Playstation : Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Reviews

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Gas Gauge 89
Below are user reviews of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 88
CVG 90
IGN 94
Game Revolution 85

User Reviews (161 - 171 of 201)

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A cool 3rd option for the series.

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 14, 2004
Author: Amazon User

Let me start by saying that out of the 3 this one is the most improved in terms of the facility to handle the controls. I won't get into much detail because others have pretty much summed it up, but I will say that part 1 and 2 were a bit of a notch superior than this one, although it is expected, afterall the first two were classics. But they did a fine job in making a strong 3rd one. As far as the feeling of getting scared is concerned, the first two were scarier. Still a superb game! The puzzles are very good for most of the part because at times they can be hard which is challenging. However, it does not have that flavor of the first two, but nevertheless an entertaining time.

great game

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 27, 2003
Author: Amazon User

well,i was impressed the game is good but the thing i just dont
get why do we have to have nemises everywhere we go we have fight him like 8 times,anyway resident evil 3
was great the only promblem the camera angles are horrible
but resident evil 3 is good enough to have your fingers wrapped around the control stick for a long time.the graphics are great
but resident evil 3 is not as good as resident evil 1 and 2
but its still a great game


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: September 20, 2003
Author: Amazon User

I got Resident Evil 3 out yesterday and played through it again after reading S.D. Perry's novelization, which I highly recommend. I wouldn't say RE 3 is the strongest of the series, but it's definetly a great game.

Raccoon City has been completely overrun with the T virus and Jill is making her last escape. She isn't without help however. There's also Carlos Oliveira, who is sent in with the U.B.C.S. (Umbrella Bio-Hazard Countermeasure Service). Carlos is unaware that it is Umbrella behind everything, and he does all he can to help Jill and himself get out of Raccoon City alive. Then there's the Nemesis himself; an evolved version (near invincible) of the Tyrant whose only purpose is to kill every last STARS member, and he is after you throughout the game, giving RE 3 a very tense feeling which doesn't exist in the first two installments, or at least not to this extent. The graphics are slightly improved over RE 2, with the signature pre rendered backgrounds that have always been very effective in my opinion. The controls are excellent as always. As for the soundtrack, it's much the same with maybe a few new tracks here and there. The sound effects are awesome, with zombie moans and such coming from far off making the game very eerie as you wonder through Raccoon City. The dialogue is cheezy as always, but what do you expect? As for new gameplay elements, there's a few of those. You can now dodge enemy's attacks which is very helpful, and you can also do a 180 turn which helps a lot in tight spaces. Then there's the thing where you must make a quick decision as to which course of action you will take in certain big situations.

Resident Evil 3 seems very unique from the other RE games, and fans of the first two shouldn't be disappointed at all. So if you still haven't played this installment go pick it up for psx, dreamcast, or gamecube!

the game ............

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 05, 2003
Author: Amazon User

this is the 2nd best ps1 game of all time. the main reason why re3 is the 2nd best ps1 game is beacuse the erry chill of this game is so scary that you could fell the blood rush to your spine . like when the zombies pop out of the wall or windows out of nowhere and you try to shoot the zombies and the same time when you try to shoot the zombies you fell your heart beat like you were about to die for real.this is why re3 is a very good game. plus re2 is the best ps1 game ever. ps. little kids do not play beacuse when i played when i was 7 i wet my pants . for real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 29, 2003
Author: Amazon User

An even better game released on Playstation 1. On this game Nemwsis shows up everywhere. You also get a machine gun to start the game off. After you beat it you can play the mercenaries. If you get 9,999 dollars you can get infinite ammo on every gun. It' awesome.

A thrill minute

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 08, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This review is actually in reference to both the Dreamcast version and the Playstation version. For PS 1, RE 3 offers some of the best graphics available on the system, on DC the graphics are a sore disappointment as there were only minimal improvements, and while it does look better on the DC there are other enhancements that I would have implemented. This game had scared me when I rented it on the PS 1 so bad that I set it aside. It had got my heart racing, the whole running away and running for dear life... and me without a guidebook! Several years later I buy the DreamCast version just to complete the collection, and while waiting for the remake of RE 1 for my GCN I dust this game off and played through it, without a guidebook. This time I didn't get spooked at all. I was up pretty late that night I got scared anyway.
RE 3: Nemesis focuses more so on action than anything else, and there is (thankfully) more than enough ammo and herbs to go around. I think that this is probably the easiest of the Resident Evil games, not saying that you won't encounter the "You Died" screen on occasion, but less often than in other installments. This is also the shortest game in the series. The voice acting is dramatically better than previous games, as well as the in game cut scenes a little more fleshed out. However the story is not as fleshed out as it should have been. The game does have some advantages. It is the first game to allow you to ascend and descend stairs without using the action button, and it was the only game of the series to have a functional dodge button, which was great. I also enjoyed the gunpowder mixing. All in all this game is a lot of fun, short, but sweet, and although it is not the pinnacle of the series it is a worthy sequel. Plus the DreamCast version has more than enough extras to keep a person busy for a while. Lie RE 2 this game is being ported to GCN with minimal improvements. I only wish that Capcom would consider a total remake of this game as well with more story elements. If future installments of RE are to keep the tank like movement than I hope that they will reincorporate the dodge button.


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 02, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This game is totally hot! Don't play it alone or in the dark! When Nemisis pops out at you you may get terrified! You may need to get the companion book for suggestions on playing-no cheats- this game can be hard, but it is excellent!I sincerely recommend it!

Resident Evil 3 is One of the Best!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 31, 2001
Author: Amazon User

I really enjoy the Resident Evil series of video games. What else can Capcom think of to do to the poor citizens of Racoon City? We'll just have to wait and see if they have another chapter in the works. This game had just enough action for me. It had just enough tension to it but not too much where I felt overwhelmed and I loved trying to figure out all of the puzzles to it. Thanks for another great survival game.

The best yet by Tony Bouxa

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 27, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Well to start you are a girl named jill and you must ecsape from racoon city and destroy resident evil. First of you should start on easy mode if you are a beginer. Well on easy mode you start of with a magnum, asullt rifle, handgun and a shotgun and a knife but you get even more as you go along. You should stock up on as much ammo as possible, the reason I give this game a five star rating is because of the excitment and difficaulty and extremly well planed out plot. This review I am sending is a short and non detailed one. So in short THIS IS THE BEST YET!!!!

not worth the 5 stars

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 12, 2001
Author: Amazon User

this game is excillent, the graphics are top notch, the game is chalinging but not to hard, it is just a great game, why did I only give it 4 stars? because the stupid voice acting, and why do the characters always move thair hands like that, do you know anyone who waves thair hands in slashing motions while they talk. If they would stop the hand movements and tried harder on the voices, the game would be perfict! Don't let the voices discurage you from buying this game, thair is so much to this game, let me talk about replay value, almost every puzzle in the game is random, so you can't just use the same solutions every time through the game. Let me talk about the nemesis, he's a 8ft(I think) tall monster that makes frankenstein look like a whimp, with a tenticle that spews poison at you, and equipped with a cannon. He sounds dangerious, you face him more than wonce in this adventure. After much time playing this game you could tell capcom put much time in this enemy, and he has the only voice in the game that is not annoing, as he only says "stars".

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