Below are user reviews of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (101 - 111 of 201)
Show these reviews first:
It rocks.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: March 13, 2000
Author: Amazon User
I have played this game. It was every good. I have the first and second video game of the serizes too. If you like none stop action this is the game for you. I would highly reckomend this game to my friends.
The best RE title yet
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: March 28, 2000
Author: Amazon User
I love the Resident Evil series. 1 was great, 2 was okay, but now 3, Nemesis. This has got it all, old and new monsters, a great storyline, great gameplay, puzzles galore, and yes, a boss that is always on your heels. Oh yeah, and did I forget to mention? Jill! Yes ladies and gentlemen, the babe from the 1st one is back, and more babealicious than the 1st. She's on her way to England (a 4th RE perhaps?), but first she's gotta make it outta Raccoon! This is a must buy! Anybody who's anybody, old or new to this series will love this game. I guarantee it!
Worst installment of the series
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: April 02, 2000
Author: Amazon User
The suspense of RE1 and RE2 were still there, but a weak plot and laughable difficulty made me wanting more. It seemed rushed and the voices were even worse than the usual mediocre RE fare. Definetly rent this game, but don't buy. You'll probably end up beating it when you rent it.
Dont let the evil #3 in the title fool you...
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: April 16, 2000
Author: Amazon User
This game is by no means a worthy sequel. It could by an excellent side story, yes. But a full sequel?, that makes me laugh all the way to the ground. The beginning FMV shows millions of zombies attacking raccoon city. the game itself has only about 50 zombies througout the whole entire game. The story sucks, too. Who is NEMESIS> what is his point in the story? The voices are terrible too. In real life, you wouldnt bob your head and sway your harms if your talking like in your normal everyday life, unless you just had no emotion whatsoever (voic wise). The violence in this game is very minimal, by this I mean that you spend more time looking at doors opening than actaully getting a glimpse at a zombie. If you do run into a zombie, it is usually NEMESIS destroying you while you were just tryiong to explore the city. This can be frustrating, because he chases you almost everywhere you go, exploring or not. This game is by no means for little kids. I would suggest it to a 13 yr old who wouldnt be petrified by the introductory cinematic... The only good thing about the game is the smooth backgrounds and the nice FMV's. The controls are the most frustrating thing that walked the earth(exept for the fear meter in FEAR EFFECT that lets you die in two hits).
More Survival Horror? Let me at it!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: August 18, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Fans of earlier RE games won't be disappointed by Nemesis. It looks, feels, and plays just like its predecessors. The controls are almost exactly the same, so if you're a hardened veteran, you can jump right in and start playing. (One of the few changes the programmers made was to add a "ducking technique". Now when a zombie dog charges at you, you can sidestep out of the way to avoid getting chomped, THEN reload your shotgun, THEN blow its head off. Very handy indeed.)
Another minor but welcome change is the mini-game within the game. RE2 had mini-games, too (remember Hunk and Tofu?), but these mini-games were almost impossible to get to and their outcomes had no effect on the main scenario (Leon's or Claire's). In Nemesis, you usually only have the beat the main game once to get to the mini-game. Plus, once you've beaten the mini-game a few times, you get to buy more powerful weapons (like a rocket launcher with unlimited ammo), which then can be saved and used in the main game itself. (Also very handy indeed.)
So reviewing this game is a no-brainer. If you loved RE Parts 1 & 2, of course you should buy Part 3.
Having said that, allow me to quibble on one or two points with Nemesis:
A - Nemesis comes on only one CD, not two, so you only get to play one character (Jill Valentine) and one main scenario. Obviously, that makes for less replay value.
B - the story is not set up well. One great thing about RE 2 was that you could understand the backstory even if you HADN'T played the RE1. In Nemesis, however, nothing is explained. If you don't already know who Umbrella is or what the G virus is or even that Jill Valentine is a cop, this game won't tell you - at least not right away.
Finally - after a while, the Nemesis monster really starts to get annoying. At first he's intimidating, but by the end of the game it's like, come on, enough already! Killing Nemesis again and again (and again and again) only wastes precious ammo better spent on zombies and other mutants (and isn't zombie hunting what the RE games are all about?)
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: September 28, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Yes indeed, this game will have your shotgun, your assault rifle, magnum, and even your pistol shooting non stop. With zombies EVERYWHERE, even if you go back to places you've already been to. There are many puzzles to solve with really detailed backgrounds. This game is extremely good. But I found the storyline for Resident Evil 2 better than this one.
Rating: 3,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: December 22, 2000
Author: Amazon User
ok, so this game is innovative and can you say that? its basically an exact duplicate of the original, only bigger guns and more monsters. still, i love the series, so i have nothing against it. the gameplay can get a little repetitive at times, with all the running back and forth, and the HARD mode is ridiculous. lots of fun but a little boring at times. my only major con with the game is this-you have a shotgun, a magnum, a bazooka, and you STILL need a key to open doors? id just blow the friggen thing down. yeah i see it needs to be this way for gameplay i just think its stupid. same thing with the nemesis, after you knock him down for the count at a time, why not blow his head away until nothing is left? that would certainly put an end to that, dont you think? all in all, a good game plauged by minor problems.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 3
Date: June 19, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This Game is sweet!! You play with Jill from Resident Evil 1. If you pick easy mode look in your item box it is loaded!!!!! By the way watch out for Nemesis he is not friendly you'll know it's him because he says S.T.A.R.S all the time
And even more of the same...again.
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 3
Date: December 28, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Although I most confess that I did enjoy this game at first (At first, meaning from beginning to end), I was happy with big areas to explore, and really enjoyed the Nemesis (although it was no more different that that bald stalking guy of the inverted RE2) hunting you down, I most say this game is a fraud in what concerns story line structure, which on its own right, is the main mover of any story-based game.
I'm going to simulate here the general structure RE3 (and RE2 and RE, although this is acceptable in the original game) follows: "So, how did these creatures end up here? let's search the whole place while we try to get out of here. Look out! (Lots of guns, blood and guts follow) Wow Jill, that was close! Hey, he was supposed to be our friend! He turns out to be a traitor! Hey look, a secret lab within the main place, (House, Police Station, City or any other place of your fancy) let's check it out! Oh no, this is the truth behind the monsters! We most stop Umbrella. Darn! This place is about to explode, let us get out of here! Look out, a big mean monster! (More guns, blood and guts follow) Yeah! We did it! Our heroes escape a few seconds before the whole place blows up. Fin" Wow, we have a new Resident Evil game here!
My point here is: This game features the same story line structure of the past two games, only this time we get to play before and after RE2. That dirty trick was Capcom's strategy to make the game's storyline a little bit different and engrossing.
I can't comment on Code Veronica, for I haven't played it yet, but I think I will do so when it gets out for the PS2, but for what I can see, the RE series is going down the drainage. I will consider Resident Evil 4 depending on many aspects. I might be playing this game (along with RE2) again when I get me a PS2, but surely, I won't touch it again in the near future.
There is more to horror gaming than just guns, blood, guts and linear story line.
A step down...
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 11
Date: December 02, 1999
Author: Amazon User
This is a step down from the high standard set in RE2. It's not scary, its too short, the graphics aren't as good as RE2 in many places, and it is way too easy. I beat this game the day I bought it after like seven hours of gameplay. Don't let the 3 in its name trick you. It is in no way a satisfying sequel, and serves better as a shortlived side story than a full blown sequel. There's no mystery because you no exactly what happened to the town and what's up with the T-virus. Also there's so much running around that it ruins the cluastrophobic room-to-room creepiness that was so great in the first two games. Capcom sold short in this game and I'm deeply disappointed!