Below are user reviews of Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (11 - 21 of 434)
Show these reviews first:
Terrible customer service
Rating: 1,
Useful: 26 / 28
Date: May 01, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Don't waste your time with this game.
I have played since the game was in its original beta, and it was fun for the most part until now.
The customer service is horrendous. If you file a complaint, you're either banned or your post on the forum is deleted. SOE has even fired their own employees for disagreeing with their decisions.
Gameplay as of April 27, 2005 has seriously been degraded. It is now slow and boring and virtually impossible to play. I suggest that you save your money on this one and play a different MMORPG that is not published by Sony.
SWG is now Ruined by latest update!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 25 / 27
Date: May 02, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Even though the Wookie extension has not come out (which I bought three of and will be requesting a refund for), SOE forced a combat upgrade on everyone despite the cries against it. One of my accounts (I have five) is a artisan and does not fight. They made it so i cannot wear any armor at all and I was killed by a lowly animal just trying to reach my vendor on the gentle planet of Naboo. I have played every day since the beginning of the game and loved it! Now I am forced to leave because it has morphed into some sort of strange game I have no desire to play anymore. It's very depressing and I will miss all my friends and will miss playing with my characters. It's simply horrible and I think SOE must WANT to destroy (end) the game or something cos everyone I talk to in game tell me they are leaving the game also due to this horrible upgrade.
Careful with this game
Rating: 2,
Useful: 25 / 27
Date: May 02, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I have played this game for over a year. I loved it. Recently, they released an untested upgrade to the combat system. It ruined the game. In the current state, I would strongly recommend a different game. If they fix the new upgrade it used to be one of the most complex games on the market. If you are looking for a game where the people making the changes take the consumers comments seriously this game will only frustrate you.
Combat Upgrade
Rating: 1,
Useful: 23 / 24
Date: May 01, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This game is now nothing like it was stated on the original box. It is a sloppy mess of EQ2 style play overlayed on a Star Wars look. There are many bugs cause by the current "upgrade". Customer support is minimal at best. They took a working game and made it into a non working one. SOE basically has shown total disregard for their customers with this. Many customers complaining and their words are ignore or erased on forums board. I would not suggest this game even for the die hard Star Wars fan. lacks many qualitys that you would come to expect from a Lucas design. I think the name should be changed for it is not Star Wars anymore.
Not for me...
Rating: 1,
Useful: 23 / 24
Date: May 12, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I have been playing since launch, tested the CU and gave the CU plenty of time. I had four accounts and canceled them all. I had a jedi, 2 different Master Combat characters and an Entertainer Merchant type character. I loved and now miss the game that was: The game that needed balancing and new content. I'm not going to tell you not to try out the game but I don't feel its worth it for many reasons:
1) SOE does not listen to their customers. Nor do they provide adequate support for their product.
2) The CU presented no new content. SOE put out a new Wookiee planet even though the game already has plenty of unused planets. I think this was the crappiest attempt at providing new content to date.
3)CU replaced what kept SWG interesting and players coming back. Now the game is like any other out there sporting a level system and forced grouping except it has more bugs.
4) Entertainers were rendered useless.
5) Crafters are borked and got the short end of the stick since they now die constantly.
6) SOE gives the users back the exact same content but this time forcing them to redo it grouped. As a master pistoleer/BH I had access to almost all the content in the game. Sure I had to group to complete some of it (as it should be) but having to group to have access to over half of what I once could do, limited my options, instead of providing me with intersting new stuff to do.
7) I bought Jump to Light Speed the moment it came out. As a master pilot I have found the space portion of the game to be just that "space" - mostly empty with repetative content where content is available.
8) Bugs - The CU is full of nasty bugs. What is not expected and should not be tolerated is the level of bugs present in a released product. SOE ignored the player base and even went so far as to push the CU ahead of its announced release date even though the CU testers made it clear it was riddled with bugs.
9) Ever felt like tearing your hair out? A game is just a game and no one should ever feel this way but trust me on this, put time and money into something to do with SOE and you will feel like tearing yours out due to their complete disregard for the amount of time, support, and money you put into one of their products. Doesn't matter if you lose all of your items, money, experience due to their bugs - SOE treats their player base like target practice. 0 Stars for customer service.
10) The lack of PVP or correcting the PVP issues were not properly addressed. The CU does nothing to promote PVP. Part of this is due to the rapidly declining player base and part of it is due to the fact that PVP is short lived and boring now.
11) A Level system does not equal a more interesting game than combat spamming. It just makes it boring in a whole new way. Thanks for that.
12) SWG = Grind Fest
13) The role playing, parties, and everything that was once possible due to a more flexible system is gone, gone, gone! SOE's idea of providing content is to remake the game at different intervals to keep the player base having to relearn everything. They have been doing this type of time sink crap since the beginning. Nerfs/changes/Nerfs/Changes - all without a care to what the player base (the ones testing the beta) have to say. Need something to do? Relearn the game!
14) Doctors are now pointless.
15) All low level Jedi's are screwed unless they wish to spend their time forced into visibility - leaving them screwed anyway. SOE is clearly trying to cut down on the amount of jedi and just stop short of deleting mass amounts of jedi accounts. They can't really do that but they sure know how to cause the jedi to do that themselves. Many have already left.
I don't expect you to take my word for all of the above. Many of the pro-CU players (and there is very little of them out there) claim that only power gamers, or low level characters or those who haven't tried the CU hate the game. That is rubbish! I watched as ALL of my in game friends canceled their accounts after many hours testing and trying out the CU.
Buy the game - give it a try - maybe you will like it, maybe you won't. I am willing to bet that over 90 percent of you who do try it will wish you hadn't.
I didn't sell my accounts I simply canceled - it is the least I can do to send a message to SOE that this rubbish won't be tolerated. Doubt it will make a difference though but I think it is far better than selling my accounts and having them think that these vet characters still play because the CU was a success.
Even if you are new to the game and have not been affected by the loss of what you loved in the game, I am sure you will find the bugs, the lack of content, and the crappy service make this game a bomb.
Devs ruined the game
Rating: 1,
Useful: 24 / 26
Date: May 02, 2005
Author: Amazon User
A few days ago, the Developers of SWG forced a patch upon the community that 80% hated. They only tested what was an enormous patch for 1 month, released it and destroyed 2 servers. And people are cancelling in droves. Many of the smaller servers are dead. Don't buy it.
Welcome to Star Borked Galaxies
Rating: 1,
Useful: 22 / 23
Date: May 01, 2005
Author: Amazon User
For the record, I have played this game since it's release and have invested quite a bit of time and, let's be honest, money.
Recently Sony Online Entertainment had decided to overhaul the game system, with what they call the "Combat Upgrade" and have effectively rendered this title unplayable for both NEW and OLD users of this game.
I strongly suggest that you save yourself time, money and frustration by chosing a different MMORPG (online game) that isn't under Sony Online Entertainment's banner, as they are not very responsive to critical issues or customer concerns.
If you are a dedicated Star War's fan, such as myself, I would wait at least 6-9 months (Dec 2005) for them to fix the god awful amount of bugs that is present in this game before purchasing it.
Terrible Service, and liars.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 22 / 23
Date: May 01, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This gfame used to be good and now they have completely ruined it, all 23 of my freinds quit and Im also quitting. If you complain about the game, the customer service representattives just boot you off the game. It's really disgusting. There is no customer service, and they DONT refund you even if they boot you off the game at their discretion.
Buyer Beware... all is not as it appears.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 25 / 28
Date: May 03, 2005
Author: Amazon User
What was once the most innovative and unique MMORPG in the gaming community has now been blanketly conformed to match that of all others.
The tag line "The Greatest Story Ever Told... Yours" now belies the true nature of the game. One of the most important aspects of the previous SWG was that you had individuality. Crafters heavily competed against each other to create the best products possible to earn business. Since the 'Combat Upgrade' there are caps on what the best can be. The only way to gain individuality is to go fight a rancor without armor, to which other players will place the thought process behind such an action as either incredibly brave, or incredibly stupid.
Most negative feedback posts to SOE's site have been deleted giving the impression that there is still viable gameplay to be had. However, as anyone reading the feedback on various gaming websites can see, that the game has been forever changed, and unfortunately, for the worse.
SOE seems to have forgotten that the most important piece to this once great game, is their customer base, and has forsaken the input from it. Buyer beware.
Just to be fair
Rating: 3,
Useful: 25 / 28
Date: January 20, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I played this game since it went public and just cancelled a few days ago. It is not a terrible game, it is simply unrefined and underconceptualized. The monthly fee is a stupid complaint since it is an online game. However, there are some valid points made by others, the graphics are beautiful, some planets and areas are truly magnificent, like the night sky on Dathomire, or the flower fields on Dantooine. Character customization is great and varied, and you can change the way you look even after you start by finding an image desinger character. Also, aquiring jobs and the ability to choose your own abilities to improve is great. That is also where the game starts to falter, you only get 250 points to choose professions. It sounds like a lot, and for the first month or two it is, but once you run out, after only mastering 3 or 4 professions, depending on what they are, you're basically finished with the meat of the game. You either stop getting xp, or you drop whatever you mastered and start a new profession. Oh, to get Jedi, you have to master then drop 4-6 different professions, it's busy work and not fun at all, because they are arbitrary, not necessarily anything you would even want to master, I needed armorsmith, and I decided I didn't care enough to do it, other people enjoy that though. Also, there really are a lot of bugs that cause missions to not load and people to get kicked off. Patches are constantly being added to the game, although they rarely fix anything people actually complain about, more often than not they simply nerf some to all of the professions or abilities. I always thought that was another major mistake by SOE, they do not listen to the players. SWG relies solely on character interaction to propel the game, this sounds good in theory but it eliminates the need to explore, which is what the game actually needs, but when there are no better rewards from becoming friends with Jabba the Hutt or helping Luke Skywalker than broken or completly useless items, (Yes, I kid you not, the final rebel mission reward from Luke is some broken useless crystal shards, and that's as good a reward as you can ever really hope for) you feel cheated and think "why bother." I still enjoyed the game when my friends were on though, there is a real rush when your group is taking out a rancor lair or when you are involved in a big pvp faction battle. Although, it was much better when there were no negative consequenses for dying, now there are and it is less enjoyable. Eventually, all my friends finally quit, as had most of the other players I had been aquainted with. That was when I decided to join them.