Below are user reviews of Serious Sam: Gold and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Serious Sam: Gold.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 30)
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don,t expect much
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 6
Date: December 29, 2002
Author: Amazon User
BEWARE: Poor graphics, Very LONG load times, The game pauses in the middle of action for two seconds, I fell for all the good reviews this game got.
Average Sam
Rating: 3,
Useful: 3 / 6
Date: February 10, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Serious Sam is a first-person-shooter, similar to "Doom". You basically go around shooting hordes of alien creatures, find switches or get a key to progress to the next area. The graphics are really nice and crisp. and the music is fit for the action.
The levels have an egyptian theme; with temples, pyrimids and tombs. It's lots of fun playing Co-op with a friend. Level bosses you fight are giant and powerful. Now for the bad; All the enemy creatures look demonic (instead of alien-like)The sound effects have been weakend compared to the PC version. The game is very short and linear, I finished this game it within four hours. Gameplay is repetitive.
+good graphics
+split-screen gameplay
+lots of weapons
+good music
+funny lines by Sam
+cool level bosses
+action packed
+responsive controls
-repetitive gameplay
-weak sound fx
-linear gameplay
-framerate drops
-enemies do not look like aliens
-short game
Overall Serious Sam is an average game, if you
own the PC version, don't bother getting the XBOX
Good action game for renting!
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 7
Date: December 12, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Good action game! but I don't think it's worth playing over.I say rent it!!
p.s. Turok:Evolution is much better.
Good game, but a rip off for the Xbox version.
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 4
Date: December 15, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This game originally came out for computer and the Xbox version has no new features and the same graphics and plus it costs 50 bucks, why get the Xbox version if you can get the PC version for 10 bucks, yes you heard me its only 10 bucks. The only reason I would buy this game for Xbox is if my PC couldnt run it but thankfully it can.
Mindless fun.....
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 3
Date: July 18, 2003
Author: Amazon User
If you are looking for a deep plot, complicated gameplay and overall realism, go elseware...No, RUN because Serious Sam is NONE OF THE ABOVE, which, is not necissarily a bad thing. Remember the days when first person shooters involving a few stairs, maybe a door or two and wave upon wave of enemies flowed like wine? I sure do, and Mr.Sam breathes new life into a lost, but not forgotton genre. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Halo and other games with more than a doller's worth of plot, but when you arn't in the mood for the jibber jabber of mission breifings and actual reasons for going to a new place in the game, serious sam answers your call. The sheer numbers of enemies makes even a vertern Gamer cry out....That is, until you turn all of them into Monster-Kabobs with your handy little Chain gun, or rocket launcher, or heck, why not even a flame thrower.
Overall Serious sam: Gold can step up and deliver mindless fun and even more mindless plot twists.
Would be fun IF
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 7
Date: October 13, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This is a fun game that is if you can get it to work I played 3 difrent copeis of this game I thought there was something wrong with my xbox so I tryed my brothers xbox it did not work so I took it back and got a better game. If your feeling lucking buy it if not your money could be better spent on something better.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: January 05, 2003
Author: Amazon User
There are two different batches of this game that were made. One batch runs perfectly on the xbox. The other has long load times, awful frame rate, dirty disc errors and frequently lags up. I looked around in the forum on the official site and it seems that all copies that have the serial number TT00401A-L1 01 13 and TT00401A-L0 03 01 on the back of the disc are bad. Unfortunately, you cannot tell if the game is good or bad without opening it up first, so just open it in the store and if it's bad kindly ask for another one. You won't believe the looks you will get when you are on your 5th or 6th one, but hey. You gotta do what you gotta do.
Other than this one small technical issue, this game is great fun. It reminds me of doom. Every room is an ambush, monsters spawning behind you, secrets all over the place, etc etc. I love it. The graphics are pretty nice too, but the part I like the best is the sound. You will hear the creatures coming up behind you if you have surround sound. Almost every creature has it's own distinct sound that it makes. My favorite has to be the guys that run at you yelling and then explode when they hit you. Awesome game! Must have for any fan of doom.
The best of the best of the best.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: December 27, 2002
Author: Amazon User
By now you should know I really like this game. I played the pc version couple of times at my friends house but never really had time to just sit down and play it seriously. When it came out for Xbox I decided to get it. I had a good feeling about this game but got my socks knocked off. This game is amazing. Some of the pros:
-colorful, super sharp and detailed graphics, enemies are well rendered, backgrounds are so magnificent I really would like to visit the places that were shown in the game (even if I know they don't exist)
-great frame rate
-excelent multiplayer with possible cooperative mode
-different difficulty settings can make it really impossible to play. You can see the actual difference between them.
-high replay value
-great music
-great selection of weapons
-easy controls
-Sam cracks real jokes. No lame lines just pure 101% macho speak.
-it gets little repetitive at the times
-puzzles are really not that hard. If you can't open the door it simply means you didn't kill everyone.
This is not a strategy game. If you asked me I would have no idea what the game was about except for some time travel and quest for a holy grail. The point of the game is to keep you finger on the trigger until all the enemies are dead. I know it may sound dull and boring but believe me it's not. It's a combinations of curiosity of what's next, great music, graphics and high paced action that keeps you glued to yoru console. There is no boring down times looking for clues. You pick and item and get 50 enemies showing up at once. You are done with that another 50 comes running. This game is fun. How do I know it? My girlfriend who is rather against violence (and video games in general) enjoys sitting down with me and playing in cooperative multiplayer mode. I usually trade in and sell most of my games as soon as I'm done with them but this one is a keeper.
Shoot Anything that Moves !
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: August 29, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This is a fun game with a lot of thought put into it. It's goofy and cornball sense of humor actually add to it instead of becoming annoying. The levels are expansive and buildings/backgrounds are beautiful. Also, the background music is very well done as are the sound effects ( which are reminiscent of the first Turok game for N64 ). Overall, the satisfaction of blowing away the colorful, demonic hordes in interesting enviroments will keep you happy. You will want to run through it again at all the difficulty settings. This game is a definite pick-up for the low price and for the careless fun of it.
Great game!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: December 28, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Oh my! This game is a SUPERB value! It is a fun and rather light-hearted first person shooter that has gorgeous graphics in an Egyptian-type setting and a great use of music and sound effects.
While the game doesn't have a particularly deep plot, there is enough variety to keep your interest. Some of the many enemies you will encounter during the game are the Marsh-Hopper from Rigil Kentaurus, Beheaded Rocketeer, Beheaded Firecracker, Beheaded Bomber (do you see a trend here?), Male Gnaar, Female Gnaar (with no obviously different features), Zorg Mercenary from Beelmez IV, Zoer Commander from Beelmez IV, Reeban Electro-Fish, Beheaded Kamikaze (my personal favorite bad-guy), Scythian Witch-Harpy, Kleer Skeleton, Bio-Mechanoid, Cucurbito the Pumpkin, Zumb'ul from Planet Raw-ad-nyk, Juvenile Anachnoid, Sirian Werebull, Adult Anachnoid, Aludran Reptiloid, Fiendian Reptiloid Demon, Lava Golem, and Aludran Reptiloid Highlander. As you can see, there is quite an arrangement of monsters to blast.
And you get to choose between any of many weapons, such as a military knife, Chainsaw, Schofield .45, 12-Guage Shotgun, Double-Barrel Shotgun, XM214-A Minigun, M1-A2 Thompson Submachine Gun, XPML21 Rocket Launcher, MKIII Grenade Launcher, RAPTOR 16mm Sniper, XOP Flamethrower, XL2 Lasergun, SBC Cannon, and the Serious Bomb.
Along the way, there are the obligatory health, armor, life, treasure, and other pick-ups.
I only have a few complaints about the game. First, the enemy AI is pretty weak, so you often have two or more of same monsters coming at you in the exact same manner. Second, the cut scenes are rather short and superficial. Lastly, because monsters come from "another dimension," you often find yourself attacked from behind without warning. This can be frustrating at times, especially since there is no direction-of-attack indicator.
But these are minor issues. Although I rated Serious Sam a 4, it is only because it is not as deep as Halo (against which all first person shooters on Xbox should be judged). But the game is fun, and a definite title to get.
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