Below are user reviews of StarCraft: Brood War and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for StarCraft: Brood War.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (21 - 31 of 123)
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This is a cool game!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: February 01, 2001
Author: Amazon User
The first time I saw this game was when my friend was playing it. At first it looked confusing but now I understand it better. The main thing you do in here is just build and attack which may sound like any other old game but this is different. It captures your interest better. When I first saw this, I thought it was boring like other people said but I watched my friend play and he explained it to me and it caught my interest. In single playere, I use codes some times and in multiplayer,
I don't use codes at all.You have new units in here and I think the coolest one is the lurker for the zergs because it is hard for anything to get in when you have them planted all over. Actually, my favorite team is the Terrans, than the Zergs, and finally the Protoss. I don't really like Protoss but one cool thing is that they can control your enemies' mind and than you can start to bulid your own colony with that. An example is that you take over the mind of a Zerg, you can take that Zerg and make it build your own Zerg colony so you have two teams. I like Terrans a lot probably because their the first team I ever used. When I go against computer in single player, I go against 7 teams. Against 7 Zerg teams, it takes me about 2-3 hours. Against Protoss, it takes me about 4 hours. And against Terrans, it takes about 5-6 hours. Terrans are hard to beat because you have to go against 7 huge colonies and Terrans have good technology which makes them powerful. I only use
the codes sometimes such as getting money but I 95% of the time use the code to get the map and see what your enemies are doing. the code is black sheep wall. Overall, this is one of my favorite computer video games and one of my favorite video games of all.
Warcraft2 of today's games
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: April 18, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I'm actually 16. I bought the battle chest, so I didn't play much of original SC. First of all, the thing that i don't like about Blizzard expansion sets is the fact that they're all practically impossible to pass. However, the game is ABSOLUTELY GREAT ON LINE I have a 233MHz(Not even Pentium)Computer, 32MB ram, and a 56K modem. I NEVER lag!! B-Net is great! and the minimal requirements for this game make it unbelievably amazing. Great sounds, ez-2-use map editor w/ new Triggers, new units, great graphics, cool videos, all of them make it much, much better then the Original SC. I bought DiabloII, but after getting to 2nd act and lagging like crazy, I said [forget] it and went back to this game and now I play, EVERY MORNING AND AFTERNOON. That's how great it is!! BUY IT, IT WELL WORTH THE MONEY!
Rarely to expansion packs so much enhance the original
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: July 18, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This review assumes that you have already purchased the original Starcraft and if you havn't then get that first (and read the reviews).
One would think it would be diifficult for an expansion pack to improve upon a game which is already a 5 star rating, but Brood War manages to do just that. The addition of two units to each side (three for Protoss) may not seem much, but the units themselves are fantastically usful, and immediately become part of your natural gameplay. Perhaps the greatest addition is the three more nine mission campaigns for each of the races, which complete the star craft story saga.
Brood War manages to maintain the same level of gameplay as Starcraft and enhance it with the new units. Also worth mentioning are the new versions of multiplayer availible, Free For All now allows you to play against computer playuers without them ganging up on you.
There is little more to say about Brood War. If you have starcraft, you have to get Brood War, although I would suggest completing the Starcraft campaigns first. Brood Wars allows a much more enjoyable multiplayer experience as well, and the new units boost the game in everyway, yet without upsetting the precarious and perfect balance of the different races.
Get it now.
I'm losing sleep because of THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: August 23, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This game is the coolest. I'm adicted to it. the expansion pack adds six new units, new maps and new techs. the terrans get the medic (a healer thats worth buying), and the valkrie(a ruler of the skys) The medic can heal ur units and restore them from parasite, ensare and other techs that can be annoying. The valkrie is a ship that is a air to air fighter. try this on groups of overlords. they launch a hail of mass missle that does serious splash damage. The protoss get the ability to get dark templers who are always cloaked and two can morph into dark archons. The dark archons have mind control. just imagine mind controling the lone scv and u can be protoss and terran. They also get the corsair which is an air to air fighter with disruption web. disruption web stops ground defenbses from attacking. The zerg get the lurker. the lurker can attack from under the ground. it send up kiuller spines in a row to totally desimate groung troops. They also get the devourer. the devourer is an air to air unit whos attacks slows down fireing rate of enemys(it also does damage) try the devourer on a battle cruiser.(he he he) u also get tons of new techs and more than 1 hundred new maps. maybe im wrong on the counting. :) so go out and kick [rear]!!!!!!!!
Great expansion pack
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 5
Date: September 10, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Brood war brings new units, missions, storyline and lots more.
If you enjoyed playing Starcraft, then you will enjoy Brood War.
In fact, I think anyone that owns Starcraft should also own this expansion pack.
GOOD, but..............
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 6
Date: February 22, 2000
Author: Amazon User
I used to like Zerg so much with guardians and hydralisks, yes! But when I played BroodWar, look what happened! When I attacked Terran, those holy goliaths will shoot missiles and man! It seems that the perfect balance they had in StarCraft was blown away... Zerg became too weak 'cause the guardians are meat to corsairs, valkyries, and goliaths! And the devourers are really not too good... they lose to scouts... and also, the Protoss became WAY TOO strong with the corsairs and dark templars.... if you attack the Terran early(like5minutes)with a few dark templars, they'll die~..... also, if the corsairs kill all your overlords, man! YOU'D HATE IT! StarCraft seems to be more balanced 'cause now, it became Zerg
Zerg, but it used to be Zerg>Terran>Protoss>Zerg~! But it's still the best~~!
best add on of all time
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: April 10, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Fellow strategy gamers, I can't overstate how great this game is. I haven't been able to win all of it (I got through all the Protoss, all but the last Terran, and about half the Zerg campaigns), so it's pretty hard to win, but, my gosh, what style and character this things has. The AI remains the top in the gaming industry. The new units are very cool, but the campaigns are laid out in such fine, loving detail that the new units are only the third cherry on top of the icing of a ten-tiered cake (or something like that). What a game.
Fun Game
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: July 02, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game is one of the best games i've played. The gameplay is fun just like the orginal Starcraft. I especially like the multi-player mode on Whenever i play, I usually play on The one thing i don't like about this game is how much stronger the new units are. I especially hate the Zerg Lurkers. They rip your men apart. They really hurt the Terran Marines. The Protoss Dark Templars are cloaked so you can't see them, and on top of that, they're encredibly strong. Then, Blizzard decided to give the Terran horrible units. I don't find Valkyries very helpful. Then the medics aren't very useful for a lot of people because i don't know anyone that uses marines, firebats, or ghosts. But all in all, i would recommend this game to everyone because the storyline is awesome and unexpected things happen, too.
Starcraft: Brood War
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: July 23, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I think this game is better than any onther computer game ever! I can't stop playing it. I'm playing it right now. It is awsome! I love the new units. Especialy the medic ;D . This game is the best!
Starcraft: Brood War
Rating: 1,
Useful: 3 / 9
Date: July 22, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I borrowed Starcraft and Starcraft: Brood War from a friend and the game is the best computer game in the world. What makes it really special is that you can play it on I couldn't stop playing it till I had to give itback. I like how you get to play three different races instead of just one. This really has a lot to do on I usually had chosen Protoss or Terran. I'm not that good with Zerg, though. Anyway, I just ordered them both and I can't wait to get them!