. I don't have it handy to provide the file name, but as I recall, it's an obvious name... something like "keymap.txt".
Innovative in spots - It really gets 2 1/2 stars...
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 3
Date: February 06, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I purchased Oni with high expectations and in some respects I am not disappointed. The idea of a 3rd person shooter where the player could pull off fighting game style moves is a great idea. The anime-style character design wasn't a bad idea either. I just never believed that the game's developers could do such a mediocre job with this material. Go figure.
The main problem is that the game quickly turned into a "find the switch" style shooter. I expect this in older games like "Duke Nukem", not something like Oni. I was expecting to be kicking, chopping, body-throwing and shooting my way through the games levels, not going on "the great switch hunt". I'm getting tired of this, the developers should have found another way of moving this game along. Especially since there are so many cool fighting moves that your character can perform.
Another point: the save game system. It stinks! What made me stop playing this game (maybe I'll try it again someday) is that you load saved games from the level's "chapter" points, not where you saved it. So you can wind up playing the same thing over and over again. ZZZZZZZZZZzzzz... Why on Earth would any developer incorporate a "Daikatana" style save game feature into any game is beyond me. What's worse, I saved the game on the 2nd level before I unlocked a door. When I reloaded the game I was trapped in a corridor because the game re-locked the door I opened before I saved the game. The switch to the other door was behind the re-locked door! I had to start the entire level all over again. Ridiculous!
My recommendation: Buy this game if (a) You have a high tolerance for frustration and "switch hunting" or (b) You can get this game at 1/2 price and you have the cheat codes handy.
Bungie's worst PC game since the port of Marathon
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 4
Date: February 10, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Oni should have a lot of appeal: it's got a pseudo-anime look, well-done 3D characters, a great hand-to-hand fighting system. Unfortunately, it's got a horrible aiming system for many of the guns, an idiotic save game system, and wildly varying difficulty. And the character design for Konoko in the anime opening is 1) ugly, 2) varies within the movie itself, and 3) looks nothing like the character as drawn either on the box or the 3D polygonal Konoko. Most of all, this game has none of the gameplay magic found in Bungie's other games, particularly Myth and Myth II.
A little explanation of the problems. The save game system is easy enough: you don't know when it's going to save, there are relatively few save points, and the save points frequently don't tie into the game world, so you'll be stuck fighting some difficult point over again if you die. The aiming system for guns varies with the gun, but for the pistols and submachine guns, it's virtually impossible to hit anyone (thankfully, that's true of the enemies, too). There's also almost no ammo to be found in the game world. It's easier to lure enemies around a corner and go hand-to-hand. More fun, too. The difficulty level is annoying: at first, it's pathetically easy; later on, you start facing three or four enemies, some of whom appear out of nowhere while you're fighting.
Frankly, Bungie bungled this game. Coulda been great; came out poor.
Nothing but Hype
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: February 11, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Do not waste your money. Like many before, I agree the game had some amazing fighting and great Character Animation. But other than that the game play is absolutely TERRIBLE. The worst thing about this game is the environment. Other than running around in a box with some Half Life style crates the environments were completely empty, and boring. BADDDDDDD ART DIRECTION!
Good game.... but lacks good graphics in certain areas......
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: February 13, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I've only played the first 3 levels of ONI. The game's gameplay, sound and music are very good, the only thing where they could have a done a better job with little effort was the graphics...... The Character animation in ONI is not so great.... in cutscenes, the characters are just standing still with no face expressions or moving parts like the mouth or the eyelashes...... maybe I'm being picky.... but these little things make watching cutscenes a lot more fun........ still, the game is fun and worth playing....
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