Below are user reviews of Mega Man X5 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Mega Man X5.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
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User Reviews (11 - 21 of 37)
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Mega Disappoinment
Rating: 2,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: December 14, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I've been a huge fan of megaman games since i was 8 years old and till this day i always go to the local toy store(Or order it on when ever a new megaman came out. After playng X4 witch was fantastic I could not wait to play X5 but when i finaly played it and after 5 minutes of game playing i was asking myself (...)Where's The the Cut scenes? Insted of (...) cut scenes like that were in X4 there was insted crapy stills with sub titles! This was a let down i did'nt feel like playing the game anymore but i did and as i played i relized (...)! This game is hard! Don't listen to the amazon review this is not an easy game, The game makers put a slow motion option in the game anyone who says it's easy most likly played it in slow motion, There are parts in the game that are so Hard you begin to ask yourself "Why did i buy This Crap?". Graphics and sound are great as in any megaman game Gameplay is also very good but with no cut Scenes a lame plot and a crap ending it just does not live up to X4 in fact it's the worst in the series. If your a die hard megaman fan it's worth a buy otherwise Rent it the game has little replay value.
Simply Beautiful
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 5
Date: March 18, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Well, as the greatest Mega Man/Mega Man X fan alive, I thought that this game was beautiful. I say pshaw to those who shun this game. They have no idea what they are talking about. They all said the same friggin thing- "The game is too easy....big disappointment"......... Pshaw! I don't care about any of that. The game was VERY fun, and the story... simply beautiful. I couldn't have done it better myself. The ONLY let down, however, was that there was no Vile in the game. Vile is undoubtedly the koolest character in the series!
Basically your return to the 2d world
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: March 08, 2001
Author: Amazon User
First I highly suggest purchasing this game if you have played 2d games; if you have never played 2ds, this game will suck for you. Nonetheless, 2ds are still enjoyable if you give them a chance. It's a time-based game; if this becomes an issue, I suggest you visit and get your hands on a gameshark. If you have a PSone or PS2, get Gameshark Lite. It makes the game a bit more "interesting."
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: August 02, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game is excellent. It is easy though. I have a correction to make. You have always been able to destroy the bosses with one weapon like the z saber or x buster. The weapons like in this game make it easier.This game is great dont worry. It has a great story and is loads of fun.
Good but bad....
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: November 25, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game ruled alot, you people saying its to easy, uh change the hardness settings. I enjoyed this game alot, i enjoyed the time limit put on you to get the job down*which usual fails anyway*. Plus they made it harder to keep zero. yes it is a drag about the armor having to be done to work.... But i enjoyed the graphics and the story. I just hate it that the designer made it hard to keep zero from going bad. Even with this, i can't wait till X6 comes out
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: September 27, 2002
Author: Amazon User's review seems to have been by someone who barely ever played any Mega Man game, much less the one being reviewed. "Fourth" is not the name of a character in the game; rather, it is the name of a set of armor that X can wear to improve his abilities. All Mega Man games have infinite continues except for the very first one, the Legends series, and the GBA titles. And it was always possible to destroy most bosses with your default weapon, it was just tougher that way (and it's still like that). I also have yet to determine how X5, which came out right between X4 and X6, qualifies as "a long-overdue return" to anything other than the frustrating level design that plagued some early Mega Man games. In short, this is indeed a very poor excuse for a Mega Man game, but not for the reasons cited in the product description. It's better than the old DOS PC games, though.
An ok MMX game underneath all the training wheels
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: February 01, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Mega Man X5(2001). Part five of seven.
[Note: I appologize for writing such a long review, but I must address the features for both casual and hardcore MM fans.]
In a new millenia of gaming, it's very hard to come by any new old-school, side-scrolling action games. Few companies pay attention to the gaming roots and even fewer companies actually still make old-school games. But alas, Capcom has heeded our desperate calls in the form of a sequel to X4. First of all, look at the year: 2001. Yikes! It took FOUR LONG years for Capcom to release X5. I remember it seeming like eternity waiting for this anticipated sequel. Just after I gave up hope, this game came right out of nowhere. Does it live up to the previous X games? Let's see:
-The ability to Switch between characters at the stage select screen. This is a great addition because the gameplay never gets monotonous from using one character too much.
-There are now 2 different armors to collect! Probably the best new feature on here because it gives you more secrets to find, and the two (Falcon and Gaea) armors vary in gameplay abilities. For instance, you can move easier and fly around with the Falcon armor, but you sacrifice firepower. And with the Gaea armor, you can walk on spikes, but your weapons and easy mobility are taken away from you.
-The secret heart tanks and armor capsule locations ARE WELL HIDDEN THIS TIME, not like X4 where they are all laying out in front of you. You actually have to look around and use a bit of strategy to obtain some items.
-The Action is still pretty intense in some places, especially when the difficulty is set on extreme. The one boss I actually found original was Duff McWhalen, where you had to go around his ice blocks to get to him. Cool idea.
-Of all the X games, I like the final stages of X5 the most. They're probably the best part of X5 because not only are the background graphics superb and the music good here, but the levels are tough and the gameplay is never interrupted at all*(see below).
-The ability to duck adds a little bit of defense strategy in dodging. Also, now you cannot shoot through walls.
-*Okay, I must address this issue: THERE WAS NO NEED FOR ALIA TO CONSTANTLY STOP THE GAMEPLAY TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO!! She does this every ten feet or so that you walk. This feature comes across as EXTREMELY ANNOYING and alone nearly ruins the game. And the worst part? YOU CAN'T EVEN TURN THE FEATURE OFF. This is inexcusable! It really only caters to beginners who have never even played a video game before. If I come across a mini-puzzle or a tough section, I want to figure it out myself. Honestly Capcom, how many people don't know that spikes can kill you in one hit?
-NO ANIME CUTSCENES?! WHY? I know the voice acting would be horrible, but it's better than constantly scrolling through text. Shame on you, Capcom, for introducing that in X4 and then taking it away. Also, the music takes a downgrade. Now most of it is pop/techno instead of the incredible rock found in X4. Nothing really stands out except for a couple of stage tunes.
-The countdown feature pretty much eliminates the "take your time beating the stages" strategy. Getting the good ending requires you to play through stages IN AN EXACT ORDER so that a certain # of hours are left for the rocket to detonate the station.
-Although there are more armors here, you can't use any part of them until they are "complete".
-Compared to the bosses in earlier X games, THESE BOSSES ARE COMPLETE PUSHOVERS! You don't even need any of the other weapons to beat them! Some bosses like Grizzly Slash are just pitiful. Also, there was no need to give the bosses "Guns N' Roses nicknames. Stay with the series here, Capcom.
-The story here seems consistent at first, with the idea of "X and Zero battling" finally brought to life after being talked about for several X games, but then it falls apart toward the end. Zero is supposed to die and does (and then bringing him back in X6 really screwed things up), but the battle between X and Zero seemed a little. . . anticlimatic.
-The stage ideas themselves, although a less linear, were recycled from X4 (such as the moving cars, lava stage, space stage, etc.)
-Fighting the whale mini-boss repeateatly everytime you return to the stage gets annoying.
-Dynamo was really a waste of time here.
Although X5 is perhaps the worst of the six X games, it ends up being a fair game that is overshadowed with many flaws. Don't skip this game, but don't let this be the first one you play either, as it could leave a bad first impression of the series. 4 stars for being a decent game, but 1 star is docked for inexcusable flaws. Not a terrible game, but a disappointment after waiting so long for it to come out. Will the next game improve over this one? Get equipped with bubble lead and go check it out.
good fun game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: September 17, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I first played this game at my friends house and it was fun. now after reading some of the other reviews I say there wrong! X5 is a great game better then X6 but the people are right X4 is better but not by much. This is a good megaman game its got dodgeing ducking and jumping all the skill a true megaman gamer needs. This game is a must buy. oh and if you do get it start the game with X. SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR BUY THIS GAME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the greats
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: April 23, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I thought that this was one of the best overall megaman games. When I first played this I was unaware that there was a new character called X because this had been the first Megaman X game I've played. I thought this was pretty challenging (I still can't be that dragon dude uh... what his name). So overall I give it a 4.97 out of 5 and a 9.94 out of 10. (...)
It's a decent game
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: June 13, 2003
Author: Amazon User
After playing the great X4, I was expecting another great addition to the series, but sadly, I didn't get it. Don't get me wrong, it's a decent game, but not up to par with many of the others in the series.
Gameplay: 7.1/10
The control is basically the same as X4, read my review of that one if you want the whole deal with that part of the game. It does add in a few things like: Zero's gun, the ability to duck, and a few other minor upgrades.
The levels here are what really disappointed me. I mean, you get some quality Megaman ones here, but then you get some pretty lame ones, too. I've never been a fan of the ones you have to ride a car-like vehicle through, and then there's the water one, which I don't like either. Add in a couple of other boring levels and overall it's not so good. There are a few bright spots here, though, like the Train, and Volcano levels. With a couple of other pretty good ones as well.
The bosses have always been a favorite part of the Megaman games for me. X5 has some of the best looking ones I've seen in the series, but they invole no strategy to beat, whatsoever. They basically just have you jumping around, hacking and slashing at them until they die. No challenger here, either, they die pretty easily, with a couple of exceptions. Atleast in X4, like Slash Beast for example: you had to slide or jump to avoid the green waves, slide under his lunging attacks, jump on the walls when he charges you, but most, if not all of the bosses here in X5 contain none of that sort of thing.
Abilities are nice in this game. You get the usual stuff seen in past games, and the chance to boost up your life, and weapon power up. Depending on the level of the boss you just defeated. Overall, I like the way they handled this, and it helps make the game overcome the bad parts a little.
I take off the 2.9 points for the poor-average levels, but it's not really low, because there's still four good, fun levels. I took off a little more because of Alia. She is the most annoying character ever, interrupting you a couple times a level with the annoying stuff. Bad idea on putting her blabber mouth in the game, Capcom. She does have some useful advice, but I'd rather discover it on my own; since when does the experienced X/Zero need advice? Then there's the weak, unimaginitive bosses. Just very poorly done in this game, but they do look really cool. I'm being a little generous here, I could have easily taken off even more points.
Replay Value: 6.5/10
The replay value takes a big drop off from X4. There's no different scenarios for each character, since you select whatever one you want for whatever level, the levels themselves are lacking, and overall, it's just not up to par in the fun department. Making it not very good in the Replay Value, either. Hardcore Megaman fans will probably play it more than once, that's the reason for the decent score, but it's not very good for the average fan. I will play through it a couple times, that's just because I am becoming a pretty big fan of these games.
Music: 8.8/10
This is a strong point in the game. The introduction is just brilliant; a slow melody starts, and then it roars into a speedy guitarish song. I love it! The level music is well done, as well. Good stuff all around. Not much to really say here, but you should enjoy it.
Graphics: 9.2/10
The usual Megaman stuff is here. Very nice looking 2D graphics. The level that impressed me the most was the Jungle level. It was very cool. Really just some great graphics through out the whole game. If you played a PSX Megaman game before, you know what to expect. If you're a fan of the 2D look like me, you will love it.
Overall(Not an average) 7.2/10
From reading this review, it might seem that I don't like this game that much, but really, it has some good things going for it. I was disappointed by the weak, unimaginite bosses, and some really lame levels the most, but if you can look past the bad, then you will find some really good stuff here, and some new stuff that hasn't been seen in the series. You might even like the levels I hated, making it an even better game for you. Don't pass this up if you're a Megman fan, or just a fan of good action games. At this price, you can't pass it up.
Note: If I could, I would give the game 3 and 1/2 stars, but Amazon doesn't allow that.
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