
SNES : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4: Turtles In Time Reviews

Below are user reviews of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4: Turtles In Time and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4: Turtles In Time. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

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5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 23, 2007
Author: Amazon User

You don't have to be a ninja turtles fan to love this awesome game. It features some of the best co-op play ever and it's never tiring to pick up the controller and play this game with a friend. Even when you play it alone it's still fun(Though not as much). When you travel time in the game you travel from the time of dinosaurs to the future and all the levels are awesome to play through. The only problems with the game are the stupid enemies, some camera problems, and some control issues. These you probably never notice during your time as a ninja turtle. There are even side multiplayer games like a sequence in which it's like a fighting game so you challenge a friend to a duel. This game is a blast to play, and should never be missed by anyone who likes awesome games.

Turtles return in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV Turtles in Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 13, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Awsome fighting game, So you select your turtle, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, & Michaelangelo, you go threw each level fighting Foot Clan soldiers, colors don't matter, anyway, at the end of each level you fight a boss, and they're all villains from the show. Baxter Stockman, Metalhead, Rat King, Tokka & Rahzar, Shredder, Slash, Bebop & Rocksteady, Leatherhead, Krang, Krang agian, then Super Shredder. There is also Coop mode, and V.S mode. So if you could somehow get ypur hands on this, I'd check it out & it's still fun to play.

before they became impossible

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: September 19, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Here is boss static and startegy used to beat this one hard mode in about a measly 20 to 30 minutes these techniques not recommend for less experience players don't be this lazy. The charge supoer attacks are super effective agsinst boss but they drain large amount of your vital to use them that I why yopu use your default slahing with you weapon on and airal jump kick normal that due not require you to scarcfice your characters vital in order to use them. He makes this game look easier than it is especially with the bosses like leather head. Unfortunately Leater head you don't she die because he jumnps of the train then explodes its not like slash where you she him exploud and go flying into the lava. Leather head and slash were also boss on another ninja turtles games called ninja turles three the manhanttan project for nes but there not animated well since there are only about 8 bit images instead of about 12 to 32 bit which is how good the graphics on super nintendo are. Also leather head has been scaled down is only half a massive and a brawny as in the super nintendo version. Slash is the same size but I did not recgonize him because he was not animated as good I only found out after watching the credits for number three. For thoose of you that do like the new cartoon series four kids TV channel on channel 3 on Melborn Florida has recently bought the rights to the fifth or six season of the new Ninja turtles cartoon show which is more darker and less kid friednly. Shredder was and alien murder slash fugitive of a species of squid like alien called Untrons in Season one but I belive he killed by one of the Tricertons who joined forces with the turtles. Play the ridiculous hard game battle netxsus to find out more. It makes the arcade game look like a walk in the park I though beaten that in about 52 minutes was a long speed run.

Total Boss damge reitance on hard with super movies and normal moves combie about 105% will send individual boss statistic on hard mode tommorow as well the total boss dame resitance for all the boss again and indivudal for a medium diffcult with normal attacks like the jump kick and blow from weapons that don't drain your vital. Total Damage rsitance for baxter stock man and metal head. 48 perect damge resitance his move differently slightly and he does move as fast and jump around as much.

The remain boss data will send tommrow for the arcade. Because there is only 21 minutes left in study hall. I probably want to play another cpuple stages of Yugio and watch mosquito if daniel is not around. The condition is sligtly poorer than last time I would say it would be worth about maybe 15 dollars in it's condition because of one part when one of the victims is going in and out house with the fuzz lines appear for a few seconds. They had this one DVD but it was the same price each time.

Turtles in time four individulm boss damage resitance on hard with super moves and normal and airal used.
Baxter stock 12 damage resitance strength lose of health about 8.3% percent per hit max healh 3 bars if using super moves and fast reaction speed not recommend because these moves drain massive amount of vital in order to be performed.

Stage two boss metal head.
Metal head had and even lower damager reistance of only about 7% with the super attack. Maxium health 4 bars. So that about a 25 percent health lose per bar or about 2 hits to deplete each bar.

Stage three bonus stage rat king on hard mode with same settings and moves.

The rat king has a higer damage rsitance strength at about 1/17 or 17 hits to defeat with the ssuper attacks and normal combined.

Next boss tooka and Razoor in the same conditions
They have a combine total damage resitance of 15 under these conditions%. However unlike the Bebop and Rock stead fight later on you have to deplete the health bar of both of them to end the battle and to disable the laser beams blocked the elevator entrance.

The Next Fight is normal shredder but he is behind a tank like machine so you can't use your special energy drains on him. Instead you have to throws his own foot soliders at him. The difference is this fights is harder it may take longer on hard mode because instead of throwing the normal purple solider ones you have to fight through the rare pink soliders who are the stronges normal enemies in the game with the hights resitance against your normal jab and slash attacks that don't drain vital. Shredder has a 1/9 damage resitance meaning each solider that hits does about a litte more than 9 percent damage three soliders will take out one bar.

The rest of the game until the final teenth stage is in the past.
Shredder sends you thhrough a time warp gate. You go back in the days to the dinsosarus and then you jumped to the like 22 century for the 8 and 9 century than return to the present.

The next stage in the prestoric period the boss fight at the end varies depending on if you are playing the original arcade version or the supernintendo the stage boss will differ. The original bossn was changed for the super release probably to make it harder for the proffesional players. The original boss was the clay monster that baxter stockman created in the second season of the cartoon series use an alien technology. Here is the boss statisic for the next boss on of the fastest and hardest boss in the super nes game the infamous fifth turtle slash created through the dna of the four originally turtles when combined some how.
His defense resitance follows.

In this version salsh only has 1/13 damge resitance. Hit hit with 13 normal slash and super attacks he shot of the screen and straight into the boiling lava in the back ground. Any body want some turtle soup.

The next fight I am going to mention is leader head. In a not going to bother with Bebop and rockstead damage resitance this or the normal version unless you you had to to defeat them both at the same time but if you did it would prably be about 10 to 18 resitance because that whatm tooka and razor had because you do have to beat both of them at the same time. Since after you only have defeat one of them the other one automatically is defeated at the same time I guess maybe about 9 hit will do it on hard mode with the super attacks combine with normal default ones.

Letter Head and other bosses static coming up later today. Interestling about Letter head is about which side he is on actually you include all the encounters include the newer more supernatural version with a strength partially that of supermans from the first season of newer not as popular cartoon show as well as the original episodess he was in and the original cartoon show epsiodes including his origon episode, and the episode called Letter Head Meets that Rat King from the middle of the fourth or fifth season of the original cleaner cartoon show pluse the encounters with him from the comic book in which the games and moves were based or partially based off. Letterhead has actuall been a double character being both and ally and enemy depending on the series episode or comic volume you have seen or read. I belive from sometime I think I reed on Wikipedia a long time several months ago like back in maybe in mid may or junior later on in the comic letter head goes good or tries betrays the scientist, or who ever it was that caused his transformation and tries to become less of a threat to society and to his fellow mutations and controll his body and insticts better. He is also a boss in Battle Nextsus and is a lot harder to beat than on this game this was before they had invulerabilty as unlockable hidden easter egg cheat built into the game.

Letter head goes down with only ten hits he is the most musclar boss if you fighting the fair way with the normal weaker default attacks. This guy may be using and imulator.

Super shredder barely touches him when I fought super shredder on hard he was move at like super Shan speed and it took me like 3 lives in like ten minutes maybe more or less took take him down I am estimating this was a while ago about 10 to 15 years ago when I was like a measly 3 foot 6 maybeless. Letterhead seems to have better defense when I thought him even on easy his kinfe throwing attack speed plush punching taill spin speed are annoyed he also has another less effect act when he throw losbsters but he only throws them one at a time in stead of in groupf of 3 or more in a row and ground attack are annoying even on easy until you learn to dodge them even when the extra barrells are not falling down when he does it.

The next boss krang the first time in his 5 foot for robot body they guy gets more lasily using normal attacks for must of the battle except for about the last maybe 10% so he has a 30% damage resitance because he fights more fairly with the weaker normla jumped and slash attacks.

For the final fight with krank the kids is only half as lazy use the super attack twice as often giving krang in the space ship on a meager 13% damage resitance. Krank has high speed and high attack strength not as high in the arcade or extend altered arcade version of the original game. The robots get annoying he starts dropping them after he lose about 1 to 3 of his five to 6 bars. That it for today the final ridiculous quick fight with super shredder I will send tommrow. . The guy literallt take him down in a minute that how much faster reflect he had than eye and the remian six minutes is the dang credits. I belive the are done in donkey kong countrey 1-3 stile where at the very end they so you pictures and names of all the normal enemies and bosses. None of the enemy in the sewer stage he attempted to take out for even more livces and extra points except the boss the rat king.

Super shredder static on hard with the same attack combinations.
This guy takes down the might super shredder all 9 of his health bars with a measly 1/18 resitance when normal and charge attacks are used. Sup shreder does launch some attack like his fire stream on the floor and his green energy ball attack which you don't wan't to get hit by it shrink you. The attack strength is so powerful it drains a whole bar of vital take one whole life if it hits. I recommend starting on easy and normal modes where there are less enemies and the boss attacks and strength, and defense status are lower well at least Super Shredder is but boss baxter through Krang seemed in his ship seemed about the same dependinhg on your experience and reaction speed. I used to be able to beat this in about maybe 10 to 30 minutes on easy once I practiced enough with usually one continue inbetween the slash stage and the second boss fight with krang I put on the maxium total of about 6 to 7 lives this guy only put it on about 2 to 4 I could beat it in about 10 to 45 minutes on medium maybeless never used charge attacks. Only used the jumped kick on baxter only about half as often as this kid did the other times I attack him normal will dogging his gun blast attacks. Use a strategty like this and you can take down shredder. You actually have to do hard mode to really beat the game. Go foward and defeat the foot Cowabunga!

This Game Is Solid Fun

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 11, 2006
Author: Amazon User

TMNT 4 rocks i hope they make a TMNT game of the new tv series it would rock too. This game is tons of fun. and it is non stop game play. Everyone will like this game.

If you liked this game then check out all of the TMNT games.

Turtles In Time is THE best game for super nintendo!!!!!!!!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: August 31, 2005
Author: Amazon User

This game is great especially the "prehistoric level" and i like "the pirate ship" level too and "neo nightriders" except "sewer surfin'." Ok i haven't made it too far except the ship,dinosaurland,nightriders and the first couple of levels like technodrome and the alley but it's fun because you actually use ANYTHING in the levels like barrels and exsplosives.like a box of dynamite!!!!

this game was great!!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 3
Date: June 24, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I loved this game when the turtles were still popular.
But i never bought it, i forgot about it and then i remebered playing it one time. I've been looking everywhere for it but so far nothing! i'll find it some day maybe. Oh and the game was terriffic i especially loved the part where you got to fight eachother or a computer player! And another great thing is you don't die until the timer gets to 0! so you push all kinds of buttons to stay alive! it was great,you could kick badguys and throw them at the screen!!!!

This game was great.

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 2
Date: March 20, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I loved the ARCADE version of TMNT, no TMNT game has come close to beating that. But that version only got released on the NES but didnt have the same graphics or action to make it as good as the arcade.

This version was also released as an ARCADE version, but it was probably better known for this SNES version. I hope these games get revived one day, I'd love to play new and improved version's of these classics.

All of TMNT moves is awesome!!!!!!!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 3
Date: March 01, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I think super shredder is the hardest boss of them all. On the other hand maybe phestoric turtlesaurus. Who knows they're both very hard. With super shredder it is impossible to hit him and phestoric turtlesaurus blocks almost every swing of your weapon with his sword. In fact what I think you really need is teamwork to hit him. The level of sewer surfin' is the worst level I've ever played in this game it was still a pretty good level. Phestoric turtlesaurs is my favorite boss of them all.

Awesome game!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 13, 2004
Author: Amazon User

This is the best TMNT game.In this you travel through time and it is for 1 player or 2 player.It's really fun especially the sewer level and the neo night riders level!There is also a 2 player versus mode to see who's the tougher turtle.In fact,this is the probably the best beat em up on the SNES.It rivals Streets of Rage on the Genesis in fun!If you have a SNES than I advise that you get this game.

Better than the Arcade version!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 1
Date: September 01, 2003
Author: Amazon User

I can't help all u people saying that this is a perfect translaion from second TMNT Arcade game from Konami! This is very, but not totally, different. Here is why ---

*The Arcade has no Technodrome as scene 4. You just skip right to Prehistoric Turtlesaurus after Sewer Surfin'. I hated this, The Technodrome is my favorite level.

*There is no Bepob, Rocksteady or Slash in the Arcade. And they made up some new characters.

*Plus there are a lot of other small differences.

Overall, its a good translation from the Arcade, and is the best game for SNES!

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