Below are user reviews of Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (41 - 51 of 434)
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Demise and possible bankruptcy in store for SOE?
Rating: 1,
Useful: 21 / 24
Date: May 03, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I'm not sure what SOE's intent was in the Starwars galaxies upgrade, but the result may be their demise. They truly dropped the ball on this latest CU upgrade fiasco to this once great online game. The result, the SOE corporation is mostly going to be defunct and bankrupt in the weeks/months to come due to this disasterous mess they created. And they have no one to blame but themselves! And they are unable to silence the tens of thousands customers, who will no doubt lend their voices to many world wide communicated site and forums. So long SOE!
They Ruined It
Rating: 1,
Useful: 21 / 24
Date: May 06, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This game was excelent for about two years. In April 2005 they pushed out a massive revamp against the warnings of the plyer community that it was seriously flawed.
Sony may eventually fix the problems with the revamp but they have already lost a huge number of subscribers. They will have to find ways to cut costs in the future and you dont want to be part of that.
If you are looking for a MMORPG game I would suggest one of the younger ones like WOW or Guild Wars.
Everquest is also run by Sony and I wouldnt try that after what they did to Star Wars.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 21 / 24
Date: May 24, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided
*Sigh* Where to begin...
This game could be better named:
"Star Wars Galaxies: A Development Team Vs. A Player base".
Never in all my life, have I seen a company alienate so many people in pursuit of the almighty dollar. It's truly sickening. I WAS a 20-month veteran of the game, I had been playing since week one (I've canceled my account and will NEVER do business with SOE again!).
*Wave Hand* "This is not the game you are looking for... Move along!"
In the beginning...
This game was alright; it was fun, it was unique, and it was totally bug-ridden and unbalanced. Over the course of the last 20 months, the SOE Dev team have made us promise after promise to do certain things to fix and enhance this game. They in fact did very little, if anything at all. They milked us. They exploited the "Star Wars" name to make a buck. They made promise after promise after promise... and never delivered squat. Don't believe me? Just ask any "Smuggler" in the game for their opinion.
They strung us along and led us to believe that the "fixes" to the game were right around the corner! Instead, they were hard at work on an "Expansion Pack" to sell us! And then once again "promised us" that the fixes we've all been waiting for were the next big thing waiting for us, "just hang on, this game is going to be great!" They promised us that they were going to do this "Combat Upgrade" and do it right, and it "wouldn't be released until it's ready!"
We all had a lot of hope, we thought that they had finally figured out that they had totally screwed up and were trying to make amends with a player base on the brink of total collapse. God, how wrong we all were...
Well, much to everyone's surprise, they made the announcement that the long awaited "CU" would be coming out along with the "Rage of the Wookiees" expansion pack! Uhhhmmm... did I miss something somewhere? The alpha test for the "CU" was supposed to begin in January, it never happened. Beta testing began in April, 4 whole weeks before it was supposed to go to live! We all rolled up our sleeves and dove in. I think after the first week or so, the sad realization of what was happening to our game begun to sink in...
They went and copy/pasted EQ2 code into the SWG game so they could "streamline" their operation by having ONE DEV TEAM WORK ON BOTH SWG AND EQ2!!!
The CU was supposed to go live on May 5th. SOE decided to push it to live a whole 2 weeks sooner than that. Honestly, with all the bugs that were still in beta, and now in live, beta could have gone on another 4-6 months! I guess they figured they could milk us all a little more and dump this beta on the live servers and let us pay to test it. Why am I not surprised?
The CU itself is unplayable. It has become Everquest in space, or "EverStar Galaxies QuestWars" as we call it. There are just too many things to list. I'm sure a lot of other reviews here go into much more detail.
As you all can imagine, the player community was totally enraged! We went to the SWG Forum boards to voice our concerns. The only response we ever got back from SOE was THOUSANDS of deleted threads and players banned from the forums. Facing futility, a large portion of the player base has left the game, permanently this time.
This is just not how you do business. I personally will NEVER deal with Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) EVER again. I DO NOT pay MY HARD EARNED MONEY to be lied to, deceived, ignored, strung along, censored, and banned for voicing my concerns. I do not pay money to folks who treat me, a PAYING CUSTOMER, in this fashion.
Star Wars Galaxies is dead. Servers are emptying. People are moving on to other games where folks know how to appreciate their patrons. If you are a fan of Star Wars, and this is the only reason I ever started playing this game to begin with, you will be sadly disappointed!
SWG is nothing more than an exploit of a title, a milk machine. I for one, am tired of being milked.
You have been warned!
Combat Upgrade Riddled with Bugs
Rating: 1,
Useful: 19 / 21
Date: May 01, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I started playing this game over a year ago from this post. Please be aware that if you do purchase this game, you are also required to purchase an online subscription. *DO NOT EVERY PURCHASE MORE THAN A MONTH AT A TIME* Individuals who have paid 3, 6, or a year in advance are unable to obtain refunds from SOE, even for unused prepaid months.
You should also be aware that the boxed version is publish 10. SWG is currently on publish 15 I believe. You can expect to download 2 gig of information when you first connect.
You should also be aware that current combat system makes crafters and crafting templates very short lived. The Jedi profession is currently broken. So don't plan on having a light sabre your first day in - or your first year in for that matter.
I cannot, in good concience, recommend this product.
A Perfect example of how bad a game can actually get
Rating: 1,
Useful: 19 / 21
Date: May 01, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Please note then when the disclaimer on the box reads "Game Experience May Change During Online Play", they mean it. This game used to be my favorite, I'd spend hours a week playing it some times more often then 1 should. The latest patch known as the "Combat Upgrade" has turned this great game into what I would call a rat. You see a Rat is an annoying pesky little creature that no one really wants. This is what SOE(Sony Online Entertainment) has done to this game. Something that I along with hundreads of others no longer wish to be a part of. Do yourself a favor and save your money because this game is probably the worst on the market along with its expansions.
Combat Upgrade?
Rating: 1,
Useful: 19 / 21
Date: May 04, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Thank you SOE for saving me 30 dollars a month and 60 dollars on the upcoming expansions. If you hadn't ruined the game I would still be pumping money into the corporate beast.
CU isn't worth paying for this game
Rating: 1,
Useful: 19 / 21
Date: May 04, 2005
Author: Amazon User
After almost 2yrs as a loyal SWG Fan I finally hit the cancel button on all 3 of my accounts due to this "Combat Upgrade". SOE has failed all of the paying customers by pushing this supposed "upgrade" to live servers way to soon.. bringing with it more bugs and a very un-enjoyable gaming experience. For a game that i found to be consistently fun for 2yrs to have it destroyed in 1 day is just beyond me. Leave it to SOE. I will never support SOE in any way after the lack of respect all of us paying customers have been shown.
Vast unnecessary changes to the gameplay ruined it.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 19 / 21
Date: April 30, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Lots of controversy in the Star Wars Galaxies forums on this recent massive change called the Combat Upgrade or "CU" as it is better known.
The main issues are the fact that the Developers originally commented that this would simply fix the major issues of combat in the game, hence the name "combat upgrade". There was never any mention of revamping the game from the ground up effecting even the non-combat related aspects of the game. An example of this is the Doctor profession which is going to have major changes as some skills will be removed and others changed.
The changes have also lead many veteran crafting players to express serious complaints that the many items and vast resources and they have spent millions of credits on and much time gathering are now incompatible or had their usefullness reduced significantly with these new changes in the CU.
Also there is the fact that the Developers have changed the skill requirements for the combat professions. Veteran combat players who have spent months building out their characters skills are now very likely to find that their "template" is incompatible or ineffective with this new CU format. A respec of skills has been offered but due to the new skill requirements a number of players are faced with less options than they had before.
A faulty leveling system has been introduced now with the CU when originally the game never had one. This poorly designed and ill conceived leveling system is causing havoc with new and veteran players alike.
Finally, the Developers have never been known to communicate well with their player base so sporatic releases of information or on ocassion what turns out to be disinformation is normally followed by a period of very little if any comments. In addition there have been a number of cases where negative comments posted on the forums have been censored in order to hide the fact that many players are upset over these shortsighted changes that have been introduced with this CU. Actions such as this adds fuel to the fire of discontent among the players, especially on controversial issues.
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Rating: 1,
Useful: 19 / 21
Date: April 30, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Well, as many of the reviewers before me, I am a two-year veteran of SWG. The game has recently gone under a DRAMATIC change, termed the CU or Combat Upgrade. The term is really a misnomer, as it encompasses nearly every aspect of the game.
I suppose it would be a good idea to share my overall experience with the game leading up to the CU. While the game had many bugs and some glaring imbalances, it was unique. It had by far the best crafting system you will see in any online MMORPG and subsequently, an extremely diverse player-based economy. The crafting system was really what set SWG apart from the others. Also, the combat system was different, but fun. The pre-CU SWG was one of the first MMORPGs to take the emphasis off grouping and put it on the individual player. It also had a unique profession-based (about 32 in all) skill system. Players could specialize in a number of different professions, with the possiblity of mastering 2 or even 3, depending on the profession. Instead of being defined by your level, you were defined by your profession/s.
Enter the CU. In an attempt to fix several key imbalances plaguing the old system, the development team decided to completely replace it. What they failed to realize is that several minor changes could have been made in the existing system to solve several of the imbalances. These changes were put off for over a year in favor of working on the CU. The CU has done several things: dumbed down the crafting system, taken the emphasis off of professions and back onto levels (especially in PvE), completely changed the way combat works/feels and essentially made veterans into newbies again. In essence, they threw all of our hours of pre-CU gameplay out the window (and if you add up all the hours after two years, you might begin to understand why people are so upset). The changes are really that drastic.
The problem underlying all of this is the lack of the communication. From the get go, SOE has had bad communication. But in regards to the CU, it was tested for less than a month before being pushed to live. With such drastic changes, most people agree it would have taken at a MINIMUM, two months to properly test. And in attempt to make the changes look better, forum moderators have been deleting posts and even banning people that do not support the CU.
All in all, a large percentage of the SWG playerbase is in an uproar. We have been asking for small changes for many months, but none of us expected what was pushed to live. It will need tweaking and hotfixes for many months to come and even then, it will not begin to approach the complexity and uniqueness of the old system. There are many companies that value their customer's input and experience, but SOE has shown itself time and time again to not be one of them. I advise you to look elsewhere.
Don't buy!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 22 / 26
Date: May 03, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I have been playing for almost 2 years now and I just quit, because of the recent update.
The game got absolutely unplayable. Players are abused as alpha tester. Some key features of this update are not working at all. This has been addressed in the so called Beta, but the Devs wouldnt listen. There are tons of bugs now switched live and the devs are fireing hotfix after hotfix. It's a real pain....
Save yourself the frustration and don't buy this game.