Below are user reviews of Time Splitters and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Time Splitters.
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Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (21 - 31 of 134)
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Excellent First Person Shooter
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: November 25, 2000
Author: Amazon User
I purchased Timesplitters on the Launch day of the Playstation 2. I must admit that my expectations were not all that high for this game. I can very happily say that Timesplitters surprzed me greatly.
This is the best shooter I have every played on any home console period. The graphics are absolutely goregous, with smooth textures everywhere you look. There are lots of levels and characters to unlock in this game. You start with only 3 levels, but have the ability to unlock 15 more.
The control is a little tricky at first, but if you have played Quake II on the Playstation One, then you should be able to adapt very easily. On your analog pad, one control is used to move your weapon, the other to move your character. Its pretty easy once you get the hang of it.
The amazing thing about TimeSplitters is its depth. There was a lot put into this game. Especially the weapons. Each level you open up will introduce a bunch of new weapons. ( I especially love the Mini Gun...its a real Hoot) The scenes that you will explore are reminiscent of the time periods that are you in. This is nicely done and really adds to the atmosphere of the game. As far as speed, this game flies. I have never seen enemies move so fast on a home console based shooter. This really amazed me. And to mention about those zombies that wont die unless you shoot their heads off....very cool stuff!!
Another great thing is the extra modes, such as Capture the Bag, Deathmatch, and Knockout to name a few. If you get tired or beat the game in the regular story mode, you have a plethora of new options, which extends the playability of the game. If you havent considered picking up a Mulitap for your PS2 yet, you should. The 4 player Deathmatch is cooler than words can say.
Bottomline, Graphically this game is awesome, The gameplay is quite fun. Single players or mulitple players (up to 4 with a mulitap) will have a great time with this. The music works quite well and adds to the atmosphere of each level. This is what a launch game should look, sound and play like. Timesplitters is definitely one of the best PS2 games released so far.
I highly recommend picking this one up!!
TimeSplitters- Simply awesome!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: July 06, 2004
Author: Amazon User
What's this I see before me? People bleating and moaning and blah blah blahing about shoddy controls? YOU PEOPLE ARE SO STUPID!!!!! If you had bothered to check the in-game menu's you would have found the option that allowed you to CUSTOMISE YOUR OWN CONTROLS! Wow, wasn't that hard? Now the controls can be as simple as you all obviously are!
Anyway, rant about morons over, onto the game.
Incredible. weak single player storyline granted but I will personally shake the hand of anyone who can do the Egyptian level on hard in less than 30 seconds to unlock the Teeth Mummy as a playable character. I did it (after 2 years)
This game really shines in multiplayer mode which, quite frankly, cannot be faulted on any level. The gameplay runs more smoothly than any other FPS available on PS2 from this time and if you are lucky enough to own a PS2 multitap and have 3 PS2 owning friends, the Deathmatch mode will quite literally keep you entertained for hours and hours at a time. I remember many an afternoon spent happily running around the beautifully constructed environs of this game fragging my mates to my hearts'content. Adding into this the fact that the level editor allows you to create your own levels, the possibilities for a truly well-humoured bloodbath are practically endless.
Challenge mode also rocks and challenges they certainly are, more than adequate to make up for the rather mediocre single player experience.
So, to recap, those gamers looking for a single-player orientated game should probably avoid 'Splitters cause the single player aint up to much, buy TimeSplitters 2 instead. Those gamers looking for a well-polished, smooth-running gaming experience with a near infinite multiplayer shelf-life, 'Splitters is THE game for you. Controls are easy to master because they are CUSTOMISABLE if you bother to hunt through the menus (which apparently many people did not)
All in all an extremely enjoyable, well presented gaming experience with an exceptional replay value and unsurpassed deathmatching, both of which more than make up for the poor single player experience.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 3 / 8
Date: October 29, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I wanted to love this game, but the controls made it impossible to play. I'm shocked at the love fest this has generated, given the awfull control options. A little code to support a USB mouse would have been greatly appreciated here! I spent all my time trying to get my cross hairs aimed at something while getting plugged full holes. I had a few ideas about configuring the control layout to make it playable, but the rigid pre-defined choices wouldn't allow it. Traded it within a few days for something that was actually fun to play. Rent it, and see if you can live with the controls first!
Hard fast and fun, but PC multiplayer shooters are better
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: December 27, 2000
Author: Amazon User
This game is tough in one player mode and more fun than a bag of weasels in multiplayer mode. Of course there is the limitations of a divided tv. I enjoyed the first player a bit more than multiplayer just because I have had so many games that I play on the net like this where the screen is mine alone. If you have a decent computer and fast internet connection, your best bet is Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, or Half Life. They are cheaper more advanced, more workable, and more everything in this genre.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: January 04, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Time splitters is the BEST game on the market. It has like 20 guns and you can choose which guns you want in the levels! The controls are hard at first then they are GREAT!!! You can make your own levels, then play them with your freinds! Also the 1 player game is really fun. Or if you want to play computers at capture the bag (like cature the flag), or deathmatch or something it is even better! GET THIS...GAME!!!! IT IS THE BEST OUT THERE!
A constant Loop
Rating: 2,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: August 11, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I read many reviews for this game, many said it was excellant and you must buy it. But when i eventually did get round to buying it i managed to complete the story mode 3 hours after purchase. The Story Mode consists of about 6 levels which are all exactly the same with the slight exception of the terrain and the enemys.
When ever you complete a level you cen either unlock new enemys which doest make a difference because all their abilitys are the same, you can unlock new challenge modes which are extremly similar to the story mode.
The game doesnt even have a story unlike some games. Youve just been put in this world to go around killing a bunch of peole for some odd reason. The game is the same from start to finish a complete bore. I would recommend Unreal Tornament for the PC which alot better and more fun.
Fastest FPS on any Console!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 5
Date: October 20, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Man! When I first heard that this game was going to be at 60 frames per sec even in 4-Player mode I was really impressed! Not only that but having 50 cool characters to choose through out the time lines is really cool! Also the slick and awesome level editor really makes Replay HIGH! Go out and buy this game it's worth every penny!
Graphics good, control terrible
Rating: 2,
Useful: 2 / 5
Date: November 10, 2000
Author: Amazon User
OK, I admit the graphics, special effects, and other small details are awesome. But the controls plain out .... You HAVE to use both of the analog sticks to move around, you don't even have the option to use the control pad (which I always use). If you're a joystick person, you'll like it, if not, you'll go crazy after playing 5 minutes.
If only they had different types of controls like in Goldeneye (where they had 1.1,1.2,1.3, etc.).
The small things are great in this game, like the graphics, they glass shattering when you shoot through it, and the explosions are all great.
But a game with ... controls is a total waste of time.
A Must-Buy
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 5
Date: July 17, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Since there are many first-person shooter games out for PlayStation 2, I decided to do a review on TimeSplitters. I know this game has been out for a long time now (released on October 26, 2000) but, many first person shooters are out now and if you haven’t set your hands on this one yet, just read our review. Then, you can decide whether you want to buy TimeSplitters or not.
If you are wondering why the name of the game is TimeSplitters, its because you have to stop an evil group outside of time called TimeSplitters from making humanity history. TimeSplitters cut into time itself to stop the human race. It is up to you to stop TimeSplitters from ruling us humans.
In order to stop TimeSplitters from taking over, you have to travel back in time and into the future. There are three sets of years, 1935-2005, 1950-2020, and 1965-2035. In 1935-1955 you battle TimeSplitters in 3 different levels. The first level takes place in 1935. The name of the level is "Tomb." You fight in an Egyptian style Tomb. You can only select from two characters to play any level in story mode. One male character and one female character. The names of the characters in this level are Captain Ash and Lady Jane. The objective of the level is to find the Cultist’s ankh and return it to the shrine. The Cultist is a character in the game. The next level takes place in the year 1970. The name of this level is called "Chinese". The character selection for this level is a detective and a lieutenant. The male Detective is named Det. Harry Tipper and the female lieutenant is named Lt. Christine Malone. In this level you battle in Chinese style house. Mission: Seize the gang’s file as evidence and get back to the alley. The next level takes place in the year 2005. The level is named Cyberden. You can select a male character named Deacon Swain or a female character named Chastity Detroit. Your mission: Get the cyberg’s plans and return to the ventilation ducts. The fourth level takes place in the year 1950. This level is entitled Village. The characters in this level are doctors. The male doctor is named Dr. Seth Graven and he female doctor is named Dr. Katje Nadir. The level obviously is at a small village. This level is very creepy looking because the TimeSplitters in this level all look half dead. You can shoot off their heads or their arms. Mission: Find the cursed artifact and bring it back for deeper research. The next level is in the year 1985. It takes place at a Chemical Plant so the name for this level is obviously Chemical Plant. The male character is named Finger McKenzie and the female character is named Ravelle Velvet. Your mission for this level: Redaim the case of stolen jewels and get back out of the plant. The sixth level takes place in the year 2020. The name of the level is called Planet-X. The name of the male character is Sebastian Photon. The female character is named Angel Perez. Your mission: Recover the hostage cyberbrain and proceed to the beam up coodinates. There are 3 more levels in story mode but I think you heard enough. There are 3 difficulty settings for each level. Easy, medium, and hard. Once you complete the game on any level, you unlock the challenge mode. In this mode, you will be challenged to do certain things like punch off 30 heads in 1 minuite. Through out story mode you can unlock cheats which are more like easter-eggs. Some of the cheats allow you to make all characters have big heads and turn all characters into bunnies. You can unlock up to 15 cheats that can be used in story mode and 8 cheats that can be used in arcade mode. You want some multi-player info right? I know you do. Story mode can be played with up to two players. What’s that you’re saying? You heard TimeSplitters is for four player? Well yeah, TimeSplitters is for four players. In arcade mode, you can play with 1-4 players and up to 10 bots. There are lots of options to set to maximize the fun level. In arcade mode you can play deathmatch, bagtag, capture the bag, knockout, or escort. The choices vary depending on what level you select.
The graphics are good if you are playing TimeSplitters by yourself. If you have 2-4 people playing, the graphics will not be so good. If you compare the graphics in Red Faction to the graphics found in TimeSplitters, Timesplitters without a doubt would be the winner. When you select a character and they talk, there mouth does not open. But what really helps the graphics in TimeSplitters is the wonderful character details and the characters animations. There is about 64 characters in total if you beat challenge mode and every difficulty level in story mode. That’s 64 animations for characters alone! Free Radical Design and Eidos really put in a lot of hard work to make the game but the graphics could have been better.
Since first person-shooters involves lots of shooting, sound is about the hardest thing to make perfect. Especially for a 4 person game. As soon as you shoot, you hear the sound of your gun firing a bullet to kill an enemy. Most of the music fits perfectly with the level. For example in the Chinese level, you will hear Chinese music. In the Tomb level, you would hear Egyptian music. In Planet-X you hear Techno music which sounds very good but when you get really into the game, techno music just doesn’t sound right. Also, you can’t hear the sound of your footsteps or enemy’s footsteps. The sound on TimeSplitters is very good but it could have been a little better.
I bought this game since November and I still play it A LOT. With over 55 characters and 32 weapons of destruction, how can someone ever get bored of TimeSplitters?....
Best FPS Ever
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: November 15, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Fist off the controls on this game are the best ever. While they take some getting used to i believe whoever thought of the layout and using both analog sticks is a genious. And the graphics are amazing. the only thing that slightly made me mad was the lack of a story line. but that is soo small when you think of all the things this game offers. the level editor is worth the 50 bucks all by itself. the game is simply amazing a must buy for all FPS fans