Below are user reviews of Time Splitters and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 134)
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Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 02, 2007
Author: Amazon User
GameSpot Review
We played quite a bit of Time Splitters, Free Radical Design's upcoming first-person shooter, at publisher Eidos' offices yesterday afternoon, and it has left us with some very concrete impressions of the game. By focusing on multiplayer combat, Time Splitters allows for some truly maddening firefights, which all take place on grand environments that are populated by some truly zany characters.
Though all the modes that Eidos demonstrated seemed to possess their share of fun, none impressed us as much as the game's multiplayer mode. And with good reason: According to Eidos, all the other modes will play second-fiddle and will serve solely as a means by which to unlock extra features - character models and such - in the multiplayer mode.
The multiplayer mode is fairly cut-and-dried in presentation. Prior to the matches, you and your opponents select your characters, after which player one will set the parameters for the match such as number of kills needed to win, the weapons and bots present, and the arena in which it'll all go down. Since the game is being developed to resemble, aesthetically, a series of B-movies, all manner of odd characters and stages are present - from '70s cop-show detectives to aliens and robots - and they are inhabiting places like expansive gothic cathedrals, spooky graveyards, and otherworldly spacecrafts. Some of the battles you'll engage in will prove to be truly absurd: Imagine a muscular, daunting space alien running and gunning around a venerable temple and shooting at you with a blunderbuss, and you'll surely agree.
From a gameplay perspective, most importantly, everything unfolds rather well. During the single-player mode, the action was flowing at upward of 60 frames per second, and, even during the four-player, split-screen matches, the frame rate remained quite healthy and never took a substantial blow. Indeed, even with five bots in the arenas and four players blasting away at each other, the game remained wonderfully playable and technically intact.
The game's other modes seemed functional enough, though rather single-minded in flavor. Unlike the intricate, multifaceted construct an FPS level has evolved into, Time Splitters' levels remain rather geared toward the mowing down of bodies, with the occasional key-fetch objective thrown in for good measure. Single-player and two-player co-op modes are included, both of which play wonderfully from a technical standpoint.
The game also includes a level editor, which, when demonstrated, seemed quite easy to use, versatile, and fun. Arenas with up to eight floors can be constructed, and there are a variety of texture sets with which to decorate the arenas. All manner of factors can be tweaked - from weapon availability and bot population to lighting effects. Depending on the types of peripherals developed for the PS2, would-be level designers could quite possibly make their arenas available to the online masses.
Needless to say, we're all quite excited about Time Splitters. Expect a full review of the game come its release alongside the PS2's launch.--Miguel Lopez --Copyright © 2000 GameSpot Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of GameSpot is prohibited.
Disembodied purposeless meandering
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 3
Date: November 25, 2006
Author: Amazon User
It's possible that this game would seem easy to someone who's played first-person shooter games before. I've played a lot of third-person shooters such as Ratchet and Clank, as well as adventure games such as Baulder's Gate: Dark Alliance. I found the controls completely non-intuitive. There is no tutorial, no way to learn how to operate the controls except being thrown into a level and repeatedly dying. There is a cooperative two-player mode, but when one character dies that player has nothing to do but sit around and watch the other player continue for many minutes--not much fun!
Non-intuitive controls: the right analog stick controls your character's rotational movement and gun aiming simultaneously, in some mysterious proportion. So when I move the control there's no way to tell if my character is just rotating her gun relative to her torso, or actually turning. My partner descibes the controls as "mushy, like driving an 1957 Buick." Furthermore, there is an "auto lookahead" mode which supposedly "returns your viewpoint to the horizon." At best it moves your viewpoint *toward* the horizon, but not all the way.
Overall the feeling I got was one of floating through the environment without actually being rooted in it, with there being only a very loose association between what I did with the controls and my character's actions on the screen. I spent a lot of times walking into walls and getting stuck in corners. Sometimes I would get hung up on some obstacle that was literally not visible on the screen, so that moving the controls had no effect on my character's movements. Only by backing out and changing the camera angle would I be able to see that there was actually some object that I had been hung up on.
The only level we played all the way through was a maze. My character died, leaving my partner to retreat out to the checkpoint. He wandered around for 10 minutes before finally stumbling on the exit--a maze of twisty passages all alike. It was difficult to get a sense of how far you'd travelled or how much you rotated. Again, there was a feeling of floating through the environment without being rooted in it.
Finally, there seems to be no story to this game, despite our playing in "Story Mode." You're dropped into the game with no idea of where you are or why you're there. There is a button you can press to bring up a one-sentence mission statement, along the lines of "Find the X and bring it to the Y." But since there's no tutorial, we just discovered this secret mission statement by accident, after trying and dying. Most importantly there's no motivation--why do I care about X? What difference does it make if it gets to Y? And why is it worth killing all these people to do so? In short, why should I care?
Time Splinter
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 9
Date: July 22, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Time Splinters is great GVG it has it all you can also play with your freinds online or just play the quest it has the best mini games besides Wario ware, You can play a mini game with up to 10 Bots it is a great game. But graphics suck ass. And online play is dead there is only like 15 people on it anymore. The online play is dead because everyone is playing the new version like Tim Spliners 2 or Time Splinter Future perfect, this game is the start of a huge franchis and its only 9.99 at most game stores because it is a ornginal game for Playstation 2. i Give 5 stars u bitches
Weak single player, great multiplayer
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 06, 2005
Author: Amazon User
During the PS2 launch, good games were scarce. But along came Timesplitters and it showed some of the great graphics(at the time) that the PS2 could handle. Although the single player was ultimately forgettable, it was the multiplayer that made the game so much fun. Getting some of your buddies over or even with bots was a blast. The levels were great as well as the weapons which seemed reminiscent of Goldeneye which had some of the same people on both teams as you all know. Overall, if your looking for a great multplayer game on the PS2 or if you want to see the original Timesplitters then you should track down a copy of this game.
Possibly better than Time Splitters 2
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: August 29, 2004
Author: Amazon User
In this the weapons are better than in TS2(Times Splitters 2), it is alot cooler to select a character(it may have caused the long loading times), the music is more memorable(you have the option on TS2 to have the music of this...). The multiplayer is better in this than Halo but not single player. If you want to just shoot things this is the game for you if you've not got it yet.
TimeSplitters- Simply awesome!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: July 06, 2004
Author: Amazon User
What's this I see before me? People bleating and moaning and blah blah blahing about shoddy controls? YOU PEOPLE ARE SO STUPID!!!!! If you had bothered to check the in-game menu's you would have found the option that allowed you to CUSTOMISE YOUR OWN CONTROLS! Wow, wasn't that hard? Now the controls can be as simple as you all obviously are!
Anyway, rant about morons over, onto the game.
Incredible. weak single player storyline granted but I will personally shake the hand of anyone who can do the Egyptian level on hard in less than 30 seconds to unlock the Teeth Mummy as a playable character. I did it (after 2 years)
This game really shines in multiplayer mode which, quite frankly, cannot be faulted on any level. The gameplay runs more smoothly than any other FPS available on PS2 from this time and if you are lucky enough to own a PS2 multitap and have 3 PS2 owning friends, the Deathmatch mode will quite literally keep you entertained for hours and hours at a time. I remember many an afternoon spent happily running around the beautifully constructed environs of this game fragging my mates to my hearts'content. Adding into this the fact that the level editor allows you to create your own levels, the possibilities for a truly well-humoured bloodbath are practically endless.
Challenge mode also rocks and challenges they certainly are, more than adequate to make up for the rather mediocre single player experience.
So, to recap, those gamers looking for a single-player orientated game should probably avoid 'Splitters cause the single player aint up to much, buy TimeSplitters 2 instead. Those gamers looking for a well-polished, smooth-running gaming experience with a near infinite multiplayer shelf-life, 'Splitters is THE game for you. Controls are easy to master because they are CUSTOMISABLE if you bother to hunt through the menus (which apparently many people did not)
All in all an extremely enjoyable, well presented gaming experience with an exceptional replay value and unsurpassed deathmatching, both of which more than make up for the poor single player experience.
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 11
Date: June 28, 2004
Author: Amazon User
The control of this game is awful. Graphics are average, sound below average and did i mention the horrible contols? Pass on this one and find a better FPS there are several out there.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 5
Date: December 06, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This game is cool!!! U can play with 4 players...but the characters names... let's just say they're not so wiggity wiggity whacked, ok? That means cool, sensible. This game is cool... I'm plannin on getting Time Splitters 2 for Christmas!!! If you're lookin at this it fool!!!!!!! It is really cool!!!
a good game but a little to hard
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: December 03, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This game is pretty good its as good as Time Splitters 2 its just it is very hard to beat on single player mode.maybe i'm just no good at it though. The graphics are the same as its sequal as is the gameplay and any fan of games like Golden Eye will like it
not really good
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 5
Date: July 23, 2003
Author: Amazon User
time splitters wasnt as good as time splitters 2. i mean this one doesnt have any game experince. the second one was really good this one just stunk. every thing in this game isnt good. the levels look stupid and so do the people you control. all the people in the second one looked much better. theres not even a story or any thing. dont buy this game just skip this and go to time splitters 2. if you want to see what its like rent it first.