Below are user reviews of Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 200)
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Drop dead gorgeous
Rating: 5,
Useful: 57 / 58
Date: October 26, 2001
Author: Amazon User
The photo realism must be seen first hand to be believed, screen shots and movie clips found around the net cannot describe half the beauty that this game is. The graphics, consistent frame rate, and responsive controls successfully creates an immersive environment of flight. There are times where I would ignore the mission objectives and fly at incredible speeds, low to the ground, amongst snow-capped mountains. One word: Bliss.
The gameplay sits somewhere between simulation and arcade. Personally it's a perfect balance. I find simulations (Jane series on PC for example) too steep of a learning curve. The massive amounts of micro-management required to fly a plane is a bit daunting, if anything, definately not 'fun'. On the other end of the spectrum, arcade fliers are too simplified with unrealistic physics, dumbed down controls, and gameplay mechanics that offers nothing but a mindless blast-a-thon. Shattered Skies is not a shoot-em-up. It offers an incredible sense of flight with controls that anyone can pick up after little practice.
Only drawback...18 missions seems awfully short. But short games seem to be the trend with these next-gen console games . The missions, however are varied enough, and since you can revisit them with any of the 21 air crafts (each with a distinct style of flight), the replay value can be arguably good.
Bottom line - finally, PS2 games are starting to show off the system's capabilities. AC4: Shattered Skies is no exeption, even the controls take excellent advantage of the analogue buttons. Dog fighting, bombing missions, avoiding anti-aircraft gun fire, shaking off missle locks, etc. etc. etc. everything you'd expect and want in a title like this, you will find. And all of this is presented in a style that is polished and, for a lack of a better term, very slick. If anything, for the genre of the game, it is Fun. Blissful and Gleeful in immersive flight.
Great arcade action
Rating: 4,
Useful: 25 / 27
Date: October 29, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I was brought up on the Falcon/Jane flight simulators for the PC. I wish the reviews that I read had mentioned the following:
1. For a single player, there is only one mode of play. There are 18 relatively easy missions to complete. The average person will probably wrap this game up in 7-10 days of casual play. Thus, this game probably isn't the best value out there.
2. This is not a simulation -- it's an arcade game. If you're expecting full control over all aspects of the game, you may be disappointed. For example, you're not expected to land or takeoff. Each plane can hold 60+ missiles. The radar/weapons system are also simplistic.
With that in mind, there are several neat features of the game. The planes are very detailed and everything looks very life-like. The computer AI is pretty good; some of the opponents are excellent pilots. There is a wide selection of weapons, and each plane has its own distinct strengths and weaknesses.
Overall, there's lots of obvious additions that the programmers could have included (more modes of play/better replay mode). However, the game is fun to play and it looks great. I would recommend this game for everyone except someone looking for a true flight combat simulator.
For the 'Top Gun' flyboy wannabee...
Rating: 4,
Useful: 21 / 22
Date: April 04, 2002
Author: Amazon User
...look no further, here is the game that will satisfy your dreams of jet-jockey adventures at mach speed.
While AC4 doesn't offer the level of depth or complexity of a PC grade flight sim, it does throw out gobs of fun and more adrenaline packing moments then you can shake your flight stick at. The simple (and slick) controls, intuitive interface and helpful tutorial will allow most beginner players to the air-combat genre to immediately grasp AC4's core fundamentals (navigation, radar, thrust, weapons). Although the game is a bit on the short side (18 missions), it is extremely well designed with elegant level progression, interesting mission variety and, most surprising, a nifty storyline presented in comic-book/anime stills with eloquent voiceover. Impressive atmospherics and keen attention to small details contribute significantly in enveloping the player in the world of AC4 - Well produced radio chatter from wingmen, AWAC info, enemies and ground forces you're supporting truly raise the level of already excellent production design. Graphically, the game will not disappoint with photo realistic terrain, beautiful plane models and impressive light sourcing and weather effects (rain, snow).
All in all, a fun, exciting game with a captivating storyline that left me jonesing for at least a few more missions.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 17 / 17
Date: November 02, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Unlike the rather disappointing US version of Ace Combat 3 for the Playstation, AC4 is awesome. If you like arcade flight sims, this one's an easy purchase. I originally set myself up for a disappointing experience, but I've been playing it for the last three hours and I'm one happy camper.
It has a (amazingly) comprehensible story with enjoyable narration--something that was sorely lacking from AC3. The battles make some amount of sense; there's a definite flow and feeling of achievement after each mission, although it's still fixed in terms of the actual events that occur. (There were aspects of AC3 that were cool, but the whole branching storyline made no sense without any cutscenes--it was just weird.)
The money system is a great idea, especially since planes in AC3 seemed to show up at the whim of the designers or as a result of contrived storyline events. You earn extra money for shooting down additional planes and earning higher mission grades, which can be used to purchase alternate weapons and new planes. It gives some real motivation to do a better job on the missions other than just getting an "A" beside your name.
The difficulty levels are a nice change as well--there's a "very easy" level that is reasonably easy to play, but still presents a bit of a challenge. There's also a tutorial, which isn't that great but at least it's something--it was rough for beginners to get started with AC3. (The biggest problems with the tutorial are that the text goes by too slowly, and there's not much in the way of feedback. I was hoping for a way to practice various things like missile usage and bombing, but no such luck.)
Graphics: beautiful. They're good enough that I don't pay any attention, and that's precisely where they need to be. I haven't noticed any anomalies at all in fact--no funny popup problems, weird blurring effects, slowdowns, whatever. The sounds are quite good as well, tho the "pilot chatter" can be annoying at's also useful (warns of enemy planes etc) so it's acceptable.
Of course it's still Ace Combat: flight isn't terribly realistic, near-insane amounts of ammunition, surprise storyline changes, an amazing array of airplanes to choose from. That just makes it all the more fun...sure, realistic flight sims have their place, but that isn't what AC is about and that's OK.
Don't be scared off if you were unhappy with AC3 for the Playstation--this is a totally different animal, and well worth it.
Beautiful, fast, and best console fighter combat game ever.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 16 / 16
Date: November 04, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Before i start i would like to thank namco for releasing this gem of a game. I've played every game in the series, and always was thankful for them, since they were the only good fighter combat games out there. But this game goes above and beyond anything in the previous 3.
First off the graphics are absolutly beautiful. The ground no longer looks pixelated, it's now perfectly blended. Although the cities look mostly the same as they did, with sky scrapers coming up and other buildings shown flat on the ground, it's still effective. But this time there's just so much more going on on the ground, guns firing at you are shown much more realistically. In the ground support missions tanks, artillery, and pillboxes are all shown perfectly as they fire on your landing or advancing troops. Coming down from 35,000 feet, through clouds onto land targets is still as exciting as ever.
But the greatest addition to the series is the story. In the others in the series i didn't really care about it, i just wanted to get to the blowing stuff up parts, but in this the story is very captivating. It's shown through a mixture of movies and still pictures narrated by a civilian who is living through the war. This makes it very interesting as he interacts with the enemy you are fighting.
Overall this game should take it's place in your collection of games simply because it's the best flight sim out there on any console, and i doubt x-box or gamecube will have anything better for a while or maybe not at all. If you like aerial combat or have an interest this is the game for you.
Great Arcade Fun
Rating: 5,
Useful: 13 / 13
Date: March 26, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Ace Combat 4 is a perfect example of what video games are supposed to be. It's an arcade style fighter jet game, where you engage in dogfights, and various bombing missions in enemy territory. It also has an interesting storyline. But HERE are the details.
The Controls: VERY simple. Each action has it's own button. You fly with the analog joysticks. Target Lock, Shoot, Accelerate, and Decelerate with seperate buttons. Give yourself 5 minutes and you'll have mastered the controls. The rumble pack is especially great for this game, shaking when you hit the afterburner, or take a missle in the rear end.
Graphics: Very nice. People who don't think these are good graphics have been playing too many computer flight sim games where the graphics are borderline insane (Jetfighter 4).
This is PS2 on your TV, the graphics are smooth, and the explosions are fun to see.
Sound: Great music. It's intense. Plane sounds are top notch. Missles wizzing by your plane sound great also.
The Game: FUN. It is NOT a flight simulator. You don't have to land, take off, or fly 15 minutes to your target desination. You put the game in and there you go. Pure arcade style fighter jet fun.
Extra Info: There are 18 missions, all of which are different. You can also purchase new, better planes, and more advanced weapons as each mission passes, and you obtain more money.
If your looking for a good fun game, this is for you. If you want a complicated flight sim, look elsewhere. Enjoy!
Aerial Combat Comes to the PS 2 in a Big Way
Rating: 4,
Useful: 13 / 14
Date: December 01, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I saw a flight sim on my friend's Sega Dreamcast and I began to get jealous. I knew that it was a matter of time before somebody combined the flying action I craved with the powerful graphics capabilities of the Playstation 2. Sure enough, my prayers were answered with Ace Combat 4.
Ace Combat 4 takes the best elements of Ace Combat 2 & 3 and builds upon them. Gameplay is similar to the other games in the series: players zoom around the skies with an insane amount of missiles, shooting down enemy fighters and blowing up ground targets. This type of gameplay is very addictive, although its not what you'd expect if you've played countless PC flight sims.
The details are what set Ace Combat 4 apart from the rest. The airplanes have a photographic level of detail. Even the ground targets show a lot of detail--you can witness friendly ground forces fighting it out with the enemy units! The backgrounds are somewhat dreary and lack the variety of Ace Combat 2, but they do the job. The music really adds to the game's atmosphere.
Unlike in the previous games, takeoff and landing are a big part of Ace Combat 4. You can land and take on more missiles and bombs at the expense of flight time. This adds both excitement and strategy to the traditional Ace Combat formula.
Like the Japanese version of Ace Combat 3, this game has a compelling storyline. The story, told through detailed anime stills, shows the tale of a young boy who's family died at the hands of the mythical pilot "yellow 13." The story of an oppressed nation isn't based in real life, but it provides an intersting excuse for throwing terrific fighters at each other.
I appreciated the arcade-type approach to this flight sim, but I still think that a little more realism could have been put in this game. The mission objectives could have been kept smaller, and each fighter should be held to around 10 missiles. The game's wingmen absolutely suck. Allowing the player to assign different missions to each wingman would add some strategy to this already excellent game.
Playstation 2 owners, there are a lot of really great games for your system coming out before the holidays. I know that you will not be able to play all of them. But give Ace Combat 4 a chance. You won't regret it.
Engage, Mobius 1!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 13 / 15
Date: January 13, 2003
Author: Amazon User
The Erusians have built a weapon of mass destrution, Stonehenge. ISAF is at war because of this cannon. Stonehenge was originally built to shoot down astroids but Erusia discovered it could be used as a anti-aircraft weapon. So you, Mobius 1, must fight for the mainland. Buying fighters of speed and weapons of destruction you defend the Independent Allied Forces. Dog-fight the fearless Yellow 13. Buy F-15s and SU-37s. Use Quick Maneuver Missiles and Advance Air-to-Ground Bombs. With 18 combat missions you drop bombs and fire missiles. With 18 jets to buy from you are totally in the action. With a great replay you can watch yourself defeat the Erusians. With radio transmissions you can hear SkyEye and other fighters talk throughout the missions. I have beaten AC04 five times now. I recieved it last Christmas.
Rating AceCombat 04: Shattered Skies
Graphics 10/10
Jet Details 9/10
Mission Difficulty 8/10
Realistic Controls 10/10~
Realistic Environment 10/10*
~There is also a EASY MODE for the control.
*Realistic Enviroment includes explosions, buildings, etc.
Overall, a pretty good game.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 7 / 7
Date: November 02, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I played Ace Combat 2 on playstaion, and even played ac 3 (japanese version). Both were pretty good. So when ac4 came out, I eagerly preordered. Graphics (3.5): the game itself is pretty good. However, I don't know why, but plane/weapon selection screens are dark, and a bit confusing. Sound (4) : accoustically, it's decent. Music is a bit lame (not enough guitar riff- metal/hard rock core) for my taste. Game play (4.5): I haven't completed it yet, but like ac2 and ac3, the game play itself will draw you to the game. Controls (4.5): take a little bit of adjustment. It took me about 20 minutes of game play to adjust to the controls. The good thing is it comes with a tutorial, so you can train yourself before going on the missions. Overall (4.2): this games did not disappoint me.
Great Fun
Rating: 4,
Useful: 7 / 7
Date: November 27, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game has great attention to detail and is a blast to play. The graphics are good looking and realistic, the textures are superb right up to subtle weathering. The backgrounds are beautifully rendered, there are realistic clouds, snowflakes and raindrops. The overhead views of the cityscapes are like looking at satellite photos. The environments are enormous and allow for a lot of maneuvering during dogfights. The effects are realistic also.
There are plenty of planes to choose from and you collect money fast enough to move up to better planes quickly. I like the fact that you can continue from one skill level to the next carrying over planes and money. There are a few missions where one type of plane works better than another might but for the most part you're free to pick your favorite and use it all you want. I've always been a fan of the A-10 Warthog and it's fun to fly with the Maverick missles.
The game isn't extremely difficult and I was able to beat the normal mode in a few days and the hard level in a day. The hardest part was meeting some of the time limits, but once you do a mission a few times you're able to come up with a strategy to beat the time. If I have one complaint it's probably that the game is short but there is so much replayability it's not much of an issue.
The story line is a good one. The cutaway scenes are done like a story board and the art is well done. I like the point of view the story is told through. It builds suspense and slowly comes together over the whole game. It's one of the few game storylines I've really enjoyed.
This game was a great time.