Below are user reviews of Shogun: Total War Warlord Edition and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Shogun: Total War Warlord Edition.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
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User Reviews (41 - 51 of 53)
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Grossly overrated
Rating: 1,
Useful: 3 / 18
Date: January 03, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Sorry guys, I know this will get me called names but I rushed out & bought the original Shogun the day it came out. I had high expectations. It was one of my "most wanted" games and the reviews were uniformly great... but...
It's a _very_ poor strategy game. Risk style map with a little bit of (one) resource management Japan is also a pretty poor map for compelling strategy, (hold one front attack on the other until you get to one end of the map then move your forces to the other front & sweep up the rest of the map not much of a challenge) - but you're saying - the 3D battles... are pretty to look at but the control system is appalling. Try lining up two units of archers to present a united front 2 men deep to the enemy, tear you hair out with frustration. Then do the same thing in "Ground Control" in 2 seconds flat. The number of individually controllable units per battle is tiny (8 if I recall correctly) so you can't even outmanouever your opponent strategically to bring a huge army to bear & reduce casualties, nope, by half way through the game everyone is tooling about with full strength armies so it turns into a glorified game of scissors-paper-stone.
In summary, great in theory, lousy in practice I played it (solidly) for about a week before I got disillusioned (it doesn't get better) - I gave my copy away to a charity. Be prepared for a disapointment if you listen to the other reviews. The emperor has no clothes on & it's about time it was said (and I know other people who have played the game & think the same about it too).
the best stategy game ever until empire earth or crusaders??
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 10
Date: August 07, 2001
Author: Amazon User
well I'am like all those fans of SHOGUN, waiting and waiting forever that the game is finally coming out this 7 of august. after all that patience (few months) hopefully the game will give me all the gameplay and more that I've dreams off!! but don't forget this that in the states you're getting it two weeks before us in france so have lots of fun. here we get the extension first and then in late september, the whole pack comes out(warlord edition) and the first ones is almost impossible to get only ordering from EA but still too expensive like an brand new game, so don't be sad that you are getting the whole edition and not the extension only. greetings to all.. and shogun I will be.
this game is much better than: cossacks european wars, sudden strike forever( extension), command and conquer all of them,dark reign,homeworld,starlancer,and even more than my second best game is ground control and the extension.
fan de revoir....
this sucks
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 3
Date: June 17, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I agree with that guy. THe expansion packs should be sold seperatly so those of use who already own and love the original.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 3
Date: December 14, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This game is extremely fun to play. You can have a HUGE army and fight more HUGE armies in a tottaly realistic battle. You can send ninjas to kill Generals, or emmiseries(messengers) and more. You can do a LOT of stuff in this game.
The only problem is that the graphic requirement is tottaly high. I have a Rage PRO 32 Mega bytes graphics card, and in a battle with 3000 people fighting, teh screen moves slower and skips some images. I really hate that.
But you don't have such big battles a lot, so you can live with it. Anyways, the game is really, really fun to play. I play this game more than UNREAL TOURNAMENT. It is just fun.
Delays, delays, delays...
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 12
Date: July 23, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I'm sure that this upgrade will be one of high magnitude, however the production and development for this product is not. The first upgrade was posted to be out a month ago and they decided that we would want the full expansion pack at one time. Personally I would have enjoyed being entertained by the first upgrade while I waited for the larger expansion. Now they have delayed the release yet again. I'm sorry but this is not how you run a successful company. When you set a release date you had better make it even if this means overtime for the crew. To delay causes desertion in the buying population and not as many people will buy now than before. Also I do concur that they need to keep the original game separate from the expansion. Thanks.
best game ever
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 3
Date: July 12, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Amazing game with realistic variables that make it compelx but learnable lots of fun amazing graphics best game of its kind and in some ways the only game of its kind
One amazing game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: January 26, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This game is a must get. For many reasons. One, it's got so much to do that you'll be playing for weeks before you really finish the game completely. The storyline is also quite interesting as you make and break alliances with neighbouring clans. The graphics in this game are quite impressive as are the sound affects. I like the over map idea because it shows the way real battles and wars are fought. The battles are truly the best battles I have seen in a game of this type. The true scale of war is highly impressive as thousands of soldiers engage each other in combat. The one gripe that I have about this game is the system requirements. You have to have a pretty good computer to be able to play the game without the slow down. But besides that, the game is truly one not to be missed. Buy it.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: February 06, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I cannot say enough good things about Shogun. The very best thing about it is that it is a real challenge. Expect to take some time exploring all of the facets of handling armies, diplomacy, and ecomomic planning. The result is that you will enjoy the game for a long time before you exhaust all of its possibilities.
I would like to offer a few specific suggestions. Risk your Damiyo in battle rarely. If your clan has no direct heir when he is killed, your game is over. Group formations become vital when your armies become larger. It is nearly impossible to direct 16 different units separately. Be careful of painting yourself into corners with too many alliances. Improve your farm lands to keep your income high. Finally, archers on top of steep hills are very hard to beat in a defensive role.
Great game and expansion!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: August 11, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I will keep this a short as I can. This game can be described in 3 words: Really really good. It has everything you can expect in an RTS game. It has a nice mix of real time and turn based action. While the graphics may not be the best, they are good for a game of this scale. The single player is great (especialy with the addition of the mongols.) But don't count out multi-player, infact it's even better than before (thanks again to the mongols.) This game is a must get for anyone who likes any of the following things in a game:
1. Turn based action
2. Real time action
3. Japan's history
too easy
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 11, 2002
Author: Amazon User
The AI in the new version has improved the computer controlled daimyo's tactical performance, but their strategic skills are weaker. First, tactics. The enemy does much less milling around in valley floors while your archers turn turn them into pincushions. Their cavalry units (usually) don't make unsupported attacks, and retreat in an intelligent way when challenged by heavier infantry types. I've even seen 'reverse slope' defense, where the enemy will stay just back from a ridgeline, waiting for your troops to come up the slope before moving up to attack. On the other hand, as other reviewers have noticed, the reinforcement system is now utterly frustrating, with units appearing (at seemingly random intervals) from every corner of the map, instead of from the backfield. River crossing battles are really harmed by this flaw, as the whole point of a river battle is that YOU are on one side, the ENEMY on the other. Not anymore! Now, some strategic gripes. In the original, set the game on expert and you're hanging on by your fingernails. Even the 'hard' setting was a decent challenge. Now, the 'expert' setting is unbelievably easy. Why? Because the daimyos seem to have been castrated. They don't build massive armies and snap up province after province. They just seem to sit back and wait until you are powerful enough to come destroy them. This makes the endgame practically a waste of time. I've shown up with well-developed troops (legendary armor and weapons, etc.) only to find my opponent with a largely ashigaru army, low in honor, with no improved equipment. Grrrr. Bottom line: the new edition is better in every way, but ruined by the absence of an adequate difficulty level. Stick to the old version if you really want a test of your abilities.
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