Xbox : Greg Hasting's Tournament Paintball Reviews

Gas Gauge 77
Below are user reviews of Greg Hasting's Tournament Paintball and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Greg Hasting's Tournament Paintball.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (31 - 32 of 32)
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A step in the right direction
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: August 23, 2005
Author: Amazon User
all in all this game was not bad. it would not be worth the usual $50 that xbox games cost but you can puchase it now for $30 the gameplay isn't that great and the game have verry little depth but the concept is great. hopefully this game opens up some eyes at activision or EA and these publishers creat a game with suficient funding. although this game can't compare with Black hawlk down or halo 2 the gamplay is unique and supriseingly fun for $30 this game is a good buy...
lets just hope their's a better funded sequel....
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 16, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This Game Is The Best Paintball Game Ever!!!! Really if your into paintball check it out its so realistic. Its sort of Tactical you can order your team into formations. Switch hands, wipe paint with the cool cheat meter! seurosly if u like Paintball Get this game it RULES!!!!
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