Below are user reviews of Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 87)
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Not good enough to withstand the MMORPG competition.
Rating: 2,
Useful: 44 / 69
Date: June 21, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Lineage 2 is the newest fantasy MMORPG (i.e. Massive Multiplayer On Line Role Playing Game) from NCsoft.
This game, while beautiful in appearance, lacks the necessary characteristics to compete with the present and future MMORPG products on the market.
Here is an analysis of the product:
1)Character Creation. Personalization is almost null, you will be part of an endless army of clones roaming the land. Classes and races are few. Must say: the character skins are THE MOST BEAUTIFUL I ever saw, but there are only 2 for each race and class. This means, everybody looks the same.
2)Atmosphere: as much as the beautiful graphics (the cities are detailed to perfection) could contribute to a wonderful setting, there are NO rpg servers and name control is not implemented. Cursing goes on all the time on public channels, people talk about their own business, and you end up hearing it all.
Plus, name filter is only on English, thus many players use insults and curses as their names. Finally, names like XX23Kino really don't get you in the right mood for fantasy.
3) Gameplay. Not good at all.
a) Getting to level 20 is an enourmous level grind. An that is when the game gets better.
b) Quests aren't many and are NOT FUN. It's like being a pizza guy in a fantasy setting.
c) All races are very far apart from each other at the beginning, each race starting in its own city. Result: Clone Wars extravaganza...all you meet are players exactly like you, same characters, same face.
d) Moving around is an enormous pain. You have to click to where you want to go... no horses, hippogriffs, if you have to travel coast to coast, prepare for a clicking tendinitis and an hour of tedium.
e) You actually travel to islands with boats... and it is so realistic that you will be on a boat for more than an hour doing NOTHING!
f) The game is all money based. Monsters drop average equipment which you will sell to buy decent equipment. An when I say you will need a lot of money, I mean 10,000 times what you are thinking right now.
g) Basic rule: YOU ARE YOUR EQUIPMENT. If you die you can lose a piece and this is over XP loss. The Prima manual suggests not to die, thanks a lot.
h) There seems to be no real objective... what am I doing this for? It's not even fun to be around the game grinding and there is nothing to get to.
i) The game is packed with farmers, botters, macroers, etc etc. All the worst you can get from an online community.
Bottom Line:
Folks, this is a NOT BUY.
Your money is better spent on FFXI, but I would simply wait for Guild Wars or Worlds of Warcraft.
Bad Reviews, Negative Feedback...Then Why Do I Love It So???
Rating: 5,
Useful: 14 / 14
Date: August 09, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Like anyone, I am very leary to join up with any MMORPG. It's just really tough to justify forking over money every month to play a video game, unless it's really amazing. Unfortunately, my experiences with MMORPG's have been less then stellar. My last disastrous experience was with Horizons. That game was the worst managed, least fun game I have ever played. So, needless to say I was a little jaded when it came to MMORPG's. I've played World of Warcraft, City of Heroes, Guild Wars, Everquest, etc., etc., so I am very familiar with the world of MMORPG's. Having dilligently read all the gaming reviews, scoured the forums, and porused through the newsgroups, I came to the conclusion that Lineage II was not a very good game. So, I didn't buy it.
2 months later, I'm forced to buy this game(I made my buddy buy a game earlier in the year, so I was on the hook). I thought I would play for a couple of token "I really tried to enjoy it" weeks and then call it quits. I was wrong.
The first thing you will notice is the AMAZING graphics and scenery. LII is still using the Unreal 2 engine, and they really have it wired. It's hard to believe that this is the same old tired graphics engine that has been around for such a long time. It really shows off when it is night time, and there is a full moon out. NCSoft will display a wild and imaginative skyline that literally takes your breath away.
In the same token, they do have one major flaw in the graphics dept. and it is terribly silly. The Time of Day Transitions from Night to Day and vice versa are awful. I don't know if they do that on purpose for some reason, but it is such a tragedy to ruin what is otherwise a wonderfully rich and beautiful world. You'll be standing somewhere in the middle of a hot and sunny day, then BAM, it's midnight. Literally no transition from dusk to dawn, and so on and so forth.
Besides the knock on daily transitions, their fighting graphics are spectacular. Each spell, sword swing, staff smash, has amazing effects to go with it. You can tell that NCSOFT really spent a lot of time emphasizing good combat graphics, and it shows.
The sound is great. It has a wide range enviromental noises that change smoothly from each appropriate area. Having great enviromental affects can make a game so much more fun and have a level of realism that just can't be achieved without it. It really immerses a player into that world, and I love it. The character affects associated it with all character actions is good as well. I won't say great, because I can't think of one item that really caught my attention enough to remember.
This is tough to judge with an MMORPG. The nature of the beast requires a certain amount of level grinding that just can't be avoided, which just becomes a second job after a while. That aside I will point out some positives and negatives I found. The fighting in the game is fun, and the character menu is your standard RPG layout. Complete with inventory, hotbars, XP and Magic meters, so on and so on. The macro system is average, and purposely so. If anyone has ever played an MMORPG that can be exploited using the macros, it can really suck.
The questing is a little weak, but it does improve with every new edition that is published with LII, currently on Chronicle 3 for this review.
This game allows for full PvP (Player vs. Player) action, which means that other real world players can go and kill you if they want for no reason at all. This adds a dicey element to the game that you just can't get with a non-PvP game. Have you ever caught yourself playing a online game and thought, "Man, I would love to kill that annoying turd that keeps mouthing off, or keeps getting my squad killed." Now you can. It feels really good to crush someone who has been talking trash for 2 days, way too good. On the flip side, it's really devastating when you get owned by some other character when you know it's probably some 10 year old kid who just schoooled you. This aspect of the game really narrows the focus of who would enjoy this game, as it really appeals to the hard core gamer. I know some people who will not play PvP simply because it is too stressful. I love it. The system is designed with a karma system so it's not a total free for all, as their are penalties for just killing everyone randomly all the time, but you can agree to fight with another person with no penalites at all; or just make a character that is pure killer, that says damn the consequences, and kills all that stand in his path. This part of the game in my opinion is one of it's best highlights.
On the flip side, there is a clan and alliance system that is pretty good. The clan system is pretty robust, and does have some major benefits to be in a high level, powerful clan. Clans have alliances with other clans, which basically makes them even stronger. These alliances can setup castle sieges, where they siege the local castle, to vie for control of that area. If you belong to a clan that holds a castle, you make buko bucks and gain tons of privelages that non-castle holders have.
The other advantage that clans have is they are great to setting up parties to go out and level with. This is the fastest way to level your character, get gear, and overall have a great time. Lineage II does a great job with their clan/alliance system, which only improves with every new Chronicle.
There are some major negatives that are felt pretty deeply in this game. The first issue is the money making problem. It is really difficult to make money in this game, and money is the key to this whole game. Want to level faster? Buy some goodies that will help you kill things quicker. Want to make your guy stronger and kill things quicker? Buy the nicer gear. This formula is not unique, but is absurdly lopsided in this game. You would have to spend 24 hours straight 7 days a week for 1 month to get enough money to buy 1 piece of top of the line gear for a level 20 and lower characert; and guess what? by the time that happens you would be level 40. It is very disproportionate, and very frustrating.
Which dove tails into the other major problem of this game. Ebayers/Money Buying. Since it is so difficult to make money in the game, it has sprung up a multi-million dollar industry where companys' sole reason in life is to sell you the video game money(adena) in exchange for your cold hard cash. Yes, that's right, you can spend your hard earned dough to buy your video game character that armor you've been dying to get,or that sweet sword you know would make your life so much easier. Don't let anyone fool you either, as it happens all the time all day every day, and most people won't admit it.
Ebayers are people who just skip the whole game leveling process and buy a pre-played account, so they can have that uber character with none of the effort. This happens a lot as well, and is very, very annoying(Moms and Dads, please stop giving your kids money to spend off your Credit Card!!!)
Finally one of the worst thing that goes on is botting. This is where people use a 3rd party program to "play" the game for them. It essentially fully automates their characters to kill non-stop without resting or dying. This is very prevalent in Lineage II, despite some lackluster efforts by NCSoft. Their is a petition process you can go through to turn in these botters, but NCSoft's response is mediocore at best, with a very small percentage of botters ever getting banned.
These are all major issues, but they are not unique in LineageII, as they are prevalent in all MMORPG's, so take it for what it's worth. Although, the botting in Lineage II is pretty bad, much worse then some other games then I have played.
I have been playing for 9 months straight,almost every day and I love this game. It is designed for the hard core gamer in mind, and is not for the weak at heart. The PvP makes it very interesting and keeps you on your toes. While the clan system adds depth and enjoyment on different levels. I recommend this game to anyone who has come from playing any other PvP based MMORPG, or who is interested in a hard core fantasy world. I dont' recommend this game to anyone who is impatient or does not have lots of time to spare, as this game will need a tremendous amount of both. This is a very serious game which requires huge amount of dedication. These games are designed for people who are supposed to be playing it every day for hours at a time, for years at a time. It is not designed to be beaten within a month, or to MAX your character out in 2 months. I have been playing video games before their was any graphics, purely word based games (Zork, Hitchikers Guide..), and I can see why a lot of people do not like this game. It is truly designed for the VERY hard core gamer. If you are an old school gamer with years and years of gaming under your belt, and love the RPG genre, you will love this game. Don't get me wrong, as I really HATE the negatives (botters, ebayers), and the lack of a decent questing system, but unlike Horizons, the game gets much better with each Chronicle; and since we are only in Chronicle 3 out of 12 we can expect some great things to come.....
Played Beta...Boring Boring Boring
Rating: 2,
Useful: 42 / 72
Date: March 02, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Well, after playing the Beta for quite a bit I've decided I won't be getting this one...The graphics are amazing, the quests are pretty standard, and the whining about PKing and how much of
a "noob" this or that guy is annoying as is seriously boring. Leveling takes forever; downtime is too much; not enough interaction while in combat: it's pretty much Point, Click,
and hope for the best, maybe getting a skill off. There is virtually no customizing your get like 2 faces, 2 hair colors and maybe a few hair styles but that's it. There's lots and lots
of running and lots and lots of space to do it...boring boring. No points to add to any attributes or anything of the sort. There's only 2 base classes from which only a few more classes branch
off from, these being fighter/mage. Casters get spells and so forth...some passive (just work innately, basically becoming a defense adjustment to your chara), which is fine and all but when you
are working and working and working to level only to get some skill points to dump into a skill that you basically never see or use is awful...and with the active spells you generally just make
them stronger, so in the end you are working and working and working to get/see the same spells...not rewarding enough, especially considering how slow leveling is. Great graphics seem to be the only
thing pushing this. Perhaps it gets better (I don't see how) at way higher levels...but grinding through the lower ones was tedious and horribly boring. Bleh, off to play COH...hopefully
this is way better.
Its good or bad...depending on whether you accept the game for what it was designed for
Rating: 4,
Useful: 11 / 11
Date: June 27, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Lineage really depends. If you're looking for a game that's going to provide you with another way to live your life, tons of ways to waste time, etc etc then Lineage probably isn't it. In short, Lineage is an action rpg of MMORPGs. The game is about the action. Your quests...are usually to kill things. The crafting you to create more weapons and armor. You will spend a great deal of time just killing everything you see, and as many have noted the game is geared for open PvP, not as an add-on, but as a key element.
When you consider all this, thats where my review title comes in. You'll probably notice if you truly play a lot of ORPGs (i.e. more than just the american ones) that the asian ones, except for the japanese ones, tend to focus a lot on the action and PvP. well....that's lineage right there. yeah the game can be a big grind, yea the quests aren't going to have you doing much more than kill a lot of things. What about "the game is all about the action" is so hard to understand??? kidding. the point is it would seem a lot of the more mainstream MMORPG players in the US at least don't really like this design. thats not good or bad, just the way it is. If you're like that, if you're expected something that you can cook, and fish, and do all that stuff other than fight, then yeah, Lineage probably isn't for you. If you're the type that wants to fight, fight lots, and fight other players; its more than Lineage 2 "might appeal more to you". Frankly, Lineage 2 was MADE for you. The "action MMORPGer" is the audience Lineage targets and no other. Its really as simple as that.
My personal opinion is its pretty good. but y'know what??? i like Guild Wars...i think RYL has potential (when most western reviewers gave it horrid reviews). point is, that game style doesn't bug me.
Lineage 2 - the best MMO game ever for heavy gamers
Rating: 5,
Useful: 11 / 12
Date: September 15, 2005
Author: Amazon User
First of all, I have been playing the game for about 1.5 years, since it went retail. With some breaks due to travel and job and so on, I turn on the game pretty much every day, which makes it roughly 30-35 hours of gaming per week on average. The game became my only hobby and after taking care of my family I spend the evening hours in front of the computer playing Lineage 2.
I read the other reviews, which mostly agree on one thing: this game requires insane amount of time if you would like to be a high level player. Time is everything in this game. If you have time its easy to make money and consequently gear up (contrary to what the others said), to gain levels and also to develop your skills in a Player vs Player (PvP) situations.
You start with your character being at level 1 equipped with very basic skills. To achieve level 5 when you get your first upgrade of skills is a matter of minutes. For every monster you kill you gain a certain amount of experience and for every level you need a certain amount of experience to advance to the next level. With advancement you gain more hitpoints, mana and develop some attributes of your character. The total amount of experience needed to upgrade your level grows exponentially. While you can make from level 1 to level 40 in 1 week of heavy playing (given you can borrow some gear), it will take you a week to progress from 40-48 with heavy playing again. The level cap is currently set to 75, it takes approximately 65-70 hours of gaming to make that level 75 from 74. At every death you loose experience (which can extend the time to level) and you have a chance of dropping gear as well.
The PvP system is unique - you can engage in a fight with others at any time and everywhere except for the peace zones (towns). If the other player does not respond to you when you initiate the fight you can still kill him, but you get a penalty for that (karma) - its called Player Kill (PK). When your character has any karma other players are free to attack you without getting a penalty (karma) themselves. When you die you also loose certain amount of karma, which you can loose as well by killing monster. By having a high PK count you have a higher chance of loosing gear when dying with having karma on your character.
I find the PvP aspect of the game very exciting. You need to have your nerves for this, as PvP can happen any time and if you get attacked by more than 1 person or a powerful mage you die really fast. Also the grinding (gaining experience) is fun, as you can do it with your friends in groups, use a voice chat engine and the time just flies away.
There are a ton of other things to do, there is great social interraction in game, you can trade, make items, enchant items to make them stronger, raise pets, do quests, kill raid bosses, siege castles. Overall the game is balanced in a way that there is no best class and there is a lot to do. The game is very much geared towards co-operation between people and various classes to achieve any objectives.
The Lineage 2 world is huge and is getting expanded by every new Chronicle (free upgrade of the game). Every new Chronicle brings new content, improvements and further rebalancing of the game.
If you are a hardcore gamer you will love it. If you dont have the time dont even start it. I love it.
Fun Game, but Worst Support Ever
Rating: 3,
Useful: 9 / 9
Date: July 23, 2004
Author: Amazon User
What is Lineage 2? Take the greifers and fanatical gamers from every other MMO, and put them in one world where you can kill people in almost any region, and sometimes without consequence. L2 is not meant for casual gamers, and it's not meant for "Care Bears." It is a world where you cannot back down from a fight, or you will be eaten alive. If World of Warcraft seems like a game you'd love to play, this is not the game for you.
However, it has the worst support I have ever seen. Here is a letter I sent to NCSoft's PR. 2 days after that, they announced that they will have GMs reading the message boards 24/7 and replying. I doubt that will do anything. Here's the letter:
I am writing to inform you of the abysmal service provided by the North American Lineage II team. I have played many MMOs, and I understand there are technical problems for some time after launch, and will not mention them here. However, I have never seen such indifferent GMs and support staff.
The first line of GMs are close to useless. They are condescending, and do not read the initial message at all. In every case, all they finally say is that they will send the request to senior GMs and end the message. I never get the usual "Is there anything else I can help you with?" The conversation is immediately ended so I must repetition and wait the 3 or 4 hours for another GM if I have multiple issues. However, not all GMs are so quick to end the conversation. Others shout "PKer! Get him!" when someone who has turned red is
near me.
As I said above, my requests are almost always sent to senior GMs. I have only once been contacted by a senior GM, only to be told my request would be sent to an even more senior GM. That was the only one that I ever heard from. In other cases, I have waited over a month and have not heard from a senior GM. I recently enquired about some of them, and received a reply in which the support representative have obviously not read my e-mail carefully, and had not read the original support e-mail at all. I was even asked for information (account name, etc.) that the support representative had sent me in the same e-mail.
A glance at the message board since launch will show complaints of unresponsive GMs, duplicate CD Keys sold in retail, and account suspension without cause. The message board GMs have replied to virtually none of them, so the customers are left with no information.
The information for updates is vague, if not non-existant. For instance, the details for the Chronicle 1 patch, which had been out in Korea for months, was not given to us until a day before the update actually occurred. And those details were incomplete, and in some cases wrong.
And then there is the biggest problem of all: "Adena Farmers." In case you are unaware of this issue, there are several groups of people, mostly based in China, who continuously kill easy enemies for lots of money, and sell it on e-bay. Normally this would not be a problem, except it clearly says in the agreement that no in-game items my be traded for real money. These Adena Farmers are excessively aggressive, have exploited "delevelling", and take control of vital areas of the game, and thus making these areas unplayable. One GM said it was difficult to find the "bosses" of these rings. I find that hard to believe. Their naming schemes are very simple. Lets say their name is Unattainable (this is one of the infamous on the Erica server). The "boss" will either be named Unattainable001 or UnattainableBoss. Members of this ring will
have the name Unattainable002, 003, etc. The GMs have done nothing to stop them. They have been active since open-beta, and they are still thriving, and a search of e-bay will show more "adena" being sold than most players will ever see in game.
While there are a decent number of subscribers right now, in the 4th Quarter of this year, Everquest 2 and World of Warcraft, along with some lesser known MMOs will be released. Lineage 2 can be a fun game, but soon there will be alternatives with support and GMs who seem to care and fix problems.
Be ready to commit
Rating: 5,
Useful: 9 / 10
Date: March 16, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This game is very hard, especially when you are starting your first character. It helps to have or make a friend who is willing to help get you started. You have to commit a lot of time leveling and learning the game. The design of each character class encourages working together in parties, or clans so that each addition will complement the group. IE forming a party with damage dealers whose purpose is obvious, tanks to attract the brunt of enemy attack, healers to keep the group alive and buff everyone up, and dwarves to scavenge the monsters and craft items. Once you hit level 40 and go through your 2nd class change, PVP is a blast. You can safely go the the Arenas and fight without penalty, and practice PVP, or you can take a crack at someone who has it coming. When in a clan, you have to become committed as a group in order to level the clan by completing special quests. Clans can form aliances, or go to war against eachother so that two clans formally at war can kill eachother anytime anywhere without the penalty of bad kharma. The castle sieges are pretty awesome too. Yes, leveling can get a little repetative, though I find a few beers while your hacking the grind makes it a little more tolerable. That's the part that seperates the tourists from the hardcore, and the price you will pay to become powerful and respected.
Hit and Miss
Rating: 3,
Useful: 14 / 20
Date: June 01, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Short version --
Good: To date, this is the only good MMORPG that supports well integrated and balanced PvP (players fighting players) while having nice graphics.
Bad: The PvE (players fighting the environment, like dragons and lizardmen and so forth) is VERY bare bones.
Long version --
Lineage II looks great and didn't launch with any critical problems. A ton of new content and fixes are coming out in the free "Chronicals 1" patch that should be released sometime in June. It's refreshing to finally have PvP as a constant option, with checks in place to guard against "rampant PK's". You can attack anyone you see but there are consequences to doing so. The consequences can be pretty severe so basically people only fight if there's a real personality clash going on.
However, this is overshadowed by the shallow and boring leveling treadmill. It is a treadmill, one of the worst I've seen and I've played a lot of MMORPGs. The attack options are few, the monsters you fight aren't real smart, there's not a lot of dungeons (though the ones they have work well). There's very few quests. Loot drops are so rare that they might as well not exist. You really have nothing to look forward to while leveling, it's pure, boring grind. No quest, no story, no reason, just whack-a-mole for hour after hour.
The only saving grace is the PvP. Other games have it in some limited form but Lineage II has it in "always on" format. You can always attack or be attacked. There's no "safe mode", no "safe areas", no "instancing", I can hit you in the head with an axe whenever I decide it's worth it and this really serves to lessen the impact of the grind.
On one hand, here I am killing my 526th wind spirit. The only thing stopping me from being bored to tears is the thought that at any moment, I could come under attack from a player, or I could get annoyed at someone and decide to attack them. The simple OPTION of PvP makes the game much more bearable for me.
Still, it wouldn't kill them to add some more quests or something to make the grind go down a little easier.
If you're looking for a good EQ style game where you log in and fight dragons, this isn't it.
If you're looking for a good PvP game, this is just about the only game on the market and will be for quite a while.
The worst MMORPG ever!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 11 / 14
Date: May 31, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I thought the game was kind of interesting for the first half hour. After the first 8 hours of play you actually get to attack some real enemies, but you're stopped by someone with the name angellovekiss killing everything in sight.
rang rang you go ok, says the player. Rang means go away, rudely in Mandarin Chinese. There are more chinese money farmers and ebay sellers in the game than actual players playing it.
The game managers (in game support staff) say adena (game money) selling has "zero tolerance" but also that their action to the selling "depends on the severity of the offense."
The point is, NCsoft is getting $15 a month from the Chinese adena sellers just like every other user and they wouldn't want to alienate half their customers by enforcing their rules. A few other things: Korea's server only allows Korean players. Japan's server only allow Japanese players. Taiwan's server only allows Taiwanese players. North American server allows everyone, including the Chines that were banned from all other servers. Oh, and look up what "cao ni ma" means. No swearing allowed says the GMs.
Stay away from this one guys. NCsoft is milking the legit players and the money sellers.
A breath of fresh air. . .
Rating: 5,
Useful: 11 / 14
Date: March 27, 2004
Author: Amazon User
As one of the lucky few who was able to participate in the closed beta for Lineage II, I have to say that I've found the experience quite enjoyable. The interface is very intuitive, the characters are gorgeous, and the world is absolutely stunning. . . indeed, the developers showed us what the Unreal engine is capable of.
Anyhow, I would like to address what various naysayers have mentioned as perceived drawbacks. First of all, there are claims that characters are not customizable enough. Granted, players are given a choice of two hairstyles, two hair colors, and two faces per model (of which there are one per gender per race) leading to limited initial character customization. The result is that newbie areas are filled with very similar-looking player characters. However, customization in the game comes through the wide array of clothing, equipment, and weaponry available (of which there is an extremely large variety).
Quests. While some claim that there are not many quests available, this is blatantly untrue, as quests are available to those who seek them. Just about every NPC can give you quests, which range from killing various monsters roaming the wilderness to delivering items to other NPCs. Quests are arranged by level, so there is no need to worry whether one will be saddled with a quest too difficult or two mundane for one's character.
But not all is peaches and cream with the game; in my first two hours in the beta, my character died five times, always at the hand of another player. However annoying this may be, Lineage II addresses the problem of PKers by introducing a Karma system, where people who PK (player kill) have their name indicated in red, as opposed to the standard white. While people who feel the need to PK can do so wherever they wish, once they do so, they do so at their own risk, as players fed up with PKers will often band together to take out PKers, who make themselves a target through their own actions. Thus is balance achieved; furthermore, the desire to band against PKers also helps build incentive to form parties and the like.
The beta provides us with a good idea of what's to come, but when the full retail comes out, there will be much, much more to look forward to, including a full clan system, dragons, and massive set-piece castle sieges. I know I'm looking forward to it!