Below are user reviews of Mass Effect and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Mass Effect.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (101 - 111 of 141)
Show these reviews first:
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 13
Date: July 09, 2008
Author: Amazon User
Mass Effect installed and worked flawlessly in all aspects on both my Vista Ultimate Built for Extreme Gaming Desktop PC and very "basic" HP Pavilion Notebook PC with an Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, 2G ram, a basic GeForce Go 7600, 5400rpm 250gb HDD. I purchased the game the first day of release, and have to say, I am definitely not disappointed! In my opinion, as a hardcore veteran PC Gamer, this is an awesome game. I give it an overall score of 9 out of 10 and highly recommend it. For everyone complaining on how you can't run the game, or play it, I recommend you take a basic or advanced computer class or course, or purchase an upgraded Vista Version of PC for Dummies. Otherwise, just buy a console Like PS3, Xbox 360, etc.) You'll avoid all your frustrations. You are supposed to give your opinion of the game, not your troubles with your PC.
Immersive beyond belief!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 8 / 26
Date: June 17, 2008
Author: Amazon User
First; a little history of the reviewer's background: I started computer gaming in the 80's with a Commodore 64 and then upgrading to a Commodore Amiga. In 1992, after I knew that the Amiga was, for certain, headed for that dead land where the Beta VCRs went to - I purchased my first PC for $2,000. It was a Digital Electronics Computer (DEC) Pentium 75 with a 4 MB video card. My very first PC game played was the dos game Privateer. I have a ton of dos games that I won't part with because of nostalgia's sake. I am embarrassed to say that I spend up to 40+ hours a week on PC gaming.
Second; there are a handful of jaded PC gamers here that are extremely upset with the publisher EA for using a copy protection that is over the top offensive to them and therefore are checking the review area daily for Mass Effect positive reviews to automatically click on that the review was not helpful. Also, there are a lot of ratings in here that are not reviews for Mass Effect but are rants against EA by gamers who want to play the game but won't because of the DRM protection restriction. They, like a Zealot, want to punish EA with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns and have called for a Jihad against the publisher. They want Mass Effect and any EA published PC game to fail financially. The tactics are to hit every web site that carry reviews of EA published games with DRM (specifically Mass Effect) and sabotage accurate ratings and reviews. It is their desire to negatively influence the over all rating of the game so that the consumer would not make the purchase. Fortunately, they can not sabotage professional review sites or magazine reviews. The DRM in this case will limit the number of Mass Effect new installations to 3.I personally would have been more comfortable with 4, but I can survive with 3. It initially does give you the feeling that you are only renting the game instead of owning it. Bioware/EA say that if you install the game after the third new installation that you will need to call them so that they can verify you are the owner of a legitimate copy of their game. Bioware has also mentioned that they would offer a patch to remove the install restrictions to the gaming community it ever they went out of business. You do need internet connectivity when starting Mass Effect as that is part of the copy protection.
Now, the Mass Effect PC Review by a Veteran PC gamer....
Reviewer's Computer:
Intel Core2 Duo E6700 2.67GHz
2 GB RAM, eVGA nVidia 8800 GTS 640 MB
Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer with 5.1 speakers
Game installed without any issues. Any problems/issues with the copy protection were completely transparent to me. I plugged in my key code and was off... I decided to play as the default male soldier Commander Shepard. You can play Shepard as either male or female and customize to appearance of your character to your tastes. You get to select a class and background for your Commander. There are a total of 6 classes to choose from, each with talents that have additional feats and even more talents that can be unlocked as you get better with those skills.
From the opening scene on my beautiful 24" widescreen monitor (playing in 1920 X 1200 resolution); I knew this game was going to draw me in like no other game has done before. The Human Alliance, on behalf of the multi-alien race council, is looking for a candidate to become the first human `Spectre". A 007 with a license to kill so to speak. (Hey, wasn't Spectre the name of James Bond's nemesis? Coincidence? I think not!). The captain of the Normandy and the Human Ambassador decide to offer Shepard up to the council as their candidate due to Shepard's record in overcoming difficult situations in both the military and in growing up. The captain takes on Shepard as his ship's commander and is sent to investigate a recently discovered beacon created by a long dead alien race. Shepard picks his "away team" and goes down to the human colony known as Eden Prime. A Spectre named Nihlus, accompanies the team to evaluate the human candidate's performance during the mission. The story for Mass Effect was written by a professional author who has already a couple of Star Wars and Forgotten Realms books under his belt. This top notch Sci-Fi story is all played out in cinematic cut scenes and your own gameplay.
During the Mass adventure, Shepard forges friendships and can even romance at least two other characters that I know of. As with other Bioware games, there are side quests and there are plot quests. Mass Effect splits these in your journal as Primary and Secondary missions. I'm sure you could just follow the primary missions and finish the game in 20 hours, but I don't see how that would be possible without the experience gained from the secondary quests. I completed Mass Effect in somewhere between 40 to 45 hours (8 days of gaming for me) and completing mostly all my side quests. The game is open for you to go and do whatever you want to do. However, the game will end once you embark on the last primary mission. You can not continue to play on once you've saved or lost the universe. Mass Effect first appears to be a marriage of Knights of the Old Republic (gameplay) and Gears of War (combat). But later, you discover that this is something so much more. You'll do most of your planet exploration in the "Mako" (an experimental and well armed all terrain vehicle). For any of you readers that remember the Major Matt Mason action figures from the 60's; you'll relive your childhood here.
Mass Effect made its first appearance on the Xbox 360 last November. So that makes this a console port. But I don't own an Xbox or a Playstation - never have and never will. I never felt that this game was not made for the PC. To me, it felt and looked native to the PC. I understand that Bioware had put in tons more time and effort to make this version more native to the PC rather than just a port conversion. You may reconfigure your keys and mouse to your playing style. There is also a "film grain" effect in the video options that I had kept checked. The developer, in wanting to make the gamer feel like they are playing a movie, added in this option to give the game a movie theater or cinematic feeling - Bioware certainly succeeded in doing just that. Combat is exciting and there were many occasions I would say out loud "that was too cool!" after surviving a battle with bad guys. With the help of the best voice acting I've heard since Knights of the Old Republic, a sweeping original musical score (soundtrack available) and graphically, the most realistic looking character models seen in a PC game make Mass Effect officially the best game I've ever played! The game's ending was spectacular and made me very emotional during the final cut scene like a great movie would do. I will go back soon and play it again with a different class and play style. However, saying replaying Mass Effect is not at all accurate - It would be more like "experiencing" Mass Effect again.....and again!
Kids need to stop whining about the Securom we get the point
Rating: 5,
Useful: 12 / 48
Date: May 31, 2008
Author: Amazon User
This game is a worthy port that has seen attention to critical points. The game is very well in its gameplay, graphics, and features. The story is immersing and interesting. Many flaws in the xbox 360 version have been addressed and improved upon in the PC version as stated by the Gamespot Review and many others. The kids need to stop crying about DRM " we get the point ", and on top of that, rating the game when they don't even own a copy. Amazon should only allow reviews based on your actual order history, but yeah, Mass Effect for the PC does not disappoint.
Immersion into Science Fiction
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 6
Date: July 14, 2008
Author: Amazon User
This is a review for those of us who saw Mass Effect on the console and happened to own a pc. So I'm not going to compare it to the console, let's just see how it stands on its own on the pc platform...
The plot is interesting. An evil villian wants to destroy the galaxy and you have to stop him. Ok, nevermind not so interesting. But the subplot is! Humanity has joined a galactic Council, and as the new kids on the block are seeking to prove themselves. During the game you'll find your loyalty to humanity and to the galactic Council at odds. The choices aren't clear cut good/evil like we saw in Knights of the Old Republic. While the plot may not be 'new', the game does a great job of making you feel like you are a part of a Space Opera!
Plenty of side missions though they don't seem to have an overall bearing on the game. There is a romance subplot which earned lots of hype and a temporary ban in Singapore and is so tame you have to wonder 'why'?
Voice acting is well done and used for every NPC and character that talks to you. How many times have we played a game where only some of characters are voice-acted? Oblivian comes to mind. How good is the voice acting? If you know your Star Trek you might just recognize some of the voices! They used more than a few proffesional actors and it showed.
Graphics are actually quite stunning. People complain that there are glitches and sure, there are. However, the body motions, skin tones, facial expressions and fluid movement of the characters blows something like Oblivian out of the water. The aliens and people 'look' real and they move in a more graceful manner than the characters of other games. Lips don't quite match up to speech and I think that's gaming's next big challenge.
Buggy? A bit, squad controls are difficult to use and your friendly AI aren't the brightest lot. There are some graphic glitches but nothing that makes the game unplayable.
Combat? Similar to other bioware games. However they really went for ranged combat over melee and did their best to have cover and move and fire tactics. Does it work? No. The AI (enemy and friendly) aren't bright enough to use the environment as well as you can. Or even close for that matter. Your own character can get a bit confused to. Many a time I was knelt, with my back to a wall, only for the enemy to flank the wall and not show up on my hud as a potential target until I detached myself from over.
Replayability? The game has plenty of venues to visit, but you see most of it all the first time through. No major changes in storyline besides following the Paragon or Renegade path either and maybe a few subplot tweaks. Some may want to play the game again as a different class, but I don't think that alone would inspire me. The game isn't 'sandbox' enough for me to play more than twice.
Rated M! about overkill. Blood? Hardly any gore compared to most games. Nudity? Ummm, I think a Pert shower commercial shows just as much. Language? Nothing that matches up to late night tv. Violence? Ok, plenty of that. I don't mind when games get the M rating, but if they do then I sure wish they would make the game for the older audience. Don't dumb things down for the young teens! Mass Effect, for all its 'M' rating, is a game directed at the teen crowd. It isn't dark, it isn't complex, and the sex is so mild you have to wonder why the 'panic' over it. I think the gaming industry has to learn how to do an M game. The Witcher, there's an M game! Grand Theft Auto, also M...and played by young teens (sigh). Mass it ranks into the same field as those two is beyond me.
DRM? So apparently I can only play this game if I'm online and ask Bioware if it is 'ok' to play. Hmmm, so I can't play this if my internet connection goes down, can't play this on a laptop, on say an airplane, and in a few years I may not be able to play it at all? That's a pity and software companies need a better way to protect against piracy than to punish honest buyers. It's my game, I bought it, it isn't an online game, ergo I shouldn't have to be online to play it.
Pros: The game tries to immerse a player into a science fiction film, and I think they did a great job with the tools at hand. They wanted to tell a story and did a fine job of it, and the graphics surely enhanced said story!
Cons: Combat AI is pretty terrible. DRM makes me suspicious. M for mature when it isn't.
Worth $50? Mmmm, yeah. You do get a fair ammount of gameplay out of it even if you only play once. I think if it drops to $39.99 it's a steal!
Where is it?
Rating: 1,
Useful: 9 / 34
Date: May 31, 2008
Author: Amazon User
Yeah. Since the game is already in stores and is supposedly in stock, i'd like to know how many more weeks it will be before this game ships seeing as i ordered it a month ago.
Possibly the best RPG of all time, final copy protection not bad
Rating: 5,
Useful: 12 / 51
Date: May 29, 2008
Author: Amazon User
Mass effect is amazing in it's depth and breadth. The Sci-Fi RPG universe created draws you in and grabs hold of not just your mind but your heart as well. Also, the final as-released copy protections are very reasonable, not bad or demonic at all, such as all those stupid 1-star reviews PREVIOUS TO THE RELEASE claim. Ignore those reviews, and realize that this game is fully worthy of 5-stars, as most of us rate it who have actually played it.
A great experience and a lot of fun.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: August 18, 2008
Author: Amazon User
A lot of people have complained of bugs and other issues, and I am sure they are telling the truth. I was one of the lucky ones and had literally zero issues or bugs and I replayed this game four times. Although it gives off a sandbox feel at first, it is deceptive as you will quickly discover there are just minor variations to a rather linear plot. You have to accomplish the same objectives on various planets, for example, but you can do them out of order.
Still, the game is of cinematic quality and has great production values. The PC version , if it works ok for you, is astonishing. I really enjoyed it and those I recommended it to also purchased it and had no issues. They also enjoyed it a lot. Great game, a definite A.
An fantisic immersive experiance
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: August 08, 2008
Author: Amazon User
I give this game top marks for it's story. It is very well written. The universe is also meticulously thought out and executed. You can believe that there is more going on in this world then just the events that you are participating in. 5 stars
That said, this is the buggiest game I have ever played. Even after the patch came out, this game crashes with frustrating frequency. The support from EA is prompt, but not very helpful. 2 stars
It says a lot about the overall experience that I have continued to play, though multiple campaigns, despite the bugs. Had the story been even slightly less interesting, I would have abandoned it long before now. Overall 3.5 stars
don't let these non-specific reviews taint it.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 11
Date: August 11, 2008
Author: Amazon User
this game = ownage. it's incredible. 3rd playthrough i'm practically having just as much fun (first two were on 360). plus i get to do the expansion pack thingy for free on pc.
it looks better, loads faster, and has better menus. the control scheme blows the 360 controller away.
if your pc can run it well, play this game. it's the best single player rpg experience i've ever played. this counts all snes, ps1, you name it. mass effect is the best rpg ever.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 8
Date: July 01, 2008
Author: Amazon User
Bioware brings as usual an epic story, with awesome characters and voice acting. Love is in the air as usual with Bioware stories as well as the Destiny factor which I personally love. PC gives this game the playability it should have, no offense console lovers but it's a lot better on a PC, you will get used to the controls right off the bat, easy to learn. Not as demanding on the graphics, I thought it would be tough there, but not really, you can have a great graphic experience with a mid range GPU.
oh! and you will LOVE the MAKO, not telling what it is, dont wanna spoil it, but you will simply LOVE it!!
You can't miss it, if you liked KOTOR you will love this game, wish KOTOR 3 would be developed under this engine and quality. Only wish the game was a bit longer.
This game is a must have for PC/RP lovers.