
Macintosh : World of Warcraft Collector's Edition Reviews

Below are user reviews of World of Warcraft Collector's Edition and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for World of Warcraft Collector's Edition. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

User Reviews (211 - 221 of 502)

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Another satisfied Stress-Tester

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 4 / 8
Date: September 14, 2004
Author: Amazon User

I, as many others recently, have participated in the Stress Test beta. I really love the Warcraft series, and I have played it since the first Warcraft game came out, though I have never been fond of Massively Multiplayer Online RPGs. I have played among a few games of this genre, Runescape before, but it was free and helped me pass the day, unlike a majority of other people who had a lot of experience in these types of games like playing Everquest. It took me forever to figure out what everybody meant by comparing this to "EQ."

Overall, I have been impressed in the end result. I highly dislike being Player-Killed in MMORPG's so easily. This is where WoW has a nice yet logical solution. While you can both agree to a duel, you generally can only attack the two feuding aliances, or the Horde Vs. The Alliance, and this is when you are invading each other's territory. But in neutral cities, you do get a mix of alliances together. It's strange how you can't undestand the other alliance speaking due to language barriers set up in the game. But what is even stranger is how when they don't attack you, people really do get caught up in this who feuding aspect and treat you meanly and stare at you to try and scare you off, whenever they can't simply attack you.

Also, something I have really hated about most MMORPG's is that you always have to do a lot of mindless fighting just to level up your character. While this is possible, it's actually more beneficial to level up by completing quests which really breaks up the monotiny of the game. And even right now, before the game has been completed, this game is loaded with different quests.

The graphics are simply amazing. On a nice, brand new computer, if you turned up all your graphic settings yet still allowing the game to be animated smoothly, it was simply one of those drop your jaw moments. Even on a low setting I was amazed.

This definately seems like it will be well worth the money for buying the game and the subscription fee (which I am hoping will not be too high.)

So far, though, many aspects of the game are still under construction. If you had any major or minor complaints during beta, or even the stress test, you were able to just type /suggest into the chatbox and it would give you a form to send in suggestions or bugs you find just like that. Also, many things are still being adjusted. As a review from well over a year ago was complaining about how hard it was for low level characters to level up and how easy it was for higher levels, as well as mindless leveling, I find it's just the opposite from my experience in the stress test. And it will be certain to change again.

The release date, I'm afraid, does not seem so solid at this point. I would expect at least a month of Open Beta, and it's already passing the one month marker. Though you can be sure that if it's not done before this Christmas, it may be the next year's Christmas, or the next year's... or umm.

WoW is a GREAT game!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: December 02, 2006
Author: Amazon User

Overall, I would have to say this is a great game. I've been playing this game for a while now and It's fun. The drawbacks about it is that you have to be really dedicated to it to get far. It takes a 20 days of game play to reach lvl 60 which inless you are dedicated takes longer then you think to get to. Another good thing about this game that it works for MacIntosh and Windows. I'm sick of finding games not for mac.

It is that good

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: January 04, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Love this game. Tried it out on a whim and am hooked. Needs to be taken in moderation though, very addicting. Great value even taking in to account the monthly fee. It's worth a try!

Best MMORPG I've ever played

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: January 03, 2007
Author: Amazon User

I tried Everquest before this one and after several months of struggling with several different characters, to get them over the level of 13, I gave up. I bought World of Warcraft then and I've been hooked ever since. Tired of watching re-runs of re-runs and those same !@#$ commercials (Honey? What does this switch do?) over and over again on TV? World of Warcraft is a fun and entertaining alternative. Beautiful graphics and great game play. Play solo, in groups, or do both. My only gripe is it can be a little hard to get logged in some nights when their servers are at max capacity and you have to wait in line to get in. About 5 minutes is the longest I've ever had to wait though.


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: March 19, 2007
Author: Amazon User

This game is absolutely the best game I have ever played in my life. I had played this since the release, but I quit a couple of months back due to the fact that was so addictive that I couldn't stop playing. I lost my social life for about 6 months, staying in my computer room every night without getting a breath of fresh air. I really think that the game is great, but to put hourly timers on it for limits for yourselves.

The graphics are great, the gameplay is simple, yet challenging, and the majority of the community are friendly and great to "talk" to. Remember to only play this game in moderation... or you might find yourself in a place you don't want to be.

wow for Wow!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: October 03, 2007
Author: Amazon User

The only complaint I've known people to have about world of warcraft is that it takes up too much of their time (or flat-out takes over their lives). Who can blame blizzard for making a game THAT much fun? Personally, I've been able to avoid becoming that engrossed with the game because I'm actually pretty terrible at it, but it's still a really great pastime when you have nothing else to do. When you have warcraft, you never get bored!

don't waste your money on this game

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: April 19, 2008
Author: Amazon User

This game is pure garbage until from start to finish. While the game is easy enough for anyone to play (including people that aren't 13+ years of age as the game suggests). The cartoony graphics are fun to look at and the weird little dances the avatars do are amusing to watch, but why should that really matter. I've played lots of video games and have better features to rate on a game on than cheap graphics and ease of play. To start off my complaints I'll mention this game is extremely buggy. Bugged mobs and quests scattered all over the place, and every time they patch it they create 50 more bugs to patch the next time around. I feel so sorry for the people that gave good reviews to this game, because I have no doubt in my mind they are already addicted to this game. Hell, almost everyone on campus I know that plays this game isn't satisfied with a few leisure hours of game play. Most or them play this game for hours each night to level their character to 60 (70 if you have the expansion). I should know I went through the same thing and it was fun at first because my friends helped me learn how to play this game, but in my two years of playing this game I have learned its nothing but a bunch of lil 15 year old kids and immature adults doing but ripping on each other all night. Every single time I played this game I would hear the word newb about 50 times as after all that seems to be an elite WoWer's worst fear. Don't be fooled the word "newb" in this game has nothing to do wiht being but is a lame term everyone uses on each other in an attempt to insult each other's intelligence and you'll hear it every time you ask a simple question about the game when you're signed in. This is in addition to numerous racial comments and other forms of language and abuse of the policies that either don't get dealt with by the GMs or never get reported. Believe me, I've tried reporting as much harrassment as I can about this game but when it takes an average 4 hours to get a response for a single abusive player its hardly worth it. Once I hit max level I did get into raiding which took me an entire night and on rare occasions longer, but I never really got much of anything out of it. After all the time I've wasted playing this game and taking abuse from unruly players I only wish I could get my time back blizzard --- think I could get a refund? People, I know it seems like internet is the future of just about everything here but really there are so much better ways than this game to entertain yourself. Play basketball or a fun nintendo game with your friends, but don't join the bandwagon of teh 10,000,000 walking zombies that devote their life only to bettering their characters til the next expansion of this game. Its not worth it.

Too easy , too much sugar

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 19 / 75
Date: January 13, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I have been playing MMOG since 97 - UOL , EQ , AC , AC 2 , DAoC , AO , SWG , WWIIOL , EQ2 , NWN ... you name it .
Besides every off line RPG there ever was - from Ultima 2 to Morrowind

I knew already before buying WoW that I would not like this game but have wanted to make the experience anyway .
The game box wandered to the garbage bin as expected yesterday after 1 month of playing .

The griefs are so many that I will only take the most importants .

The biggest grief is that the game is too easy .
There is no challenge , I can solo whatever I want .
Dying is not a problem (Ah ? Wasn't this thing supposed to be an RPG ?) , levelling is not a problem , winning any fight is not a problem , being stupid is not a problem , being asocial is not a problem .
Nothing is a problem .
Ok I have nothing against games being designed for very young kids , but I happen to not to be one .
I want my RPGs challenging , leveling difficult without being unfeasible , a minimum of thinking required , I am not afraid of failing from time to time .
WoW is failing here - it treats the players like somebody mentally handicapped , unable to face a challenge , unable to support the least frustration .
Yet it's because the things are sometimes difficult that overcoming them creates a very strong feeling of happiness .
Of course the DOSE of difficulty is important - 100 % leads to discouragement but 0 % is ridiculous .

Low life duration .
I suppose that in some 6 months , everybody will have done about everything in this game .
What then ?
Garbage bin ? Then I won 5 months .

No cooperation .
Playing this game or playing a single player off line game is about the same .
WoW somehow missed the M from Multiplayer part .
Well , yes there is still this (stupid) PvP part that I guess could be called Multiplayer .
But then there are better games if it was PvP I was interested in .

Really s...y , ugly graphics and colors .
It is surely a matter of taste but there is a part of immersion and credibility involved with playing RPGs .
Nobody can get an immersion feeling with a world that looks like a cartoon with colors that come from some bad LSD trip .
Not to speak about credibility .

So has WoW no merits ?

No there is at least one .
WoW is to MMORPG what Harry Potter is to fantasy litterature .
Harry Potter is a (very) bad litterature in general and subpar fantasy at best .
However it's easy to read and a good introduction for kids who without that would probably finish like most people by reading 1 or 2 books a year .
So there is a hope that beginning by the easy part , they would come to appreciate later some more difficult reading .

Same with WoW .
It's the best way to get introduced in an easy way to RPGs and MMOG for those who are little if at all familiar with it .
Once they ate this huge sugar cake , they might begin to appreciate some more subtle meals later .

Tired of grinding experience and trade skills??

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 3 / 5
Date: September 11, 2004
Author: Amazon User

Then this game is for you! I am part of the stress test, so I'm seeing the game in development. Blizzard has been changing things here and there as time progresses, so I won't comment on specifics. The quest system is nice, the gameplay is challenging, and the world looks good. Players are rewarded for forming groups to challenge quests as they can be difficult to solo. All characters are strong enough to solo "in the field." The trade skills are still changing, but as of right now (09/10/04) it is really easy to progress with crafting. Afterall, this is Warcraft not Craftcraft! Blizzard has a very good track record and work ethic, and I look forward to seeing WoW when it's done.

Best Game in the market...

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 3 / 5
Date: November 18, 2006
Author: Amazon User

I have been playing world of warcraft for almost a year(11 months). I am only 13, so i have time on my hands. But you dont need to have time on your hands to play and level up high. Leveling up can be easy and fun if you know how. If you are a person with not a lot of time on your hands, Warlock and mage can be easily leveled from 1-60 in 12-15 days total. However, classes like warrior, can be hard to level and sometimes boring. But at 60 warriors can be the top class.

The way blizzard made the game is amazing, The map is big and there is tons of places to explore. And at 60 it is not boring. At 60 you can do all the fun stuff. There are many 60 dungeons. You can group with people and do these. And you still dont need to play 10 hours a day for them. Most guilds will only raid on weekends, or friday nights. Plus most instances take around 3-5 hours. Or at 60, there are the battle grounds, Warsong Gulch is pretty much Capture the Flag. Arathi basin, in AB you have to conquer as many bases as you can out of 5. In Alterac valley you have to drive the other team down the map and kill their leaders. A warsong gulch game is typicly 20-30 minutes. Arathi basin can be anywhere from 5-30 minutes. But, Alterac Valley can be like 1-3 hours.

While you are leveling there are still many dungeons for your level. You dont even have to have a guild to do these. Most people Form groups with fellow players and go complete the dungeon. Also from 1-60 there are many fun and exciting quests. These quests can many times be completed with friends or fellow players. Hope that review helps =)

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