Below are user reviews of Star Wars:Battle Of Naboo N64 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Star Wars:Battle Of Naboo N64.
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User Reviews (11 - 21 of 25)
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Fans of Rouge Squadren might NOT like this game at all
Rating: 2,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: March 24, 2005
Author: Amazon User
After reading a lot of the reviews here, it convinced me that this next version of Rouge Sqaudren was just as good, or even, better then Rougue.
Well, I've played Rougue Squadren many, many times, again and again over the years.. and I just recently bought this game expecting a game thats just as good, but I have been let down dramaticly.
First off. You need to know passwords to access things to help you to get through a lot of the levels, it's too hard without them. The game play is sluggish at times, but a lot of the feel of R.S is lost in this version. There is no veiw from inside the cockpit in this one either.
Secondly, there is hardly any ships you can use. Even when you unlock all the crafts, there is only the Naboo fighter (which is in Rouge Squadren if you use the code to unlock it) and it's just the same as an X-wing. There is a Naboo Bomber. Which is just like the bombers in R.S only it's a four engine Naboo plane, very slow, hard to monover and almost useless at times. There is a Naboo Police fighter or something that is just a Blue Naboo fighter with less capabilities, you can also unlock the Sith fighter, which is probably the best one to use on mission thats you can use it in. On other levels there is ones where you use Speeders, there's 3 speeder roughly the same with diffrent speeds and guns but all handle about the same, plus you can unlock an ATT tank which is fun, but not helpfull in some areas. And there is a boat sort of thing you use on a couple of water levels. This game lacks fun with the ships because most of them are the same with different speeds.. at least R.S you knew which ship was best for what and could use them on most missions, this one has a few levels where you can use ships, but without codes you can only use 1 per level, and when you get the medals you can have about 3 to choose a level, or 4 if you have codes.
Gaining medals in this one blows, because in R.S you needed the infinitie lives code to win, but in this one you still have to have 3 lives left to achieve it, because even tho you wont get a game over, the end stats still say you crashed or died -3 times, which makes it annoying to stay alive and not commit suicide to get your rockets, or missles back to hom ein on enemys for a much easier and quicker win.
When reading things here I thought when they said you could change ships during a mission meant during the game at any time, but thats not the case at all. In a couple of the missions you start off with a ground patrol, or a flight patrol and find your way to a hanger and THEN you select what craft you want to continue the mission with. That idea is ok, I guess.. but doesnt make this game better then R.S.
It's very hard to see vice droids when your shooting at them. They blend in with the back ground color, and there not easy to target for some reason untill your up close to them.
The 3 bonus missions arnt much, the most fun I had on one of the missions was the last one, the battle above Naboo. You have to take out the sheilds and radars of that ship Aniken blows up from the inside. It's short, but not too bad.
There are a few changes from R.S, but this one is a downfall compared to it. It's not as much fun, there not enough crafts, it would have been nice for codes to enable the Falcon or Tie Fighter or X-wings or something... it's imposible to get the medals above the Gold rank.
This game lacks the fun and adventture the last one had.
Great Game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 5
Date: December 20, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Similar than Rouge Squadron. My son loves it also.
Great Game!!!!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: July 20, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I have had this game for about a half a year now.It has great graphics, great sound,and the gameplay is great!!!You go in with an entire fleet of rebel starshjips, and fight off the trade federation!!!On one level, there are about 5 naboo starfighters fighting in the air, and you,and a couple of other speeders have to give them ground support. This game is a MUST buy!!!!
Great game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: November 21, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I only played RS a little bit at a friends house, and I found it very frustrating. This has its easy and its hard points but overall easy (though I use the invulnerability password). Great game. Not recomended to everyone, just Star Wars freaks like me.
Love it!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: May 24, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I am really getting into this game! I like the missions a lot. The strategy is like Rogue: you need to pay attention to what your friendly ships doing, you have to pay attention to what they're saying, and you have to pay attention to the mission objectives. Escorting convoyes, freeing prisoners, locating a downed ship are some objectives you have to complete. The variety of ships and changing vehicles mid-mission does add a lot to it. Nice movie sounds - hum of the STAP, Episode 1 droid (Federation Droid Army) voices. Effects - firing though a canyon echoes everywhere. Stereo - Droid ships passing by pan L-R in stereo. Lighting effects - firing laser through dark canyon lights it up as it passes through (like Forsaken 64). Varied vehicles - each handle and fire differently. Approximately same difficulty, style and just as fun as Rogue. A 50/50 blend of land and air vehicles is a primary difference (Rogue was all air combat). The AI is the same as Rogue, the Droid ships are flying on invisible roller coaster rails, just manuever behind them and blast away. Beautiful scenary. Control of the Naboo ship in the outer space missions - a little confusing at times. I think any fan of Episode 1 and/or Rogue Squadron will like this game. If you watch the first half hour of Phantom Menace again, it's neat to see how this game expands on the story of the Trade Federation occupation of Naboo. Very cool!
Better than Rogue Squadron, Still Not Great
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: January 19, 2006
Author: Amazon User
I played this game a couple of years ago, and beat it. I enjoyed it the best I could, but I couldn't help feeling that is wasn't that fun. It was basically an updated version of Rogue Squadron, "with better graphics and new campaigns."
If you have an N64, these graphics will amaze you, as they are better than any other N64 game, "except for Mario 64."
In the end, this is a decent game, just not the best.
The only REAL Episode One game for the N64!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: November 10, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I beat this game in one day, but that was only the regular missions and I still haven't been able to get all of those blasted platinum medals! The game's ground based missions are pretty good but when you face Battle Droids and Destroyer Droids they don't really move at all and they just stand there and shoot you! The game has some water based missions which are the hardest, and so are the space based missions. You can earn bonus levels like you could in Rogue Squadron for the N64 of which you have to defend a captured Trade Federation Base, Defeat Darth Maul in his Sith space vehicle, and fly as Darth Maul in his Sith space vehicle to defeat the Royal Security Forces of Naboo! You can earn a few bonus craft of which Darth Maul's space vehicle is the easiest to get. You can get the AAT and a Naboo water speeder by getting all the platinum medals but they are EXTREMELLY diffucult ot get and can REALLY give you a HUGE MIGRANE. Thankfully the graphics are great. They are even better than Rogue Squadron. The music is great and the storyline is very interesting to follow. No go beat the evil Trade Federation!
Pretty good!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 4
Date: December 29, 2000
Author: Amazon User
I have seen, better StarWars games, But this one is still pretty good! In this game, You don't just fly in your basic Naboo space ship fighter, Seen in the movie, You have all kinds of thing's to take control of, Like a Land speeder. It's a good StarWars game, And who ever liked "Rogue" Squadron", Will most likly like this one. There very alike.
This Game Isn't As Good As Racer!
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 23
Date: December 19, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Racer was a lot better than this game!!
if you liked rouge squadron, youll love this
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: December 28, 2000
Author: Amazon User
if you played rouge squadron, and liked it, then buy this game. if you havent, it might be a bit hard.
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