Below are user reviews of Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 65)
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Great RPG Gameplay for the PSP
Rating: 5,
Useful: 101 / 109
Date: March 28, 2005
Author: Amazon User
If you're a fan of Baldur's Gate, be sure to try Untold Legends a try. This little RPG even lets you play multiplayer with your PSP-owning friends!
You start out getting to choose your character - for females there are alchemists and berzerkers, for men there are paladins and druid. For each character you can customize skin tone and hair style. Then a few attribute settings and you're off!
You start with the traditional spider-bashing, moving from room to room, chatting with the various NPCs you meet. Soon you're picking up loot, killing larger monsters, and heading off on quests. Yes, these are the things RPGs are made of, but of course what makes this brilliant is that you can carry it along with you, play it whenever you want, and get the great PSP graphics.
Even better, if you have friends with PSPs, you can all adventure together wirelessly, in study hall or on the train or bus! You can truly pass hours at a time without any effort, customizing your character and building up levels.
It's fun to zoom in, but really, you play most of this game zoomed out so you get as much of the map on the screen as possible. The variety of weapons and spells keep things interesting. You could say that a downside is that the game is pretty straightforward and simple - but you really don't want a super-complex game for a handheld. That's what the big consoles are for. This hack and slash is sort of the 'gauntlet' for the PSP - run around alone or with friends, gain some levels, find some nifty cool weapons, and then hit SAVE when your bus gets to where it is going.
Highly recommended!
Diablo Light - Fun Without Getting Too Complex
Rating: 5,
Useful: 9 / 10
Date: October 12, 2005
Author: Amazon User
If you like Action RPGs, chances are you will enjoy this game. Brotherhood of the Blade gives you a Diablo-like perspective and game-play with out overwhelming options. You get the standard level points to distribute, and spell points to allocate between different spells and attributes (similar to the spell tree in Diablo II). Once you get used to the controls, the gameplay is pretty easy (although I have yet to master assigning different spells on the fly. You assign two spells at a time, but if you want to use a third spell...well, it takes a little manuvering, and when you're in a pinch, it's a little difficult). Overall, it's a fun game. And like all games of this type, it's even more fun to link up with other players for multiplayer action. Personally, I think this was probably the best launch title, or at least tied for first with Burnout Legends. Who knew launch titles could actually be good. Imagine what will come next.
Untold Legends Brotherhood of the Blade on PSP
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: August 15, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Although in the begining this game was a little frustrating, it proved to be interesting and challenging. Most annoying thing is the load time. However, I do like the fact you can save at any point.... just remember to do so!
Great game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 8 / 9
Date: December 18, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I really enjoyed this game. I am playing this game for a second time. Takes me months to beat, a real surprise since it was made for a portable system. I am not really into RPG's with the exception of the Star War's Knights or the Old Republic 1&2 and this game but I really enjoy this game. A great buy for anyone who owns a PSP. I even heard that they are making a second one for the PSP.
Most Amazing RPG I Have Ever Played on a Handheld
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 5
Date: June 25, 2005
Author: Amazon User
When i first played this game, I really had no clue what to do. It starts off killing spiders so I pretty much just thought " alright, let's kill stuff!" But, as I started to get more and more into the game I was hooked, I couldn't put it down at all! When I was around level 7 or 8, I got this awesome weapon and armour for my druid character. But soon after, my friend had to go home, so I finally had to stop playing. But I want to play more!
very fluffy!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 5
Date: June 26, 2005
Author: Amazon User
this gamwe is very fuun it is a good gaeme fr pspp!goode graaaficss?u begin in a cozy inn{called the howling pine inn}where u have to kill some spiders that r surounding this lady.then u go outside and kill more spiders.then u find overseer lesseta. she will tell u to rescue the crown{kaylee}from one of the catacombs.and the rest is the end,u must kill 'the shadowed god'.he is really hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THere is a guy that u can trade/sell with.there is an objective screen that will tell u wat to do.i strongly recomend this game for gamecube....just kidding,for psp!!!!
a little repetitive. but its very fun!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 4
Date: October 12, 2005
Author: Amazon User
this is a very good game for trips and times when you are bored. People say it is repetitive,but its very fun! its really fun to bye new armer and a new weapen and anticipate when you get to the level where you can use it.Right now i have a level 44 druId,a level 42 knight,26 berzerker,and 25 was very fun leveling them up,And im sure you will have fun too.Especialy because they all have unique abilities. and now we can all look forward to untold legends:warriors code it will have voiceovers,cut scenes,andlots of other stuff find out on psp,its coming in feb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good game for an untold story
Rating: 5,
Useful: 6 / 6
Date: April 12, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I am a sucker for dungeon crawlers. The Dark Alliance and Champions of Norath games rank highly on my "favorite games" list so I have kept a keen eye on Untold Legends. I could not think of a better genre to help push me over the edge and pick up a PSP at launch. Now that the PSP is on retail shelves and the game is in my hands, I have to say I am satisfied with the purchase. However, while the game ultimately delivers on a number of levels, it does fall short in other areas that keep it from receiving a full recommendation.
As I mentioned, I am a sucker for this type of game so my tolerance for minor annoyances is much higher than others might be. I am able to look beyond the weak story, limited character classes, occasional graphical glitches and long load times. Why? Because the game is just damn fun to play. My wife has already instituted a "no PSP in bed" policy because of this game. I just cannot put it down and when a game has that type of effect on me, I feel it is worth the price of admission.
The thing that keeps me coming back for more is a well designed character advancement system. As your character advances in level, a skill tree expands allowing customization within the various classes. Some of the skills had minimal impact while others really made a difference. In addition, loot hounds will rejoice in the constant weapon and armor upgrades generated by the loot system. An easy augmentation system allows enhancements to be added to weapons and armor on the fly allowing you to add special abilities to that uber sword you just found,
Graphically, the game is fairly impressive. The zoomed out top-down view takes away from some of the finer details of the beasts however close examination reveals nicely detail monsters and environments. Sure, you will find the occasional seams in the environments but they didn't detract from the experience. Keeping in mind this is a launch title, I can't wait to see where things go from here.
At the end of the day, Untold Legends is a fun game that fills the action RPG genre adequately. I look forward to the next wave of titles in genre where developers may have more time to incorporate voice acting, more robust cities and more varied quests. Until then however, I'm content with the content Untold Legends has delivered for the PSP launch. Internet multiplayer would have been a blast, but instead we are limited to 4 player proximity games. One more item to add to the wish list for Untold Legends 2.
Maybe a little repetetive...
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: May 17, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This is definitely a fun game. While Ridge Racers, the other big launch title, only lasts for a week or so, I find myself still trying to get to the end of this game after a month and a half. It gets a little repetetive, with all the X-button pushing, but it's fun and all the items make it interesting. The plot really stinks at first, but if you stick with it, it gets better. Also, load times are very long, but you can get over that pretty quickly. Definitely worth the buy; you'll invest plenty of time in it.
If you liked diablo, you'll like this
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: May 26, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Great Game, i've allready spent a few hours playing it and I can tell I am going to end up spending a couple dozen more playing it. Its basically a hack and slash like diablo. Its also a great game for the PSP because I can just put my PSP into sleep mode and whenever I have a quick break I just whip out my PSP and flick the power and i'm allready in a dungeon ready to rock!
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