Below are user reviews of Ogre Battle 64 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Ogre Battle 64.
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 54)
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Why would anyone give this less than 5 stars...
Rating: 5,
Useful: 40 / 43
Date: October 13, 2000
Author: Amazon User
First... any fan of the original two games including spin-offs of either (like FF tactics) will be very happy with this game. Stop reading and order it now. I'll try to explain why in a way that someone who's never played the series can understand.
This game combines elements from many different genres with classic D&D style theme. The story is very detailed and on the level with FF tactics, much more detailed than the original OB. Of course, the most important thing to consider is gameplay. So here goes.
You are in command of a growing regiment of troops that can include everything from knights, archers and wizards to dragons, other "monsters" and even the undead. You command your troops from an "overhead" position guiding units of up to 5 troops around the battle areas to take strategic positions, liberate towns and conquer your enemy.
Battle takes place when your unit meets with an enemy. This may come as a shock, but you don't directly control any of your troops in battle, they attack the enemy according to the way you previously set up the unit. For example, as battle starts initiative is automatically deterimined by row: your first row which might contain two knights launches an attack. As the first knight is swinging his sword the next knight is already moving towards his target and the rest of the battle follows suit. Thus, the battles are much more fluid when compared to the original game and most importantly the vile balance destroying tarot cards were removed and replaced with something which can be used much less.. in fact, I havn't had a chance to use it yet. Don't be worried about the lack of direct control if you havn't played the original OB, you'll find that setting up your units to fight effectively is just as rewarding, if not more so than the tedious task of choosing individual targets yourself. The possibilities are much more detailed in battle now. The grid you set your units up on is 3x3 which adds a middle row to the original front and back. As old fans know, different classes fight differently depending on which row they are in. Sometimes the number of attacks they perform is different, sometimes the attack itself will change. Obviously, the front row provides better offense and the back defense; the front row *generally*, allows for more short range and nonmagic attacks while the back row usually allows more ranged attacks to be performed.
In a game like this it's the little details that make or break the game and OB64 is just full of great little details in all things. One thing old fans will love is the suspend features. Some of the later battles can get quite long... the suspend feature lets you pause the game in the middle of battle basically and turn the system off to pick up where you left of later. Unlike a save function, you are forced to quit when you use it and the data is eliminated when you start up again so that you can't cheat. Another little thing, if you have 2 or 3 wizards in the same row in battle, they may combine their magic to create entirely new spells. In the battle and story scenes the beautiful rendered backgrounds come alive with grass blowing in the wind, little things moving in the back ground and excellent use of light and shadows on the characters. The animation is extremely excellent with small hand gestures and such being animated very explicitly. This game really has a lot of character and no flaws that come to mind. To a new comer especially, there is a little bit of a learning curve before you can truly master the game, but what game of this type doesn't require a little.. "work".. from you.
A final word about the music. Some of the music is used from the classic games but it's been given a "64" polish and sounds great still. We know the N64 isn't a CD player and I think Quest did a great job with the N64's limited sound capability. In fact the quality sounds great, the only thing I can't vouch for yet is the quality of the compositions themselves since I havn't been all that for into the game yet.
Bottom line... buy this !now! unless you have adverse reactions to RPG's/strategies. You won't be dissappointed.
Well, there goes my weekend...
Rating: 5,
Useful: 23 / 26
Date: October 10, 2000
Author: Amazon User
My wife bought this game for me, and although I probably wouldn't have picked it for myself, I gave it a chance. It turned out to be one of those games that is kind of tough to get into at first, but once you do, impossible to put down. This game ate up a big chunk of my time the first weekend I had it, and I play for a little while every night after work. The storyline is just amazing; It's like a good fantasy novel. I find myself playing to find out what's going to happen next. The ability to choose and answer questions that alter the story and your character's alignment really gets you involved. The battle system is really simple, and everything is explained within the game. At first, I thought I was going to get bored because you don't have a lot of control over the actual battle, but it turns out that choosing classes, formation and equipment is just as much fun. Also, there are many missions where you must dispatch other units, which adds to the strategy.
All, in all, hightly reccomended. There aren't many N64 games that have real long-term single-player value. This one does.
The RPG/Strategy game of the year.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 12 / 17
Date: September 15, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Ogre Battle 64: Persons of Lordly Caliber is the highly anticipated sequel to Ogre Battle and Tactics Ogre for the Super Nintendo game console. In this installment you play as Magnus Gallant, a commander who sees many evils done to innocent civilians by the very people he works for and vows to fight this injustice. By taking command of him and other key players, you can build up armies and your characters, who may evolve many times during the course of the game. Your characters may also be aligned to good or evil, depending on how you react to certain situations throughout the game. With its beautifal 3D landscape, this installment looks to be the best one yet.
The supreme strategy game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: January 24, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Being a fan of the original, I was very happy when the N64 version not only lived up to the previous game, but exceeded it. It should be noted that this is a strategy game, not an RPG. It would be best to consider this a military sim, with a fantasy twist. The Ogre Battle series really is in a whole different genre than any other game, thus, it is tough to categorize. It is also long: talking within the range of 70 hours, because, especially at the beginning, the battles take awhile to be fought to completion. However, the story moves along well thoughout the entire game, unlike in other strategy games, where it vanishes at the end (Final Fantasy Tactics). Each and every memeber of your army can be configured and upgraded, and attention to detail is a must. But, if you're interested in a game that has little in common with contemporary RPG's, and you have the time, this game will do you good.
Best 64 game ever
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: April 07, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This game has a well defined story, easy yet in depth game play, and menus, and is really just overall cool. Many endings keep people playing for month. I played it 25 times, just because of it's variation!
Ogre Battle Rocks
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: January 05, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This is the best game i have ever played.(period) Im really mad that i sold it. Great game, buy it if you ever see it anywhere.
Ogre Battle 64 Rulez
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: May 24, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I have played this game many, many times. Too many to count. If it is not apperant by the title of this review I think this is an excelent game. Because it is so long and has so many complexcities it has some great replay value. Gaining powerful units such as the princess and the dragoon is chalanging and fun, as well as mastering the chaos frame and creating perfect teams. The storyline is complex and includes a corrupt holy empire and demons from the other world, as well as rebels, slaves, love and much more. Awesome game, I highly recomend it.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 25, 2001
Author: Amazon User
When I first saw this game I thought it looked stupid. I didn't try it for a long time until somebody told me it was really good. So, i rented it. And let me tell you, my free time has been consumed by this game. What is this game like? Well, mix Harvest Moon with Zelda and Command and Conquer, and you'll get Ogre Battle 64. It has graphics that look corny, but they work. The gameplay makes up for it also. The game does have a slow start, but it's not too slow. Anyway, I don't know what amazon's reviewers are talking about, I love the music in Ogre Battle 64! It's sound effects are pretty good too! The difficulty is just right too, you won't fly through this game in two seconds. It has multiple scenerios that take you on different adventures according to what path you take. All in all, this is great game that you should definately buy!
Too fun but too pricey!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: May 06, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game's great fun, it's been sitting in my shopping cart since i played it at a friend's house, but it seems like no one's updating the price to a lower convenient price like the regular stores do, so i'll wait a few more months for it to go down before buying one from a retail store. If you're impatient though, BUY THIS GAME! it rocks like it's predecessor!
Ogre Battle
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 1
Date: November 19, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I must admit that this was a hard game to find. If you like the first Ogre Battle(either on the SNES or the playstation), you'll enjoy this one as well. Engrossing storyline, multiple endings, mass customization, it has all of that. Just a warning to people, it can take extremely long time to finish, so patience is a must to enjoy this game. I'm actually proud of the N64 after playing this game, I hated the lack a real RPGs available. It's too bad no more RPGs like this one came out for the N64.
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