Below are user reviews of Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies.
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User Reviews (81 - 91 of 200)
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Ace Combat 4
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: June 14, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This is a pretty easy and fun game.You are a pilot name Mobius and your fighting against the Erusions.There are several different difficulty levels on this game.This review is based on the normal mode.Ace Combat 4 involves intense air to air,air to sea and air to ground battles.Once you learn how to turn,read the map and drop your special weapons correctly you can get thru this easy.There is 5 tuturouls that show you how to do all of that.Air targets are easy to hit with missles just lock on and send 2 missles at them.It only takes 1 missle for ground targets.Ground targets are harder to hit thou because the planes you are flying in are fast compared to the ones in secret weapons over normandy.You will unfortuanly crash if you don't slow down and fly low to hit ground targets.The goal of this game is to get an S rating.An S rating gives you enough money to buy new planes and new and better special weapons.You get all kind of jets to fly in this game there is F15's,F18 hornets,F4's,F5e's,Migs and other jet fliers.Secondary weapons consist of bombs and some special type of missles.These missles are better than the missles that your plane comes with.There are all kind of bombs.I like the napolms because when they hit an object on the ground they explode several times.Their is one secondary weapon you get that allows you to hit several planes with missiles at the same time.The explosions in this game are ok but not as good as normandys.The graphics are good.The enviroments consist of mountains,snowcover,oceans etc.The ground targets your after consist of radars,hangers,aa guns,planes on the runway,oil rigs,towers,sam missle types,boats and others.The game offers you three choice views by pressing the down area you can toggle between 1st person view,cockpit view and 3rd person view.Cockpit view looks different on every plane in otherwords each plane looks as different inside as it does out.It is easy to locate the repair station on this game.Just go to the map and hit the sqare button till you see the white dotted lines fly or turn toward those lines.Your wheels will then lower however you can skip this part and hit start and you will be on the runway to take off.It is tricky to actually land the plane but it can be down but to save time you can just hit the start button and your already there.When you land you get your plane fixed and your weapons replinished you can also change your special weapons if you want to.You can either take off or you can hit start and your already in the air.I like to take off because you can kick in the afterburners and watch your plane head toward the sky.The jet noises on this game is real.They actually recorded the sound from actual jets when they made this game.I would also recommend you purchase the ace combat 4 strategy guide used for this game.It is very helpful and tells you how to get an s rating on every level as well as show you all planes,secondary weapons,levels and bonuses when you finish.If your lucky enough to finish every level you get a bonus called free flight or roam were you can fly on any level for 30 minutes without enemies just enjoy the flight you also get to play on all levels when you finish anyone you want.You will also want to pick up Ace Combat 5 in November it will have new planes,new missions and you will be able to get your wingmen to help defend you if you get in trouble.Here is some pros and cons on this game.
1)Excellent Graphics
2)Modern Up To Date Jets
3)You Can Switch Between Special Weapons And Missles By Hitting The Select Button.
4)You Can Toggle Between 1st,Cockpit and 3rd Person View By Hitting The Down Arrow Key.
5)It's Fun To Watch Your Target Explode
6)Only Takes 1 Missle To Destroy Ground Targets
7)Most Of The Jets On This Game Are Incredibly Fast They Can Reach Speeds Of Over 1000 Mph If You Hold Down The R1 Trigger.Some Are Faster Than Others.
8)You Don't Stall As Easy On This Game As You Do On Normandy.If You Do Just Accelerate By Hitting The R1 Trigger.
The Service Stations Are Easy To Find By Going To The Map And Flying Toward The Station.
9)You Have The Option To Do A Manuel Takeoff And Landing Or Skip It By Hitting Start And Doing It Automatically To Save Time
10)It's Fun To Watch These Jets Take Off
11)A Good Variety Of Planes And Special Weapons To Buy.
12)When You Finish The Game You Get To Free Fly Without Any Enemies.
13)You Get To Play All Levels When You Finish Game.
1)It's Difficult To Hit Targets With Your Machine Guns.I've Had To Use Missles Because I Can't Strike Planes With Bullets.
2)Sometimes Even When Your Locked On To A Plane It Can Out Manuvier And Get Away.
3)Planes Require 2 Hits By Missles To Bring Them Down.
4)You Only Get A Limited Number Of Special Weapons And Missles.
5)Crashing Is Easy Especially When Going After Ground Targets.
6)Planes And Special Weapons Are Expensive And You Must Get An S Rating To Buy Them.
7)You Can Only Save 4 Levels At A Time if you want to save more than that you will have to overwrite one but this is solved when you finish the game you get to play all levels.
If you like air combat games get a Ps2 and buy this game.You will enjoy it.Also it is on sale now.
Fun game
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: June 15, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This game is fun, alot of stuff to do
Best Flight simulator game ever!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: June 27, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I played this game, and became addicted right away! I've played flight simulators, but none like this! The missions are intense, the graphics beyond words, and to top it off, the jets and weaponry is state-of-the-art! If you like combat flight simulators, you will love this game! Destroy a pillbox/bunker with a precision guided bomb or shoot down a yellow with a QAAM (Quick Air to Air Maneuver missle)! The Erusian Power house has taken over the mighty 'stonehenge', a massive facility made to shoot down astroids, and are using it to shoot down aircraft! Now, be the hero and help save ISAF (Independant States of Allied Forces) from certain doom in this war! May I also add that it is a very interesting plot that devolps as you beat the missions! Overall, a 5 star game that deserves your buying it!
Good game
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: July 10, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This is a good game but their could be some improvements. The graphics are great, the selection of jets is awesome, and the levels are very fun and not to difficult, this game is definatly worth the $20. It is not a game for young children or people who suck at video games though, it will take some practice, also its not a game with much replay value. The realisticness(if thats even a word) is great until the last level which you have to fly through an enemy base which i just found to be sort of silly. Its multiplayer isnt very great either. I do recommend this game even though it could use a new last level. Im lookin forward to ace combat 5 which comes out sometime this holiday season.
Real fun but could have some improvements
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: July 27, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This is a killer flight simulator that you would have to be crazy to not like. The first time I played this I couldn't put the controller down it was so fun however there could be some minor improvements.
The plane selection is awesome and the levels are great except for the last level, here you have to fly into a missle silo and destroy a bomb; very unrealistic.
The graphics are not the best I have seen especially the ground. The explosions from the missles are not good and the plane you fly is huge. If you fly in third person and you are next to another plane, you look as if you are three times larger then the other planes which gives the game another unrealistic feel. Also, it is not fun having 50+ missles on your plane destorying most of the targets on your own. It is much better having the computer allies doing the same as you.
The things you can do in mid flight are awesome. The way you can go up to 1,000+mph, stall at 40,000ft and fall down while looking at the ground is too cool. This game looks so real in first person that it might make you queasy while rotating the plane around and around.
This is a very fun game to play yet it could use some improvments. Hopefully Ace Combat 5 will be better.
5-star fun, 4-star simulator
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: August 17, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Ace Combat 04 is a flight combat simulator in which you take part in a ficitonal world war as a fighter pilot on the side of the ISAF (Independent States Allied Forces). At the beginning of the game, your enemy is the shadowy and mysterious "Erusians," who have taken over the entire continent except for one small island off the northeast coast, known as "Northpoint."
The story is narrated from the viewpoint of an unnamed young boy living in a city conquered and occupied by the Erusians, and his tales of admiration for an Erusian pilot known only as "Yellow 13." The narratives are accompanied by animated stills which really flesh out the story and make it interesting. As the story progresses, the boy narrator relates how Yellow 13 hopes to meet his equal in air combat one day, and remarks about a "promising enemy pilot."
The narrative of the story is undoubtedly influenced by WW2-esque narratives such as Empire of the Sun and such - and there are eerie similarities to WW2 as well: a continent occupied by a oppressive, fascist enemy, the Allied forces isolated to a small island off the coast of the continent, a desperate invasion to gain a toehold back to the continent, singing in the streets of liberated towns, and a final cataclysmic battle at the gates of the enemy's capital city.
As far as the gameplay, you can control over 18 different aircraft, American, Soviet, and NATO. Your initial plane is the obsolescent, Vietnam-era F-4 Phantom, but as you complete missions, you are credited with money which you can use to buy more advanced airplanes and equipment. Of course, the more advanced planes cost more, and you will occasionally have to sell one or two of your older models, but it is money well-spent.
Unfortunately, it is not a highly realistic sim in that you do not control takeoffs and landings, (they are done for you) and there's no concern over fuel state. Also, each and every plane holds dozens and dozens of missles, while in real life most fighter aircraft carry only about six to eight or even less. It would have been better if your squadron mates were more capable of killing enemies on their own, instead of your character shooting down scores of enemies in each engagement. In real life, a fighter pilot is lucky if he can successfully shoot down even one enemy aircraft in a given engagement. However, for fun factor, this title is way up there. I recommend it with 4 stars.
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 8
Date: November 08, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I played this game half year ago, and I have to say for me, an ace combat 3 fan, this game comes as a bit of dissapointment. Not that it's not good or anything, it's just not as good as I expected it would be. For one thing, it does not has a fasinating storyline as ac3 had. The players cannot interact with the world like what we did in ac3, we merely see the story unravels from two points of view, and the story is really way too simple. And the result is the game is really short, you can beat it under 10 hours if you have played its predecessor or you are an experienced gamer
Not a bad game
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: October 29, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I went out and bought the game the day it came out. It turns out that it is a great game but it also has a major short fall. It is way to EASY!!!! Even on the hardest setting I cleared it in a few hours. Take that away it a great game
Doesn't belong on the
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: March 04, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This is a decent fighter game but by no means is it at the PC level. Its very limited with such things like landings being optional and the ability to just fly off the map to reload.
Timed missions are annoying, sometimes you want to just fly around after the mission, and destroy more targets, but you can't because the times up and the mission is over.
Cut scenes are ultra-cheesy illustrations and a dumb story.
Different airplanes don't behave that differently. Flight physics model is not that great.
I beat the game on normal in a day and a half. I wish I rented it first.
Best Hands Down
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: January 20, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I bought this game expecting it to be like all the other flight simulating games I had played in the past. Man was I wrong, not only was the actual game play fantastic, but it also had a very in depth story line. All Plane actions were like the real fighters they were based upon. Everything seemed to be thought of and taked into consideration, about every single aircraft. The only bad thing about the game I think was the lack of arms to each plane. I gave this game a five star rating. It is well worth it to play.