Below are user reviews of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (91 - 101 of 250)
Show these reviews first:
Probably the best game EVER made for Windows!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 6
Date: October 09, 2004
Author: Amazon User
When I first bought this game, I wasn't all that impressed because I didn't really get how to do anything. But now I am hooked on this awesome game. The graphics are so real, a lot of the time I feel like I am a real pilot!!! You can soar over San Francisco in a Boeng 747, or take a small Cessna Skylane from a small Municipal Airport. It has basicly every airport or landing strip in the world. Even if you live in a small town with a small grass landing strip, this game has your airport. The vintage aircraft on this game are awesome as well. You can take to the skies in your town with the original WRIGHT FLYER!!
Most definetely my favorite game EVER.
Note: Buy a joystick for use with this game.
Pretty good
Rating: 4,
Useful: 5 / 6
Date: March 05, 2006
Author: Amazon User
This is a good game. When I first bought it, it had just come out so it was about $50. I wish that I had waited a month and gotten it for $30. But apart from that the game is pretty good. It's amazing that there are over 22,000 airports that you can fly into. A lot of the larger airports are really detailed. Some of the smaller ones that they call airports, I wouldn't because all the people at microsoft did was make a "runway" which is a piece of grass that looks just slightly different than the areas surrounding it. Some of the larger cities look surprisingly detailed, but once you get out of the city, all of the auto-gen senery all looks the same. There are really only about 3 different kinds of houses that are all spread out over the land. I think that they could have done those a bit better, they all look fake if you're flying low. The ATC apparently has been improved I can't compare it to anything because I don't have any of the previous versions. There are a couple of different voices that you can use as yourself when you talk on the radio. However, there are only a limeted number of voices so somtimes the person in the tower has the same voice as you which doesn't make it sound all that realistic.
In the airports, I had to turn the scenery to almost maximum quality just to be able to see the gates, and they don't even come close to your airplane. Even if I did get close to the gates, they don't match up with the doors at all. But enough with complaints.
There are a couple of things that are really fun in flight simulator. Slew mode is great fun because you have total control of your airplane so you can get it to do almost anything that you want. I personaly love to make the Wright flyer go at over 2000 mph. It looks a bit odd. Another thing that is fun to do is crash into buildings, although your airplane doesn't blow up or anything fun like that. It takes some time though to learn how to fly really well. After a couple months I could sort of land the plane, but now I am able to fly better than the average bear. I really enjoyed using the pre-made flights that give you a specific starting and ending location. But overall, this was a good product, I am anxcious for the next flight simulator to come out.
Pretty good program.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 5 / 6
Date: January 27, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Runs very stable on my computer, but I do have a decent machine, all Intel, P4 dual core, good graphics card, lots of RAM, etc... No issues at all. Now that the newer version is out, this is a steal and a great value.
Realistic Assessment of MS Flight Simulator
Rating: 4,
Useful: 5 / 6
Date: February 28, 2004
Author: Amazon User
MS Flight Simulator is a very advanced "game" which requires advanced knowledge and skill on the the part of the user, and a very high performing computer gaming system to present at its best.
While the "game" will play on a pedestrian system, power computer system performance makes that difference between "game" and virtual reality. Following on from that, the effort to learn the skills of flying will add greatly to the reward of flying in the low fuel consumption MS Flight Simulator.
Take it from someone who has managed, maintained and flown advanced flight simulators since the mid 60's, this system is as incredible as your computer system and your skills.
This software is fabulous provided that you have the computer system and the personal dedication to get the most from it.
Excellent tool
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 6
Date: June 15, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This verison is better than ever and a great tool for learing to fly IFR. The dynamic weather is amazing to say the least.
For fans of the other versions this is a must have.
Finally, as real as it gets
Rating: 4,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: February 25, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I have been pushing planes through the skies with MS Flight Simulator since the late 80's (which I think is a true testament to my geekness) back when the scenery was wire frame building and checker board terrain. Each release of Flight Sim has gotten progressively better yet I haven't been moved to buy the latest copy since FS 2000. That was until I saw the previews for "Century of Flight." There are many things I like and dislike about this latest release. First, I like the increased and improved scenarios, however I do wish that the older scenarios used scenery appropriate for the era. Second, while I really like the fact that air traffic control comes standard, it isn't very realistic and this can be a pain in the butt occasionally. The scenery really isn't all that much better than many of the add-on packs that have been available for years but you can see an improved effort. I will say though that weather has been improved 100%. I love the rain and snow effects inside the cockpit and the terrain effects when switching from one season to the next. Real time weather is another cool feature of the simulator that adds more bells and whistles and increases the fun. The GPS and flight computer have been enhanced as well and adds a higher level of realism and enjoyment to the game as well. While this product has its quirks and annoyances, I have still found it tremendously enjoyable and would recommend it for any Flight Sim fan. I would recommend using a joystick, I have found it simply too hard to fly with the keyboard alone, especially after increasing the realism settings.
Great game, room for improvements
Rating: 4,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: August 04, 2004
Author: Amazon User
My first expierence with one of the Microsoft Flight Simulater games was with the 2002 version. I was able to play this game with both a yoke and a rudder pedal, but when I bought the 2004 version I had neither of these. Since I had to use my keyboard, I was at first concerned that my controls would be very shacky. It was at first but soon I was able to get used to it. This game has great realism. It has great graphics and although I am not a real time pilot, I'm sure the plane arobatics are very acurate. As a casual player, I bought this game purely based on my joy of simulated flying. At playing for a while, I soon started to worry that I would get bored of it quickly, but this was not the case. This game has great replay value. One of the most amazing things about this game is that you can create a custom flight, and you can litterly fly anywhere in the world. At the time I bought this game I was taking a WWII history class, so for fun I wanted to see where these battles to place. I was able to fly over the English Channel and over the Pacific islands.
Overall, this is a great game for a pilot-in-training or just the casual gamer like me. Deffinatly buy it if your interested in this genre.
Good news for simulator buffs
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: October 17, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I found Flight Simulator 2004 to be quite good. The price was reasonable, especially at certain places, and the installation was very simple. The only item that I customised was to shorten up the installation directory name; I hate those long names. There is an online upgrade to FS9.1 from Microsoft, but I've not yet had a chance to try it.
I didn't buy FS2004 for itself, but rather for all the add-on packs that are sold by third parties. You can purchase additional planes and high resolution scenery. My machine is a modest 1.6GHz with 512MB of RAM and a 3D graphics card with 64MB of memory on it. I'm running WinXP SP2, and so far have had no issues with either the simulator or the add-ons.
I've always wanted to fly the British WWII Spitfires, but not in any kind of combat game. So now with FS2004 and the add-ons, I can just tool around the English countryside (in hi-res) with the various models.
Sweeeeeeeeeeeet Graphics
Rating: 5,
Useful: 7 / 11
Date: September 23, 2003
Author: Amazon User
When I installed this game all I could say was WOW!!!! The graphics are unblevable. There are so many aircraft its great. I think it is the best of MFS series. But there is 1 thing they should have put in the game and that was The "Spruse Goose" . Overall it was the best game I ever bought.
Great flight sim for older machines
Rating: 4,
Useful: 5 / 7
Date: May 17, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I have an old laptop - Dell Inspiron P4 1.6ghz with 1GB of ram. I am thinking about upgrading but have decided to wait until DirectX 10 comes out on Vista.
Anyway, I wanted to get a flight simulator since I started taking flying lessons. I needed something to familiarize myself with the Cessna 172 cockpit and instruments as well as just to play around. The graphics on this game are fantastic considering it's age, and it runs extremely well on my laptop even at 1280 by 1024. If you have an old machine or even a new machine that struggles with FSim X, I can highly recommend this fantastic piece of software.