Below are user reviews of Medal of Honor: Rising Sun and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Medal of Honor: Rising Sun.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (21 - 31 of 97)
Show these reviews first:
Electronic Arts took a lunch break... for a week!
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: December 30, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Of course I began my quest of purchasing this game by first briefing myself with reviews. One idea was coming here, (thank you As I read customer reviews, I began to question myself about actually buying it. Some people expressed a disappointment in the designers and others have just said, "It's a damn good game, just play it." I soon realized that I was in desperate need to test the game first before buying it (ok, so I WAS a big Medal of Honor: Frontline fan).
After coming home that very night of renting it, boy was I glad it was only a weekly rental for it had only taken me a little over 6 hours of finger taping frustration to finish the game. Yeah, that end sequence about taking off a Japanese carrier that everyone is fussing about, it's a whammy. At first, I didn't know if the guy was drunk, or just circling around the ship pretending not to know how to fly the plane. And then when my TV displayed "Medal of Honor", I was sure that there was a reasonable explanation to why the credits where floating down my screen. Well you know what Electronic Arts, I really hope that you forgot to put the second half of the war on the c.d. because you can count on me to decline the game even if its was lowered to 1 dollar. People, I am not an avid game player. For that matter I rarely play any of my games but when a guy like me can walk down to the basement, pop in the game and complete it in less then half the night then someone is asking for a big apology. Where are the real battles? Midway, kamikazes, all the fighting in the Pacific and most importantly, D-DAY! This game was a big disappointment with not only the locations but also the game play. If you're going to pick a couple of battles, then for God's sake don't pick all the damn jungles! The graphics in this game were absolutely terrible, considering the people who were speaking barely moved their lips. It was almost as if it were an anime film.
In conclusion, I would like to say that I am not trying to degrade MOH: Rising Sun to a pulp. It was a reasonable game to buy at a reasonable price. I myself just would not get it. Its graphics were dire and the locations were poorly constructed for every movement was limited to following one way, forward. The weapons were a nice reminder of the genuine ones from the real war and the game gives a great sense of how brutal the Japanese were and it does a great job to inspire you to "keep on trucking," but the ending sequence left me with a lot of unanswered questions. The biggest disappointment to me was the absence of D-Day. Find out for yourself.
Scale: 1-5
Setting: (locations)--------2
Playability: (ease)---------4
medal of honor shows it's age
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: November 14, 2003
Author: Amazon User
While this is a great game and very fun to play there is just not enough new to the series.Graphicly I'ts quite out dated I was really hoping to see some more new stuff like more weopons and much better graphics.And the game is very very short I beat it in less than 4 hours.While this is not a bad game it just falls short by todays standards. Rent it first to see if you like it.
I feel cheated
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: January 10, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I did not hesitate buying this game as soon as it came out and upon playing it I was not sorry I did. The game is fun and the graphics are OK but I was disapointed when I finished the game after about five hours, not to mention it ended with my brother being taken away by a Japanese general. It seems the folks at EA Games are going to release the second half of this game sometime in the future. That would be fine if they had made two long games but instead it seems they split one game into two parts so they could make double the money from basicaly one game. This game felt like more of a demo than a game, EA needs to re-think this marketing strategy.
FUN, but a little unreallistic.....
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: July 25, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Overall, this is a great game. Nice graphics, good immersion, great storyline, (perhaps the best in MOH history). And great multiplayer. But, theres always been something wrong with the moh series, the fact that it can take up to 4 round out of an m1 to kill someone! Weapon AI has a serios problem in this game. This is emphisied greatley on the last level. A tipe 99 light machine dose damage like a 22!, taking up to 6 rounds to kill someone! the last time I checked an 8mm 150grain put someone down CLEAN. And the springfield is a joke, the enemy can take take a round in the torso and come back up shootin in seconds like nothing happened!!
Fun, but too short...
Rating: 3,
Useful: 3 / 5
Date: January 15, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I gave this game 3 stars, because although a lot of fun, it's too short, and the graphics were not as good as they should have been. The game play is like most FPS games, and the story is pretty good, but the game was over so quick, that I was disapointed over all. This game needed more, or longer levels, and a more inter active environment.
This game sucks!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: November 18, 2003
Author: Amazon User
First of all I liked the MOH: Frontline, but this sequel is awful. The game is way too short and too easy. There is no blood and no real good way to tell where you shot someone. On top of that the ending is perhaps the worst game ending ever. Very rarely am I pissed after beating a game, but I certainly was after this one.
Other problems are as follows:
A double standard when it comes to weapons, the enemy can fire their light machine gun much faster and more accurately then you can, when you have the same machine gun.
There is no difference between shooting someone with a 9mm submachine gun then with a heavy rifle bullet. In real life a shot from a WWII rifle round would stop anyone charging, unlike in this game. Even with a heavy machine gun you have to shoot someone five or six times before they die.
The weapons you use primarily for most of the boards suck. In one of the boards your given a sniper rifle and a handgun thats it. IN the last board you are forced to choose between an awful japanese light machine gun or the equally awful Sten gun.
I can see why half of the MOH programming group left if this is the kind of awful product they put out.
Stupid Saves
Rating: 2,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: January 21, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I have been reading the other "bad" reviews and aggree with them. Its a fun game, but it could have been much better on the the XBOX. What about saving the progress... Am I the only person who has to step away from the game to run an errand or whatever, and has to wait until I find a stupid "save spot"? Is it really that hard to have a save option on the menu, to allow you to save whenever you want? Games have been doing this forever.
Too, too short!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: November 22, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Either I was too well trained by Medal of Honor: Frontline or this game is much easier than its predessor. Like another reviewer has stated, I was shocked to get to the end after only owning it six days, especially considering that I'm no expert gamer. I would have expected for the Japanese to have given me a tougher fight! The game itself looks and sounds great, just don't expect to spend hours and hours to finish it.
I wasted 50 bux - DO NOT BUY THIS GAME
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: November 22, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I am going to keep it simple, I am crying right now.
This game is too short. DO NOT WASTE you 50$
It took me and my roommate 3 hrs to beat.
:( my money WASTED
lets hear it for the MOH franchise!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 5
Date: September 26, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I remember watching Saving Private Ryan and being in awe at the cinematography. Then I played MOH Frontline and I nearly cried at how amazing it was. The sounds of the bullets and the sight of the tracers flying past on the opening beach level hooked me right there and then. Now Rising Sun has yet another dramatic opening which I can't wait to get my hands onto. I saw the demo and now my only dilemma is if I have enough money to get this game, BG:DA2, and Freedom Fighters.
I recommend this game to anyone who has enjoyed at least one first person shooter in their lives. There is some tactical elements in the game too, so all you footy idiots may not cope.