
PC - Windows : Freespace / Silent Threat Bundle Reviews

Below are user reviews of Freespace / Silent Threat Bundle and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Freespace / Silent Threat Bundle. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

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The Ultimate Space Fighter Game

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 7 / 9
Date: June 07, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I bought this game at Wal-Mart and I took it home and I was blown away by the details and realisim. I was happy that the game was based off of the Pentium 133 megahertz chip since that is what is in my system. Back to the game, The Great War DISKS! were the best games I ever played for PC. You start out as a fresh piliot and your first missions are traineing, so you get used to the controls. I DID NOT HAVE A JOYSTICK!!! BUT IT WORKED ANYWAY WITH THE NUMBERPAD ON THE KEYBOARD!!!! A joystick would be great but I beat it without one. A great feature was the ability to comunicate with your wingmen. The game has an extremely large amount of laser cannons, missiles, bombs, fighters, and bombers. There are three species in the game; Terrans (Humans), Vasudans, and the mysterious Shivans. The game starts out with you in the middle of a 14 year war (THE GREAT WAR, DUH!) but then a peace treaty is signed because the Shivans come roughing everyone up. But the game is still great. Silent Threat is an expansion pack that puts you at the end of the great war CD. You are a different piliot becuase the great war ends with you bustin up a Shivan destroyer that was gonna kill Sol (Earth). But you find out in Silent Threat that the piliots who killed that ship and saved (Earth) got stuck there because the explosion cause a cataclismic shut down of the only jump node to Sol that you skip through galaxies with. But in Silent Threat, you are working for the Terrans but you are part of the intel, black-ops squad. You go behind enemy lines to do the dangerous stuff. But now, that you are bored with me ramble, here are the
Highs and Lows

Lots of missions, ships, and wepons
Unparralled details
Lots of repaly value
GREAT price and value

Occasionaly Frustrating
Ya know, thats about it:-)

Great game!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 5 / 7
Date: March 03, 2001
Author: Amazon User

This is a great game. This game is very realistic to be a space game. It has really good graphics and sound. The cut scene videos are interesting and it helps you get into the game. But there are draw backs to the game, such as, the controls are all over the keyboard. You pretty much use the whole keyboard to manuver your space ship. But after a little while of playing it, you will find out that there are about 5-10 keys you will ever need to use. Over all, the game is one of the best I have ever played. It has a great story, graphics, and gameplay. There really isn't much more you can ask for out of a game.

Do you have this game? If you don't, buy it. Buy it now.

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 4 / 5
Date: October 16, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Freespace is by far the best flight sim ever created. It truly immerses the player into the game. The graphics are stunning, with realistic explosions and superbly textured ships. Not just the small ones either, mind you. The capital ships, are just plain massive. It dwarves your puny fighter in comparison. Even the backrounds are specially rendered and colorfully done, making it not just stars but planets and galaxies as well. The AI is very intelligent, are a variety of scripts are used. Some enemies will be simple to hit, when others, manuever better than you do, use countermeasures, and work in teams. The interface is incredable, allowing you to specify targets for your wingmen to attack, ignore, or disarm, call in reinforcements, or rearm. The controls are easy to learn, and it comes with several training missions covering everything from basic flight to countermeasure and aspect seeking missiles. The thing that really makes this game stand out, is the missions. These missions are unique, sometimes the objectives change right in the middle of the mission, with secondary and bonus objectives, earning you medals and commendations. Some missions, for example, you are supposed to jump in and destroy a target, you will have recieved the wrong jump coordinates, not destroy the target, but then recieve new objectives to complete once there. Truly a surprise around every corner. I cant say enough about this game, I have played it over and over again. It even has 5 difficulty levels, ranging from incredably easy to impossibly difficult. Even beginners who have never played a space sim will have no trouble enjoying or playing this game. Please, do yourself a favor and purchase this game. For ... it will be the most worthwhile purchase you have ever made.

All around a great game

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 3 / 3
Date: December 11, 2001
Author: Amazon User

First of all, if I could, I would give this game a 4 1/2 star rating. If your looking for a space sim game that has good graphics and game play this is the one for you. One thing I happily discovered was the range of skill levels. If you're a [not-so-skilled] gamer that can never manage to win a game without cheat codes, this is a great game. If you're a skilled gamer who is looking for a challenge this is still the game to buy.
Another cool thing about this game is the fact that you aren't a one man army. Your wingmen are actually a great resourse. You can tell them what to doand they'll actually do it.
The variety from mission to mission is also excellent. In some missions your job is to destroy the enemy, in some it's to escort ships, in some it's to spy on the enemy etc.
The graphics are sweet too. This is an old game but you can't tell by the graphics.
You can choose between 5 or 6 ships to fly on different missions and you can customise them with different weapons.
This game is at an increadible value... It is deffinately worth buying.

All-Time Favorite Game - Honest Rating!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: December 22, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Yup, I'm giving you an honest rating. This has been my favorite game since 1998 when it came out. I never heard of it before, but thankfully it came with an IBM Aptiva I bought. The graphics are increadible for its time. Nice soundtrack, great sound effects, and I've gone through it 5 times now.

This has been my all-time favorite game because it has a lot of depth in the storyline and there's no doubt Volition-Inc. (the game's developer) didn't spend all their money on the game and not voice acting. It's fun and pulls you in with the great story and killer voice acting. Too bad Freespace 1 and 2 were some of those great yet little-known games. Get both, I mainly like FPS games, but Freespace stands out.

I can attest to its value because I've been playing this a wee-bit too much for a whole 2 years. I still have a blast with it. I can't blame Volition for taking their time on making this a great title. 2 years in the making, a must-buy, even if you haven't heard a darn thing about it.


4 Rating: 4, Useful: 3 / 5
Date: July 31, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Nice game. Great price. Buy it if you don't have it.

NOT just another space shooter

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: May 22, 2001
Author: Amazon User

When I first began speculating about this game with friends way back in 98'. All I heard was it was gonna be another space shooter that could not rate up there with games like X-Wing or TIE fighters. Man, I still will never forget the looks on their faces when I showed them how the game ran and just overall was a masterpiece of graphics and gameplay for it's time anyway. So your saying, yeah well what's the story with this game? Well, you start out as a GTA pilot (Galactic Terran Alliance) fighting a 14 year war against the Vasudans. The AI is impressive as is the combat animations and cutscenes. All I can say to anyone considering buying this is to get it before it is no longer made considering it's age. Enjoy!

I don't have the game but I know what I buy!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 6
Date: September 28, 2001
Author: Amazon User

FreeSpace is - I find - a very great and a Master Game.

everything about it

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 13
Date: November 23, 2002
Author: Amazon User

yea the game plays good (not like those stupid mercinary games that you always find like tachyon your actually a pilot)graphics are extremely good expesually for 4 a 1998 game wide variety of strenghts and weaknesses in fighters and not so hard you cant beat 2nd mission (everyone knows a game like that somewhere) and by the way the 15 year old war with the vasudans was called the terran vasudan war the war with the shivans though was the great war also this game carries a mission creator named fred though hard to find all you have to do is go to search for files and folders and look for fred then make a shortcut of the icon that starts fred and place the shortcut on your desktop (and a helpful thing ctrl click on the map to add more ships)

My review for the Silent Threat Expansion Pack

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 15, 2006
Author: Amazon User

Silent Threat is overall satisfying expansion pack. It does feel a little cut, though.
The missions themselves are an interesting variety of the normal Freespace missions, and you get to do "silence all rebels" sort of missions. They still tie them into the overall plot of Freespace quite well though, so they aren't lacking.

On mission design, DESPITE what others have said, the last mission is possible. Hard, yes, but any self-respecting Freespace player can do it. I'm not ashamed to say that for my first try, I lowered the difficulty; though once you get then hang of it you can do harder difficulties. (Hint: try loading yourself with harbingers, and half the other pilot's fighters. If you have them engage the enemy fighters and cover you, you're fine)

The team at volition also added a couple of new weapons and ships, and they're well balanced. The Zeus bomber in particular is nice.

So, why do I say it could've been better? The campaign needed a bit more length. The ending didn't seem concrete, and it felt as if I should be going on to my next mission. Even just 2-3 more missions would've given it an OK ending.

Still, this is still a great expansion pack to an even greater game... 4.5 out of 5, 5 out of 5 if they had more missions...

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