Below are user reviews of Time Splitters and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Time Splitters.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (81 - 91 of 134)
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A GREAT First-Person Shooter!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 3
Date: June 04, 2001
Author: Amazon User
If you like running around and creating mayhem with fists full of lead, this is the game for you! Great weapons, huge replay value, great character design, and fun levels. Beating the game in one-player mode is fun but is just scratching the surface of this game. Once your done with that, you can really start to have fun with multiplayer - AWESOME! I have about 20 games and this is in my top three! Twin Mini-Guns is too dang fun!
Stands right up there with GoldenEye
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: June 02, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This is one of the best games of the past year. When I first got PlayStation 2, this was the first game I rented, and later received as a Christmas gift. The graphics are fantastic, the sound superior, and the storyline good----heroes in different times race through levels (from Egyptian tombs to Chinese mafia hide-outs to alien planets to catwalks-spanning-the-area chemical plants to haunted mansions to villages to futuristic streets to spaceports to war-wrecked towns of Europe). The game has many funny and serious characters, and overall this is a fun game. The soundtrack, although not on sale, is one ill soundtrack with great themes for each level.
The weapons range from laser guns to double shotguns to grenade launchers to remote mines. Even bricks are being used and characters from temptresses to police officers to SWAT team members to soldiers to robots to aliens to zombies to mutants, and even gingerbread men, Elvis, and duckmen. It is a great game and I highly reccommend it. A must-buy game for the PS2 with tons of replay value in a hard, but boring, Story mode and an exquisite and, of course, challenging Challenge mode. People who worked on GoldenEye, the legendary game for the N64, worked on TimeSplitters.....just liked to point that out.
Slow game, I don't think so!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: June 02, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Very fun and fast game to play! Rent it first if you don't believe me.I gurantee you will won't to buy it.
The Fastest and Best 1st Person Shooter
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: July 17, 2001
Author: Amazon User
A great and fast game. With about more than 30 weapons(different ones in each level)20 levels(with different time periods)and 30 characters(a new one each level)you can play for a long time. In each level you have a choice of 2 characters. In each level there are different enemies each with a gun available in the level.You can get many cool weapons. But this is only story mode. In arcade mode you can select which weapons to find around the level.The first one you pick is your starting weapon. I will tell you my favorites. 1:Scifi Autorifle 2:Raygun Carbine 3:Minigun X2 4:Tommy Gun X2 5:Rocket Launcher In arcade mode you can also pick which character you want the computer players to be.You can decide how many points to win,if there is 1 hit kills, and what set of weapons and CPU players you want to have(you can make custom sets). If you are a diehard gamer you must play this game. It is one of the best First Person Shooter games. If you thought the info made it sound like its a cool game PLAY IT!!!
Great can play it forever
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: August 28, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Timesplitters has the coolest weapons(like arifle with a laser and grenade launcher) levels and guys multiplayer is fun and the bot's are smart they know how to use a sniper rifle correctly the game has people monsters aliens and even ducks the game is chalenging a nd you can never beat the game it has challenges and things you have to do to get cool stuff for multiplayer which most games don't have the game keeps you entertained for hours if you like shooting games definetly get this.
OK, but hard to control
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: December 26, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game is different for a First Person Shooter...quite a bit different concept that most games, but is too difficult to control.
It's fun once u learn the controls
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: December 21, 2001
Author: Amazon User
this game is good if you like shooting.The control are hard at first but you will get use to them.Try grand theft auto its better than any shooting game.
Disappointing :-(
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: January 16, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I'm a huge fan of FPS on both consoles and PCs, and TimeSplitters was a bit of a letdown. TS is basically a clone of Goldeneye/Perfect Dark. Any fan of those games will definitely notice the similarities. The look, the perspective, the weapons, the music, everything has that air of familiarity about it. TS was even made by former Goldeneye developers.
If you can gather 3 friends, though, be prepared for the epiphany of FPS. A round of TS/PD/Goldeneye with 4 people beats an LAN game of Quake or Counter-Strike hands-down. There is something about everyone sitting together that is lost when people have their own screens. Still, I feel the multiplayer part is lacking. TS offers better graphics than an N64 FPS, and the framerate never drops no matter how many bots you play with. However, TS just doesn't offer the same number of options or levels that Perfect Dark offered 6 months ago. I think that is very important for preventing a game like this from getting boring. I have much more fun with Perfect Dark because of this very reason, despite the improvements in Timesplitters. Most of all, I *don't* recommend buying this game to play by yourself. The "story" mode is boring, and the bots are fairly dumb. You fun is directly proportionate to the number of people you play with, so be wary if you can't get the gang together all that often.
The biggest disappointment is the level builder. The available "building blocks" are very few, like 8-10 total rooms and various corridors to connect them. Don't expect to make a replica of your school or house, because every level looks like the same non-descript maze. Overall, the level builder is easy to use and a great advancement to the genre, but most creative people will get bored with it really quickly. Maybe a random-level generator would have been useful...
Great multiplayer game.. single player a bit lacking though
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: January 18, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Out of the 4 release titles that I have purchased, this it the only one I still play with friends. The multiplayer part of it is really addicting, and is still great fun to play. The graphics looks smooth and run at 60fps at all times even during battles with four people on screen.
The only real complaint I have is the single player part lacking any real cohesion. It mostly acts just to unlock stuff for the multiplayer mode, and I don't really find the single player that fun. The single player mode is also real difficult, so I have often been frustrated trying to unlock some level and being glad it's over with when I finally do.
It's still a must own game for the PS2 for the multiplayer mode. Make sure you have a multi-tap and some friends to fight with when you you buy this game.
TimeSplitters... One awesome game!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: January 23, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Just to warn you ahead of time, I only got this game recently. But so far, it is great!! This game uses the analog feature very well, and gives great control. There is also a wide variety of weapons and characters. The story mode and challenges give you a wide variety of activities when playing solo. But this game truly shines in the deathmatch mode.Even against the bots, multiplayer games are incredibly enjoyable. If you have a multitap, this is the best multiplayer game I've ever played. The fast-paced shootout with three of your best friends just can't be beat. If you plan on using it in one player mode, this is a very good game that can provide hours of enjoyment. But if you really want to unleash this game's full potential, invite some friends over and let all hell break loose in a multiplayer deathmatch.