Below are user reviews of Sid Meier's Civil War Collection and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Sid Meier's Civil War Collection.
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Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (1 - 11 of 49)
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How it all started
Rating: 5,
Useful: 16 / 25
Date: July 04, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Sid Meier has but has name on some of the best games ever. These two games are now exception. Gettesburg started it all. Antietam took it a step further. In these two games you can change history as you bravely direct your troops. You can make them form a battle line, charge of fall back. Trap enimeny units as you flank them. These are to great games from a great game maker.
Very good stragity game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 6 / 18
Date: July 05, 2000
Author: Amazon User
One of the best Stragity games yet! It has very good graphics and sound. With a great story line. It is very interactive and fun to play. Recomended for anyone who likes the civil war, Stragity games, or anyone who likes great games!
Sid Meier's Peerless Gettysburg
Rating: 4,
Useful: 32 / 36
Date: July 13, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Really excellent: Gettysburg's restrained voice-over dramatizations, truly cinematic reenactment videos, and sensible historical research yield a compellingly instructive understanding of the battle. AND the incomparable game engine -- providing flexible military and physical viewpoint, variable scenario pacing, and sequencing including "developmental" saving and replaying --enables an immersive "strategy" playing experience. Have only played a demo of Antietam, but it seemed to build on Gettysburg's accomplishments. Highly recommended.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 9 / 11
Date: January 09, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I am 13 years old and when I first played this game I found the civil war a neat thing to learn about. Now, every spare moment I have I am playing Gettysburg. You learn the history of the civil war like the landmarks, leaders, and you still get to enjoy the excitement of a real time war game. From the bugle calls to the reinforcements, anyone and everyone is sure to love this game.
Hurrah! For Antietam!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 86 / 88
Date: February 20, 2001
Author: Amazon User
As a veteran of tactical war games using miniatures, I can say that Sid Meier has finally realized the potential of the computer in delivering a minatures quality game without the expense of acquiring figures and terrain (which can easily run into thouands of dollars).
Furthermore, these miniatures are animated! They march, they wheel, they fire, they charge, and sometimes they run away. Having played Gettysburg, my main complaint was that all Union troops were in kepis, all Confederates in slouch hats.
Imagine my surprise playing Antietam to see a regiment of Confederates Zouaves moving across the field, with fez's and tassles (from Louisiana, I think). The Iron Brigade wears their famous black hats. Some regiments have blanket rolls, others wear full packs. Kepis and slouch hats are found in both armies, sometimes within the same regiment. Some Confederates wear gray, others are in butternut. The tunic may be blue, the pants light blue.
Artillery includes Napoleon's, old 6-lbers, 3 inch rifles, and 10 and 20# Parrots. There is an option to fire cannister.
The sound effects are outstanding. You click on an order and you hear an officer yelling "Bayonets!" The gunfire sounds good, as does the grumbling within the ranks "When are we gonna get moving?", etc.
The terrain is beautiful and realistically detailed. Cover and line of sight are built into the rules.
Aesthetically, the game is superb.
The rules force you to use historical tactics. The are four grades of troops, from green to crack, and four grades of commanders. As they fight, losses and fatigue drive to regiments to the breaking point. You will learn the importance of tactical reserves, feints, and shifting the main point of attack.
Best of all, the player merely gives the orders. No hours painting hundreds and thousands of figures, or filling a 9X6 table top battlefield with terrain. And best of all, no rolling of dice, no consulting the rules manual, no bookkeeping. The program does all of this for you to the sound of roaring cannon and crackling musket fire.
Antietam completes the revolution in war gaming started by his Gettysburg. One can only hope Mr. Meier will extend his genius to the Napoleonic battlefield.
A historically accurate overall fun game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 6 / 6
Date: April 02, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game is the only game I have played where you can have fun with history. The overall game is strategy mixed with combat and you can chose either the rebels or the yankees and change history. This is a must have for Civil War buffs and strategy fans and in 2001 it isn't a outdated game.
Are you kidding??
Rating: 1,
Useful: 4 / 14
Date: April 10, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Sometimes I wonder if these reviewers have a personal interest.Ok I bought the civil war package. I'm a 50 year old guy who enjoys strategy games and thought it sounded fun. " Grant-ed" the historical parts are cool. But "Lee's" be frank, I had more fun watching paint dry. The optics reminded me of the early Command & Conquer series. Slow, boring, repetitive- almost got hemmeroids waiting for some action!If your a hard core Civil War buff you'll like it, if you like action try Command & Conquer Red Alert 2, and wait for Civil war to catch up to the 21st century!
Best game ever
Rating: 5,
Useful: 14 / 14
Date: April 17, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I have played war games for almost 35 years. This one is the best one ever, simply stated. Most computer games, you can pretty much figure out within a few reps, how to beat the computer easily. This one, no way. I'm getting better, but after 100 tries or so, i'm still winning some, losing some. Also, with most computer war games, the strategy of just "attacking with everything" usually wins. In this game, no way! You need the same planning that a general needs in real life. If you're caught without reserves, you could be in big trouble. Head on attacks? Don't work most of the time! Flank attacks? Yes, but they take time and you could get caught with divided forces. To sum up, this is the most realistic, fun war game I have ever played. It is an absolute MUST for any wargamer. I hope that more are forthcoming in addition to Gettysburg and Antietem. Hey, how about Chickamauga!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: May 13, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This Game IS AWSOME...I recomend it to EVERY one ...It is both Historically Sound and Graphically AWSOME!!
Great game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 3
Date: May 13, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I have the civil war in gate in school. It is so fun. No matter what people say it is the funest game i have ever played. NO i am a smart kid maybe thats why i like it its about history!!!!!!!!!
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