Playstation : Sled Storm Details
Publisher |
Unknown |
Release Date |
Unknown |

Gas Gauge 74
ESRB Rating |
Everyone |
Views |
6643 |
Rev up your snow-hog. Electronic Arts is speeding off the asphalt and into the tree line with its latest racing title, Sled Storm. Snowmobile racing may seem like a last-stab attempt at creating a new racing game for the PlayStation, but the result is irresistible and addictive. Sled Storm lets players control their riders' turns by leaning them right or left to take sharp corners without flipping over the mechanized beasts. The game does a fantastic job of depicting the weight of these vehicles as they careen off jumps and plummet like boulders. Stay off the brakes, seek out shortcuts, learn trick moves to earn extra points, and plow over anything on the course that looks suspiciously cute--such as snowmen or bunnies (for bonus points). Point totals at the end of the race can be converted to cash for sled upgrades. That's about all you need to know to compete.
With songs by goth-rock god Rob Zombie, Sled Storm offers a winter wonderland full of racing fun. A four-player split-screen mode is the best way to play the game, but the artificial intelligence (AI) in the one-player games is realistic enough to give players some decent competition. Forgo your inhibitions and ride, baby, ride! --Jeff Young
- The first snowmobile racing experience on any video game platform
- Deep one-player championship mode encourages many hours of playing and replaying
Cons: - Not very original--another racing game for the PlayStation
- Insane Snowmobile Racing
- Rated "E" for everyone.
- 1-4 players
Content Summary
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