Below are user reviews of Dragon Ball Z: Legacy of Goku and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Dragon Ball Z: Legacy of Goku.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (111 - 121 of 208)
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not that amazing, below average.
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: May 18, 2002
Author: Amazon User
ok, first off all, i'm not sure but to me it sounds like the other reviewers are reviewing this from a version on the super n or the super famicon. i have actually bought this game, and to say the least it's very disapointing to me.
This game allows you to lead goku through all of the dragonball z sagas, except the majin bou saga being released these days. It starts with gohan being kidnapped, to killing frieza.
The first thing you'll notice when you put the game in is it has a nice intro movie, got me all excitied. But from there things really went downhill. First of, goku walks pretty slow, and that can make fighting rather clumsy.
And don't even get me started on the fighting in this thing. goku the most powerful being on the earth, can be killed by wolves, and rather quickly at that. try melee fighting them, your dead, try ki blast and they won't work fast enough. you have to waste so much heath things because this fighting system is NOT EASY TO GET USED TO.
I really wanted this game, but now that i have it i'm sorry i bought it. i know my humble review won't stop all of you dbz fans from buying it. the reviews in the mags didn't stop me. but overall this is a very unbalanced, frustrating game. but i enjoyed the dbz character interaction, which may make it worth plugging through. but rent first if you can.
you can only get up to freeza!!!!!!!!!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: November 30, 2003
Author: Amazon User
this game is great for people who don't like dbz
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: July 15, 2003
Author: Amazon User
this game was ok at first,but as i went on i easily past the saiyan saga.So i kinda thought it was boring.the bosses are a little easy for me but probility hard for any of u who don't know what dbz is u go through 3 sagas saiyan,namik,and freiza. Sagas are kinda are like stories. This game is preaty fun,but don't buy it if u like dbz when u start u are at level one there are 25 levels to complete.there are also 3 moves. u start out with ki-blast u have to earn the other moves like kamehameha and solar flare.when u start ur at kami's house then raddits cames and takes gohan goku's son. u go through all kinds of maps to get further in the game there are about 15 maps, big maps. after raddits these two saiyans come vegita,and nappa. goku comes and finds out that piccolo, yamcha, and chowsu die. so u are to defeat them. i won't tell u more but dbz legacy of goku 2 is the best even for people who know dbz. there are 5 moves and way more maps this game is like 50 hours long or more u go through android and cell sagas u must get this game i say its a 5 star game.
Look at this reveiw
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: July 08, 2003
Author: Amazon User
ok im a big DBZ fan and the game is very fun. but if i was to rate it by the tv series this game [is bad]. none of it is true really. only get the game if to feel in the gaps if you didn't watch Dragon Ball and the saga of DBZ.
This is a boring game
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: May 21, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Dont' bother with this one. It is very disappointing. Very little of interest happens. The fights are dull and would be too difficult or at least too slow, except that I have discovered some hints on the net. It looks horrible too. Sorry, but it is a dud.
Boring but Short!!!!!!!!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: February 23, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This game was for my brother's birthday. He got this game durning the summer. I kept wanting to play with it but it was not what i had expected. I said isn't he supposed to be fighting the enemies or something. My brother told me he will just wait. I played it until the area he was going to fight Vegeta and i had beaten Raditz. Napper was as easy as anything that you could be finished with in a second. To beat him fast you got to be at least at level 15 9 or 10. But for vegeta you have to be higher. You will have been doing some training in King Kai's place. There you will have to catch Gregoria and bubble's. Then you will go to vegeta. Gohan, Krillan, and Piccolo will be ther and tell you that they tried to hold them bothoff until you came. After you beat both napper and vegeta you will be given some training in an area to let you go to the ginyu force. I neveer fought them. Then you could get to level 24 or 25 to be a super saiyan when you fight frieza. That's all I am going to tell you. Gooooood Luuuuuuuuuucccck!
Be careful what you wish for
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: January 07, 2003
Author: Amazon User
the legend goes... he who joins together the dragon balls is offered one wish, I wish this was better. Goku has lost his son and must get him back. find and destroy raditz. then in battle you get sent to the after life where you need to find some fat guy. after that your wished back to earth to fight vegeta and nappa. Why? after that you go to namek to fight frieza. where? it three times shorter than it seems. unless your a dbz fan you'll never understand whats going on. if your not obsessed with dbz you'll find it too short and bad battle or transportation (you have to cross miles on bare foot). Otherwise buy it. I'm a big dbz fan but p-u
Dragon Ball Z Review
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 4
Date: August 26, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I bought this Dragon Ball Z video for an 8 year old .
It was an excellent purchase. The child spends hours playing
with it. I would recommend the video highly. It is
action-packed and easy to use for a child. The game is a worthy
purchase as a gift. It is well-worth the $ price.
bad game, just plan bad
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: June 13, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I love DBZ as much as any other Anime fan but this game just [stinks]. I'll admit the graphics are good looking and it is cool to play through the world of DBZ, But that is where it ends. If you look deeper into the game you will see that it has multiple flaws. First off, it doesn't follow the story of DBZ exactly so if you are looking for that then don't play.( Since when does King Kai teach Goku Kamehameha.). Second, the hit detection in it is horrible. I have taken multiple cheap shots, and the punching and energy blasts rarely hit. You can beat the game by merely using 2 moves over and over again. The fun factor quickly wears off and all your left with is a semi-acceptable action/adventure/rpg game. Buy only if you are a hardcore DBZ fan.
haven't played it yet but from wat i have herd!
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: July 10, 2002
Author: Amazon User
i have herd that this game was ok and very awsome and boring, there definatley needs to be a sequal if anything. i herd he only is super sai-jin for a the end of the game which could get boring. A prequal would be nice to have the cell saga and the Majin(thats how it is spelled)Buu saga.