Below are user reviews of Final Fight 3 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
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User Reviews (1 - 2 of 2)
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Another good beat-em-up game
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: February 22, 2004
Author: Amazon User
When the Super Nintendo was launched circa 1991, one of the first games to be released for the series was port of Capcom's 1989 arcade classic Final Fight. Unfortunately, it was a HORRIBLE port. It was only ONE player, was missing the character of Guy, was missing a stage, and had many female baddies altered to look like guys! Capcom then tried their hand at the NES, with the direct-to-console SD-style game Mighty Final Fight. They had all three character in this game, and female baddies, but no two-player mode still. And then came Final Fight II, another direct-to-console release. And now another direct-to-console release, Final Fight III, has been released. Read on for my review.
-YOU CAN PLAY AS ONE OF FOUR CHARACTERS. In addition to everyone's favorite mayor-turned-streetfighter Mike Haggar and everyone's favorite ninja Guy, there are two new characters. Lucia, an special forces agent, and Dean, an ex-gangster. No two characters are exactly alike. Each has his or her own strengths and weakenesses.
-ONCE AGAIN, CAPCOM PUT A TWO-PLAYER MODE IN A HOME FINAL FIGHT GAME! It took them long enough to get this right, but I'm glad they finally did. Anyone knows games like this are funnest with a friend.
-DIFFICULTY AND CONTROLS ARE ADJUSTABLE. This is one of the reasons I really liked Capcom back in the day - unlike other companies, Capcom took into account that not all gamers would like the control scheme and difficulty, so they made them adjustable. Smart thinking on their part.
-THE GAME USES A SUPER BAR FEATURE. Special moves no longer drain your life - there is now a separate bar that contains the energy you use to perform Super Moves.
-NOT TOO DIFFERENT FROM THE LAST GAME. Basically, this game has the same "walk the streets and beat up bad guys" gameplay that the last game had, making it nothing revolutionary.
-CODY ISN'T PLAYABLE. Haggar wasn't everyone's favorite character in the first game, so they were pretty disappointed to see that Cody wasn't playable.
-WEAK STORYLINE. How many games do you know that use the "rescue the kidnapped person or persons" storyline anyway?
-PLAY CONTROL FOR ALL CHARACTERS IS THE SAME. Although each character has his or her own strengths and weaknesses, and methods of attack, all the moves are executed the same way with every charatcer.
-SUPER ATTACK MOTION IS BAD. We have SIX main gameplay buttons on the Super Nintendo, so why do we have to push TWO BUTTONS AT THE SAME TIME to execute a Super Attack?
-GRAPHICS COULD BE BETTER. The graphics aren't too improved over the last game. If you're expecting a serious graphical improvement over the original, prepare to be disappointed.
Despite my complaints, this is still a very good game. If you've got a Super Nintendo and you want the finest game that follows the "walk the streets beating people up" formula, this just might be that game.
Another average beat-em-up sidescroller from Capcom
Rating: 3,
Useful: 3 / 4
Date: May 19, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Final Fight 3 is actually the fifth game in the series that made side-scrolling beat-the-hell-out-of-em genre so popular in the very late eighties and early nineties: Final Fight Revenge was released on the Sega Saturn in Japan and Mighty Final Fight was released on the 8-Bit Nintendo Entertainment System in the NES's final years.
This video game features four different street-fighting heroes: Mike Hagger the pro-wrestler gone mayor (remind you of a certain Minnesotan governer?); Guy, the fist-throwing karate expert from Japan; Lucia, the "Angel Eyes" detective; and Dean, the electricity-enhanced brawler. This is the kind of game you and a friend should play when you just want to knock bad guys senseless without having to worry about consequences. To ad replay value, you can take different routes in certain parts of the game.
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