Xbox : Medal of Honor: Rising Sun Reviews

Gas Gauge: 65
Gas Gauge 65
Below are user reviews of Medal of Honor: Rising Sun and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Medal of Honor: Rising Sun. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 64
Game FAQs
IGN 75
GameSpy 40
GameZone 78
1UP 70

User Reviews (91 - 97 of 97)

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Solid MOH

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 23, 2003
Author: Amazon User

I have been playing the MOH games for about 5 years ago, since its inception on the PS1 console. This recent installment, deemed "Rising Sun" puts the player in the shoes of corporal griffin during the events of Pearl harbor and beyond. The graphics are unbelievable in the first level aboard the USS California, but it seems that the falter just a little bit in the following levels. There are some glitches, and some slow frame rates, but all in all its pretty good. It is also apparent that Electronic Arts put some extra time into the animation of the ship, and the minute details are extraordinary. Like the detail of the barber pole in the barber shop. There are 9 levels which are pretty big, the weapons are nice and accurate to the time (check out the Welrod), and the story line is accurate to the real life events. All in all, its a solid MOH game, I don't think it quite lives up to the precedent set by Frontline, but what a precedent that is. How often do you get to storm the beaches of Normandy in a disturbingly realistic enviornment?

do not buy

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 26, 2003
Author: Amazon User

it is a horible game me and my brother got it for christmas and it was horible ours didn't eve have english instructions i highly advise no one to buy this game so microsoft never makes it agein


Medal of Honor: Rising Sun

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 16, 2003
Author: Amazon User

I am new to the medal of honor series, and i dindt know what to expect. I was pretty bored one night, so i went out and bought rising sun. I have to admit, it is really fun. The graphics are pretty good, and if you have the dolby sound hooked up the audio is just sweet. The missions are terribly challenging, but just right to not get horribly fustrating. All in all i would say if you are a fan of the medal of honor games i would suggest getting this. And if you are new to the series, as was i, go ahead and give this game a shot. Any fan of a FPS should like this. Ultimatly, this game is good, but it is just somethign to last me till HALO 2 comes out.

A weekend rental... don't buy!

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 17, 2003
Author: Amazon User

Although I didn't think this game was totally awful I was definitely disappointed. The ability to have two players is great. But the graphics were average or less and the entire game took a friend and I only about 6 hours to finish! The cut scenes were nice but the gameplay was fairly repetitive and obvious. Even though they say you can "choose your own path" what that seems to boil down to is going around the rock on the left or right side. The game is still very linear. So rent it, beat it in a night or two and then you won't feel the need to ever play it again.

Call it a 3.5

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 18, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This is a fun game, but its standards aren't as good as some other shooters. The graphics are so-so and no blood or anything and the whole bodies disappearing right in front of your face is still strange to me. The 2 player was an improvement over the first xbox medal of honor title and as I said the game is fun but not very "free". It is so funny not to be able to jump a fence or climb a small rock etc. My recomendation is to buy the Ghost Recon games, Splinter Cell, original Medal of Honor, Halo, and Hitman 2....all under $20 now except Halo or to keep playing them until this game goes down to $20.00. Definitely buy it, but buy it cheaper .....rent it for now.

it rocks

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 18, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This game is by far THE BEST medal of honor game yet.I would definetly reccomend this game!The graphics-awesome Puzzles-are none just simple gameplay that is fun as heck and not confusing.Simple gameplay is not what you think-by that i mean it isnt hard to figure it out...and there are a few different paths you can take to meet the objectives. so all in all....BUY IT and you wont regret it unless your one of those guys or gals that just down rite hate all madal of honor games.

Same Game.... Different Day

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 08, 2008
Author: Amazon User

December 7th, 1941 is a day that will live in infamy to be sure. The day Medal of Honor: Rising Sun was released will not. Unfortunatly, this is a game that disappointingly falls short in too many areas to overlook.

MOH:RS starts off at the attack at Pearl Harbor where you as a soldier of the US Marines are stationed. Here is where the game's first problem exists. While the beginning of the attack plays very well, the rest falls flat to pointless shooting at planes while on a boat that rides on a rail. In the beginning of the mission you wake up in your bed and run through the damaged ship to the deck where you see Japanese zeros flying overhead. You are handed a weapon and you start shooting. It's very dramatic and when you first emerge from the bowels of the ship, the sight you see will drop your jaw at the shear scope of the scene. After firing on the planes however, you now get on a boat and all you do is hold down the trigger for ten minutes and aim at planes as best you can. I don't understand why they would start the sequence so well and then end it so horribly. It's like they got lazy and decided to go the cheap way out. Instead of designing a more engaging level, they stuck us on a boat and dragged us around the bay. It gets very boring and could have been something great. That being said, the rest of the missions are somewhat interesting, but nothing new at all. Nothing inovative and nothing that you haven't seen in the previous MOH games. The only real difference is that the bad guys shout in Japanese instead of german. There's no exploration as your hand is held the whole way through. All paths that you're supposed to go down are already open for you. Mission objectives are bland and usually get from Point A to Point B and kill everyone in between. Sometimes these are disguesed as "rescue the POW's" but all you're really doing is getting from your start point to the POW's. That's it. So, the missions are bland and boring which means that the game is bland and boring. Maybe there's a reason the game is so short. I finsished it in under 8 hours.

Enemy AI is somewhat smart and somewhat stupid at the same time. Some of the Japanese stop, take cover, and try to flank you. But that's a 1 in 30 chance righ there. The game boasts "Devastating Banzai charges" and that seems to be all the enemy does. Instead of firing at you like they should, they just charge at you and get shot head on. No wonder they lost the war.

The game does contain multiplayer and co-op options. Up to 4 players can play in split screen mode. The levels are nothing special and it's no Halo, but it can offer some entertainment if you have some friends with you. Co-op is basically the same missions with a partner. YOu do the same exact things. Some things change, like you have to have both people present to open a door or put out a fire. Or one player will have to go around to another side to open a door for the other player. Nice idea, but the missions are still just as pointless.

MOH:RS contains over 20 authentic World War II weapons. It's got a nice variation in that respect. No slouch in the fire power area which is good and offers at least some variety throughout the missions. The welrod is especially interesting as it's a one shot silence pistol. Very interesting for stealth.

The graphics in this game...suck quite frankly. There's no other way around it. FLAT is the operative word throughout the entire game. Water looks like flat blue gook on the ground. Everything is pixelated and flat. The foliage looks stupid and if you look at them closely you can see that they aren't even modeled that well at all and if you turn the right way you can see that they're flat. There's clipping and collision detection issues as well as Pop-up. Every character in the game moves as if they were a robot and their limbs were detached from the rest of their body. I'd expect this on a bad Playstation One game. Not a next-generation console. Poorly done and pathetic in more ways than one.

Not one to leave on a bad note, here's the good part of the game. The sound is excellent. THX certified and surround sound enabled. The sound effects are incredible. Bullets whiz by your head and the sound of tracers zipping through the air fill the speakers. The music, while not as good as Medal of Honor: Frontline, is still good and features some Japanese themes.

And thats it. It isn't a game you should avoid. It gives you a semi-fun romp through the pacific theater of the war. While repetative and pointless mission objectives hold the game back, fans of the series might enjoy it. A rental at best.

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