Below are user reviews of Dragon Ball Z: Legacy of Goku and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Dragon Ball Z: Legacy of Goku.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (31 - 41 of 208)
Show these reviews first:
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: May 25, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This game is really good. It is totally awesome. You can only rate it five stars but this deserves 10. This game is about the whole Frezia saga which is pretty cool. It includes everything from raditz to Frezia. The ending is the best it is a showdown with the evil Frezia. In the game you be goku and travel to all of the places that he went to in the hit tv series. I didnt hesitate to buy this game because i herd that it would be pretty popular. I also hear that new games soch as the cell saga and the Magin boo saga will arrive soon. I am going to get those games too. If you are a big fan of the game you should DEFINATLY BUY IT!
Its ok if your an all around gamer
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: June 24, 2002
Author: Amazon User
In some ways it's cool, only if your an atack and run away kind of guy. I'm a DBZ fan and the point of you learning the Kamahamaha move from king ki is a joke. But if you want to get it just because the name is cool go on ahead. But then again I liked because I put 4 stars, I think. Buy it, if you want.
Well, It's good, but I expected a little better...
Rating: 3,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: November 28, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Well, I have had this game for a while and beaten it many times. I am a big DBZ fan, so when this game came out I bought it as soon as I could. The only problem was I had beaten it the next day. Now, that might be understandable if I had been playing non-stop, but I beat it in about 5-6 hours.
I is a good game, good music, game play, graphics, good villains, and I love when Goku goes SSJ at the end. But I don't reccomend that you buy it. Rent it! you will beat it before you return it. I guarentee it. Don't waste the monet on buying it(unless you want to beat it over and over again).
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: December 17, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I got this game a while ago and its really good. I think I almost beat it. People who say they beat it in a few hours or even days are either lying or REALLY GOOD. l is change through ki blast, solar flare and kamehameha beams. r is fly (you get more fly time the more levels you grow.) a is punch. b is use enrgy attacks. 25 is the highest level you can grow to. dont worry, you start with 6 fly (wich is really short) but end on level 25 with 99 fly (wich is super long.) you might wanna look at for cheats for this game.
PS. please tell me how to get through the church in Namek.
Is this relly DBZ?
Rating: 1,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: January 04, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Ok, this is a pretty fun game. That is true if you have never watched the TV show! This game is not true at all to the real DBZ plot. I mean half of the darned game is spent doing deeds for people! Oh, and when you do fight you are fighting little animals like toy snakes and get this: Squirls! Overall, this game is a wast of money and it is only good for you to feed to your dog. Which I am going to do now!
God Save us From the Minions of the Apocalypse
Rating: 2,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: June 28, 2004
Author: Amazon User
When I first saw this game on the bargain shelf at Hastings, I was thrilled. I thought, "Yay, I can finally get this cool game at a cheap price." I drove home, popped the game in, and watched the opening movie. (A shortened version of the show's opening) It was cool. I started playing. I played for a while, having fun controlling the most powerful sayain in the universe, when suddenly, I died. I had been killed by the most terryifying, the most hideous, the most evil creature in the whole galaxy...a small dog.
This happended a few mor times, until i finally got past that point, after which I thought, "Hey, it's okay, I'll be able to level up and get better at beating these terrible dogs."
At some point several days later I beat the final boss of the game, Freiza, then mentally shot myself in the head for ever buying this excuse for a game.
The premise is simple. You move around with a top down view similar to Zelda. You can punch to kill enemies close up, or use a ki attack to attack them from afar. You gain three different ki techniques. The ki blast is a simply a shot of energy that hits enemies for less damage than a punch. Then there is the famous Kamehameha Wave which you get from King kai later in the game, regardless of the fact that Goku could use that attack in the show before he even knew that the King existed. Finally you learn the solar flare before your first fight, and before the K wave. this is where the game goes from being merely horrible, to being utterly, boringly terrible. Now fights with any enemy progress like this. Solar Flare..punch enemy a few times...RUN AWAY!...lather, rinse, repeat. That's pretty much it. Not only that, but they give you lots of stupid tasks that weren't even in the show that range from slightly relevant( Returning lost artifacts to a Namek temple) to things that anyone going after a guy who kidnapped his son would never do. (Saving a girls kitty-cat). These irrelevant tasks added to the mediocre gameplay, and imbalance of power between enemies turns what could have been a great game, into one of the worst experiences I have ever had in my gaming life. There goes about 5 hours of my life. The only way I can atone for this is by making sure that no one else goes through this torture. Run..don't walk..away from any copy of this game. you will thank yourself later.
Dragonball legacy of goku
Rating: 3,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: July 23, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Good you can only use Goku, but good you start as Goku. You end it at the freza saga you can fly shoot energy attacks it's a real fun game. You learn the kamehameha you learn solar flaer it blinds
enemys then all you have to do is is kameha to win. You also go supersaiyn at the end it doesn't tell the story excally though, but I suggest number 2 it's way better!!!!!!!!!! but this is cheaper I hope a number 3 comes out though Dragonball z supersonic warriors is better than 1 and 2 dragonball z taikestu don't get it a waist of money trust me it will make you hate dragonball z games for ever!!!!!!!! It's really your desicion though.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 8
Date: July 02, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Way toooooo short
Rating: 3,
Useful: 5 / 8
Date: May 16, 2002
Author: Amazon User
For all you DBZ fans this game is true to its form. For all you fans and hard core gamers the game is way to short. At most you will max out at 4 hours, if you followed to story that is. 3 Stars for layout and playing style. I bought it on a pre-launch and returned it 2 days later. Once you beat the game its rather dull after words, just a nice collectabel DBZ item.
Great try though but more effort next time, you cant even link and go supper on a friend. Also when you come accross the other heros in the game they just give you the Ki points, you don't eve nget to share some hand to hand to earn them...
I love DBZ, but this game is HOT GARBAGE!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 5 / 8
Date: June 18, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This game [stunk]. I've been watching DBZ even before Funimation bought the rights to it. I love playing video games. But this game [stunk]. First of all, the length of time you can fly is pathetic and there really is no need for in the game. I felt like it was forced into the game just because. The punch-or-ki blast fighting quickly became monotonous. I was very upset that goku learned the kame-hame-ha wave from King Kai. He could have learned either the spirit bomb (which I doubt would have taken little more effort than the measly ki shots they threw together) or the kaiokin attack. I didn't even get excited as I leveled up because it meant nothing except you didn't die like a PUNK! Oh and it took me all of 5 hours to beat. Maybe I'm asking for to much when I want a game with a little depth that has something to discover, like fighting skills or more than 3 energy attacks. Keep your money folks.
Oh yeah the transformation to super saiyan was garbage. I would have at least use a clip from the anime. But hey, what do I know.