Below are user reviews of Dragon Ball Z: Legacy of Goku and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Dragon Ball Z: Legacy of Goku.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (121 - 131 of 208)
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Good...But needs improvement
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: May 31, 2002
Author: Amazon User
When i first got the game i was like "Yay a good american DBZ RPG yay!!"...boy was i wrong...The gameplay seemed OK in the beginning...the battles just kept getting easier...yet annoying...and the plot was a piece of ([...]...its a rental..not a game to own...ya can beat it in an hour..
First DBZ RPG,Interesting battle system..
Bad graphics,Short game play,Bad plot,Annoyingly long battle in the end...
Overall i rate this thing 2 stars...cuz it deserves it for conning innocent DBZ fans into buying this horrid game
This game sucked...
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: May 29, 2002
Author: Amazon User
As a DBZ fan it pains me to say it but this game [disappointed] first I was really enjoying it but then it began to get painfully slow...chunks are skipped in it, the saiyan saga for instance involving Vegeta and Nappa was far too short, and most areas seemed to repeat, this game is short and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who wanted something worth-while, this is a bad investiment for your hard earned cash, but if you do buy it keep the receipt, it's so short that you CAN and probablly will complete it within one day, two at the most...lets hope the other's in this series (when they're released) are ALOT better...
Quality is great / length is awful
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: May 29, 2002
Author: Amazon User
*Great game play
*Puzzling levels
*Awesome moves to se
*Awful length of game play
*I sugest for a younger age (6-11)
*Save your money, it`s not worth it...
Don't bother
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: May 27, 2002
Author: Amazon User
THis game is a waste of money for any true rpg players. The sound is repetitive. The game play is a joke. If an enemy gets to hard all you have to do is run of the screen and they won't follow. The worst part is the game is just simple to beat over all. I ended up beating my game in less then three hours. If you want a game that can hold your attention for more than one day buy Tactic Orge or Golden Sun which are both available for Game Boy Advance.
If you are a true fan of DBZ you will be very upset at the intro alone. It shows the intro from the show but with different theme music.
The only reason i gave this game 2 stars is because it follows the anima's plot extemely well.
DragonballZ's downsides
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: July 16, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Although the game was kind of fun, it was really short and took me less than 3 hours to beat. The highest level you can get to is 25, and after you beat the game there are no special features, like starting over with everything you have or getting to be a supersaiyon the whole game! Also the supersaiyon ability only raises your speed, you don't even get stronger! Overall, the game isn't one to waste [$$] on. I think if it went down to about [half price] then you might want to consider it.
P.S. Your Kamehameha wave goes half way across the screen and
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: July 17, 2002
Author: Amazon User
when i was reading thru some gaming magazines, i saw a article for a dragonball z game coming to the gba. I was so excited becuase i am the big fan of dbz and since i havent been able to find the older dbz games, i thought well heres my chance to own a dragonball z game. i preodered this game long before it came out. when i finally got it i was so excited and couldnt wait to play it. Well after like 10 min, i just wanted to snap the game apart. First of all there were enemies that one- u can kill them with no problem or 2 - they can kill u with no problem. And the game is very very short. And they took out a lot of battls and stuff that was in the show. if you watched dbz from the first episode you will know what i mean. like u dont fight zarbon or any other of frezias main henchman. And in the show they fight vegeta a couple of times. in this u onlly fight him once. and they made some of the bosses just a little to hard. u have to hit them like more then 100 times. o and one last thing, they made the puzzles really easy except for one which made want to break the game. so what i am saying is dont waste your money. and if u really want to play it then rent it, you will beat it in the second day u have it or less. i would have gave it 1 star but its a dbz game.
Why did this game have to be American made?!!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: October 24, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Okay, I've been a big DBZ-fan since I was 13. I'm 17 now, and I still enjoy the show/comics. When I heard that an RPG of this was coming out for GBA, it looked rather cool! But this game...THIS IS HORRIBLE! The storyline is dull and boring, the battle system gets old pretty fast, and you have to do other stupid ...stuff, side-quests that should instead be optional!! (like in the FF and Zelda series).
There's some other things that are so wrong about this game. Another thing is that you have to fight Raditz in the beginning on your own while Piccolo watches and doesn't do jack! Also, it was quite a big mistake that INFOGRAMES did when you can get killed by animals! (that would never happen in the show!)and instead of landing near Gohan and Krillin when you reach Namek, you end up near a Namekian village and you have to do yet another dumb side-quest while Reccoom is probably continuing to beat the hell outta Gohan! (that didn't happen in the show or comic either!).
The characters are also messed-up looking alot of the times due to that they are all the same height and skinny! I'm so, SO glad that I did not buy this when it was released. Instead, I played it at my friend's place and realized what everyone was talking about on how bad it really was! The plot goes way too fast, and you're only kept interested for about 5 mins. or so and then that's it! I don't like the game and neither does he.
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: October 17, 2002
Author: Amazon User
i think this game was okay but it was to short i passed it in one measly day.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: October 17, 2002
Author: Amazon User
how do I beat the wolves on level 4?
PS. write a review with answers :) :] :}
kind of like pokemon
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: October 06, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This game is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay like pokemon.You grow levels with points.Wild creaters to battle to get points.If you like kind'a like pokemon and are a big DBZ fan then you should get this game.Its not like the tv episodes with the exeptions of going through temples.First you find Roshis magazines,then find Radditz kick his butt.You get sent into another demension ,train with King Kai.When you go back to Earth you battle Vegeta and
Nappa.Then go to Namek gob through temples and beat Frieza.Thats basicly the game.I would say its ok but still I chose 3 stars becuse I didn't like it much either.If you really like DBZ then you should wacth the episodes.I loved DBZ and wacthed the episodes.