Nintendo Wii : SoulCalibur Legends Reviews

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Gas Gauge 52
Below are user reviews of SoulCalibur Legends and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for SoulCalibur Legends. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 35
GamesRadar 60
IGN 60
GameSpy 50
GameZone 55

User Reviews (1 - 11 of 16)

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One of the Worst Spin-offs in Video Game History

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 8 / 8
Date: December 27, 2007
Author: Amazon User

A spin-off to a successful franchise is almost never a good thing. The games are usually weaker than the main series and there's usually not as much effort put into them. There are a few exceptions but not many. Soul Calibur Legends is not an exception. In fact it may very well be one of the worst video game spin-offs to hit the scene in recent memory.

There's not much of a story here. You get to watch a cutscene take place and get an introduction as to what's going on, but from there the story becomes a confusing mess. It almost makes no sense. That aside, you'd think the gameplay would be something to admire but that may very well be the worst part about this game. There's really not much to it and sometimes it's just downright unfair.

You'll go into a level by selecting a character a two companions. You see some of your favorite Soul Calibur characters like Astorath, Sophitia and Taki. You'll even be able to play as Lloyd Irving of Tales of Symphonia fame. The controls aren't bad here. By swinging the Wii Remote you'll be able to do horizontal and vertical slashes. You'll use the Nunchuck to move your character around. You can also block attacks, perform charged attacks and strife around. The motion sensor controls of swinging the remote for sword swipes feels a little tacked on at times, though. It isn't that, which is annoying about the controls. What's annoying is that there is no challenge to the game whatsoever. If you simply swing the wii remote horizontally or vertically like a madman you'll have no problem fairing in combat.

You're also approached by the same enemies over and over again. This wouldn't really be a problem if there were a variety of them. It's basically the same three things over and over again. Worse than that, however, is the level design and camera. The levels are horrible in their design. There are traps that come from no where and sometimes the camera just doesn't work well enough. You may round a corner and the camera won't work out well enough for you to be able to see yourself before you take damage. Level designs are also boring and uninspired.

The game is reduced to being nothing more than a hack and slash. And it'll mostly consist of you swinging the wii remote in a craze. There's nothing challenging here at all. The level designs and gameplay as a whole are repetitive.

There's also a two player co-op mode, but that can't save the gameplay at all. There's even a versus, but you can use the same madman waving technique that you used in the actual adventure to do battle. In short, it's boring. If you really want to fight against a friend, it'd probably just be better to invest in one of the main series games.

Sadly, the graphics aren't stellar either. Much of the game is pretty ugly. Character models aren't so bad but everything is just downright ugly. Even by the Wii's standards it could be better. The voice acting isn't too bad, but the dialog and written script are absolutely horrible.

Even if you're a big Soul Calibur fan, Legends is not a worthwhile game at all. If you've never played Soul Calibur before, don't let this game be your first foray into the series. Pick up one of the games from the main series and pass this one by.


1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 4
Date: January 13, 2008
Author: Amazon User

Its nothing like any other Soulcalibur game theres no real versus mode and the game Is quite boring.. its only an RPG game not a fighting game like Mortal Kombat or the original Soul Calibur games....

Not Like Previous Games

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 1
Date: April 26, 2008
Author: Amazon User

It's not at all like the fighting games Soul Caliber was. It's like a story based RPG but when you actually FIND the two-player its in the same settings! Split screen, disorienting, not fun.
The controls are ok with the WiiMote but the game itself feels rushed, unpolished, gritty. I wish I would have rented it before I bought it.

Painful to Play

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 1
Date: July 26, 2008
Author: Amazon User

Throwing in a control scheme just for the sake of making use of the Wii's motion sensing controller doesn't add anything to the gameplay. It just feels like a mediocre 3-D platformer that got made more complicated to play than it really should have been. The same goes for all the rest of the Wii and DS games where the controls were thrown in to make use of a gimmick.

Lacking in Several Areas

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 12 / 16
Date: December 27, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Soul Caliber is a great fighting games series with a very loyal fan base. With Soul Caliber Legends, they tried to convert the series into an RPG. RGP fans will probably find it lacking, but Soul Caliber fans will appreciate the new look at their world.

First, the gameplay. In single player / campaign mode you go through a series of minor battles up until you hit a boss, like many typical RPGs. You swing the Wii remote around like a sword in order to make your attacks. The direction of the swing does matter - for example left-to-right acts differently than right-to-left. You can get a good workout playing this for a while!

That being said, the gameplay gets rather repetitive very quickly. There isn't a lot of thought or finesse involved. Also, the game itself is exceedingly short. You can finish the entire game in one day. With a fighting game you have a lot of incentive to keep playing, either alone or with friends, but here once the game is over, you really don't feel impelled to go back to it.

Normally in games like these the basic game is simple because the multiplayer is then complex and rich. However, Soul Caliber Legends doesn't offer much in this area. There are a few co-op, a few head-to-head and that's about it.

The graphics are a real mixed bag. In some cases, they are really very lovely and detailed. Whoever designed the wood parquet floor should get a gold star. On the other hand, some of the items are hideous looking, as if they were transplanted from a Nintendo-64.

I could complain about the tiny bikini outfit that they put the female into, but that's an issue with Soul Caliber as a whole, not just with this game.

The sound is equally mixed. Sometimes it seems almost good quality - and then at other times the dialogue makes you want to cringe. If this was a fighting game it might not matter much - but in an RPG, the whole point is the role playing environment, and it raelly stands out.

We've played a lot of so-so games through, and this was one we just lost interest in after a while. It's not engaging. And we are Soul Caliber fans, so we were the target audience for this game. I'd suggest this as a game to rent first, and then buy if you find you enjoy it.

Rating: 2/5

Good game to rent

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 5 / 5
Date: December 12, 2007
Author: Amazon User

I have always been a fan of the Soul Games. When I was a kid I loved Soul Blade and have owned every game after that. So when I noticed Soulcalibur Legends at my local store, I snatched it up right away. As I played this game, I realized something. The Soul games are the best fighting games I have ever played, it just doesn't translate well to the adventure genre.

The control scheme for the Wii is pretty easy to use and the graphics are solid, the main gripe I have is the gameplay itself. This game is incredibly easy and the levels are extremely repetitive. The story moves along at a decent pace, it just really isn't that interesting. All that being said, play this game. I just wouldn't shell out 50 bucks for it. I haven't had any of my buddies over since I got the game so the multiplayer action might redeem SC: L, but it took me only a few hours of play to beat the Quest mode.

Legends is a good addition to the Soul mythos, I just can't recommend this game to anyone but a completionist.

How to corrupt a decent fighting game...

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 02, 2008
Author: Amazon User

This is not a figthing game. It is a sword bashing soul calibur wannabe... The story line is weak. The graphics for a system like Wii is acceptible. The camera throughout the game is one of the worst that I have ever experienced. Gameplay is ok, but you get tired after doing the same things all the way. Please read the reviews and do not buy this. Namco Bandai should have worked harder if it wants to create a good game out of a legendary fighting game...


2 Rating: 2, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 07, 2008
Author: Amazon User

I never thought I would give a game in the Soul Calibur series a bad rating, but here we are. Soul Calibur Legends is a disappointing game on a number of levels (no pun intended), and would be purchased only by absolutely die-hard Soul Calibur fans who must have the next game.

The past Soul Calibur games have been fighting games - innovative games with some of the best gameplay, character design, extras, and graphics anywhere in the video game world. For whatever reason, Namco decided that for the Wii they would ditch all of that and go ahead and create a Dynasty Warriors-type 3rd-person action game, and forsake all of the fighting game elements. Don't get me wrong - I love Dynasty Warriors, and own many of the DW games. This is like DW only in concept, not execution.

Soul Calibur Legends allows you to play as a number of the characters from previous games (and some new ones), but the thrill of doing so is gone. The characters don't really have any unique moves of their own (the attacks are the same for everyone) and the game play is just the same old thing level after level. There is absolutely no challenge to this game at all - attacking utilizes the Wii remote's ability to slash and stab, but this decreases the fun level of the game even more: the controller is none too sensitive, so that you really have to try very very very hard to stop doing the same attack over and over. On top of that, the little things that made the other SC games so much fun - like a spectacular opening sequence - are missing. The opening sequence of this game looks basically like it was made of animated sketches colored on Photoshop. It's a shame that Nintendo couldn't have insisted on a better game.

Big let down

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 14, 2008
Author: Amazon User

When I first heard of this game I thought, Wow a non fighting Soul Calibur game would be great, and my son was ecstatic about it being a fan of SC 2 and 3. Well it's not what I expected. You start out as Siegfried and you hack and slash your way through level after level, fighting the same enemies each level. Nothing wrong with hacking and slashing, especially with the Wii remote. I liked how you control your sword with the controller as you would if you were really in the game. The only problem with it is you are limited to only a few moves. (Wouldn't it be nice if you could customize your attacks, or the sword move the way your controller actually moves?)Anyway after a few levels of repetitive enemy death you fight a boss of sorts. Sometimes the boss will be unique and sometimes it will be a familiar character form the SC series. After these boss battles you will either free a new ally or the guy you just fought will some to his senses and join your team. And that's pretty much it. The big complaints I have is being to limited to what you can do in the game. I'm more into going through and going my own way through the game. I also hate repetitive enemy battles. Mix it up a bit. Every other level looks the same in this game. I did however like being able to switch between characters and the controls were ok, but like I said earlier it could have been better. Overall I feel this game was rushed while in production. No depth, limited control, and a very boring storyline.

Not all that

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 25, 2008
Author: Amazon User

You would think for a wii you would have some awsome sword slashing in one on one combat but its not like that at all. Any type of versus is in RPG enviornment so the best part of Soul Calibur is gone. Save your money and buy Soul Calibur 4 instead!!!

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