Below are user reviews of Evil Dead: Hail To The King and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Evil Dead: Hail To The King.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 56)
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Great(est?) Liscense... Awful game
Rating: 1,
Useful: 12 / 22
Date: December 12, 2000
Author: Amazon User
To the lament of many Evil Dead fans, this game has suffered the fate of most movie based videogames. That is to say, it's pretty bad. A nifty cover and Bruce Campbell voice overs are about the only saving grace, thus one star. The game is an obvious Resident Evil rip-off, which would be fine if it was done well at all. Although a more "hop into it and start killing demons" gameplay like a Soul Reaver or even a Fighting Force might have been more fun. The graphics are pixelated and muddy, the FMV are grainy and undetailed (Ash seems to be wearing a leather glove instead of the awesome metal hand), and the game controls are problematic at best. Gameplay isn't fun at all. Two handed weapon fighting would seemt to be a great idea, if the fighting engine was worth anything. And what fun is having a chainsaw on your hand to hack up zombies when you constantly have to refuel it? I'm a big fan, but this thing is just a chore to play. The Evil Dead movies are almost perfectly suited to a videogame, you would think, and yet the ball is dropped here. Like many liscene-based games, you can't help but wonder what a good develpment team could have done with the franchise. Like a Goldeneye, Spider-Man, or Star Trek: Invasion even. Instead we get a Superman, Batman Beyond, The Grinch. At best, maybe it was rushed out before it could be polished and all the kinks worked out.
I wish I hadn't fallen for this one
Rating: 1,
Useful: 6 / 6
Date: December 29, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Fair warning - This game is very short, having only half a dozen maps and if it was for the stupidly difficult game-play, you would work your way through this game in an hour. So why is it on two Cd's? To make us think there is actually a game here? Baffling.
Also there isn't any good adventure game play or FPS-type game-play. You are picking up pieces of a book but that just means you go around picking up pages when you see them.
The worst part is the fighting. It seems to make up for the ludicrously short game they made it so you can't take one step without fighting deadites. I thought my game had a bug or something. You just stand there losing health trying to chop away at deadites who (sometimes) drop health but you won't have time to pick it up. It's just boring. Add to that the very annoying controls and you have a very sub-standard game that is way too expensive in my book.
Worse Control Function EVER!!!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 3
Date: October 18, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I love the films, I think the game set up is great, familular and fun. I think the graphics are okay by PS standards, but...
The Control is AWFUL!!!
The came is set up like a keyboard game for PC, up, back and... spin??? Yes, left and right spin the Ash!!! You have to spin him, then press up for forward, spin, press up, spin, press up.
Walking left...? SPIN, PRESS UP!!!
Walking right...? SPIN, PRESS UP!!!
Want to fight???
Too bad, your behind a tree, a wall, a rock and can't see your self to... are you ready??? Spin, then press up...
Did they play it before they released it? I can't believe they did.
Love the movies, hate the game.
Buy Fistful of Boomstick! Still too hard a game, but it plays correctly and that matters alot.
Now, if they would just make a real game they might learn there's a real market out there.
Evil Dead
Rating: 1,
Useful: 5 / 6
Date: June 25, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game has nice graphics and nicely picturesque scenes, but the controls are so horrid that the fight sequences are unexacting. I found it annoying and annoyingly overpriced.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 5 / 7
Date: July 08, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I really, really tried to like this game but...
Play control is God-awful. The two handed weapon system would be cool if it had ANY accuracy what-so-ever. Even the simple process of opening a door becomes tedious. Walk up to the door, hit O, nothing happens. Walk up to the same door at a different angle, press O, still nothing. Repeat about 5 times until success...and all the while constantly respawning Deadites are pounding on you. That is of course if you can find any doors aside from those in the cabin. You may just give up after wandering aimlessly around the woods for two hours without any hints of where you should be and what you should be doing. The annoying camera angles and mundane backgrounds don't help...often times there will be a path or item right in front of you and you can't even see it!! Ash's taunts are neat at first, but how many times can you hear even Bruce Cambell say "Yo" and "Come get some" over a two hour period before it gets irratating. 200? 300? Go play...
I feel let down....
Rating: 1,
Useful: 5 / 5
Date: January 10, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I bought this for my (twin) sons birthday along with a DVD of the movie as requested. The movie is great, but we knew right away that this game wasn't worth the exorbitant price. I took it back to the store and complained. Games like this just shouldn't be released at any price. There are so many problems, the game is short, shoddily made, and the controls are horrendous.
The last time I'm trusting a game by THQ.
Growl! This is a stress attack...too much headache!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 4 / 12
Date: January 03, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game is a stress attack. There are not enough places to save. There are too many attackers at times. You run around in circles. There are no levels to work with (it takes awhile to get use to putting your finger, here, your other finger there, your thumbs here, blah blah blah). Its a total headache. Unless you have days and days without working or having a life...
Great Movie - TERRIBLE game
Rating: 1,
Useful: 4 / 7
Date: February 08, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game is awful. The animated intro is the best part of the game and you don't actually play during that part. The enemies are confusing and the ammo/weapons ratio are low.
Many times it's confusing where you need to be, and where to go. I would recommend you rent this title from a local video store before EVER buying it. Try it first and if you like it, then buy it, but I'm a big fan of Sam Raimi, Evil Dead and Bruce Campbell and I think this game is garbage.
Zero suspense, & uninspired, repetative game-play...
Rating: 1,
Useful: 4 / 5
Date: November 29, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Firstly, this game isn't scary. The creators have gone for humor, not fear, and I suppose it is funny in parts, but the fear factor that drove the movie is lost.
An inappropriate, silly, and muddled movie introduces the game (hey don't get me wrong, the movies are the best part of Evil Dead, but again, there's zero fear)
The plot unwinds thus - your girlfriend is taken by evil forces, and you are armed with a chainsaw and set out to find her. Ridiculously, apparitions (the same ones) pop up all the time. You need to fight them with the chainsaw, but you only have enough fuel at a time to kill two or three. I repeat (and I don't know if I was doing something wrong, but I couldn't find a way to choose a simpler kind of game play) you can't proceed one step in this particular game universe without being set upon by at least one apparition, and you have to mash the keys furiously to dispose of it. It's boring in the extreme, not to mention RSI-inducing.
I don't mind the graphics, even though they are basic they would have sufficed if the game-play was there (I loved Silent Hill and Resident Evil, for example) But this is a comedy game, not a horror movie game. You wince at the lameness of some of the dialogue. You can't go exploring, because there is no single second of the game where you aren't fighting those stupid apparitions. You can't walk up a road listening in fear for what is out there, because what is out there is already attacking you, is always the same, and as soon as one apparition dies, another takes it's place. The game doesn't give you even one second to take in your surroundings, it's full on fight, fight, fight from the moment you take your first step (not even givng you time to learn the controls) Speaking of controls, they are bad, so get used to it.
If not for these flaws, I would have finished playing the game. But as it was, I gave up on it about half way through.
This is comedy of the "keystones cops" variety. This is not "Survival Horror" there are no moments in the game which are unsettling or in the least bit scary. Even if you are a fan of the movies, as I am, I wouldn't recommend this game. It just sours the memory of a truly inspired movie.
Final words, this game lacks depth, contains dull and uninspiring game-play, and is an insult to the intelligence, to the movie, and to game lovers everywhere. Could have been good, but wasn't. Too bad.
One of the Worst Games Ever
Rating: 1,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: December 21, 2002
Author: Amazon User
The commercials for this game were more entertaining than the game itself.
Poor and unintuitive gameplay, bad graphics, repetitive monsters.
I should know better by now than to buy a game made after a movie(thay all ...), but I couldnt resist; the Evil Dead series is my all time favorite. Bruce, Sam, how could you do this to your fans?
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