Below are user reviews of Mega Man Battle Network 2 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Mega Man Battle Network 2.
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Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 59)
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Megaman BN 2
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: August 15, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Megamam BN 2, although still fun, is not all it used to be in BN 1. The year is (presumably) 20X1, and net crime is back on the rise, after taking a sharp drop since our main protagonist Lan defeated the last world dominating evil orgainzation, the WWW, or three worlds. This new threat, a mafya organization called Gospel, is beginning to wreak havock, so as to build their "Super Navi." Lan still has MegaMan.EXE as his Navi, which he uses to surf the now three dementional internet.
Several things about this game may be found irksome to veteral BN 1 players. the battle system has changed, making it somewhat harder to get a large assortment of chips avalable for use. Any damage you take in battle is not healed after you leave battle, as opposed to the instant healing process that took place in BN 1. Instead you pay for stupid little things called SubChips, which can heal 50, 100, or MAX HP, as well as not let you encounter viruses with an HP lower than yours for a hundred or so steps, and one chip will even unlock those pesky purple datas, which have valuable items inside.
The gameplay puzzles, especially in Electopia's "Mother Computer" zone are considerably harder, and more time consuming, and bosses HP levels are signifigantly higher in this game. Chip damage levels have changed, making what used to be less powerful attacks more powerful, and vice versa.
Lan, and also various anonymous characters, now seem to feel at freedom to utter profanaties at opportune moments (E.G: damn, hell), which I found as quite a shock, as none such words were ever used in BN 1.
Destinations on the MetroLine have changed as well, SciLab being replaced by the official "Center" in a new area called Marine Harbor. Den City is no longer a selectable destination, it being replaced by Okuden camping grounds, and the newly invented Airport, from where you can reach a new country called Netopia, among others. Lan still rides free, as elementary school students get not only free train tickets, but also free plane tickets.
Overall, the game still has me hooked, albiet not with the luster that BN 1 captured me with, but it is worth the money. Just delete the old game if you get it used, as you'll be totally lost otherwise.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 07, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I must say when i got theses game i was shaking. In this megaman adventure u get to have a style change. EVEN the bad guys r kool except airman. U even get to have way more battle chips then in megamanbn1. What mostly suks about these game is that u don't get to vs sharkman or woodman or even skullman. But in megamanbn2 u get to vs snakeman shadowman gateman and... i told u enough navis. U even get to go 2 netopia. it seems that bad navis is every where. The coolest navie of all time is bass. even though he was fake.
MegaMan Battle Network 2 Rocks
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 26, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This is a very good game.When I first played it was at school on my friends gameboy advance sp. It might be the only MegaMan game I have played, but it is still an !!!!!AWESOME!!!!! game. I suggest you to buy this !!!!!AWESOME!!!!! game and have alot fun playing this game.
greatest game ever
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: September 23, 2003
Author: Amazon User
this was one of the best games capcom has ever come out with. it's different from any game i've ever seen. i play megaman games alot and was geting tired of the same levels, bosses, enemys, and expecialy the two-d field. then i got this game and so far it's my favorite megaman game ever. it's a cross between final fantasy style and free style, my favorite types. so thats why i gave this game five stars
How to find Heat Data
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: August 27, 2003
Author: Amazon User
You jack into the barbecue at Oakydale Valley, then talk to the program that's to the far left. Then jack out and go to Nitopia, jack into Roal's Radio and get Nitopia Net. There should be a program nearby. Once you find it, jack out and go to the barbecue, jack into the barbecue and then talk back to the program to the far left. You might have to talk to it two times. This is my first time relaying instructions on line, so I hope I made myself clear.
the sequel too the best game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 25, 2003
Author: Amazon User
this game is unbelievibly good. It is much better then the first game. and it is much longer. it has some new net navis to fight and some old ones too. but it will be confusing if you haven't played the first game. and can be very, VERY challenging some times. it is so challenging that somtimes you just want to quit. but the fact that mega man gan give you advice helps alot. And speaking of being stuck i canot find the heat data! So if anyone that is reading this knows how and where to get it PLEASE HELP ME!!! so if any one is willing to help please post a review on this game that tells me how to get the fire data. but over all i think this game is awesome. i recomend that you buy it.
megaman is back in black
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 03, 2003
Author: Amazon User
megaman is back with an even better rpg game. As lan or megaman you have to back in forth completeing missions and saving the internet by netbattling (fight)viruses that want to take over the world.
MegaMan at his best (so far)
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 28, 2003
Author: Amazon User
The MegaMan Battle Network (MMBN) series is the spin-off on the MegaMan universe the fans have been waiting for. Sure, MegaMan X and MegaMan Soccer were fun, but there either wasn't enough story (MegaMan Soccer) or not enough change from the old game (MegaMan X). MMBN 2 is the MegaMan at his best, so far. There's a whole new storyline, in a more realistic world. The setting is a world where everything is based on computers. The obvious problem with this is that if someone can get inside these computers, they could do just about whatever they wanted. And there's also your average, everyday virus. Capcom didn't need much imagination to think that up. MegaMan is in this game a program, designed to surf the net. But, in good old Blue Bomber spirit, he has to fight to survive.
How? Using other programs that are his weapons, called BattleChips. With all 250 of these, there are limitless strategies and powers. On top of that, you can NetBattle (fight) your friends, using chips you have to get IN THE GAME. So the playing field can be uneven, but it can be uneven in your favor.
The storyline? Very active and engaging. Some may find some of the goals difficult, but any RPG requires skill of mind to play.
The problem is, in an attempt to make the storyline longer without adding more game areas, they make you go back and forth through certain areas several times, which gets very annoying, especially since your run into viruses randomly while on the Net.
Bottom line: Capcom's finally done it. The ultimate MegaMan game.
More fun than it seems it might be.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 24, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This game, truthfully, just seemed like a good way for me to kill some time, but actually, it was GREAT. Not only is the world the game is based in (ours, in the future, with the names changed, but the idea of the internet, where you have "Navis" (like avatars, of a sort) that are programs that battle with viruses) was really actually cool and entertaining. They pay attention to alot of the details. Almost everything that you see around you in the world can be touched and explored (little text messages pop up when you look at almost everything!)Technically, this counts as a sort of different RPG, with some not too hard but just challenging enough to be fun puzzle elements added in. It kept me entertained for SO LONG! Definately fun. I've already preordered the new one!
uh hard
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 3
Date: June 22, 2003
Author: Amazon User
ok 1st of all i got this game thinkin it was a old style blast through everything that gets in your path megaman.2. some of the misions can take hours to do the net in the game is so big that you need to find 1 person to delete or 1 program that it gets boring. when doing some missions its always do one thing for one person so that you cando another thing 4 another and so on and so forth. the plot is kind of cool but the game doesn't stick with it. Meaning one day i'm taking a z license exam(i'll explain later) the next you'll be battling a net navi that works for a top secret org. Now on to the exams theres allways a bigger one is whatcame to my mind when playing the game. every time one of your friends in your city has an idea you have to taake an exam. and lastly your friends hate you in the bginning just because your mom makes you do in the game and i am not joking. other than that buy it.
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