Below are user reviews of Tribes: Vengeance and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Tribes: Vengeance.
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User Reviews (11 - 21 of 23)
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Another Gem from Irrational Studios
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 5
Date: April 03, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Tribes: Vengeance is a really nice game. I'd be hard-pressed to call it innovative, but it's very solid in all of the major areas--graphics, sound, control, and story. I played a fair bit of the first Tribes game, and only a little bit of the second, but I'm quite happy to have a decent single-player adventure to complement them. There are some unfortunate, but not experience-ruining, bugs which look like they won't get addressed in an official patch: Vivendi has recently announced that they will not develop any more updates.
Tribes is back with a Vengeance!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 5
Date: April 16, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This the first game in the Tribes series to have an single-player included in it and th SP rocks. I was quite impressed with the way they did it and story was pretty good too. It is also a pretty long one.
In the SP, you play 4 different characters (you also play one chararcter when she was a child) in different times (the story covers something like 4 generations). You go back and forth alot, but the story is still pretty easy to follow. And some of the missions and one on one battles are very challenging. The only annoying thing I experienced in the SP was the trials you had to do later in the game. One of them involved completing 6 laps in the allotted time. I must have done that at least 100 times(I'm not kiiding about this either) before I finally beat it. Other than that, the SP was awesome and very fun.
As for the MP, I am not very impressed. First off, there seems to be very few servers. Not sure if this game just didn't generate enough interest or what, but very few servers and very few people playing it seems to me. But when you get in a server that has a good latency, it is pretty fun. All I have ben able to play though is Capture the Flag.
Graphically, this game is pretty good. The sound effects are even better and you still have 3 classes of armor and there are vehicles you can use plus flying units too.
For the price this is selling at right now too, this is a must buy for any Tribes player, at least for the SP. But you won't be dissappointed.
Game is looking good
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 14
Date: March 03, 2004
Author: Amazon User
From reviews and screenshots and the videos that i have seen and read, the game is coming along quite nicely. I cannot wait for the full beta test to be released so that i can play the game yay
Beta Review
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: August 20, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I recently received the beta of this game and have been playing it very often over the past few weeks. This game has great potential to anyone who loves first person shooters. The game does not play completely like any of the past tribes games, but there are similar elements. The gameplay is reminiscent of a unreal style shooter except now there is the added bonus of a jetpack. Instead of a ground warfare you can now shoot and attack in the skies. The most defining quality of this game is that it is absolutly stunning. The trees look lifelike and the weapons realistic. There is an added single player campaign for those who do not completely enjoy the multiplayer mode, which is what the tribes series is about. Take a look at this game, because it has serious potential to get any first person shooter fan addicted.
I can't shake the feeling that a huge oppertunity for a great game was missed here.
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 3
Date: December 01, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Once upon a time the original "Starsiege: Tribes" was the first game to introduce a wide array of features that are now considered to be the bare minimum standard. At the time things like driveable vehicles, teamwork centered multiplayer action and game types other than death match were considered nothing less than revolutionary. Tribes 2 carried on the work of the predicessor but the one thing that always prevented the game from really catching on was that it was Multiplayer only. Even *I*, a person who now loves multiplayer games over the internet, never bought into the Tribes games because of the mysterious Multiplayer only status.
Apparently, or perhaps unfortunately, the developers at Irrational Games decided multiplayer was a weakness of their game rather than a strength and decided to start over from scratch with their new game and throw in some single player for good measure. I was excited about the new design focous when I first heard about it. I figured that, because the developers promised the multiplayer would be just as good as ever, now was a good time to get into the Tribes universe and see what it had to offer. After all, even if the single player was awful, there had to be bots to play multiplayer matches aginst because it would be stupid not to port the single player AI over to make bots, right?
Being the cautious consumer I am though I naturally checked out the games website before buying it. Well, the site was a good deal less than helpful. If fact it told me a whole lot less than a preview of the game I had read almost 6 months before hand. Okay, I'll check the forums, theres gotta be people asking about the games features, and getting anwsers, there. First off I couldn't post on the forums without an account. Thats not too strange these days so I tried to make an account. Thats when the game made me angry for the first time. Apparently people with "free" email accounts (like hotmail), which means the vast and wide majority of internet users last time I checked, can't create accounts at Vevindi Universal's forums. That was sure nice of them. Luckly, you don't need an account to view the forums anyway so I just started reading and looking for posts asking if there were any bots in the game. Thats when the game made me angry for the second time. Seeing a pattern here? The games making me angry and I don't even own it yet. Not only had the publisher stated there wouldn't EVER be any bots but they basically blew off the question, insisting that if people really wanted bots they could just wait for someone to make a mod for that. Game publisher arrogance at its finest.
But I bought the game anyway, hoping the single player would be worth it. Now, I don't want to say it was awful, but there are some serious design flaws in the single player campaign. Though some people would disagree I thought the story was great and I liked the way you jumped into different characters for every mission effectivly allowing you to view the story from every angle and yet not ever being able to guess at the ending until the final mission. The problem is that the story doesn't really translate well into the Tribes universe and is totally incompatible with the games normally tactical and teamwork based gameplay. Too many missions, all of them in fact, have you acting as a rambo-style one man army. This would never work in multiplayer matches and only barely scrapes by in singleplayer because you are given a god like number of hit points to work with as the enemy is stripped of theirs. But even with that major change some levels are near impossible because of the games vehicles which were obviously not designed with their role in the single player game in mind.
If you don't beleive me about the vehicles then play the first mission where you control Mecury this way: At the start ignore all your objectives and jetpack over to the sensor control station. Here there are three fighter pods. Using the sniper rifle or chain gun kill the pilots without damaging the craft. Once they hit the ground without their pilots you can easily steal them. Notice these are the "enemy" versions of the craft with below standard hit points. The hit points don't matter because you are now invincible, enjoy mowing down every enemy on the level with ease except the tank. This demonstrates the vehicles are WAY to powerful for the single player game and shows another flaw in the game: the shoddy NPC AI. The enemies can't seem to deal with anything that can fly, which in the Tribes universe is everything.
A great example of how fustrating and unbalanced the vehicles are in single player is the mission where you are thrown into a tiny arena and then get surrounded by tanks and gunships that constantly bombard the arena with giant bombs for far more rounds than you are told you have to survive at the begining of the match. People now think I'm insane because of all the screaming and cussing I did as as I was playing this game. There were a few fun moments in the single player game but most of them revloved around the handful of times you actually got to drive vehicles instead of getting killed by them.
The multiplayer doesn't fare much better I'm sorry to say. Theres really nothing new or innovative here and in fact it feels more like a step backwards than forewards. There are only five game types and only 11 maps. Thats pretty lame in comparison to many of the other multiplayer first person shooters out there. Plus most of the maps are so small they seem cramped. This kind of makes sense because getting enough people togeather for a game will probably be hard but you know, BOTS COULD HAVE FIXED THAT.
Theres no giant leaps in the basic gameplay either with only four driveable vehicles and a handful of weapons. The game is still the only first person shooter with jetpacks and skiing but that only goes so far when you figure other games out there, like Planetside, offer huge worlds and dozens of unique vehicles and weapons.
Some people might enjoy Tribes: Vengeance but I can't shake the feeling that a huge oppertunity for a great game was missed here.
Would be great, but...
Rating: 2,
Useful: 2 / 16
Date: July 21, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Don't get me wrong. I can tell that this is a great game, with excellent graphics, good gameplay, a good storyline and interesting characters. If you have a fast, modern PC I highly recommend it. However, if you have just an OK, mid-range pc like mine (My pc has a 1 Gigabyte processor and an nVidia Geforce 9.0 graphics card), don't waste your money. I got this game with high expectations; everybody said it was great, and I couldn't wait to try it out. But when I got it and installed it, I found that it had a number of problems that had nothing to do with the game itself, and everything to do with the fact that I didn't have a "perfect" pc. First of all, the loading screen before cutscenes and before each level take about six minutes apiece. Then, once you have waited the little bar to inch its way along the screen and you are dropped into the game, it completely stops for a long time and is jerky for much longer after that. These frame-rate drops happen fairly often during the game, and there is nothing more frustrating thatn waiting forever for your save-game to load and then, when you are finally able to play, having the frame-rate drop to zero with enemies all around you. Many times I have been in the middle of a large firefight and the game lags up as I am fighting for my life. By the time the frame-rate hitches itself back up again, there I am lying on the ground dead. Needless to say, this is extremely frustrating, especially because after this happens I have to wait all over again for the game to load. So, if your computer can handle it, by all means get it. If not, well, be warned.
I "Can't Shake the Feeling" That This Is the GAME OF THE WEEK!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 16
Date: July 08, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Well, Tribes Vengence is unbelievably fun. The graphics make it seem that this game got released in 2007!! LOL The story line is amazing on how you can choose between a robot or a factory. You can play over 200 secret levels if you know the code of conduct. If you are a fan of World of Warcraft, Reading Galaxy, or even Green Day, you will love this game. =-). I am so addicted to this game that I almost had to eat my hammer. Luckily, Tribes 2, got rid of my vengience. Since this game has robots, it almost seems not real cause robots are not even real so that is an upset. The only reason why I was thinking about giving this game a 4 out of 5 was the smell. I am not kidding, when i got the package it smelled like roasted underwear in the microwave. They must of had a false packaging at the factory where the game was make, oh well. One thing about this game that no one else mentioned is the soundtrack. I seriously have fallen in love with the soundtrack! LOL! I was looking on the internet to find how to buy it but I couldn't. So I just tried to record it with my Talkboy, but it didn't come out too good. The cons in this game is the monthly fee to play. You have to pay an unbelievable monthly fee of 75 dollars. But I didn;t care since my Grandmother also likes to play it! So she pays the fee! She is actually better than me, and she loves blowing people up! Level 122 baby!
Not quite there
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 3
Date: September 19, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Tribes 1 rocked my world and i failed my exams.
Tribes 2 suked and wasted my money.
Tribes V... well, so far the beta has been pretty good. I was never a real fan of unreal tournament nor its graphics, so i never played that darn game. guess UT is too popular..sigh.
If you are just a FPS shooter fan or just someone who is looking to get a FPS game into their collection, then get tribes vengeance. its totally different from all other online FPS in terms of gameplay, weapons and interaction. be forwarned though, the learning curve for this game is steeper than other games and you will get owned alot of the time while you are 'getting your feet wet'.
and if you're a regular triber, you will find that this game pretty much returns to the origins of tribes 1. several things have changed though. just to name a few that i personally dislike (not necessary hate): the sniper rifle now depletes your energy and has a limited ammo of 10rounds, turrets are not automated, no beacons, mines are limited to around 4/team (dependin on map), respawned players are invincible for appx 3 secs (no more spamming), energy pack has to be used (not automated) and alot of others.
im not sure if its me, but perhaps its cos i set the details to the lowest that all the maps seem so foggy.
the reason why i still play or recommend it to others is largely due to the gameplay, very engaging and intense- as ever.
yea, i heard and read there's a new single player campaign coming up. that's great, cos i never knew what the hell was happening in tribes1 or tribes2. the essays were too darn long and strenous for me or my eyes and there wasnt any videos to watch either. in tribes1 and tribes2, people were already writing very engaging short/long stories, perhaps this will spawn even more of those.
final conclusion? get it- it'll be worth your money if its your first time (just keep playing to get through the learning curve) and if its not your first time, you'll still have a blast.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 7
Date: February 19, 2005
Author: Amazon User
OKay the story line is so good i want to like kill myself, the stroy is SOOOOOO goood, Bottom line 1 player mode Murders Halo 1 player. However in Multiplayer i would have to go with Halo, But the Strorline is so AWESOME. I actually played the stroylin like for straight hours 5 days in a row. I never bin into a game so much, In fact i got to a pint when i just wanted to go to the cut scenes and see what was going to happen next but the game is REALLY FUN, There is like no levels that your like "god let just get this over with already, GET THIS GAME
Great Game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: July 30, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I played the original Tribes for years and didn't get Tribes Vengeance until July 07. At first I was disappointed, I think I expected it to be more like the first Tribes. After a few days of getting used to the new format I love it! It is kind of a cross between Unreal and the first Tribes. My cousins have Xbox 360's and come over to my house to play Tribes.
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