Below are user reviews of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (171 - 181 of 201)
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The best Resident Evil I've yet seen!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 13, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I *Love* this game,although my brother didn't because it was to hard he said...He thinks Code Veronica for the Dreamcast is better,but I've yet to play that one....Anyways,this is the first Resident Evil I've actually played I've only watched my brother play the other two,but I from what I've seen I think this one is the creepiest,and best one from the Playstation series!!! It has much better graphics as well... There are many puzzels to figure out,oh and some of them are so much fun(sarcasm)!!!You play Jill an ex stars cop who is about to leave this town when to t-virus hits...Loads of zombies everyone,and its so much fun to kill them!hehe Although they can get annoying,but the weapins are cool,and on easy mode you get unlimited ink ribbon uses.By the way if you are a beginner I suggest starting on easy since this is the Hardest Resident Evil yet!!!But if you're a veteren player don't be chicken to play on hard-mode!!!Later ni the game you meet Carlos mercinary who works is sent by umbrella to find survivors from the virus supposedly...And later you end up playing him after Jill get's knocked out. Each time you fight nemesis is a challenge,and you have to avoid him through out most of the game...Carlos has to get Jill the vaccine because nemesis got her...There are some really hard to kill amphipian creatures in one of the labs at the hospital you go in...The end battle if a good one difficult like it should be.!Also a pretty darn good ending for a pretty darn good game!!!So if you like these type of games you'll hafta check out Resident Evil 3:Nemesis its a must have!!!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: September 01, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game is really fun but, that Nemisis freak really takes the fun out of it. At one point of the game you have to fight him 2 times in a row, and right after that you fall into a giant hole and have to fight a mutated worm. And I do mean 2 times in a row, like beat him, go through the next door and beat him again. Graphics are crisp and the zombies are sick looking, but it would be funner if Nemisis didn't show up so much. After a while it becomes repetitive and really annoying. So either run for your life or waste your ammo. Though, it's still fun to play.
Great Game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 20, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This is a great game along with a great storyline. You must solve puzzles and other things to accomplish the game. Also, after you complete the game you get a key to a store that allows Jill to change her outfit. I completed the game in one night, but if you are an unexperienced Resident Evil gamer expect spending up to several days to complete it!
classic,marvolous,fantastic game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 19, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Scary Nemesis
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 06, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Yet the scariest RE,you will feel your heart beat when you find the nemesis when you turn the corner,when the control vibrates everytime you have to make a live selection.Even if some say Code Veronica is better,Re3 still is the winner.This game is one of my favorites in my games gallery(50),if nobody was around and if it was night I turned the playstation off.Frustration may take over when the Nemesis doesn't fall or if he gives you his death punch,but don't turn the console off,you will win.overall RE3 deserves all the good reviews it recieved
Mixed up evil 3
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 07, 2000
Author: Amazon User
This is just so confusing! End of Res 2 you see the direction that Res 3 should have gone, but this doesn't instead they decided to go before and after res 2! Why bother I don't know?
This time you play Jill Valentine (boffins of the series will remember her from the first one) both before and after the events. At first I thought this meant go through one scenario before Leon and Claire's entry into the series. Then go through a final scenario tieing the series up. But they actually meant that one twist in the story delays Jill's escape meaning that you are after the other two.
The game was also very confusing by the fact that many parts of the game would block Re 2 all together! For example at the police station most of the doors are boarded up preventing access, and outside the only way in is through a huge iron gate, not the park or underpass! They threw me as well don't worry about it!
The game though did have a few advancements. Firstly you can now dodge attacks if you react correctly and also the inclusion of live sections where you must make a swift choice can open new routes through the game. I also liked the fact that every time you play that game changes, where there was shotgun ammo before there is now nothing! Creating an enjoyable twist on the continuation of the series. It also has the most frustrating boss character ever in the form of nemesis. Armed with a huge rocket launcher and painful attacks with his bare hands he proves to be a thorn in your side that you really want eradicating.
I did feel disappointed with this though. I wanted a massively explosive finale to a great series but here we now have to ponder what comes next.
Enjoyable but confusing and not a lot of change in direction. Also the game is far too short! Worth buying if you're an RE addict but otherwise seriously consider it before buying.
Third Installment Great Rental; Decent Buy
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 02, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Okay. Third Resident Evil game. The first one was EXTREMELY hard because of serious lack of save opportunities. The second was way too easy even on the challenge mode, although two personalities added fun replay. Now, this third one has a little of both. Easy mode is REALLY easy, while nromal is pretty difficult (make every shot count!) The Mercenaries sub-game you open the first time you beat the game is an interesting twist, as people who buy rather than rent this game can keep playing after they've beat Nemesis. My policy has always been rent first, buy second, but if you do enjoy the Res Evil series, you should buy it, as you know what you're getting into. For those who don't want that much commitment, renting it twice should be enough to beat the regular game.
Resident Evil 3 Nemesis
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 23, 2000
Author: Amazon User
I thought that this game was not even close to the other two. The graphics and everything are cool but the story line, zombies, and just the difficulty of the game lacked that of the first two. I think that most of the reason for this is because they did not spend enough time on the game, it wasn't very long after Resident Evil 2 came out that this game came out. I think the best part of the game is playing the mercenarie game after you beat it and the different costumes that you can get. All and all my suggestion would be not to buy the game because it is not worth it, just rent it and beat it, it is quite easy. I know from experience.
Again,a thrilling experience by Capcom!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 11, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Resident Evil I scared us to the bone, but had some features that could have been improved (analogue compatibility, auto aim, etc.). Resident Evil II, although less scary than the first chapter, was better by a graphical point of view and contained those i provements missing in the first game. The third chapter has an unbelievable outstanding graphics and is perfect by a maneuverability point of view! This game is a must-buy, do not wait (i played the japanese version cuz it was the only available at the time).
RE3 Kicks Butt!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 22, 2000
Author: Amazon User
RE3 is the best Resident Evil yet. The graphics, sound, weapons, stoyline, and movies all kick butt. The only bad thing about RE3 is that the big dude is every where you go, you can't get away from him, untill the end, but every thing else is the best. Another cool thing is that about half way thought the game you switch charactors, you go from Jill to Carlos, but then back to Jill. RE3 is by far the best one I have ever played!