Below are user reviews of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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User Reviews (31 - 41 of 201)
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Nemesis review
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 7
Date: December 14, 1999
Author: Amazon User
I just bought RE3 and I really like it. It has the coolest graphics and it may take a long long time to beat but it is worth it because of the extra secrets.
I loved RE2, but was disappointed by this one...
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: March 23, 2000
Author: Amazon User
I really loved playing RE2, but this installation to the series wasn't as good.
I beat the game very quickly, and did not see much need to go back and play again (like the dual storylines and multiple endings RE2 had).
The Nemesis following me around thoughout the entire game was just plain annoying. For key plot points, it made perfect sense... but at other times he just ran around after me while I was trying to explore.
You only switch characters once, and for a short amount of time.
All in all, I was not as impressed by this game as I had expected. I definitely recommend renting/buying RE2 (it will take you longer to finish, that's for sure), and then renting RE3 if you are still interested in the series.
Unbelievably Awesome!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 8
Date: December 10, 1999
Author: Amazon User
I bought this game the instant I heard about it on TV. It is very realistic and terrifying, and if you had an option to buy this or ANY other game in the world, choose RE3! The monsters were gruesome and the Nemesis was hauntingly eerie. (extra great games as good as this - Dino Crisis, the Resident Evil trilogy) As I said, it's unbelievably awesome!
It's not the same old Resident Evil
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: December 21, 1999
Author: Amazon User
The Zombies are much faster and maybe a little bit smarter. I love how the tyrant just show's up, making things more difficult. Being able to make decisions during parts of the game addes a twist the other two Resident Evils lacked. I wish I could play as Leon and not Jill, though. His outfits look much better!
i would give it 987 stars
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: August 02, 2003
Author: Amazon User
sweeeeeeeeeet and i mean sweeeeet
me and my friend jeremy played this on our final sleep over because after the sleep over he would be moving like a week later o well this game is the coolest me and jeremy nearly had a heart attack
well... hehe i was mostly covering my eyes exceptfor when nemises comes
we gave up after we died 5 times at the same place when nemises chases u around the city a muast have game
great graphics nice story scary noises
bad side effects
i can sleep in pitch black rooms anymore
buy this game
A awsome game!!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: August 06, 2003
Author: Amazon User
If I could I would give it 800 stars!!!! But if you are looking for the best REvil game you sould buy REvil Director`s Cut I think Directors Cut is the best game ever! But let`s talk about this game now.
GRAPHICS: 9.9 Great graphics really realistic :-)
DIFICULTY: 9.7 Really hard
SOUND: 8.7
My favorite PSone game ever
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: October 20, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This game is very ominous and scary. I love the capabilities the characters have, and the scenery is spooky. It was one of the last PSone games, so the graphics are advanced for that platform. You can definately see the improvements between Resident Evil and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. I love playing this on my PS2, and I'm not even getting the gamecube version of it because it's exactly the same as this version.
should've been a spinoff,but even then theres still problems
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: April 22, 2000
Author: Amazon User
I agree that this does not stand as a worthy installment of the main Resident Evil series. You only get to choose 1 character, they re-use a some of the old backgrounds and areas, and the plot isn't very in depth. I know a lot of other people have said it already; but I feel I need to vioce my support as well: its ridiculous that virtually no information on the origin of Nemesis is revealed, yet he ( or she? ) is the main villain in the whole game! And there isn't much plot to it in general. They should have given more info on that Mercenary team at least, and seeing as how so much of the game crossed over into the storyline of the previous 2, the story doesn't seem to add up ( what, Claire and Leon from R.E. 2 would never ONCE run into Jill,even though they frequented the same areas at around the same time? Yeah,ok,suuure! ) A lot of this would be forgiveable if they would have made it a spinoff or something, then I could have given it a somewhat better rating. But even still, it has some big problems.
The biggest problem is Nemesis. You encounter him probably 8 or 9 times in the game, and defeating him is next to impossible. For every time that you defeat him, you get some sort of item, each successfull defeat giving a better item. But its not worth it. You'll use up more ammo and health defeating him than whatever you get from him to compensate. Trying to defeat him everytime is pointless. It would be nice if he was easier to defeat or if he didn't bother you so much. But you have to go far away from him to stop him from chasing you.
The problem after Nemesis is the length of the game: Its to short! After I beat the game (it only took me about 2 days), I just stood there thinking " what? THAT was it? Its over already? Did I miss something? ". I beat the game months ago, and I am still shocked that I got through it that fast. The Mercanaries side mission is not that great. If it would have been a real mission ( like the 4th survivor one in R.E. 2 ) then I would like it. As it is, its just a shoot em' up kill-a-thon that scarcely lasts more than 5 minutes and gets boring rather fast. Don't get me wrong, I liked it, but I would have preffered playing a REAL mission ( if they would have made the game 2 disks like I-and probably most other gamers-feel they should have, they could have had both these options ). That would have added some of the significant, in depth replay value which this game desperately needed. Both the other R.E.'s had 2 complete storylines, 1 for each character, which made the game twice as long.R.E. 2 even went so far as to include the 4th survivor mini-scenario. As it is, the only thing even remotely resembling any "replay" value in R.E. 3 is the fact that they somehow expect you to beat the game 10 times or so, and each time around, you are only rewarded with a few minor changes here and there and a still photo at the end of the game full of no more than 50 words telling something about one of the R.E. characters from the past games.
The new gunpowder mixing feature was nice, but not enough to clear up all the other problems. There was, however, 1 redeeming feature in here which saved it from getting a 2 star rating from me. And that is the numerous outdoor settings. probably at least half this game takes place in outdoor enviroments. It really is a BIG relief from the closed compounds of the past R.E. games, and I liked it a lot.
This game seemed like it was rushed into production without anyone putting any thought into making it good. I would recommend this for a good weekend rent, thats about how long it will take you to beat the game. Only buy this one if you are a die-hard R.E. fan. Otherwise, save your money.
My friend gave me this game & others for free.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: April 06, 2007
Author: Amazon User
My friend had alot of PS1 games he didn't want and he gave them all to me and I found this game with those games. This game was kind of hard for first timers because you got to get use to the controllers and the game movements at first. I was just turned off at the first try and said ah what the hell it's so hard I can't do it oh well it's free anyway. But then I was playing dino crises which was the resemblence of resident evil and days later I got use to dino crises and im saying if I can play dino crises I can play resident evil. So then I played resident evil which I got so use to and I was glued to the couch for hours it was much better than dino crises the weapons were more interesting my controller vibrates so hard when getting eaten by zombies. Pretty awesome game lucky for me I got this game for free.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 5
Date: November 21, 1999
Author: Amazon User
Capcom has out done themselves. I m a huge fan of RE. And it's pleasing to see Capcom has gone back to their roots and created a new RE, that was similar to the orginal in the fear department. Glad to see Jill Valentine back on the squad, inteasd of this Leon Kennedy bs.Naw he was ok. But Jill, Chris, Barry, and Rebecca are the true characters. This has a lot of plot elements that combine w/ the whole seris toghter.So dont play if your a 1st Resident Eviler. A truely awesome experince. Nemesis rules! and the gameplay is just much more improved. Bone chilling sountrack and sound effects. BUY IT BUY IT NOW, heck I'll even buy if for ya. Well maybe not. But you should now!