Below are user reviews of Star Trek: Shattered Universe and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Star Trek: Shattered Universe.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 26)
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Interesting - finally a straight up Star Trek "shooter"
Rating: 3,
Useful: 10 / 22
Date: November 08, 2003
Author: Amazon User
First off, I have to tell you that I am a big "shooter" fan.
That's what I "grew up" on videogame wise. Think of classic arcade shooters like Tempest, Gyruss, Vanguard etc... (yeah, I know, I'm really dating myself).
Jump to the 21st century and it seems that straight-up shooters are at a premium on the current gen consoles. The two best ones that I've seen so far are Rez and Panzer Dragoon Orta (PS2 and xbox, respectively and also both done by Sega)
Being still a fan of Star Trek, it is shocking to me that there hasn't been a straight-up, seat of your pants flying around in space shooter that was Trek based. The only one I can think of was the Sega Star Trek Strategic Operation Simulator arcade game from the early/mid '80's (Hmnnn, Sega again - why do they keep coming to mind - LOL).
I've played Elite Force, and I do think it's very cool. The reviews that I have read of it pretty much indicate it's probably the best Trek videogame done yet.
The premise of Shattered Universe relies upon the "mirror" universe that was introduced in the original series and followed up on in Deep Space 9. You're basically trapped in the mirror universe and have to fight the ISS (Imperial Federation - our favorite characters gone bad) in deep space arcade style combat to get back to the "regular" universe/dimension/whatever.
From what I've read, the major Trek species are in here, but I am dying to know if they've included the Borg. In my opinion, no Trek arcade style game would be complete without them.
I've given this a rating of 3 stars due to the preview footage I've seen of it at the website for the game. I expect this game to be gorgeous graphically speaking and FAST. (on the xbox, it better be!!!!!!!!!!)
Speaking of which, this will be the first Trek game available for the xbox as well, and with regards to other shooters, the mark it has to either match or beat has been set by Panzer Dragoon Orta (DROOL!!!!!!!!). If you haven't played PDO, please do, especially if your considering Shattered Universe.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 20
Date: November 23, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I have been looking for a good Star Trek video game since the 1980's when the Star Trek arcade game was out. I saw the traler for it and it looks great.
I say get the X-box verson of this game. The look of the game will be a lot better than PS2...
You have to be a Star Trek Fan
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: January 18, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I love this game but, you have to be a Star Trek fan. I got the X-Box version of this game. It is a shooter game a little hard to handle at first but if you love Star Trek this game will make you feel like you are in Star Trek defending the Federation.
Disappointed Star Trek Fan
Rating: 2,
Useful: 22 / 22
Date: January 24, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I love Star Trek in its many forms. I am 38, I grew up with Star Trek. Unfortunately,..
1. This game is difficult enough that the what fun there could have been is sucked out of it. The controller configurations are not intuitive, it takes a lot of effort to get used to them, I finally choose the second configuration. The missions are very very long, and they typically cresendo to very difficult challenges at the end. If you fail, and you will until you figure out the best strategy, you go all the way back to the beginning of the mission. What happened to intermediate save points?
2. Nice graphics but after getting over the excitement of protecting the Federation, I noticed that the missions involved the same kind of action really, and it became boring and incredibly tedious.
3. How many times has this storyline been rehashed. Let it go already.
This game looks pretty for a while, but it takes advantage of Star Trek fans. We deserve better, especially for the money.
I wanted to love this game, but I just cant.
My head hurts
Rating: 2,
Useful: 5 / 5
Date: January 30, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Ok, I got suckered into this would be a cool game, luckily I rented it from WalletBu$ter and didn't shell out $40+ for this loser.
Run down of what makes this thing a 3-Day rental or $10 Used Game:
1. Control layout is awful. They crammed three weapons, forward & reverse thrust, direction & rolls, target selection and view selection into three awkward layouts. Come-on guys, this could have been simple: TRIGGERS=GUNS, A=THRUST, B=HONK HORN! Half the figging time I trying to figure out what to fire while my 5 other punk shuttles are bearing down on me!
2. The first mission is a major disappointment. You are first told to jump into a shuttle craft with a phaser duck-taped to the hood and ordered to defend the Excellsior. You need to chase off a capital ship and blow-up 3-4 other shuttles - all while Sulu is barking, "You have 30 seconds left mister!"
3. They have this "cinematic" view...forget using it. I tried this out, lost control and watched my shuttle fly into an asteroid.
4. You have a photon-like weapon, but no auto/computer assisted targeting. Man, with a all this advance technology and Sulu sends me out on a weak shuttle, he deserves to blow up!
5. No skirmishes, atleast not without Xlive that I'm aware of. I like mission-based games, but sometimes I wish I could select the Enterprise, upgrade the Photons, bolt-on another engine and stick on those neon "Aero" wiperblades. With my modified Enterprise I'd go blow things up like: other capital ships, pesky shuttles, people accidentally beamed into space, etc.
6. The game has quite a bit of 3D animation of Sulu and Chekov. Every scene you could count on Sulu slowly blinking 2-3 times...really annoying, I was waiting for another crew member to come up with a tazer and shock some life into him.
7. I think I was hoping for a real good capital ship vs. capital ship game (i.e. FIRE PHASERS AT ENGINEERING and watch Scotty get plasma burns), but got stuck flying tiny shuttles with no balls - well maybe a half a ball.
An innovating and suprisingly fun game, but not without flaw
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: January 31, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Truth be told, this game is the first "fighter" game of it's type.
The premis of the game is simple. The USS Excelsior, commanded by Captain Hikaru Sulu responds to a distress call from two federation ships, one being the USS Enterprise..oddly..under the command of Pavel Chekov. Somehow, the Excelsior is pulled into the alternate universe, and runs right into the ISS Enterprise, commanded by an evil Pavel Chekov. Chaos ensues for nearly 20 missions.
This game has many good points. The graphics, sound and music as well as the story line are all top notch, and deserve praise. Many Original Series moments are duplicated in the mirror universe in top form, and the capital ships are very difficult to destroy with a fighter, as they should be.
The games flaws keep it from gaining a 5 star rating. The game is insanely difficult even on easy. the Imperial Fleet seems to be made up of only three classes of ships, the Refit Constitution Class, the Miranda class and an unamed Destroyer class. In all the missions, the capital ships never slug it out, you never see photon torpedos and phasers being fired between the Excelsior and the enemy ships, the only thing they do is take random pot shots at fighters.
Both Sulu and Chekov are voiced by the actors that played them, a big, big plus.
I would recommend this game for any trek fan, but be aware of it's errors before you simply jump in head first without thinking.
Fun with a few flaws
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 3
Date: February 06, 2004
Author: Amazon User
After missing its initial ship date of November 2003, SHATTERED UNIVERSE has finally shipped. I grabbed it the other day and have been playing it along with my son. I do not find the game exceptionally difficult but it is more of a challenge at some points. But the "Easy" level should be a lot easier than it is.
All the reviewers' points are valid, especially the mention of save points. This is a great looking, great sounding game, with a few flaws that mar it from being a 5-star must-own, Trek fan or not.
* Great graphics
* Great audio
* Good soundtrack & story line
* Levels need more save points
* Doesn't allow targeting/damaging of individual ship systems a la CRIMSON SKIES
Here's hoping the makers of this game take the environment and engine they've created and do some more Trek games in a different theme. There's a lot of uncharted space in the time between STAR TREK VI and the start of THE NEXT GENERATION.
Here's hoping some cheat codes come along soon offering level hopping, all fighters, and invulnerability. In the meantime, I've purchased at least a couple more copies as gift for Trek-fan friends.
(As for the reviewer's comments about the big capital ship vs capital ship game, I'm right there with you -- but I don't think that will work on a console/controller kind of setup.)
Please Save Your Money!!!!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 1 / 3
Date: February 07, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I consider myself a gaming afficianado. So having been self proclaimed I feel duty bound to let you know this is perhaps one of the worst games I have ever played. Please save your money. Go out and buy Crimson Skies for a truely great shoot'em up flying game.
Good choice for gaming Trek fans
Rating: 4,
Useful: 4 / 7
Date: February 17, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I think this game is better than most reviews would have you believe. I am a Trek fan, and I applaud the choice to use the original series' "Mirror, Mirror" episode as a basis for the game. Contrary to some really negative reviews I've read online, such as Gamespot's, I think the presentation and graphics are very good. The entire game has a Trek feel, the music is very good, and each mission has a name that is very much in keeping with the series' tone ("Fire & Ice", "Tyranny of Numbers", etc.) I thought it was great when the M5 unit (from the original episode "The Ultimate Computer") showed up in an early mission. If you are a Trek fan wondering if that type of detail is present in this game, the answer is "yes". Now I am not very good at space-shooting games, and I bought this in spite of that fact because it's Star Trek. And I am managing to get through the missions, although I'm on Easy mode. The one serious flaw, and I agree with the rest of the gaming universe on this point, is the lack of in-mission saves or checkpoints. Longer missions can take 20-30 minutes to complete, and if you miss just one of the objectives or your ship gets destroyed at the last second, you've got to replay the mission again from the beginning. This is quite frustrating and it's inexplicable, from a design standpoint. I think this one facet of the game design is going to turn a lot of people off, and it probably fuels most of the bad reviews the game is getting. But while the game is challenging enough for me, someone who's an old hand at Rogue Squadron-type games will probably have a much easier time of it. There is no multiplayer and no Xbox Live component, so the game has to stand on its single-player experience only. I think the ideal player is a Star Trek fan who's been looking for a good action game based on the license. Aside from the original STV: Elite Force, it's been slim pickings in recent years. And this will probably be the last new Trek game for a pick it up and enjoy. (To the reviewer who is waiting for some cheat codes: I used my Xbox Action Replay to download a saved game that has all levels and ships available. I'm still playing the missions strictly in order, but getting through "Tyranny of Numbers" was MUCH easier with the Klingon Bird of Prey. Hey, it's only a game.)
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 11
Date: February 22, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This game was on of the best of all time! I really enjoyed it and reccomend it to others.
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